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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16533130 [Reply] [Original]

You /ck/suckers like any fusion recipes? For me, it's Hot Dog Sushi

>> No.16533464
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>> No.16533474
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For me it's spaghetti pizza, the ultimate fusion of classic Italian and classic American dishes.

>> No.16533494
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For me it's gotta be Raman tacos

>> No.16533496

Could be based. Just marinate them in what you'd usually do for spam musubi and God damn that sounds based. Except I'd cut in half and put other fixings in the roll like pickled or raw onions. Just the dawg doesn't seem like enough.

>> No.16533501

I love hot dogs and rice (with crab seasoning).

>> No.16533517

>tempura hot dog
>pickle baton
>rolled in seaweed covered in everything seasoning
I'd eat it

>> No.16533521

is this really fusion? seems exactly like something koreans would make

>> No.16533527

i'd eat this no questions asked its just dough on the bottom instead of mopping up the sauce with bread it's genius
t. 6'1'' 190 lb white American male

>> No.16533541
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kind of ironic, that my bro bought some sushi, not gonna lie it most likely was made by chinese dudes LARPing as japanese or at least trying to. Well, the thing is my favourite was the one that had fried chicken in it. The rest were absolutely trash to me at least.

>> No.16533811


>> No.16533931
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>> No.16533946

only if the hot dogs have been cut into octopus shapes

>> No.16533983
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lowkey would eat that

>> No.16533998
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It’s like sushi salad
Add anything that tastes good
No rules

>> No.16533999

>most likely was made by chinese dudes LARPing as japanese

My understanding was that outside of higher-end places outside of Hawaii, West Coast, and New York, they guys are never actually Japanese. But that's maybe not a bad thing, what with Pearl Harbor and all.

>> No.16534004

Die in a fire

>> No.16534672

y r u mad tho

>> No.16534928


>> No.16535405


>> No.16535496

How is that ironic? It just means youre a fat retarded americunt with the palette of a child lmao fucking retard also learn how to speak English pls k thax bye dumb cunt ugly little manlet lmao

>> No.16535833

It's difficult communicating with someone who has a rudimentary grasp of english, Deng. How many years of shitposting do you have left before they'll let you see your wife and kid again?

>> No.16535843

That's a hotdog in a bun with nori wrapped around it. It does not meet any definition of sushi.

>> No.16535869

Fucking retard is that an amerimutt reditfags attempt at being funny? lmao you really are a pathetic little piece of shit arent you. You could be lying on the street with your arms and legs broken and noone would stop to help you, thats how little of a shit anyone gives about you; Dogs would piss and shit on you are you spazzed about being a retarded americunt slowly lowisiing conscioiunsness lmmao fuck off fat american pijg fucjking ofuck offo

>> No.16535934

Around where I live there are two Chinese restaurants and a Japanese restaurant. They are all owned by some Vietnamese dude who employs a lot of Koreans, and they all basically serve the same shit except the Japanese restaurant has sushi.

>> No.16536111

they have these in hawaii, battered and fried. they marinate the hotdog in unagi sauce and mirin. really good grinds

>> No.16536171

No I despise it

>> No.16536401
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In Hawaii, we do things a little bit differently.