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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16525293 [Reply] [Original]

>grocery shop 2 times a week (1 hour/week)
>cook and clean daily (2 hours/day)
>look up recipes and shit (1 hour/week)
>eat (1 hour/day)
How do you have the time?

>> No.16525313

I grocery shop like once every 2-3 weeks. But I don't eat a lot of fresh produce. Frozen vegetables are more convenient, and just as good after cooking.

And dry shit like rice, coffee, oatmeal and powdered milk lasts forever.

>> No.16525332

If this isn't enjoyable to you then fucking get out of here you McDonald's cunt

>> No.16525807

I buy eggs and butter once a week or two. Eat once a day, dishes most often needn't be washed, cleaning around the house is idgaf. Cooking is 10' from from opening fridge to completion, and eating is likewise.
I also really like eggs with fat.

>> No.16525815

this is it right here. stock up on non-perishables and healthy frozen foods revert couple weeks.

>> No.16525823

to add to this, cook big meals so you can munch leftovers for a couple days. and be less picky about your house. you only need to clean it like once a month if you keep shit decently tidy as you go

>> No.16525931
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>2 hours daily for cooking and cleaning
I know this is bait but I'm still mad

>> No.16526078

it's a hobby so I enjoy it
girlfriend does most of the cleaning

>> No.16526586

>shop once a week for the whole week, 1h/week
>cook meals for the whole week at once, clean just once, 2h/week
>heat up and eat ready made meal, 15 min/day
The only issue I have is I spend too much time wondering what to eat. If you don't like repetition you can freeze it all and choose from multiple frozen meals instead every day.

>> No.16526589


I have a wife that does this all week, then I do it all weekend. It's called give-and-take.