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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 74 KB, 1300x821, Epic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.16524496 [Reply] [Original]

I mix ketchup and mustard and its good

>> No.16524498


>> No.16524499

I mix Mayo and sour cream

>> No.16524507

Good now mix in some mayo for a real men's condiment.

>> No.16524509


>> No.16524528

Add horseradish for a god tier condiment
Also acceptable

>> No.16524529

i mix mayo and peanut sauce

>> No.16524535

I don't like ketchup because of its sweetness, the same reason why I don't like sriracha

>> No.16524555

>i cant handle sweet foods
Grow up

>> No.16524573

How ironic.

>> No.16524587


>> No.16524598

we got a badass here, a real mans man who doesnt eat sweet stuff
this is what you want people thinking, right?

>> No.16524610

I don't give a shit what people think. If I gave a shit I would at least clean my room once a month.

>> No.16524618

keep telling yourself that

>> No.16524619

you might be retarded

>> No.16524635

the fact that you replied indicates a struck nerve

>> No.16524645

or that you're retarded

>> No.16524654

Having to brag about being unable to enjoy mildly sweet things like ketchup or sriracha because of their sweetness in order to make yourself seem more "adult-like" is in fact extremely childish behavior. Grow. Up.

>> No.16524656

i bet you shout "coffee, BLACK" too when you order at the cafe

>> No.16524657

you have to be 18+ to post here

>> No.16524667

this was directed at >>16524610

>> No.16524669

not that's racist, it's coffee plain

>> No.16524677

>you're not allowed to dislike how some mixtures of ingredients taste or you're trying to look tough
people have different palates, grow up

>> No.16524697

There's a difference between
>I dont like sriracha
>Sriracha is too sweet to be good
Sweetness is very far from the main flavor in sriracha, and for you to call it "too sweet" means you have zero tolerance for sweetness. AKA a faggot insecure about his maturity. What you said is the equivalent of going
>I can't go outside tonight because the moon's brightness bothers me
It makes no fucking sense and indicates an alternate reasoning than what you are presenting.

>> No.16524702

Are you polish? They like to do it too

>> No.16524707

>artistic impression of a vagina

>> No.16524708

>I don't like ketchup because of its sweetness, the same reason why I don't like sriracha
your reading comprehension?

>> No.16524724

Stop projecting. I'm not an attention-seeking faggot like you.

>> No.16524734

>no u
good argument, i've been bested, now go clean up your messy room before your mum has to ask again

>> No.16524735

like you have any clue what a vagina looks like in person

>> No.16524744

M8s, if you weren't trying to look more adult by saying things are too sweet then you wouldn't even be bothering to defend yourselves to anonymous posters here. You're replying so much because you're trying to convince yourselves, just so you know.

>> No.16524753

When you point the finger, three point back at you champ.

>> No.16524756

what this guy said. you need to take insults lying down.

>> No.16524757

...I like ketchup

>> No.16524761

what is your opinion on tomatoes? think about your answer very carefully.

>> No.16524764

Your mom must take your advice because she definitely takes a lot of things internally lying down.

>> No.16524765

I like tomatoes

>> No.16524767

gz on being a human

>> No.16524812


>> No.16524814

Why do you act like you can read minds then? You're just playing yourself.

>> No.16524817

>like you have any clue what artistic impresion looks like in person
Food is also a art faggot

>> No.16524893

I don't get what you mean

>> No.16525870
File: 145 KB, 1914x1077, sneed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yellow mustard is disgusting and you should be ashamed
dijon and higher are based

>> No.16525903

Ketchup is far from "slightly sweet". It's more of a tomato glaze or jam than a condiment. I agree with anon above, ketchup is too sweet for my palate.

>> No.16525986

I will eat spoons of yellow mustard at night and you will not be able to stop me

>> No.16525993

Don't want to. Eventually missing chromosomes will.

>> No.16526003
File: 36 KB, 351x280, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have twice as many chromosomes as you, loser

>> No.16526017
