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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16524322 [Reply] [Original]

How do I become healthier?

>> No.16524325

stop eating processed food. as long as you do that you can pretty much eat whatever you're craving and stay healthy at a normal weight.

>> No.16525120

Earn enough money to buy fresh everyday , if your poor your fucked

>> No.16525129

I found having a garden and raising livestock forces me to not get processed shit food because I have such an abundance of eggs, meat, and produce.

>> No.16525132

If you only eat foods where the protein + fiber content in grams is 1/10 of the amount of calories in it you will have a healthy diet

>> No.16525136

1/10g or more that is, basically you want nutrient density and too much fats/simple carbs are not healthy

>> No.16525432

What produce do you grow?

>> No.16525463

Whatever I can. Tomatoes, potatoes (sweet, red and gold), sweet corn, carrots, cabbage, strawberries, asparagus, apples, pears, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, honeyberries, rhubarb, green beans, turnips, beets, radish, fennel, eggplant, zucinni, scallop squash, yellow squash, pumpkin, watermellon, cantaloupe, peppers (jalep, green, banana), mint, basil, dill, onion (red, white, yellow, shallot, walking and chives), garlic, broccoli, chard, hazelnuts, and some lettuce. I'm sure Im missing something but whatever. I also forage for shit like mushrooms.

I mean whatever I can. Except soy. Fuck soy (maybe Ill grow it someday though because I wanna learn to make tofu)

>> No.16525494

You should entirely reject the "processed" framing and instead go for foods that are good for you whether they're processed or not. The "processed food" framing is only good for giving retarded people a mostly idiot proof guideline.

>> No.16525536

Stop eating sweets, chips and sodas, for many people this would be the major change.
Learn to cook and make everything from elementary ingredients. Once you cut out processed food you'll be much healthier even if you'd cook the same dishes you eat at home, just because you don't stuff it with unhealthy fats, corn syrup and god knows what else.

>> No.16525567

You don't have to eat like a rabbit to be healthy. Balance carbs, fat, and protein while getting enough nutrients. Divesify your diet.

>> No.16525587
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Rolled oats and potatoes should be your main source of energy. Stop eating packaged foods with ingredient lists and limit them as treats a few times a month max. Eat lots of veggies / fruits. Don't drink your calories if you want to get more lean.
Get into cycling and enjoy nice rides in nature and chase slim, fit cycling chicks wearing skinsuits.

>> No.16525599

whats processed food farming? Like corn and soy?

>> No.16525606

Five easy steps:
1. Eat unhealthy foods
2. Don't take care of yourself (e.g. don't exercise, don't clean teeth)
3. Reach a critical point where your habits may result in long-term health issues
4. Change your habits to preserve health
5. Allow those changes to be permanent

>> No.16525614

sprouted whole oats*

>> No.16525642

she has such an incredibly poorly photoshopped and twisted body lmao

>> No.16525661

All food is processed. You boil, dry, transport you process.

Processed food refers to the situation/practice where you as a buyer/consumer lose track of the treatment of your food before you buy it.

Hellman's mayonnaise contains sugar.
Mayonnaise isn't made with sugar.
Hellman's is processed food.

>> No.16525674
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How about this?

>> No.16525687
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That's why one should eat mostly whole foods, ideally with only one ingredient.

>> No.16525692

Ok but there is a difference between processing by doing something you can do at home like boiling or drying or canning vs something so refined you need a factory to produce it like high fructose corn syrup or expeller pressed seed oil. Would you rather get fat via a simple process like having some lard rendered in the oven or hexane soaked and hydrogenated canola oil?

>> No.16525708

You interested in taking on a buddy to help handle all that? Serious question.

>> No.16525715

to be honest the photoshopped one is hotter to me, I like skellies/wish her breasts were smaller, it's just so poorly done it's funny.

>> No.16525881

Hahah nah, It's actually really easy to grow all this stuff solo. If people realized this large scale ag would be kind of fucked.

I still support my local community though. I didn't too as good on watermellon as I would have liked this year so I have been buying from a small neighborhood market. The lady was really sweet and the melon was virtually the same price as they would be in the supermarket.

>> No.16526141
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I agree, skelly fit chicks are where it's at.

>> No.16527040

If you are not fat nor skelly
- 2k/2.5k kcal
- 60% carbs, 25% fats, 15% proteins
- [0.8-1.2] g/kg of body weight
- eat fruits and vegetable everyday (both raw and cooked)
- prefer vegetable proteins
- 3-5 meat portion a week (small fish > white meat > organs > red meat)
- don't eat always the same vegetables, vary them according to season/availability
- sleep well (7-9h/day)
- do exercise everyday (at least 30min of moderate activity or 20 min of intense activity but the more the better, even better if areobic)
- don't be old
- Always prefer vegetable source of any micro/macro, eat meat for the rest.
- don't be stressed

Do blood tests regurlarly if you can and vary your diet according to them or take supplements
Find out what peel/skin you discard is actually edible, most of the time the peel/skin you throw is the most interesting part (banana, watermelon, watermelon seeds, topinambur, carrot, carrot leaves, potato, almost any kind of pumpkin, etc... )

Once you master these concepts, which are the only strictly required ones look for specific food supplements, combinations that maximise the micro absorption, which combination to avoid, food cleansiness and such

>> No.16527043

>low protein

>> No.16527049

forgot in the essentials
- sunbath everyday for at least 15 mins during the least hot hours of the day (but still with the sun) with face, arms and legs uncovered

> fragile bones and fractures in your 40s

>> No.16527059

It's people who don't get enough phosphorus and calcium that get bone density issues.

Very surface level knowledge on your part, honestly ngmi I'm sorry.

>> No.16527071

>60% carbs, 25% fats, 15% proteins
lol you are fucking retarded.

>> No.16527088

Start your day off with a smoothie, one serving spinach, one serving kale, one banana, one fruit of your choice. 1 cup milk, 1 cup water, 2tbsp flaxmeal and 1 tbsp nutritional yeast

You just started your day highly nutritiously

Have a peanut butter sandwich for lunch

Have some baked tofu and mixed veg for dinner

It can be that easy

>> No.16527100
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protein catabolism produce phospates and and sulfates that need to be balanced in order to get you blood ph constant. When you eat too much proteins your body cannot keep up with the acid load and so your body will depletes calcium (alkaline) from your bones
Considering that you can peak your bone density till your 30 if you are male (18 if you are female) enjoy your osteoporosis and bones fracture like an old man in your 40

It seems like you are the one who's not gonna make it. Here's a pic to help you

chetotards should be confined in their containement thread

>> No.16527108

aside from that [0.8-1]g/kg of proteins are secure levels of proteins intake

>> No.16527157

>protein catabolism produce phospates and and sulfates that need to be balanced in order to get you blood ph constant. When you eat too much proteins your body cannot keep up with the acid load and so your body will depletes calcium (alkaline) from your bones
>Considering that you can peak your bone density till your 30 if you are male (18 if you are female) enjoy your osteoporosis and bones fracture like an old man in your 40
>It seems like you are the one who's not gonna make it. Here's a pic to help you
Sounds like you read one thing about one mechanism of action and went all in on it just like the keto retards did. When you eat dietary phosphorus and calcium it gets deposited into bones to keep them strong through anabolic processes because the resources are available to rebuild new bone tissue.

>> No.16527195

> Sounds like you read one thing about one mechanism of action and went all in on it just like the keto retards did.
That's what actually happens tho, so you shouldn't care how "semplicistic" it looks to you as long as the outcome is that.
> When you eat dietary phosphorus and calcium it gets deposited into bones to keep them strong
That works untill you're 30. Then the dietary calcium slows down bones demineralization but it will not improve your bones density

Now let me put this straight, you can choose from
- be in the range suggested by nutrition science guidelines
- eat more proteins of what is suggested with no documented benefit but be careful to balance your acid load or be sure to get enough calcium during the same meal

You are a complete retard

>> No.16527204

>Despite a widely held belief that high-protein diets (especially diets high in animal protein) result in bone resorption and increased urinary calcium, higher protein diets are actually associated with greater bone mass and fewer fractures when calcium intake is adequate. Perhaps more concern should be focused on increasing the intake of alkalinizing fruits and vegetables rather than reducing protein sources.
Older people typically have less muscle mass too and that also increases their risk of fractures. Telling people to eat lower amounts of lower quality protein probably isn't a good idea. Might be better to just tell them to eat more fruits and vegetables and make sure they're getting enough calcium.

>> No.16527213

and now we wait for the sweet sweet copium from retards

>> No.16527214

Citing one study does not make consensus, you should know that

>> No.16527220

and I bet you've got dozens of higher quality studies to refute that... r-right?

>> No.16527234

>Despite a widely held belief that high-protein diets (especially diets high in animal protein) result in bone
> widely belief
> consesun
It's stated in your article what the scientific consensus is retard. Where do you think these believes come from you imbecile ?

>> No.16527252
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>> No.16527253

well if there bne som conesnun it cant be wrong i rest easy knowing soda is healthy, ddt is harmless because consensum

>> No.16527257

Yeah I know. I've looked at more over the years that all mostly say the same thing. Older people especially need to be more concerned about their protein intake. I can't see why you'd recommend vegetable protein. Vegetable protein typically isn't used by our body as well. It has to be processed to actually be a good source of protein because even in stuff like beans which are claimed to be a protein it's still only like 1/3 the amount of protein as meat on top of the protein quality being lower.

I'm not saying you should eat a pound of meat with every meal but saying to only eat less than one serving of animal protein per day is really low and will probably result in a lower quality of life since you're basically guaranteeing for anyone who follows that diet to have lower muscle mass.

>> No.16527264

anon you clearly don't understand there is a consensum therefore you are wrong

>> No.16527287

>don't be old
What the fuck how I stop these years coming?

>> No.16527291

eat better and exercise if you want to improve healthspan. also chill out on the smoking and alcoholism obviously

>> No.16527297

>I can't see why you'd recommend vegetable protein. Vegetable protein typically isn't used by our body as well
Vegetable proteins are well used, just being careful to mix different sources (cereal + legumes for lysin and you have a complete amino acid profile.

> less than one serving of animal protein per day is really low and will probably result in a lower quality of life since you're basically guaranteeing for
anyone who follows that diet to have lower muscle mass.
That's what nutrition guidelines suggest, because you know, there are not only proteins in nutrition. It's possible with less than a servings a day of meat to reach the suggested intake
- legumes
- pasta
- bread
- soy (if you don't believe in phytoestrogen femminization)
- eggs
- emmer

just eat more

first of all it's consensus and that's how science work you mental midget

>> No.16527302

consesum says I am right and you wrong now cope fag

>> No.16527303

)yea spend 4 hours a day shopping a day

>> No.16527313

Possible yes but meat is a more efficient source of complete proteins and other micro nutrients. Only rivaled by eggs and fish really. Consensus is a roundabout way of saying a bunch of people agree and you refuse to think for yourself. Keep explaining how "science" works so I can lmao some more

b-but consensus was eggs are bad now its eggs are good what do I think?!? thats how retarded you are

>> No.16527315

>How do I become healthier?
If you're fat, eat less.
If you're underweight, eat more.
If you're missing vitamins, eat food with them or take supplements.
That's literally it. Everything else is retarded incorrect tabloid science and memes.

>> No.16527319

retard doesn't know what argumentum ad populum is. says there is a consensus to dismiss opposing evidence truly a great scientist right here

>> No.16527320

You dumbass that won't change me turning 80. "dont be old" is fucking stupid. How about you type "dont age prematurely with unhealthy habits"

Also, fuck your vegetable proteins. I'm going to eat my fucking eggs, dairy, and meat, all from good clean self certified sources. I eat tons of food from all kingdoms of life but beans gives me horrible indigestion and heartburn.

Fuck you, fuck your studies. Post body.

>> No.16527321

you're confusing me with other anon and I'm a ketofag so you don't value my opinion anyway nigger

>> No.16527361

Whatever, I used to eat keto for a while. It got me at my lowest body fat. I would eat keto again but I'm a homestead fag so I just eat what I can to stretch out my precious meat.

>> No.16527381

that's good maybe get some fish in there deenz and salmon is usually pretty cheap

>> No.16527383

If I eat fish it will be because I have a stocked pond/go fishing

>> No.16527436

>just eat more
I would eat huge plates of rice and beans which is a complete protein but still never felt satisfied, and it wasn't a calorie issue either as I started trying to add a lot of fat but still needed something else. After a while I realized that I feel best when getting around 70g of animal protein per day, and around that point is when eggs/meat/cheese seem less appetizing so I'm assuming that's my body telling me I've had enough.

Plant protein just isn't an ideal source and we don't thrive on it. You can get enough to not have a protein deficiency, but it doesn't mean you're getting the optimal amount for ideal health either, which requires a larger amount of animal protein than you're suggesting.

>> No.16527463

Cook more. You don't have to be an autistic purist, it's totally fine to use canned or frozen ingredients. You want spaghetti? Making the tomato sauce from scratch would be better, but you can use some from a jar and it's just fine.

>> No.16527474

0 iq post.
op avoid processed foods (including bread) and focus on vegetables and meat. eat potatoes for carbs and try to cut your red meat consumption by supplementing with beans. but don't go vegetarian or vegan.

>> No.16527476

> Possible yes but meat is a more efficient source of complete proteins
Not impossible to cover with vegetables + animal derived sources, not even that hard. And you gains a lot of micro that you can't find in meats, antioxidants and protective phytocompounds you don't find in meats.

> and other micro nutrients.
*some kind* of micronutrients. Nutrition is a really complex science (sort of mathemathical programming - opeations reasearch problmes)

> Consensus is a roundabout way of saying a bunch of people agree and you refuse to think for yourself
I don't have to think for myself because I am no expert in the field and neither should you unless you are an arrogant kid that thinks that reading some paper on scholar can be compared to study for years and reaserch

> Keep explaining how "science" works so I can lmao some more
It's how it works son. If you don't like it don't choose a reasercher carrier

> retard doesn't know what argumentum ad populum is
can you please trip yourself so I can filter your uneducated reddit tier posts please ?

>I would eat huge plates of rice and beans which is a complete protein but still never felt satisfied
Then eat some other source of proteins dum dum. Nobody is suggesting you the rice and beans retarded diet
You can choose other legumes, other cereals, mushrooms, eggs, dairy product etc.

> After a while I realized that I feel best when getting around 70g of animal protein per day,
we cannot discuss if we don't know your diet as a whole. The fact that you talks on food-basis tells a lot tho

>> No.16527478

>cut your red meat consumption
aand your opinion is discarded

>> No.16527483

yes bravo goyim meat is bad do not eat it

>> No.16527488

You guys are honestly retarded. You don't have to have a calculator to eat healthy and well. A normal person is able to tell that a Big Mac isn't health food.

>> No.16527489

enjoy heart disease nigga

>> No.16527490

what is unhealthy about a big mac a calorie is a calorie or so i've heard just eat snickers at a deficit

>> No.16527494

>Then eat some other source of proteins dum dum. Nobody is suggesting you the rice and beans retarded diet
>You can choose other legumes, other cereals, mushrooms, eggs, dairy product etc.
Someone is suggesting to mainly focus on plant protein though and I'm saying they didn't work for me, even when eating a lot of beans which people try to claim as being an equivalent protein source to meat. I do like eggs and dairy more than meat though and mostly rely on them while only occasionally eating meat.

>The fact that you talks on food-basis tells a lot tho
The fact that you think this sentence makes sense and what little of it could be understood just makes you seem like a shitposter tells a lot.

>> No.16527495

I never said it was bad you golem

>> No.16527499

enjoy your incorrect shit tier 1970s science retard meat(saturated fat) has never been shown to cause heart disease in clinical trials in fact the opposite has been shown but stick your head back in the sand please

>> No.16527501

brown an onion in a pan, when it's getting near browned throw on some cherry tomatoes sliced in halves or quarters. garlic and other seasonings also optional. soften those up real quick, dump the same old sauce over these bonus ingredients, simmer for just a few minutes, stir together, THEN serve over pasta.
You can literally just take shelf seasonings and mix them into jarred sauce and get 90% of this. crazy how easy it is to use instant-ingredients to make a minute-meal. this is called "doctoring it up". it works. do it.

>> No.16527504

> even when eating a lot of beans which people try to claim as being an equivalent protein source to meat.
Because you are a retard and think that the only legumes is beans?
> The fact that you think this sentence makes sense and what little of it could be understood just makes you seem like a shitposter tells a lot.
You understood me enough to make related reply

>> No.16527510

>Because you are a retard and think that the only legumes is beans?
No, because they have a higher percentage of protein than pretty much all other plant foods and it still wasn't good enough. So explain to me how eating more grains and mushrooms would've worked when they're even lower in protein.

>> No.16527528

> So explain to me how eating more grains and mushrooms would've worked when they're even lower in protein.
It's pretty simple, if what you eat gives X of proteins, eating n times gives you n*X. adjust n according to your needs
eat 3-5 times a day

>> No.16527560

Thanks for the tip mate, I'll do that next time I make pasta.

>> No.16527565

or just eat much less calories in meat to get more protein and vitamins

>> No.16527568

I was already eating until I was full and getting the amount of calories I needed. Plant protein is just inferior.

>> No.16527608

I want you to take a step back and think about all the people you know who had heart disease. Like, was it REALLY the meat? Are you sure they weren't overweight and sedentary? Drank? Smoked? Ate a lot of low quality refined junk food?
Was it really the red meat? If they just dropped the red meat and continued doing all their other horrible shit, would it have really actually saved them?

>> No.16527625

>or just eat much less calories
Don't you like having more energy?

>> No.16527627

you're missing my point. not that you have to eat less but if you eat meat and animal foods you can get to required protein and micro nutrients with less calories should you choose to

>> No.16527633

More calories does not necessarily mean more energy. Overeating can make you feel sluggish, and not getting enough fat or protein can lead to feeling tired even with a high calorie intake.

>> No.16527640

> micro nutrients
Which one?

> Overeating can make you feel sluggish, and not getting enough fat or protein
That's up to you. You talk like meat is the only source of protein and you're doomed to overeating if you don't eat it in a day

>> No.16527654

>You talk like meat is the only source of protein
I've never made that argument. Just that mostly relying on plant protein and barely consuming animal protein probably won't work for a lot of people.

>> No.16527685
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>> No.16527694

> won't work for a lot of people.
Will work for most people depending on activity level.
the range 0.8-1 g/kg is meant for sedentary people and people who do physical activty 3 times a week, hence the majority of people
Only exceptions are body builders and people who do physical activity at least 2h 5/7 days a week, they may need to rise it up a little bit (1.3-1.9 g/kg)

>> No.16527696
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>> No.16527704

meat is a source of higher quality protein with all the amino acids you need. plant proteins are fine but if they are all you eat you will likely get deficiencies

>> No.16527734

> meat is a source of higher quality protein with all the amino acids you need
It's only marginally better than a careful cereal+legumes if we talk about the amino acid profile. Soy proteins are more or less 100% analogous to meat proteins

> plant proteins are fine but if they are all you eat you will likely get deficiencies
Again, if you want to go full plant and add soy there are no differences proteins wise, I'm don't judge it.
That wasn't the point tho, if you read carefully the posts chain

>> No.16527741

I should've been more clear I meant deficiencies in micros like iron, b12, etc. And once again you are proving my point you can eat less and get equivalent protein if you eat meat.

>> No.16527749

> I should've been more clear I meant deficiencies in micros like iron, b12, et
Those are not proteins

> And once again you are proving my point you can eat less and get equivalent protein if you eat meat.
I could eat soy and eat the same amount of proteins and maybe even eat less. I don't advocate for it but it's perfectly doable

>> No.16527753

btw iron is even less of a problem in plant based diets

>> No.16527772

You are a fucking liar. I couldn't even donate blood when I was a vegetarian due to low iron.

>> No.16527780

I'm not a liar, you are an idiot for going vegetarian and did it wrongly

>> No.16527786

I know I was an idiot for going vegetarian. That's why I stopped. Now I can donate blood.

>> No.16527791

Vegetarianism was not related to your iron deficiency. It's like saying that eating meat is the cause of hears probles.
You ate like shit, despite being vegetarian or omnivorous

>> No.16527796

> hears probles.
*heart problems

>> No.16527797

heme iron (the most bio available form) is only available in animal foods no? many people can't process non heme iron even if they eat a good vegetarian diet.

>> No.16527813

If its that hard to get proper nutrients on a vegetarian diet it's not really that great of a diet, is it?

>> No.16527819

its much easier if you eat animal foods see

>> No.16527823

you're preaching to the choir. I eat an omnivorous whole food diet.

>> No.16527831

Heme iron is only avaible in animals as far as I know (and only half of that is heme)
The difference with Heme and non-Heme is the variability of absorption (pretty much constant in Heme and variable in non-Heme)
Heme can be absorbed @ 25% while non-heme @16
But non-heme absorption can vary a lot according to what you eat with the non-heme source, and generally even if the absorption is less efficient, vegetables have more iron. Eating some vit C can double the efficiency of non-Heme iron to 24% making it the same as the one in the meat.
In fact, even vegans (and I mean really careful vegans) don't have iron deficiency, while for b12 and zync they are pretty much doomed.

That's not the only metric for judging a diet. A diet that covers all macro and micro (known and unknown) but that causes other problems on long term is as the one which make it difficult to cover all the micro.
Btw speaking about iron, it's your fault and not of the diet

>> No.16527835

That's not true. The iron in plants is absorbed less by a fairly significant percentage. The best source of iron is liver.

>> No.16527837

> That's not true. The iron in plants is absorbed less by a fairly significant percentage.
As I said 25% for Heme and 16% for non-Heme

>> No.16527840

you literally just confirmed his point that its harder to get necessary iron levels on vegetarian not impossible but clearly more difficult and maybe impossible for some given the variability in non heme absorption

>> No.16527851

"Depending on an individual's iron stores, 15% to 35% of heme iron is absorbed. Food contains more nonheme iron and, thus, it makes the larger contribution to the body's iron pool despite its lower absorption rate of 2% to 20%."

you are clearly stretching a bit there bud

>> No.16527854

Nope. It was the diet.

>> No.16527857

This. I ate liver the night before I donated blood and I went from having iron too low to donate to having my iron on the upper end of normal.

>> No.16527859

why not eat 2000 calories of spinach instead?

>> No.16527869

what do?

>> No.16527872
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queue up some stunted children because meat is evil

>> No.16527875

I actually ate a ton of spinach the day before I donated as a vegetarian. Seeds and a multivitamin too. Didn't work.

Also you shouldn't eat massive amounts of spinach anyways due to the high oxalic acid.

>> No.16527877

Are you mentally challenged?

>despite its lower absorption rate of 2% to 20%."
You should quote what article you took that from. Absorption of non-heme iron is not that low *unless* they counted assuming it with phytates and tannins and without vit C.

It was not. Even vegans don't have more iron deficiency than omnivores

>> No.16527879

Nope. It was the diet. It let me down.

>> No.16527881

yeah I know I was being facetious and a bit hyperbolic to show that its easier to eat a little meat to get what you need versus huge amounts of spinach

>> No.16527885

> for some given the variability in non heme absorption
- Don't eat phytates
- Don't drink black tea near your meal
- eat a source of vit C (tomatoes, lemons)
wa la, you have more or less the same iron absorption of heme, with the difference that meat in general don't have as much as non meat foods (except for liver)

>> No.16527890

Vitamin C helps but there is still a pretty big difference between heme and non-heme >>16527851

The differences here account for vitamin C intake.

>> No.16527895

> The differences here account for vitamin C intake.
Which improve it @20%. And you just need to eat a tomato with it or some lemon juice in your water.

>> No.16527899

And also have the genetics for efficiently converting plants into bioavailable nutrients commonly available and easily converted from animal foods.

>> No.16527909

more than genetics take care of your fucking intestine if you have problems absorbing iron

>> No.16527917

Nope, its genetics. Some people can digest plants better than others.

>> No.16527923

> Vitamin C helps but there is still a pretty big difference between heme and non-heme
100g of steak provides ~0.4mg of iron
100g of lentils with vit C provides ~1.6mg of iron
Even without lemon is more or less double the steak
Again there's no correlation even for vegans let alone for vegetarians

>> No.16527926

That's what fat people say. Anyway if that was really your case it's not a dietary problem but your problem you idiot

>> No.16527930

wtf are you talking about 1 oz (28g) of steak contains .55 mg of iron.

>> No.16527933

Except I'm not fat. And it was definitely a dietary problem. It's like bitching about someones teeth rotting out and then they quit soda and their teeth stop rotting and you go "it wasn't your diet it was you". Just let it go.

>> No.16527970

>Also you shouldn't eat massive amounts of spinach anyways due to the high oxalic acid
oxalates are thermolable and water soluble, just boil them in water and don't drink the water and you're good to go

It depends on the cut. but looking for steak in general steak has 2.4mg of iron (USDA) which @25% makes 0.6mg which is half of what lentils provide, even w/o vit C

It's like saying milk is bad because i'm lactose intollerant. Listen to your advice and let it go, stop embarassing yourself

>> No.16527988

Sorry u are lactose intolerant. But I am not going to eat vegetarian. I can't even digest lentils or any beans for that matter.

>> No.16527996

> Sorry u are lactose intolerant
I'm not. I'm sorry you are unfamiliar with analogies.
> But I am not going to eat vegetarian
I don't care nor I am one. I'm just telling you to stop writing bullshit that have no scientific explanation

> I can't even digest lentils or any beans for that matter.
That actually confirm my hypothesis on you having a bad intestine and not a dietary problem

>> No.16528015

Its a dietary problem for me since I can't digest beans.

>> No.16528026

> huge amounts of spinach
100g Steak: 0.6mg of iron
100g spinach: 0.54mg of iron
100g spinach with lemon: 0.68mg
You can easily eat 200g of spinach btw

>> No.16528029

fair enough but still is *your* problem. People with normal genetics can absorb non-heme iron. You accusing me of being a liar because your genetic defect was wrong

>> No.16528064

I never called you a liar. And I have pretty normal genetics. No allergies, just can't eat beans without getting heartburn. I probably could eat beans if I was in a survival situation but I'd rather eat meat because it doesn't give me heartburn.

Are you a virgin by chance?

>> No.16529029

I aspire to be like you

>> No.16529104

You can make it brah. We are all gonna make it.

>> No.16529133

please use more adjectives

>> No.16529583

>0.6mg of iron
near-100% absorption
>0.54 mg of iron
~30% absorption

you will also eat considerable amounts of oxalates when eating the spinach

>> No.16529655

dont bother with this guy, he thinks omnivores are more anemic than vegans.

>> No.16529722

Those number already take into account different absorption retard
heme iron is absorbed at 25%, not 100% you mongoloid

Threre's no strong correlation with anemia and plant based diet.

>> No.16529732

Just to be clear
100g steak have ~2mg of iron. With 25% absorption gives ~0.6mg

100g of spinach have 3.4mg if iron. with 16% absorption gives 0.54mg

>> No.16529733

>it's a vegancuck vs ketosister episode
Fuck you, /ck/ucks.

>> No.16529739

> Eat more vegetables, your diet should be mostly vegetables by weight, particularly nonstarchy vegetables.
> Eat more beans.
> Cut out processed food, including refined carbohydrates. If you have bread or pasta, use whole grain. Better yet. If you want carbs, eat sweet potato.
> Eat whole fruit instead of desserts made with refined sugar.
> Drink more water
> Green tea instead of soda
> Eat small oily fish like sardines
> If you cook with oil, use only olive oil
> Don't eat for two hours before going to sleep

That's the most well established nutritional advice possible.

>> No.16529741

> reading comprehension

>> No.16529757

Where are you getting those numbers? When I looked it up it said 100g of spinach and beef have about the same amount of iron at 2.7mg. But heme iron can be absorbed at up to 35% while non-heme is only 20%. So 100g of beef would give you around 1mg while spinach would only give you .5mg.

100g of liver has like 10x as much iron though. It's actually such a good source of iron that eating more than small amounts of every day could lead to an iron overdose.

>> No.16529833

making average of the range?
For spinach I read the original article, but other sources say 2.7mg so fair enough.

> So 100g of beef would give you around 1mg while spinach would only give you .5mg.
But you can eat double of the amount of spinach respect of how much meat you eat, corer pretty easily the meat iron content
There are other vegetable source that have more iron that beef
- tofu: 5.4mg
- fenugreek: 33mg (10x times the steak)
- beans: 8-9mg

> 100g of liver has like 10x as much iron though.
We were talking about steak. Liver is an exception (spleen has actually more), like clams