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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 41 KB, 850x567, uncle_roger_reaction_rice_bbc_©uncleroger_youtube_video-850x567[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.16518614 [Reply] [Original]

"authenticity" is the cancer that is killing cooking.

>> No.16518620

Nope, only faggots care about authenticity. Cooks do not. Cooking is fine, and unaffected by some autists caring about authenticity.

>> No.16518846

i don't think its some big issue ruining cooking, but yeah, authenticity is irrelevant to me for the most part. whether something tastes good is not influenced by if its made the exact same way mongolians 600 years ago made it on the steppe

>> No.16518853

which culture is the worst about this? my vote goes to italians, they seem to get the most butthurt if you do anything remotely wrong

>> No.16518854

i hate this fag

>> No.16518889

hory shet is dat unca roga?!

>> No.16519005

I've been cooking for a long while, and there is an argument for authenticity: when so many corners have been cut that the current food item no longer resembles the original. The same can be said for knockoffs and copycats.

I've made some food items the "authentic" way and discovered the shit served in restaurants are garbage in comparison because of all the corners they cut, making my home cooking stand out.

Things like substituting ingredients cause the local variant of cabbage is not right is not a legitimate cause for concern, nor is omitting minor items.

Also, uncle roger is calling out some the batshit stupid shit some cooking shows do, he's not hurting cooking at all, just making fun of some the worst in the foodtube community.

>> No.16519015
File: 275 KB, 638x602, 1627921645952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never have authentic tacos because you didn't go to some roach infested hole in the wall restaurant in LA in the ghetto cooked by a fat, bald and greasy illegal beaner with 9 bastard children and doesn't even speak English.

>> No.16519022

At first I thought they were being pissy for no reason, then I actually followed an Italian recipe at home and saw what they were complaining about. A lot of what Americans get served in "Italian" restaurants are basically the $5 rollex knockoff variant from Italy, or in other words, cheap garbage. What I made at home knocked the socks of high end restaurant food, it was quite the shock. And I was just using boxed pasta (which Italians would get pissed at me for using).

Now, if you don't know any better, that garbage tastes fine (if bland) to you. However, once you know better, it sticks out and is pretty insulting. So I get where Italians are coming from now.

>> No.16519026

You can but you won't because you think spending $5 on a taco is too much and you associate it with cheap shit some illegal joint put together to make ends meet.

>> No.16519037

Arabs can be a nightmare about it, they don't care about any other cuisine, but if you do their food wrong they get pissy
T. have an egyptian wife who won't talk to me for a day if I use tzatziki sauce on a gyro/shawarma

>> No.16519038

I have traveled all up and down Central America. Mexican cuisine is objectively not great. Shitty food covered by spices or cheese to hide how overdone, cheap, and bad it is. Mex-american food is pretty authentic to that.

I will say though, the grilled lobster in Belize was fantastic, best way to cook those little buggars in my opinion.

>> No.16519040

reddit tier post

>> No.16519045

This is news to me that tzatziki on a gyro is inauthentic. Granted I haven't been to Greece yet, but even the little kits I get from the store have a little tub of tzatziki in it. And it works.

>> No.16519049

I wouldn't say it's killing cooking, but I can't help but be annoyed at people who cry about this sort of shit. Especially Westerners who think that they know all about the food culture of a country that they're not even from (like the guy in OPs pic, Asians born in Western countries in general are awful about this shit).

>> No.16519069

nah the problem is that it isn't on a shawarma, which is the islamic world's variation.

>> No.16519074

Oh hey! Want some delicious indian food? Here's a shitty recipe that is simple and appeals to a western palete.

>Hundreds of years of development and refinement ignored.

>> No.16519075

>What I made at home knocked the socks of high end restaurant food
carrabas and olive garden are not high end restaurants

>> No.16519079

>T. have an egyptian wife who won't talk to me for a day if I use tzatziki sauce on a gyro/shawarma
But tzatziki is so good on a gryo.

>> No.16519083
File: 81 KB, 759x422, pune-garbage_759[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do I need to mix in human shit for authenticity as well?

>> No.16519094
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Ayyyyyaaaaa you sold the rice cooker?!

>> No.16519097

does she expect you to eat gyro/shawarma dry or is it a cardinal sin to sub out tahini? did a tzatziki merchant shoot her family dead? it's objectively delicious as fuck

>> No.16519105

It's a sin to sub out tahini
Which sucks because I like Tzatziki better and it's easier to make and healthier and makes good dip

>> No.16519111

Awesome copypasta, saved to my .txt

>> No.16519115

i mean uncle rodger is a character and a bit but I agree, traditions are often chains

>> No.16519128

I had what was hands down the best gyro sammy I ever had in my life like two weeks ago, place was fucking booming, fresh garlic pita visibly being cranked out in the kitchen, and it was served with a side of tzatziki. I'm glad some restaurateurs don't make such arbitrary hardlines. not even hating on tahini. 99% sure the place was Turkish if that makes the world of differences. can't remember the last time I was ultimately so unbothered by a very long wait for a small dish to come out

>> No.16519154

$5/Taco is ridiculous and you know it, especially if it's a street style taco

>> No.16519158

Doesn't posting stale copypasta get old? I mean, do you giggle yourself to tears every time you do it? It seems like such a waste. Why not do something original, or have you no personality of your own?

>> No.16519161

I've eaten plenty of authentic italian dishes but I now I plan on going to Olive Garden just to stick it to redditors like you. Unlimited breadsticks, here I come!

>> No.16519204


>> No.16519217

t. people who never had the authentic experience so they resort to coping

>> No.16519228
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enjoy your monkey brains and pig uterus noodles

>> No.16519252


>> No.16519261


>> No.16519350

When I serve a dish to people who've never had it, and they ask for seconds, that's all the authenticity I need baby.

>> No.16519366

your mom always asks for seconds when I feed her cum

>> No.16519368

Japanese and Chinese are both super anal about things being authentic

>> No.16519371

No. Faggot youtubers with over edited garbage videos made for clicks and likes as well as their dick sucking groupies are killing cooking.

>> No.16519380

Mainland chinese like americanized chinese
it's the crappy 2nd gens+ who get pissy

>> No.16519390

It really is. Half of the shit that people, mostly Italians tbhonest, insist is some holy traditional food and must be made exactly as your long dead ancestors made it, is some shit that's been around for less than a hundred years, such as carbonara. I don't give a fuck how your grandma made something, if I'm spending good money at a restaurant for good food, I want to experience something new, something I can't do on my own, and I say this as a chef. A desperate appeal to tradition, in the form of insisting upon authenticity in the culinary world, only results in stagnation, in people suppressing their creativity in order to just get their restaurant to make money. I have to do that a lot, already, working in the Midwest, but if I then had to make fried rice exactly the same way your chink grandma made it, I'd probably just get a job in construction.

>> No.16519436

Hilarious and original. Your father is my favourite guest.

>> No.16519439

I love authenticity, as someone whose cooking is a hobby it's a lot of fun and it's interesting to experience different cultures
For me authenticity when in the context of a dish for example 'Beef Goulash', 'Ragu alla Bolognese' is never meant to be the best version of a dish, it's not about the only tasty version of a dish, in fact a lot of the time when I'm making an authentic version of a dish I have to resist the temptation of using certain cooking technique which would likely improve the dish for example not browning the meat before making a stew or using the spices in a suboptimal way, merely because I want to cook something that is authentic
As far as uncle rogers I don't really think he's complaining about authenticity but about the quality of the fried rice due to the recipes technique, but I haven't watched many of his vids, would he complain about a technically authentic video with non traditional ingredients?

>> No.16519440

pretentious faggot moment

>> No.16519446

t .muricans
YWNBA (you will never be authentic)

>> No.16519464

I'm chinese and my father and my grandparents were mainland chinese who opened up a chinese restaurant and it was open for 30 years, they served westernised chinese food which was very popular but what do you think they ate at home with their family? What food do you think I grew up eating? It certainly wasn't the same food that they cooked at the restaurant.
When they first came here their cooking was quite limited to what they could buy here, for example certain ingredients were impossible, sometimes certain vegetables were impossible to find and so they either substituted or grew their own but what do you think they did when authentic chinese ingredients became more available? They went straight back to them

Honestly I've seen way more 2nd gen and onward Chinese seething at white people trying to cook 'authentic' chinese food, going out of their way to use all authentic ingredients, using authentic techniques, etc, they get insecure about it because as children they just wanted to eat mcdonalds and white people food and be like everyone else (i.e white people) yet their parents never let them and so they tried to rebel from their culture and disown it, later on when they try to embrace a part of their heritage they see white people enjoying that heritage and it shakes them, they either abandon the concept of authenticity or they start accusing white people of cultural appropriation while cooking 'clean and healthy' white food
You see this even more with people who barely know how to speak chinese, I've talked to a lot of 2nd and 3rd gen chinese and the whole discussion of authenticity is a sore point for them

>> No.16519521

are you agreeing or???

>> No.16519562

I think you're completely wrong

>> No.16519568

>my parents cook americanized chinese as a business
>they bought westernized ingredients when they had to
>but they also like their own cooking
>this means they are not okay with americanized(?)
>america bad

>> No.16519572

I think you should have spoken English more at home in your childhood to enhance comprehension.

>> No.16519579


Eat my shit, my dick, my ass, my balls, my pilonidal cyst, the blood that oozes from my polonidal cyst and my hair you triple double hyper turbo nigger.

>> No.16519616

I only spoke english desu
Why are you making this about america anon? This has nothing to do with America and the fact that you want to make this into an 'america bad' situation just shows how pathetically insecure you are, also this isn't about mainlanders having a problem with westernised chinese food, it's about mainlanders 'liking' it which I think is false
Like even with mainland chinese who come here as students, they aren't eating westernised chinese food they're eating at shitty fast food takes on chinese food cooked by chinese people for chinese people
Also read >>16519368, they were saying that chinese are 'anal' about chinese food having to be 'authentic' and then the anon I replied to said it was only 2nd gen chinese who cared which as I stated in my post, I just can't agree with since they're the ones who don't care about authenticity and they're the ones who get triggered when they see white people trying to bring authenticity to chinese cooking in the west

>> No.16519627

The post you responded to intially was about americanized chinese, chang.

>> No.16519643

The cuisine that we call 'americanised chinese' is basically the same wherever chinese immigrants from guangdong settled in anglo countries, whether it's britain, australia, canada or new zealand, the same general dishes with the same substitutions are present i.e westernised chinese
Discussing this cuisine critically shouldn't make you have a knee jerk reaction of calling me unamerican

>> No.16519690

My cousin told me last week they are discontinuing unlimited breadsticks. Sorry you had to hear it from me bro

>> No.16519737

I get that a lot of immigrants choose not to teach their kids their language or anything about their native culture. What I find a bit annoying is when someone's country become "popular" they think their opinion matter just because they look the part and have some kind of ancestry there. At the same time some old school weeb from the deep south probably has a better understanding of both the culture and the language. So people latch on to food as a cultural stepping stone. It's shallow, but it doesn't matter. The person can finally "prove" to themselves that they are a part of their heritage. They are usually wrong, but that doesn't matter.

>> No.16519739

Na real Chinese don't care, it's their kids in the West who care because just like the rest of us here, we feel disconnected from our ethnic identity
>t. Swedish American whose mother insists on eating lutefisk at Christmas even though it's not good

>> No.16519752
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look at this dude

>> No.16519759

Haha, are you forced to eat surströmming on midsummer eve too? I think my grand mothers generation was the last generation to actually eat lutfisk on Christmas. Her generation was also the last generation that emigrated to America, so it makes sense that old traditions got stuck in the diaspora.

>> No.16519803

In his latest video he whines about using ginger instead of galangal in a thai curry by Jamie Oliver.

>> No.16519807
File: 44 KB, 830x148, iceland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thank fuck but we do also eat head cheese for Christmas and that's it for stuff I'd rather not put in my mouth. Thank god we're not from Iceland

>> No.16519843

I actually liked head cheese when I was a kid, but then I understood what it was made from and got a bit put off by it. Have you meet/visited your Swedish relatives?

>> No.16519847

As a Thai person I would like to take this opportunity to announce I'm a Thai person by sharing in the outrage of a Chinese heritage non-Chinese person acting as a Chinese national.

>> No.16519851

Why do people care about this faggot? He is Asian but not all Asian cooking the same shit as him? Just cook what you feel best to eat.

>> No.16519860

Uncle Roger isn't an authentic Thai person. His cultural appropriation for views isn't wanted.

>> No.16519868
File: 37 KB, 613x500, _96056553_1e3a049f-fb82-4b52-9f02-055998f5a6fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is he doing this?

>> No.16519870

The video's comments section suggest otherwise.

>> No.16519878

We went to one of our ancestral farms about a decade ago and met the current tenants who we are *probably* related to, but if we are they're like my 3rd cousins. Nobody kept very good family records for some reason, we just know my grandmother was born there

>> No.16519881

It's just a bit though right? he doesn't talk like that normally

>> No.16519907

I see. It's actually quite easy to research your ancestry in Sweden. Almost every birth and death is logged in old church records and nowadays a lot of it is digital. You can even do text search in the digital versions. The emigration to the US is also well documented. Doing ancestry research is kind of a popular past time activity in Sweden.

>> No.16519989

Don't know for sure but I'm pretty sure it's just a bit like you said. When you listen carefully I'm pretty sure he occasionally drops his accent and speaks like an american.

>> No.16520023

He's a comedian by trade, it's a bit

>> No.16520034
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Hello newfag

>> No.16520040

Social media is killing everything

>> No.16520043

>itt seething cultureless w*stoids
You can literally feel anglos and godless mutts seethe through the internet.
You will never have true soul in cooking

>> No.16520052

>racist idiot doesn't know anything about White Christian culture

>> No.16520104

>Representing Christians and the Lord
Good joke mutt, european and true christian cooking is not present in your godless pits

>> No.16520337

Not American, but nice try bubbabitchboy

>> No.16520344

>True christian cooking
You're not black.

>> No.16520507


>> No.16520512

>T. have a wife

>> No.16520699

Haiiiiiyaaaaaa mr sneed boy no like pig uterus, maybe he leave his wife then

>> No.16520723
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Italians are genuinely the worst
Anything to do with pasta, or pizza, you know they'll sperg out

>> No.16521971

My brother in law has this joke theory where the reason Italians are so fucking insufferably autistic about food is because it's some sort of 'inherited trauma' from going from the former rulers of the Western World and at the apex of global power, to just being another mediocre EU country. So now they focus all their butthurt about it on their cuisine and other people eating it certain ways.

It's a funny theory but holy shit if it doesn't make at least a little sense.

>> No.16522337
File: 194 KB, 982x750, indian chef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about the special secret spice

>> No.16522526

I disagree.
>a fresh take on an old classic
Is whats killing cooking desu

>> No.16522534

Indians are truly disgusting

>> No.16522677

gonna make a stew
can you name the country of origin?
>beef or lamb maybe
>potatoes or cabbage maybe
>carrots, onions

>> No.16522700

good insight. all the 2nd and 3rd gens, especially the mixed race ones, are the loudest most annoying harpies about culturally appropriation

>> No.16522720

>boxed pasta (which Italians would get pissed at me for using).
No they wouldn't, you dumb fucking weeb. Plenty of Italian dishes favor dried, boxed pasta.

>> No.16522725

>Cook something
>Minorities swarm in out of the woodworks like cockroaches to screech about appropriation
So fucking insufferable.

>> No.16522818

go back to rebblit you fucking faggot

>> No.16522848

make me you fucking dirty nigger

>> No.16522888

Authenticity is important. Recipes exist as they do for a reason, and you should at least make something close to the original before you start changing it to fit your needs.

I understand it's more work, but when you want to try something like green curry, it's good to source the original ingredients, make an authentic version, and then figure out what you can change or not based on your own tastes.

I work in a restaurant that serves a "Kung Pao" chicken bowl, which ends up being a chicken and vegetable curry made with Indonesian Peanut Sauce and served on top of noodles.

The original is chicken, chilis, peanuts and green onions. There's a simple marinade based on chinese wine, and it gets stir fried.

What do these dishes have in common? Very little. So little in fact, that they shouldn't even have the same name.

Of course, some screeching second-generation immigrant talking about how you didn't use the exact correct ingredients should be ignored. But authenticity is meaningful to a point.

>> No.16522968

Chink here, in general Chinese don't care about authenticity. They argue with each other over which area does a certain dish better, and sometimes saying "this is the correct way to do it" gets mixed into the argument and makes it seem like its about authenticity. It's not about authenticity and more about rivalry.
As far as I know japs don't care, they're very open to doing weird shit to their own cuisine. It's only the more autistic chefs that will get upset, the average person doesn't care that American sushi is different.

>> No.16522973

>5 dollars for a taco
way to out yourself as a fucking retard

>> No.16522996

For me, the problem is people making "burrito bowls" and other abominations like that, which have nothing to do with the actual dish it is named after.
Just change the goddamn name and problem fixed.

>> No.16523004

What's the point in trying to be authentic when different parts of a country will cook the same dish a different way? We wouldn't have these dishes without experimentation so why stop now

>> No.16523094

Half and half. The authenticity crowd is inherently stuck and forget that every dish was once an innovation, on the other hand the people who complain about them by and large can't cook for shit and don't even understand the reasoning behind why the traditions work.
Say what you want about Italians, but at least their guidelines actually make culinary sense, e.g. cheese and fish often muddies the flavor of both without improving much.

>> No.16523429

im fine with food not being 100% authentic while not going too overboard

>> No.16523573

>he calls himself chink
self-hating faggot lmao, ngmi

>> No.16523704

>egyptian wife
Is her clitoris intact?

>> No.16523708

Wrong. All of us had authentic experiences with your mom.

>> No.16523721

She's coptic, not arab egyptian, so she's not a barbarian.

>> No.16523723

It's not "inherited trauma". It's an inferiority complex over being descended from Germanic and Arab settlers during the Dark Ages and thus having no genetic continuity with your supposed Roman ancestors.

>> No.16523854
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>Tzaziki on kebab
if thats not a metophor for your relationship then tadtewise thats based. I love sour cream desu and ill smack söthat ontop of everything. One day i wanna have some bacon or ham kebab mrat on my arab food. I am certain there HAS to be a place out there that serves that. Actually there used to be such a kebab shop but it was always too far away from me.
>egyptian wife
be real, is it as satisfying as i imagine to love a girl you know isnt "your people" and roleplay the colinizer with in bed? For some reason the older i get the more i want wifes from all kinds of flavours desu but i am still hesitant to the idea. Basicly i know fuck all about love

>> No.16523863

>is it as satisfying as i imagine to love a girl you know isnt "your people"
It has its ups an downs. She's a minority even in egypt (coptic) so she is kinda anal about maintaining the cultural stuff, but either way our kids will be neither white nor coptic, which is a bit depressing for both of us.
The English/Egypt dynamic isn't lost on us though

>> No.16523908
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:D beautiful lad. I wish you'll have many many more years of joy with her. Sounds to me like you found that very particular setup you were looking for. I'd say kids are an important part of a good life so dont stress the origin of the children part too much. Being part her tribe and part yours only opens some doors for them. Besides, if they feel like taking to one of the tribes they can and their children will be mostly complete. I have a mixed sibling, i understand your concerns. A strong dad who steers the kids away from foolish thoughts is really all it takes.

>> No.16523961
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'Authentic' is a good idea, people just don't understand what 'authentic' means.
Mirepoix in french cooking is carrot, celery and onion.

french immigrants in America with Cajun, Luisiana Creole cuisine changed that to bell pepper, celery and onion, because of what ingredients were available. And adapted many french recipes and techniques for it.

Nowadays you might find some southern autist biting your head off about getting that wrong, but the truth is that 'authentic' has always been a fluid concept which adapts to people's circumstances. If you are genuine and trying to make genuine food, it's authentic for you to use the best, local, seasonal ingredients and sensible methods you have available. It's not that authenticity is bad it's just that you only need be authentic yourself, not to arbitrarily follow some other authentic culture.

>> No.16523989

"jews" are the cancer that is killing the world

>> No.16523991

I dated an indian for a while and while we never role played i definitely would fancy myself a british officer plundering the local population and would immediately bust

>> No.16524032

Bullshit. That might be true in Italy (heh) but this is /ck/ after all. Here we don't substitute a single ingredient ingredient with something similar or add something that fits into the flavor profile.

I'd bet you want to call it "creativity" but here that's just a euphemism for I-don't-give-a-fuck. Like some filthy youtuber who cooks a curry missing 3 out of 4 of the typical spices, replaces the aroma that is key to the dish with something totally different and then adds a bunch of veggies from the fridge seemingly for the only reason they were about to go off.

I don't give a fuck if you want to do this at home, but doing this on youtube while giving the impression you're a trained cook who knows what he's doing and teaches how to do this dish makes you an assclown

No, authenticity is not the cancer killing cooking, lazy ass throwing shit together is.

>> No.16524040

You just said the same thing as OP though.

>> No.16524044

Okay Pablo

>> No.16524045

Okay Pablo

>> No.16524123

I am Italian and what I get mad is not the fact you change the recipe, but that you change the recipe while keeping the name.
I believe it's pure dishonesty and simply creates confusion in the customer.

For what is worth, I hate when Italians do the same in their restaurant in other countries, like in Germany or England.

>> No.16524196

Japanese Americans maybe but I don't think actual japanese care.

Italians become irate when Americans break the spaghetti in half.

>> No.16524201

>mexican is not great

t. seething guatemalan-american.

>> No.16524206

this guy fucking sucks but jamie olivers curry looked like absolute shit.

>> No.16524224

wym nope you're agreeing with him...

>> No.16524229

nah its asians easily. they insist only brown people can make brown food.

>> No.16524236

>And I was just using boxed pasta (which Italians would get pissed at me for using).

you're a fucking retard. do you think italy is the 3rd world where everyone is making their own pasta all the time. fucking idiot they wear jeans and watch anime and eat supermarket pasta.

>> No.16524352

$5 /taco is fucked up. It costs less than a dollar to make it. Including cheap labor from illegal immigrants plus shitty quality ingredients. But they do taste great.

>> No.16524373

Italians are, to be fair, justified in their food autism considering how different it ends up being from the authentic version despite larping as the actual dish. Even then Italians are pretty cool about it. Blacks, Mexicans and Chinese are the most buttmad if the food isn't authentic but only if it's a white person who made it. Indians tend to be quite relaxed about food and don't consider western "Indian" food as Indian. Middle Easterners and Greeks tend to not care too much if the dish isn't authentic.

In my experience seething over food is less of a genuine grievance over the polluting of culture and more just wanting an excuse to feel superior to whitey
>inb4 /pol/

>> No.16524377

Whenever my Church has a get together the Greek bros make gyros with tzatziki on them

>> No.16524401

Objection. Italians are not at all more justified in this than anyone else. Italians started this bullshit here on /ck/ and others were joining in. It went from omg no cream, to omg you can only use Italian prosciutto to omfg you can't use anything but guanciale. These guys would say you need Italian DOP eggs for a proper carbonara if there was such a thing. There are many totally valid options for cured pork to make a carbonara sauce. Fuck Italians.

>> No.16524411

Yeah, thats a greek thing
Arabs don't do that

>> No.16524815

orientals go apeshit if westerner cooks their stir fried chop suey

>> No.16524828

I want to beat the shit out of him so much.

>> No.16524833

so is trying to new and innovative with every single dish, sometimes tradition works

>> No.16524837

I'm dating a Latina and she calls me her conquistador. I joke that I'm colonizing her in bed, it's really fun. Raceplay is definitely one of the hottest things I've experienced in bed.

>> No.16524841
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seethe, turd worlder

>> No.16524954
File: 60 KB, 606x645, 5d3024120fce337f792e31f9425b360ffb0622be957d0b17bdaeeb0dca10b419_1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dressed in a fine uniform
>Manly british imposing stature and a high rank golden insignia glaring through
>get to pick and lovingly plow the most delicate flower the local lads obsess over
Unfathomly Based. Conquest is for some odd reason the most righteously satisfying thing out there. That is EXACTLY the thing that intrigues me. I keep thinking i want a delicious jap wife and a peace of mystery cake too. Got a DARK African chick at work with a pair of well shaped tits and while sex is not necesserelly the main thing on my mind, sucking on those chocolate milk bags is oddly what i obsess over. Also she has a very cute and feminine attitude towards me, that just kind of gets me way too erect. Like the thought of this jungle rowdy thornberry being all sweet and soft around me for being That white man ooooh. tl;dr i just stumbled the upon race play dynamic among our relationships

Oh that is just the cherry on top kind of based affection. Thats almost like a girl complementing you for a big Penis. Knock yourself out lad. It really seems to me that this kind of dynamic is the greatedt thing next to having a feminine amd looking up to you kind of girl. :D If she cooks well i'd be contemplating about marriage desu haha

>> No.16525066

Arabs wipe their ass with their hands.
Gyros objectively taste better with tzatziki.

>> No.16525079
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amer*cans will squeal and holler if you suggest to them that there is more to cooking than shaping corn syrup and palmfat into vaarious forms and calling it a day

>> No.16525506
File: 62 KB, 393x253, inhuman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: American cooks living rent free inside brown and yellow minds

Authenticity be damned, I take techniques and ingredients I like and fold them into recipes I like, and keep doing it when it turns out tasty. Continue to seethe

>> No.16525538

ITT: Xenophobes

>> No.16525589

You can't kill something that is a necessary part of human life. While I do think "authenticity" might be overstated in the current food trends, I still think there's plenty of room for creativity and exploration of ideas. If anything, there is more opportunity now than ever before.

>> No.16525707

arabs use bidet

>> No.16525778

Did this faggot ever backpedal on the shittalking he gave Hersha Patel for using excess water and draining her Basmati rice? The way South Asians typically cook it? I get that he's playing a character but if he's trying to provide some sort of educational angle he should've made that clear, even if he'd used it to segway into "but you shouldn't use Basmati for fried rice anyway".

>> No.16525852

I find it fun to cook foods the traditional ways and see how they turn out. Often the result is something nice. For me it's usually authentic chinese cooking, and obscure regional tea brewing practices.

>> No.16525961

It's self-evident that innovation beats stagnation in a practical art like cooking, so we know this is entirely about culture.
Sometimes it's cultural pride, like with the Italians. Sometimes it's trying to connect with a lost culture, like with 2nd+ generation immigrants or historical cooking. With white people it's a desire to be cosmopolitan and hip to everyone else's culture.
This trend didn't originate within cooking and isn't about food, it's part of the obsession people are having with culture lately.

>> No.16526810

the best pasta i've ever had is at a local family restaurant run by an actual italian mother.
it was great

>> No.16526819

does this faggot even cook?

>> No.16526904

Post her feet

>> No.16527340

I have a similar story except it's, this college-town-out-in-my-state's-rural-counties.
the Wok-n-Roll, we walked in expecting a restaurant, and instead we met A Grandma and A Nephew. Grandma took, and cooked, the orders. The best Vietnamese I've ever had by far. The nephew brought out waters, and the orders as they went out. It was just so crazy stinking good.

>> No.16527845

I only get butthurt when people think dumping a can of tomato puree into a pot and heating it up with some salt and pepper and maybe some try oregano is somehow an acceptable pasta sauce.

>> No.16527867

Oh just barely.
Remember anon, this guy is not a professional chef. This guy isn't even a real guy. It's a stereotyped Asian character persona created by a comedian who started doing videos while bored during lockdown..
Nothing he says should be taken too seriously and his videos exist for comedy.

>> No.16528013

Japanese do not give a single fuck. Just americans.

>> No.16528075

>Nothing he says should be taken too seriously
This kind of crap is good enough for autists to spam it through the whole year.

>> No.16528095

so he's just lobbying hate against people and their cooking, while hiding behind a "persona" as a "comedian" and using it as an excuse for why he should be exempt from criticism?

>> No.16528102
File: 412 KB, 593x1015, 1606621895359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>perpetuates an offensive stereotype because it's the lowest hanging fruit for asian "comedians"
nah, fuck this guy.

>> No.16528185

1st video he did was funny.
now its just shite.

>> No.16528188

I hate this guy's face so much, holy shit.

>> No.16528347

If you don't want to make something authentic, then fine. Who cares if it tastes good to you? But tell people it's your own take on the recipe. Otherwise you're just lying to them about what it's supposed to taste like.

>> No.16528735

This is why I hate Jon Stewart so much. He probably didn't start it but he popularized the whole "clown nose on, clown nose off" style of "comedy" where your criticisms have to be taken seriously. But when someone criticizes the comedian back they just go "It's just an act! A funny bit!"

>> No.16528784

nah. for me authentic recipes are usually the best versions

>> No.16528808


>> No.16528916

>Boohoo that asian man is being offensive to his own culture
