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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16517221 [Reply] [Original]

>So-called 1st world country
>Tap water is undrinkable

>> No.16517228

It'd be drinkable if they'd stop putting fucking fluoride in it.

>> No.16517231

"first world" is political affiliation with NATO during the Cold War

>> No.16517236

While highly subjective, first world is a term that consists of countries that may have the following characteristics: stable democracies, high standards of living, capitalist economies, and economic stability.

>> No.16517239

Why do you think they put it?

>> No.16517258

To poison our precious fluids and make us weak minded and ill.

>> No.16517276
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>> No.16517285

There's worse stuff than that in there

>> No.16517287

At this point all water is undrinkable

>> No.16517294
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target spotted

>> No.16517413
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>> No.16517466

Only in urban democrat shitholes

>> No.16517478

I dare you to search for something to say that doesn't prompt that stare. I won't wait, cus it'll be forever. I.e. No 4chan user has anything significant words to utter.

>> No.16517482

Indeed brother they are basically robots and we should be wary of them just as we are wary of machines that bear the likeness of men HH

>> No.16517483

I only drink pepsi and ranch dressing.

>> No.16517499

Fluoride is good for your teeth!

>> No.16517507

Indeed brother the flouride people are basically robots and would give that sort of stare to anything we say because they've been robbed of consciousness and we should be wary of them just as we are wary of machines that bear the likeness of men HH

>> No.16517520
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>> No.16517659

Yeah cheers mate that's why we put it ON our teeth instead of INGESTING IT DAILY

>> No.16517667

But... I do drink the water

>> No.16517676
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This, but unironically

>> No.16517689

This has always been something I've frowned at.
In my town we get our drinking water from an aquifer, no flouride and it tastes a lot better than bottled water. At the same time all the tourists come here and buy like 6-packs of 1,5 l plain water in the store, just because they're used to these 3rd world conditions where you can't drink the tapwater/tastes like shit. unbelievable.

>> No.16517723
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Take the well pill

>> No.16517725

>Take the polluted ground water!

>> No.16517742

don't live somewhere polluted duh

>> No.16517752

>t. doesn't understand natural filtration

>> No.16517779

theres probably more flouride in your well water than tap water

>> No.16517782

All tap water is undrinkable, have you ever seen the state of the pipes it flows through? Everyone should at least have a cheap carbon filter attached to their fridge or something.

>> No.16517787
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>It'd be drinkable if they'd stop putting fucking fluoride in it.

Only Fluorida puts fluoride in their water. It's literally in the name, dude.

>> No.16517906

take your meds, schizo

>> No.16517961
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My home town comes in at #9 and because we've got our own waste water treatment plant, the city of Detroit can't rape us on the water bill and thus I only pay $17.00 per month while residents of neighboring communities who are tied into Detroit's water treatment system, are paying over $100 per month.

>> No.16518107

kek there's lead pipes everywhere over here

>> No.16518492
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>be first world country
>have clean, non-polluted tap water
>catch rainwater anyway because it's free and fuck paying $1.50 per kilolitre
>not to mention it's even cleaner than the already clean tap water
>also allows us to go full off-grid when combined with solar power and a septic system.
feels good man.
glad that a lot of US states have opened up to the idea of water tanks in recent years.
the cunts are just too useful to have.

>> No.16518616
File: 37 KB, 600x330, Dannon-Water-600x330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember shit like this in the 2000s for kids? I remember seeing kids at lunch with it all the time and it always had attractive colorful "fluoride" lettering on it, can't remember if it was Dannon or another brand but this is all I can find as it was phased out it seems.

>> No.16518623

I live in an affluent suburb of Chicago. Our water is rated third best in the country.

>> No.16518639

>live in the UK
>literal fucking arsenic in the water

Do you know of a good water distiller, /ck/? The tapwater here tastes like metal and sometimes plastic, it's fucking disgusting, and I've read online that it's causing cancer, so I want to distill my own water and have the peace of mind that it's just water

>> No.16518641

Just Google "Alex Jones"

>> No.16518677


Even if there's no arsenic, it's still bad tasting hard water. I thought one of you fags would care about taste enough to care about the taste of water

>> No.16518796

>It'd be drinkable if they'd stop putting fucking fluoride in it.
We're breaking the conditioning! REEEEEE!

>> No.16518833

the chemicals are making people gay and that's why /lgbt/ exists

>> No.16518836

Americans can't afford basic health care but their Zionist occupied government gives 10 million a day to Israel, a country with universal basic healthcare.

And they have contaminated water. Greatest ally huh?

>> No.16519087

Gotta get them young

>> No.16519099

It’s not even good for dental health. Your teeth have natural calcium carbonate bonds, using topical sodium fluoride or stannous fluoride can actually make your teeth WEAKER. Fluoride is just for dumbing down the population and nothing more

>> No.16519117

I genuinely hate that there's fluoride in the water. That stuff is actually poisonous for cats and dogs if consumed in larger quantities. I don't think most pet owners are even aware of this.

>> No.16519276
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put an ice cube in their bowl; they'll be fine

>> No.16519299

Are you aware that you have just broken the law? I've reported that comment to the ADL.

>> No.16519329

Thinks that drinking dirt water is clean somehow.

>> No.16519693

That doesn't include Hot Springs Ark so that is a irrelevant page.

>> No.16519991

It's rock water and yes

>> No.16519994

It's poisonous for humans in larger quantities. That's not a secret, nobody has ever argued it isn't. The argument has always been that it's fine in lower quantities.

>> No.16519996

Unrelated, but I always love how Americans get the kiddie version of spelling for certain brands, since their distributors assume that they are too dumb to pronounce them right otherwise.
>Danone -> Dannon
>Tefal -> T-fal

>> No.16520059
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Stanley Kubrick tried to warn you. They're impurifying our precious bodily fluids.

>> No.16520286

based and General Ripper pilled

>> No.16520292

>the cunts are just too useful to have.

>> No.16520590
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> gigantic eyesore tanks in the backyard

If you live out in a rural or semi-rural area you’ll have a well and unless you’re a dumbass, you’ll have a generator to run the well pump (and everything else) in the event the power goes out.

>> No.16520600
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>Do you know of a good water distiller, /ck/?

Just check Amazon

>> No.16520607
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>don't live in a shithole city
>drink water out of the tap every day
Wow it's almost as if living in a blue state has benefits.

>> No.16520612

Can this make liquor out of must?

>> No.16520618
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>no fluoride

>> No.16522433
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>Wow it's almost as if living in a blue state has benefits.


Out of the 25 cities with the best municipal water, twenty of them are Red states (80%) and only five are Blue.

>> No.16522460

>Top listed water
>Number of Contaminants: 2
>Other Detected Contaminants: 6

Thank you Republicunts for declawing the EPA. America is a shithole because conservatives sold us out to unregulated industry.

>> No.16522465

>I do not avoid women, Mandrake.
>But I do deny them my essence.

>> No.16522488

Not every commune puts flouride in their water here.

>> No.16522604
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Don't think about it goy