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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 74 KB, 700x394, https___d1e00ek4ebabms.cloudfront.net_production_10b0cd39-4f2c-4a82-97ab-42b121fb0da1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16505622 No.16505622 [Reply] [Original]

goin to the chinese market whatchall want

>> No.16505634

I wanna go with
I love looking at new foods

>> No.16505671

gimme dat spicy black bean paste an sum green Kit Kat’s dog

>> No.16505689

i'd probably pick up some import ramen you can't find at the white man's store

>> No.16505694

yo gimme a bag of that plastic rice

>> No.16505699

Bring me a bag of sodium citrate and some MSG

>> No.16505704

Galangal, kaffir lime/leaves, bird's eye chilis, and lemongrass.

>> No.16505715
File: 555 KB, 2365x2365, 9e816a1f-e036-4d15-96d2-732fda2ad27c_1.a2a35eb0b8dbd32db6ca7536bef9a51b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


some Mr. Browns and spongecake

>> No.16505741

Gimme something to kill this cunt

>> No.16505757

15 bags of shrimp chips

>> No.16505775

Epsilon variant, please.

>> No.16505783

No thanks

>> No.16505802
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pick up some of that good shit bre

>> No.16505811
File: 91 KB, 419x1280, DSC03061__15391.1544329494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo Op pick me up some of this.

>> No.16505819

1/2 pound of dog and 3 cans of bat soup please

>> No.16505881

this guy chineses

>> No.16505891

Kekimus maximus

>> No.16505894
File: 65 KB, 336x336, Ninben Mentsuyu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mentsuyu if they have the version that's not watered down for wypipo.

>> No.16506098

them import tea bottles

>> No.16506149

that green coconut spread stuff. comes in a small glass jar. i dont remember what the fuck its called but i need it back

>> No.16506162

Can I get some live bat and pangolin?

>> No.16506193
File: 918 KB, 3551x2367, PixelatedHuyFongSriracha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White guy here. Let me tell you about sriracha since I've had some experience with it recently. It's a ridiculously spicy Chinese hot sauce made from a highly guarded ancient secret recipe, very hard to find in the US. In fact, I had to specially request it from this ancient looking old Chinese woman behind the counter at this obscure little hole-in-the-wall Asian food store. Normally she probably wouldn't sell it to your average white dude, but luckily she's taken a bit of a liking to me since I'm well versed with Asian food and culture after having studied anime for many years. But be warned, it is STUPID hot, over 9000 on the scoville scale if I had to guess. I tried a spoonful of it plain once. Worst mistake of my freakin life. I immediately started dry heaving and basically spent the next 2 hours yelling like a baby while my wife and her son brought me glasses of ice water and wet towels to cool me down. We actually considered going to the emergency room since my tongue was burning so mental. Well, let's just say sriracha made me its bitch that day.

>> No.16506258


>> No.16506265


>> No.16506815


>> No.16506830

tl;Dr, but it started as a poor attempt at new copypasta. You're laying it on too thick anon. Good copypasta has to be somewhat believable at least at first. Otherwise who's gonna read it?
>I also recommend including some green text to break it up

>> No.16506998

i loled

>> No.16507007

It's an old copypasta newfriend

>> No.16507252

I need the following:

3kgs of Powdered Tiger Penis
5 Endangered Shark Fins
1/4 Broasted Live Dog
Dozen Bats for Bat Soup
6 Bear Testicle Lollipops
a Kung Pao Chicken #8 with Fried Rice

>> No.16507370

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.16507377

Can you pick up a couple live crabs for me?

>> No.16507380

golden retriever

>> No.16507527

Me too. I miss just browsing cool markets for interesting things to make meals with. :(

>> No.16507572

Ginseng root, fat ass ginger and lemongrass

>> No.16507663

baby bok choy
shit's gotten so much more expensive in the past few years

>> No.16507665

Why is Zhang so fragile?

>> No.16507722

Get some of that angry lady hot sauce, that shit's bomb

>> No.16507729

heh... id go with you anywhere my d-delicate flower ;)

>> No.16507734


>> No.16507891

for you to commit a violent attack, killing as many of them as you can
>the chang janny WILL ban me for this, just watch

>> No.16507900

Like 10 lbs of pork bao please

>> No.16507911

I don't put anything Chinese into my body, that's disgusting.

>> No.16507918

wagyu beef

>> No.16507922

Whatever will squeal the loudest while it's being slowly steamed alive, i want to experience the authentic chinese cuisine

>> No.16507942

directions to the japanese market

>> No.16507970
File: 154 KB, 795x749, uma-delicia-in-chinese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based af, also a side of virgin boy egg and bistec de chino

>> No.16507973

Black salt and a gaikon please

>> No.16507974

That doesn't look like it's cooked through.

>> No.16507978

A dog.

>> No.16507982

Shits cash. They always have a big basket right by the counter

>> No.16507990

a gallon of gutter oil and fresh dolphin penis and maybe a gram of powdered rhino horn

>> No.16508086
File: 842 KB, 2250x2349, 2018_8_9_3010_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


recently stumbled on these gourmet ramen's from hong kong and taiwan.
I just add some curry powder and an egg and easily the best ramens have had yet.

>> No.16508256
File: 343 KB, 2028x1033, 20210730_175615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hook me up with all the Samyang you can carry, anon.

>> No.16508260

Three dogs.

>> No.16508311
File: 64 KB, 682x1024, 1624311070383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Made in China? Nah I'll pass bro

>> No.16508323

Chinese broccoli, fish sauce, dumpling wrappers

>> No.16508393

Just as long as you don't spend too much time looking at stuff. They hate 'tourists'.

I'm guilty of that myself. Every once in awhile I'd catch a glimpse of a 'ghost' whipping by in my peripheral vision for a split second shaped like store employees. Always in the peripheral vision but extremely close.


Clearly they have no love of people who just gawk at things. I was just looking for the mayonasse, bros. XD

>> No.16508405

spicy shrimp chips, and that white rabbit milk candy that poisoned a bunch of australians a few years back

>> No.16508440

this guy feasts

>> No.16508467
File: 1.45 MB, 326x256, 1597723903500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a bag of those shrimpy chip things plz

>> No.16508485


>> No.16508679
File: 91 KB, 650x509, 10041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dude

pic not related

>> No.16508695

That looks spicy as heck

>> No.16508720

Them chili flakes in oil

>> No.16508722

Cooked bat.

>> No.16508731

One of my favorite things to cook with because of its versatility, but I think you can buy that shit at Aldi.

>> No.16509126

What I remember as chinese food growing up as a young kid in Hong Kong

>turtle/shark fin soup
>fried chicken feet
>pig uterus noodles
>fried rice with pork knuckle gristle
>unidentifed fish balls on a stick
>boiled dog meat
>one time, monkey brains

Americans have no idea how bad it really is. No one in china knows what the fuck beef and broccoli is or sweet and sour pork. Chinese food is disgusting. Literally the worst parts to eat of any animal. Makes sense because chinks are the race of humans closest to animals. They make disgusting noises when they eat, slurp everything, men in the streets lift their fucking wife beaters over their sweaty stomachs while laughing and chewing with their mouths full of food. Like what kind of idiot decided 2 sticks is the most practical way to eat grains of fucking rice. Starving Nigerians who eat grass have a better diet than the average chinese.

>> No.16509378

do you guys eat that stuff because there's not better option or is it meant to be enjoyable?

>> No.16509441

Go back

>> No.16509467
File: 148 KB, 300x300, 1427167178190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seriously gonna do this nigga?

>> No.16509531

>he still believes this rumor that has been proven false after large scale investigations by multiple countries
>he's too dumb to realize that the cost of manufacturing plastic rice would exceed just producing the real thing
>he's too dumb to realize that cooked plastic smells nothing like cooked rice

>> No.16509538

yah gimme duh uhhhh. wutchu call em. liechee's.

>> No.16509642

Nothing. I hate chinks.

>> No.16510829

Lychee, shit's amazing. Also recommend trying longan and rambutan, though the seeds of the rambutan have this flaky, woody outer covering that peels along with the flesh and tastes fucking awful if you don't know how to eat it right.

>> No.16510844

Ill take a 6 pack of SARS, a re-education course dvd, and a 2 year old child

>> No.16510846
File: 308 KB, 460x351, 1628095793208.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some orange chicken?

>> No.16510849

You spend too much time on the internet. It's making you bitter and angry. Get a gf and a job.

>> No.16510851

I remember unknowingly waltzing into an ethic grocery store near Rockville, Maryland and fuck did it smell like cow shit. It permeated the whole building.

>> No.16510852
File: 1.88 MB, 720x720, mechinese.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bat soup

>> No.16511094


>> No.16511632

a piece of 1000 year old heavenly ginseng root and a bloomed fire spirit lotus

>> No.16511716

>3kgs of Powdered Tiger Penis
Do you realize it would cost like 10k dollars?

>> No.16511805

>buldak mayo
how is it

>> No.16511843

ching chong

>> No.16512649


>Century eggs
>Long-hot peppers
>Those planed-Shanxi noodles that are easier to grip w/ chopsticks
>Everything on >>16505704
>Chopped squid and two whole snapper for frying

Out in Philly, not only do we have a Chinatown by Center City, but we also have a "Little Saigon" market on the Washington Ave. side where it becomes "South Philly"

>> No.16512657


>> No.16512674

>10k to form a giant 3kg tiger penis out of rehydrated penis powder and then painting it black

also im ok with that

>> No.16512681

I could go for a couple of hot dogs.

>> No.16512714

It tastes exactly like the hot chicken ramen, basically a savory spicy MSG/umami bomb. It's not bad, but it's not really mayonnaise. It's more of a hot chicken sauce.

>> No.16513243
File: 5 KB, 250x229, eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look up Century eggs after looking through thread
>scroll to the bottom of the page
>see this
what the fuck Chinabros...
>urine is collected from prepubescent peasant boys
>The soaking process allows the eggs to become cured in the urine as they are left to simmer
>The eggs have been listed by officials in China as a part of the region's "local intangible cultural heritage"
everything about China fits into place begins to fit into place

>> No.16513264

>no rhino horn

>> No.16513270

get me 5 bats plz I need to make medicine

>> No.16513273

Lmao this is way too believable

>> No.16513320

ayo holup gemme some them thick noodles and thai holy basil. we finna eat some good ass garlic drunken noodles tonight.

>> No.16513333
File: 8 KB, 200x138, 1340504914607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ridiculously spicy Chinese hot sauce
lost it here hopefully the rest of this pasta keeps this pace

>> No.16513337

U mad?

>> No.16513350

yeee srikaya. go nutter for it

>> No.16513358

black duck eggs.