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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16505543 No.16505543 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any way to make edibles not taste like shit?

>> No.16505561

don't add weed

>> No.16505569


>> No.16505575

Yeah just buy distillate. Take a glob and swallow it like a pill.

>> No.16505576

I like the way weed tastes

>> No.16505578

Instead of using the straight bud you need to make into into hash which removes the plant material that causes the nasty taste. Melt the hash into your butter or oil and you’ll get edibles with all of the potency with none of the grossness.

>> No.16505595

Yeah, if you swallow a bullet from a fired pistol first, it really enhances the dudeweed flavor. I know you're not an addict and can quit anytime, but I know you also always have to be high every day so I recommend trying the bullet method.

>> No.16505615
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>Yeah, if you swallow a bullet from a fired pistol first, it really enhances the dudeweed flavor. I know you're not an addict and can quit anytime, but I know you also always have to be high every day so I recommend trying the bullet method.

>> No.16505619

.t never offered a smoke in his life

>> No.16505624


>> No.16505652


>> No.16505770

You need to decarboxylate the weed first.
Finely grind and make a foil pouch for it all. Bake in oven at 250 for 30 minutes.
After that heat oil in a double boiler. Stir every once in a while and let it infuse for 30 minutes or so. Strain and use the oil. If you do it this way all the good stuff will be extracted, but won't be too weedy. If you really want to reduce weed flavor use high thc weed in a minimal amount of oil, so you dont need to use as much in your recipes.

>> No.16505774

Not /qa/ though

>> No.16505785

After decarbing, when you infuse to your fat, add water too, then let it set in the fridge over night. Take the set fats off and discard the water with all the chlorophyll etc in it, that's the shit taste.

>> No.16505890


>> No.16505915

based. fuck drug addicts. they're so god damn annoying.

>> No.16505919
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>based. fuck drug addicts. they're so god damn annoying.

>> No.16506022
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weed isn't a drug, its a plant

>> No.16506032

Start with clarified butter, the milk solids and bud react to give it that awful taste.

>> No.16506047

keep coping and toking you degenerates. hope you move on to heroin some day and die with an AIDS needle in your arm.

>> No.16506091


>process the shit out of it before consuming

>> No.16506114

anti-weed fags are even more annoying than dudeweedbros

>> No.16506118

>takes xanax
>drinks alcohol
>drinks coffee
hurrrr druggies are degenerates

>> No.16506125

alcohol just feels better than weed. cope harder plant-man

>> No.16506140

I smoked for years and I agree. Alcohol is better than weed.

>> No.16506142

I don't use weed, hate the stuff. Just saying you're a faggot for thinking people who use weed are degenerates.

>> No.16506144

mix the two

>> No.16506180

Anyone tried to make weedbutter pancakes?
How did it come out?

>> No.16506300

tried it, it's terrible

>> No.16506326

>thinks popping xannies is standard
No, it's not.
Check yourself in somewhere, fuck.

>> No.16506331

weed makes you gay lol

>> No.16506337

Summer can't be over soon enough.
Also, go fuck with the /tbg/ retard druggies, at least we're talking about food here.

>> No.16506684

when you are using a sieve to strain out the butter from the flower...don't push or pull on the plant matter at all (in essence, don't try to squeeze out every last drop). you will squeeze in the nasty tasting stuff which is terpenes I think.

>> No.16506694

smoking this next bowl for you, nigger

>> No.16506695

it was really really good. I did buttermilk pancakes and I was fucked up in about 30 minutes.

>> No.16506707

The taste doesn't matter. You're eating it for the effect not flavor.

>> No.16506732

KEK you can’t stop talking about us even in completely unrelated threads, peak rent-free

>> No.16506802

Make them with concentrates, like shatter or crumble. In college, we used to take high quality shatter and make cannabis butter with it, then use the butter to make fruity pebble rice krispy treats. They tasted fantastic and would absolutely floor you.

>> No.16506809

You’d be astounded at the amount of people taking some form of benzodiazepine on a daily basis.
t. pharmacist

>> No.16506824

>career exclusives involves dispensing medications
>'look at all these people that take medicine! i never see anyone who doesn't!'

>> No.16506844


let's talk about your medicines...or really, i'd rather not

would it just melt together into the same solution and then you use that? how long it take to infuse?

>> No.16506878

You just have to make sure you bring it up to the correct temperature and time for decarboxylation to occur, then you’re set

>> No.16506979

Use hash or some other type of extract instead of bud. I prefer this method because you can don't have to strain the bud out.

>> No.16507766

I literally only take one 10mg edible like once every two weeks but I can go longer without it. Retard.

>> No.16507923


>> No.16507931

I have a Codeine and Promethazine script and get denied sometimes by pharmacy techs, why is this? I know some can abuse it but I don't look sketchy.

>> No.16507937

Also, learn how to bake and use good recipes and not some bs premixed shit from the store

>> No.16507949

i saw a black kid leave a doctors office all happy and telling everyone have a great day and wanting to shake peoples hands because he got his good news - more codeine

>> No.16507951

>doing anything means it's processed and processing anything is bad!
You're a fucking retard

>> No.16507967

You have to talk to a shitty doctor. I have debilitating anxiety to the point where I can't take out the trash unless it's 7:50pm and I have to check my windows first to be sure nobody will see me
But because I drink beer I can't get benzos

>> No.16508008

Is it really abused that much? I know about xanax abuse but never abusing cough syrup especially with codeine being a mild pain killer
I have a good relationship with my doctor it's just the pharmacy folk and them wanting to call my doctor every time and me waiting up to an hour or having to drive to another pharmacy.

>> No.16508022


>> No.16508025

Yell at their manager and make them write down that you're not a junkie and to stop fucking with you

>> No.16508051

Literally what a junkie would do moron.

>> No.16508112

it's not that bad. i have these gummies though and weed does NOT mesh well with dextrose and gelling agents. i bet rich, sugary icing would counter that sharp thc taste.

>> No.16508250

the "dudeweedbro" is just a phase
it's people that have been smoking so long that their brain turned to mush and they don't even realise it that people hate on. not the high shool/college stoner bro

>> No.16508331

Reminds me of the stoners who go on about how it's a plant bro, it's not addictive bro, but then spend all their money on weed and become extremely agitated if they have to go a couple days without

>> No.16508419

Shhhhhh nobody cares about brainlet opinions, now go back to your retard containment thread like a good little dipshit.

>> No.16508441


>> No.16508452

>Reminds me of the smokers who go on about how it's a plant bro, it's not that addictive bro, but then spend all their money on cigars and become extremely agitated if they have to go a couple days without

>> No.16508590

is just being agitated all the time like anti-weed fags better?

>> No.16508594

yeah you can remove the weed and stop being such a fucking loser for your whole life.

>> No.16508660

>somebody likes something I don't like! What a loser!
Grow up.

>> No.16508682

I'm not retarded you're retarded

>> No.16508691

If he liked it, he wouldn't be bitching about it on a slant eyed wooden shoe making board.

>> No.16508728

Eat a bullet faggot.

>> No.16508764

Nah. Just decarb the weed then make firecrackers

>> No.16508900

>turns into a raging sperg at the mere mention of marijuana
Seek help or an hero retard.

>> No.16508906

I don't do any of those

>> No.16509170


>> No.16509236

lmfao. not at the ironic soyjak posting but the actual post

>> No.16509300


>> No.16509339

weed doesn't feel. it reveals.

>> No.16509351


>> No.16509445

>its a plant
So is coca but you don't see people making cocaine infused brownies.

>> No.16509451


>> No.16510045

I mean, I've made drinks infused with it. Classic Coke.

>> No.16510075

Just get addicted to the weed then your brain will think it tastes good. Happened to me with opaites and grapefruit juice. Even years after quitting opiates i still love grapefruit

>> No.16510730

Walked around San Fran for years doing opiates and sipping on grapefruit juice in a thermos. When I ran out of juice I would just walk into a store, pop open the cap and poor some into the thermos and walk out. Used to always hangout with the skaters and they are the most degenerate, they did all kinds of wack shit to get some alt girl pussy

>> No.16510741

Buy from a dispensary

>> No.16510758

I was gay before taking weed. Now I am bicurious and I dont like it

>> No.16510799

Yes. For example, I don't like raping kids. People who rape kids are fucking losers.

>> No.16510969
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Stop making sweets.

Use herb in savory food like bechamel and red sauces.

Also, holy shit use it in curry because the fats in coconut work great with ABV which is my cooking THC source.

>> No.16510981

I had weed brownies once, they were shit. But honestly, there is so much legal edibles that taste amazing now. OP is just a faggot.

>> No.16511258

Melt some butter in tea or any other hot drink and drink it like a shot, then eat some good food later when you're stoned.

>> No.16511500

no, just smoke and eat afterwards. at best it will be like hoppy beer, that is to say you won't actually like it

>> No.16511624

They’re oddly suspicious of certain people, and I don’t understand it myself. I work at a long term care pharmacy and the prescriber’s approval carries the most weight, unless a pharm thinks it’s life-threatening. If you’ve got a valid script and a fill is due, techs should have no right to deny it, but they do.

>> No.16511636

Oh, just say you need it STAT. If it doesn’t work in person, then call ahead and say that.

>> No.16512391

>Yeah, if you swallow a bullet from a fired pistol first, it really enhances the dudeweed flavor. I know you're not an addict and can quit anytime, but I know you also always have to be high every day so I recommend trying the bullet method.
Imagine seething so hard that you report this post, lmao

>> No.16512412
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>> No.16512415

I made a massive weed brownie and it had 0 taste. For reference, I didn’t use fresh flowers. Instead I went with already vaped bud (20g) and hashish.

>> No.16512431

If you double boiler your butter and don't let it get too hot it really shouldn't taste like weed unless you're putting 100+ mg per brownie.

>> No.16512435


>> No.16512442

I hate the idea of weed brownies. Let me eat this decadent dessert and then get high and get the munchies and want even more dessert

>> No.16512447

Came here to mention that I've only ever had rice kripsy and lollipop edibles and they tasted 100% like normal.

>> No.16512457

That's the problem, if you make your weed brownies too good you'll accidentally the whole thing without realizing and then get toasted as fuck

>> No.16512483

smoke pot like a normal person then eat a normal brownie

>> No.16512578

my friends hate smoking so they either
>drink tinctures
>eat edible
I smoke but I get it not liking it.,

>> No.16512740

personally i recommend pecans

>> No.16512755

this, but unironically

>> No.16513050

I hate the taste of weed and don’t even partake much any more but in my college days a buddy gave me his spare sugar leaves to make butter/oil. The two best recipes I came up to cover the taste were
>peppermint brownies made with coconut oil
>milk chocolate chunk/cherry/walnut cookies made with butter
>honorable mention: soft caramels

Also do the goddamn math on your dosages, if you make your fat/oil well then just about 2 tsp or even less is a respectable dose. You can always mix the weed butter with regular butter to tone down the flavor in your recipes.

>> No.16513074

Also, add 2 cups of water or so then refrigerate the oil or butter overnight so any unfiltered bits stay in the water and your clean oil rises to the top and solidifies. Also try to scrape off any black/brown residue that accumulates under the solid.

>> No.16513075

Coconut oil. Great extraction method too.

>> No.16514349

>seething phone poster

>> No.16514369

water cure the weed by putting in a jar with water and letting it soak. change the water a few times. You will dissolve/remove chlorophyll and its vegetal taste without removing thc

>> No.16514548

Precisely! Just like how I don't like you, so you are a loser! And you should kill yourself!

>> No.16514564


>> No.16514567

i would if i could get it legal and uncut

>> No.16514575

Edibles give you a different high. You feel it throughout your entire body, not just in your head.

>> No.16514611

>Is there any way to make edibles not taste like shit?
Yes, make brigadeiro, like a true huehuebrbr.

Melt butter, add ground weed, stir it in low heat for like 30 secs to a minute, add condensed milk (milk maiden if possible as it is the most popular), add a few spoons of your choice of chocolate powder, stir at high heat until thick.

Let it cool and eat with a spoon or you can row it into balls by covering your hands with oil, grabbing a bit of it and rolling into a ball before dropping it into a bowl of sprinkles.

If you do not like the taste of the plant, you can strain the butter after frying to remove the plant bits before continuing with the cooking.

Have fun!

>> No.16515888

Gingersnap cookies work pretty well depending on how intense you dose them, the spices do a good job of masking the cannabis.

>> No.16515897
File: 111 KB, 1024x1014, CB7F2A68-099E-48B5-81CD-40C81E9215BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine the world where I could pick up a can of Coke-a-cola a shroom-burger and a pot brownie from publix.

>> No.16515898

lol why are weedfags so hilariously fragile?

>> No.16515906

The drugs prevented brain development.

>> No.16515908

literally cribbing insults from woke niggers

>> No.16516072

coca leaves are commonly chewed and brewed tho, so keep seething. :)

>> No.16516984

You know you're retarded right? This ia a good way to fuck yourself over and trip such absolute balls you end up becoming a liability for others. The dossge is impossible to measure unless you buy it from a professional. Stop trying to make your own and buy it from the dispensary.

>> No.16516991

*Stop trying to make it yourself and just buy it from the dispensary

>> No.16517011

>mess up dosage and take too much
>ruin your night and stay in bed because you aren't a retard and know it will pass
And that's totally avoidable by starting out by taking a tiny dose of your homemade edible to see how strong it is. Meanwhile boozers regularly voluntarily take too much and become a public nuisance, killing people on the road, starting fights, and filling up hospital beds and drunk tanks.

Enjoy spending $25+ for 10 doses of edibles I guess. I'm gonna keep making my own for a hell of a lot less money and not overdosing because I'm not such a retard that I would take a full serving of an unknown strength edible.

>> No.16517023

You're both fucking retards. One for not knowing that people have been making edibles since before it was ever legalized or measured, and the other for weed good booze bad faggot shit.

>> No.16517046

If you're going the typical baked goods route, use a lot more sugar and vanilla than you normally would, weed flavor doesn't mesh well at all with brownies so you need to mask it by making your brownies extra sweet. What I do, however, is just make a bunch of butter, and then anything in which I'd use butter to cook it, I use weed butter. Grilled cheese, pork chops, steak with rosemary and garlic, the savory, herbal weed flavor is a perfect complement for most savory foods.
In fact, the only way I'll eat steak now is if I use weed butter, it adds a whole new dimension of flavor and then I get high and don't feel so heavy in the stomach.

>> No.16517072


Don't buy or use shit products.

>> No.16517212

No dispensary in Wyoming, where you can go to prison over a couple of grams of bud, like my brother who happened to be right about to leave his dealer's house when the dealer got raided. Caught with 2gs, got two years and two more of supervised release, first offense. But what am I supposed to do, myself? Move to fucking, Allah forgive me for uttering this word, Colorado?

>> No.16518001

lol why do retards always change the topic when I show them how retarded they are?

>> No.16518005

>t. has never gotten high off edibles before

>> No.16518038

>where you can go to prison over a couple of grams of bud,
Yo what the fuck are you serious? I have been to Wyoming a couple times to visit a friend and we always drive to Colorado to hit up some dispensaries and bring stuff back.

>> No.16518230

DUDE lmao

>> No.16518237

lmao DUDE
>captcha: GGKHV

>> No.16518308

Never had edibles. But cooking the thc in chocolate and sugar isn't enough?

>> No.16518424

>deeply flawed logic
>complete non-argument
>thinks hes a genius
weedfags basically

>> No.16518452

>>deeply flawed logic
>>complete non-argument
>>thinks hes a genius
Lol is this how brainlets think? Go back your cave you faggot troll.

>> No.16518455

kek ok m8 maybe you smoke more weed you seem a bit wound up

>> No.16518463

take a shit in the edibles before cooking that way they dont taste like shit but you actually get an authentic shit taste every bite

>> No.16519255

coconut oil and more sugar than the recipe calls for.