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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.23 MB, 3992x2994, Uber Vodka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16502269 No.16502269[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>go through ~15 months of lockdown without ordering delivery food once
>subsist on drive through, take-out, and late-night grocery store trips
>things finally reopen on a partial basis
>get vaccine
>things start getting back to normal
>work is getting busy
>clutch dies on the way home from a busy friday night
>actually feel a sense of dread and helplessness for the first time
>end up ordering a $16 handle of vodka for $35 to be delivered to my door on uber eats
I have no burger. I have no Taco Bell. But I have my vodka, and some bananas, and am going to drink vodka ant eat canned chili with canned fried tofu – because that’s what I have in my pantry.

I didn’t know you could get hard alcohol delivered to you on your phone. This is dangerous.

>> No.16502281

>Chili with meat with beans

Is "chili" the sauce it's in?

>> No.16502286

>I didn’t know you could get hard alcohol delivered to you on your phone. This is dangerous.
Eh, the absurd markup and limited selection usually makes me pass this is up. On the other hand, I've got my license suspended for two months right now and I'm really not sure if I want to be driving around unlicensed right now since the cops love to camp out at liquor store on weekends and holidays.

>> No.16502290

so you lived off take-out and drive-through but god forbid you get delivery during the pandemic?? what am I missing here

>> No.16502293

how long will it take for you to drink the handle of vodka?

>> No.16502294

>what am I missing here
About 9000 more calories and another bottle of vodka. I hope he dies.

>> No.16502296

You feel dread and helplessness - but not rage towards the situation that holds you hostage - to your job that demands you to have a working vehicle to arrive - to your nation for providing inadequate public transportation to participate in society despite your taxes - to your vehicle for being shoddily made

fix your priorities my dude

>> No.16502297

I don't think you understand mental illness. It's a mixed bag of rational and irrational compulsions.

>> No.16502435

You gonna miss the Steelies?

>> No.16502451

>work is getting busy
What's your job?

>> No.16502473

That was a sad read.
rip OP.

>> No.16502484
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>liquor delivery through an app
god help me, I had no idea this was a thing. I live in a state run liquor state

>> No.16502493

I like your style but raging will do fuck all in this concrete situation. There is a difference having a concrete, individual problem now and having a bigger problem in society. It takes time to fix the problem in society. That doesn't help for now even if you rage.
t. not OP

>> No.16502561

>>get vaccine
Oof, have fun dying

>> No.16502722

I'm amazed I've managed to get up off my ass to buy booze through this whole pandemic since it was recently made legal to deliver. Super weird that I could order booze in Cali, but living in Vegas, couldn't do it until the coof.

>> No.16502961

No. Chili is the sauce with the meat and beans. They label it because most people who buy it in cans are using it as a sauce, on other things, which is the only time people don't add beans. Sometimes they also make it vegetarian. It's kind of just a weird thing about canned chili.

>> No.16503071
File: 3.24 MB, 3992x2994, uber vodka 8 2 21 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot I had some freezer burnt hash browns in the freezer. Seasoned them up with some paprika, garlic powder, chili powder, and tajin.
>the absurd markup
I feel this way about food, but with vodka you can just pour it into an empty Tito's or Grey Goose bottle and pretend like you meant to spend $35 on a handle. It's not like there's really a significant difference in quality between those and something like NA or Seagram's.

>> No.16503081
File: 2.80 MB, 3992x2994, uber vodka 8 2 21 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to add some extra water when I reheat stuff so that I don't really have to worry about stirring it without it scorching, and the steam heats up the tofu. It seems like common sense, but most amateurs forget that water evaporates.
>what am I missing here
The part where I mentioned I also go to the grocery store?

>> No.16503095
File: 3.19 MB, 3992x2994, uber vodka 8 2 21 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wala. Chili and tofu over the crispy potatoes, topped with serrano and angry grandma pickled chili pepper. Nothing like the occasional comfy pantry sloppa.
Last one took me around 30 hours.
>you feel dread and helplessness - but not rage towards the situation that holds you hostage
Haha. Why do you think I drink?

>> No.16503097

>Non vaccinateds tongue my anus.

>> No.16503101

Holy mother of sloppa

>> No.16503123
File: 2.81 MB, 3992x2994, uber vodka 8 2 21 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly not half bad. I bought a big ass jar of those pickled chili peppers on a whim and have been having a hard time finding things they pair well with, but they're pretty good with the sweetness of the Inarizushi-No-Moto, which just kind of fills out the flavor of the chili and seasoned hash browns. I should cook at home more often.
Different anon.
"I'm the cook."

>> No.16503128
File: 3.05 MB, 3992x2994, uber vodka 8 2 21 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good, dood.

>> No.16503132

>uber vodka
reminds me of last year when I would abuse promo codes for <$5 bottles of vodka delivered, i had to quit eventually since it was fattening and i was becoming an alchy

>> No.16503226

New Hampshire?

>> No.16503241

The most disgusting thing about op is how he eats a ton of different food and drinks that don't even go well together

Who the fuck drinks milk tea while eating canned chili, vodka and bananas? Fucking subhuman just wolfs food down

>> No.16503248

do you sit alone at home and pair wine and grapes like a fag?

>> No.16503266
File: 2.98 MB, 4072x3054, TB 7 20 21 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how he eats a ton of different food and drinks that don't even go well together
I take offence to that statement. Yes, I like to experiment - and always give my feedback on how things pair together - but I feel as though I'm usually pretty mindful about my flavor profiles. And I'm never afraid to admit when something I did wasn't a good combination. I honestly don't know where this is coming from.

>> No.16503283

why did you refrain from ordering delivery, but not take-out or drive through?

>> No.16503320

Simply put, because I enjoy hitting the car flask and then deciding what I want to eat. 9/10 times, it's taco bell

>> No.16503334
File: 2.83 MB, 4072x3054, TB 7 20 21 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if serious, but I'll bite. Take-out and drive through don't charge a 300% markup.
You're supposed to post a 2 year old image (and forget to adjust the filename) when you impersonate me. You're getting sloppy - even if you're on point.

>> No.16503342


>> No.16503356

the way you said "go through ~15 months of lockdown without ordering delivery food once" made it seem like it was a choice connected to the pandemic in some way. So you had money for a delivery fee before? ok.

>> No.16503358

I actually like your posts but what's with all the gay jap shit dude?

>> No.16503363

>all the gay jap shit
That's garganelli, with a meatball.
I'll admit: it really could have used some green onion.

>> No.16503373

Obviously I'm talking about the figurines and shit

>> No.16503517


>> No.16503638

>you had money for a delivery fee before? ok
There's always money to splurge on something, but when you do it regularly it turns into a luxury. If I could I'd live in a hotel room and just order room service for every other meal, but that's just silly - despite the fact that I enjoy doing that once or twice a year.

>> No.16503758

bro i'll fix your impreza

>> No.16504157

>abuse promo codes for <$5 bottles of vodka delivered
Where were these promo codes? Everything I saw was for free first time delivery on orders over $15 or similarly not great deals.

>> No.16504636

This fucking faggot is now just posting blogs, doesn't even bother with the pretense of displaying food anymore.
Anyone feeding this dreg by regularly replying to these threads should be deeply ashamed.

>> No.16504948

It's literally a cook along thread...

>> No.16504975

>canned chili
>frozen hashbrowns
>cook along
Whatever you say faggot/op
Ironic McChicken threads have more fucking content then this fat fucking alcoholic posts

>> No.16504995

>hates oc and considers it "blogging"
>defends mcchicken threads
You're in the wrong place, anon.

>> No.16505007

new customer offers for uber/deliveroo etc on twitter and voucher websites n shit, random email + online sms activation service plus using a service that gave unlimited VCCs let me use new customer offers (£15 off £15, or £15 off £20). It's not as easy now since you need to have received most codes by email to be able to use them, but I register accounts in advance so that if I ever want takeout I know it will ~75% discount or better.

>> No.16505013

How are any of ops threads OC?
Literally just him posting with his weeb shit/ liquor bottles, and food that is "slowly" killing him.
Go start a fucking blog

>> No.16505033

>literally just him posting liquor and food that he's currently cooking/eating/drinking
Do you even know what "OC" means? "I don't like it so it doesn't count" isn't an argument, and never has been.

>> No.16505042

>literally just complaining about off topic content instead of running to the jannies like the fag he is
go start a blog faggot

>> No.16505069

You know what would stop shitting up all of this faggots threads? If he started using a Trip. I highly suggest it, then unlike every other thread where it's 50/50 hate and dick sucking, those who don't wanna see his shit can filter him out.
If he want's to post "OC" on a weekly basis start a Trip.

>> No.16505076

>hates oc
>defends mcchicken threads
>actually wants more tripfags

>> No.16505171

Yeah, that's way more effort than I'm willing to go through. As soon as I read "twitter" I was like, "nah".

>> No.16505425

You obviously recognized the OP and decided to post in the thread nonetheless. Having another trip would only give you one more thing to get mad about. If you don't like the thread why not just ignore it?

>> No.16505556
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>Actually being stupid enough to take the vaccine

>> No.16505592

Unfortunately not everyone has the luxury of being a NEET.

>> No.16505593

Your job can't make you take it, idiot

>> No.16505616

No, but they can make you wear a mask, which is more uncomfortable than the 15 minutes it takes to get the fucking shot, and we would have been out of masks 6 months earlier if people weren't so lazy and stupid and just got vaccinated in the first place.

>> No.16505625

I literally didn't even win the local vaccine lottery until mid-June and then they told me the second shot would be delayed up to two months. Do you know how fucking annoying it is to hear holier-than-thou pricks like you whining about something I have no control over?

>> No.16505646

They were giving them away to walk ins at CVS and Safeway where I live in early May. "6 months" might have been a bit of hyperbolic, but people still aren't even trying to get it, and it's fucking over everyone else. I was able to get mine early because I work in the industry, and apparently people can't live without going out to eat.

>> No.16505651
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>and we would have been out of masks 6 months earlier if people weren't so lazy and stupid and just got vaccinated in the first place.
Not so fast buddy, the vaccinated still have to wear masks, you will always wear a mask because you're a bitch and do what you're told

>> No.16505667

>i refuse to get the vaccine because there are new variants and we have to go back to wearing masks because some people refuse to get the vaccine

>> No.16505673

Your head could be smashed against a curb in front of a curb 80 times and your family would cry tears of joy as your worthless shitstain-on-the-fabric-of-reality existence is wiped from the face of the earth

>> No.16505678

I decline the untested gene therapy because it killed the animals they tested it on in trials, the "delta variant" is because the virus is mutating because of the vaccinated according to the CDC and WHO themselves, you are responsible for the deadlier variant

You are just upset that I am correct

>> No.16505684
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Honestly I hope your family dies in a car wreck

>> No.16505782
File: 234 KB, 704x530, 1625443329256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just looked through the catalog and these are the current OC threads:
Cream cheese in coffee
OP makes a grilled cheese
Beer general
Baking general
Brazilian hot dog
Expired bodega cereal
Rate my terrible onion rings
Hot pockets and diablo sauce (not even the best TB sauce)
Well done steak, white rice, fried garlic, fried mushrooms, fried onions, all in a mayonnaise sauce
Medium steak with ketchup
Moldy peanuts
Costco bulgogi out of Tupperware
Anon is confused that his rice has starch
Anon got his first double yolk egg and thought it was worth making a thread about
Fridge thread
I’m drinking a monster and don’t like it

And yet you find this thread to be the worst of the bunch? What alternative, 2013 /ck/ are you living in where people still post actual food and ask actual questions about food and cooking, and how do I get there?

>> No.16505797

I wanna watch you slurp down some bananas

>> No.16505817

>This is dangerous
You know anyone who actually enjoys alcohol, especially spirits, will likely have more than they can drink a night at home.

>> No.16505829

Around here the police have important paperwork to do back at the office, and they'll only come out to park at the bottom of a hill with a speedometer once a year to meet their quota.

>> No.16505831

It's not literally dangerous in the sense that anon is going to die of alcohol poisoning. It's just a way for drunks to be extra lazy and throw their money away because they don't want to drive 15 minutes.