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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16501827 No.16501827 [Reply] [Original]

what kind of beans and rice do i get? everyone always says this is one of the best things to eat on a budget but theres like 8000 fucking kinds of each thing. fucks sake

also do i cook the beans or what. yes i am a retard but i'm fucking trying to eat better

>> No.16501963

Depends on the dish.

S tier (all around best)
Black, red, and navy (white)

A tier (pretty good, but situational as fuck)
Split peas, pinto, kidney, garbanzo

Green tier (technically beans but you can eat them in their pods)
Green beans / romano (italian) beans / peas.

Everything else is meme tier, skip it.

>> No.16502202

>kidney in A tier

>> No.16502226

Situationally, such as in chili

>> No.16502244

I just want to remind you that you are allowed to make decisions on your own buddy. Taste is highly subjective, so the only way for you to figure out which beans and rice to get is to try a few different kinds to hone in on your favorites.

Quit being a sheep.

>> No.16502301
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You don't have to spoiler chili. Only meme-loving tranny faggots care if you do or do not eat chili with beans.
>Quit being a sheep.
I was with you until this last statement. MAGA people don't understand cooking (or anything really)

>> No.16502310

>do i cook the beans
uhh, yeah. You will have the best results soaking them overnight and then boiling them the night you plan on eating them.

Do you have a pressure cooker/Instant Pot? My go-to for beans and rice is to saute a bunch of vegetables, add seasonings, add rice, add beans, cook on high pressure for 10-15 minutes. Black beans don't need to be soaked overnight if you cook them in a pressure cooker for such a short duration, but all of the others do.

Rice is all pretty much the same. Just buy whatever's cheapest if you're trying to save money. Probably long-grain? But keep an eye on whether jasmine or medium grain rices are on sale at your supermarket. They may be cheaper than long-grain once in a while.

>> No.16502311

He put his time and effort into asking people what he should think rather than figuring it out himself. How is that not a sheepish behavior?

>> No.16502326
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Look up recipes for rajma chawal, thank me later

>> No.16502332

It doesn't matter if it is or is not sheepish behavior. The fact that you are posting on 4chan where every retarded person says someone is a sheep means you need ridicule. Even if you didn't know you were using a MAGA catch-phrase.

>> No.16502343

That lime seems kinda weird and purposeless.

>> No.16502352

I think he's just asking for suggestions as to what you think is good.

Anyway, as for rice, just start by trying the big 3 major types. Carolina (regular long grain white rice), Basmati, and Jasmine.

Invest in a rice cooker. You can get a decent one for ~$30. This is a necessary kitchen tool and will greatly improve your life.


>> No.16502358
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I hate that tonight

I had jasmine rice and pinto beans. Thats what i used.
I put the beans in a bowl of water in the fridge for like 24 hours. To cook, I boiled them in seasoned water with half an onion and some chicken stock for like 40 minutes.
The rice i just used my rice cooker.

I also fried one italian sausage (removed the casing), and in the sausage fat once it was done i fried some chopped onion, pepper, and broccoli.

I mixed it all up, seasoned it with salt, pepper, added paprika, old bay, cumin, and the juice of one lime. All to taste.

It was fucking great, cheap, and healthy

>> No.16502360

You're unfathomably stupid. Get your retarded politics off the cooking board you white knighting troglodyte. Isn't there a board specifically designed for "people" like you? Why not go there and spew your diarrhea?

>> No.16502361

You have to cook the rice in with everything else to make good rice and beans you homo

>> No.16502364

I ate*

>> No.16502369

I’ll have to try this, thanks

>> No.16502372

So you cook the beans until almost done and then put the rice in until cooked? Never tried it like this. Sounds like an annoying way when you can make then both separately and it's ablut 10x easier.

>> No.16502373

we all knew what you meant except this guy
Who is in preschool eating paste

>> No.16502384

No you start the onlins and garlic in some oil and then throw the spices and rice in to bloom the flavors. That takes like all of 5 min max and you pour broth or water in and then cover for a while. You can add the beans in and simmer.

>> No.16502388

Yes. If you have an instant pot / pressure cooker, you don't even need to soak the beans overnight.
Just throw the dry beans right in there.

>> No.16502397

Oh with canned beans... Yeah that makes more sense.

Yeah the pressure cooker is the shit for beans. A small tip is to let the pressure naturally drop instead of venting and it won't burst as many beans.

>> No.16502414

>Oh with canned beans... Yeah that makes more sense.
No not canned beans - you soak the beans overnight. Am I taking crazy pills?? What is wrong with everyone??

>> No.16502426

I think you're creating confusion because most if not all beans take way longer to cook than rice.

>> No.16502430

>dude you should do shit the hard way because its tRaDiTiOnAl.....

puerto ricans and cubans please leave

>> No.16502433

what are you talking about woman? you can def use canned beans

>> No.16502454

My guy. Making dried beans is objectively better than canned beans. If you have a pressure cooker it makes it stupid easy. No soaking, and delicious beans in about 45 minutes. Cheaper, healthier, tastier, oh baby.

>> No.16502464

>the hard way

Its litterally just putting a bunch of beans in a bowl of water in the fridge, then dumping then the next day in some more water and boiling and waiting.

If you dont like cooking just order some jack in the box amerimutt

>> No.16502478

Not sure why, but Ive never been able to do beans well by boiling them. Even after soaking and not using salt etc they always take like 4 fucking hours and you have to keep an eye on the water level so the beany bitches don't burn.

>> No.16502485

its literally just putting a bunch of beans in the instant pot and pressing "start"

now which one of these methods is quicker and easier

>> No.16502498

its beyond the point, they're both fucking easy

if one of those techniques is inconvenient to you you're a fucking retard

>> No.16502510

maybe its the beans you used?
I soaked my beans for 12 hours and boiled for 1, they were good

>> No.16502522

Possibly. I do know that if your beans are very old they can take longer, so maybe that was it. Thankfully I have a pressure cooker now, so I don't have to figure it out anymore.

>> No.16502937

sorry, i got completely pre-occupied with something and forgot about this thread

i can't really afford to waste food/money trying stuff out but i otherwise agree with you

a friend of mine got me an instant pot for christmas so yeah, i actually do have one. thanks

is it true that i dont need to soak the beans if I have an instant pot? don't care either way really but I never heard that before

>> No.16502975

If you soak before pressure cooking less of the beans will burst. You can just allow the pressure in your instant pot to reduce completely and you'll be fine without soaking.

Also both beans and rice are all fairly similar in taste, so even if you don't really like them they aren't going to be so bad you'll waste them.

Also I quite like cannelini, great white northern, and these big ass white beans for a salad. The giants ones are pretty fun.

>> No.16502992

its there to cut the taste out and offer some refreshment.

>> No.16502999

How is Kidney not in S?

>> No.16503006 [DELETED] 

moros y cristianos o te jodes kabron

>> No.16503035

for rice and beans *always* get black beans. for rice get... the types that dont stick together too much. long grain/basmati i would envision.

>> No.16503042
File: 22 KB, 396x360, killeveryone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is full of retards.

>> No.16503058

this is my first time posting, but why not reply with your own answer instead of being lazy?

>> No.16503062

Because it's pure projection.

>> No.16503551

do it like this and it will be delicious

>> No.16503742

black beans are good

>> No.16503877

How are pinto beans situational? If anything, black beans go in A tier. Their flavor is so overpowering that they are a bad choice for anything except a side of plain boiled or refried beans, they cover up any and all other flavors mixed in with them.

>> No.16504426
File: 40 KB, 500x500, 519k8a40noL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for black beans you have to get a decent adobo. not that goya shit. if dry pressure cook with a bit of saute garlic onion and bay leaf but if you get canned you have to adobo. penzeys adobo is unirconically based. a bit of sour cream helps and its cheap.

>> No.16504465 [DELETED] 

People used sheep to refer to people before MAGA /pol/tard. Keep your autistic worldview contained in your containment board.

>> No.16504700

Surely this is a troll post, right? No one is so retarded and Trump-obsessed that they attribute an ancient meme like "sheeple" to the bogeyman who lives in their head? Surely.

>> No.16504784

You sure showed him with your ReDdIt TyPoGrAPhy

>> No.16505017

I can afford to fill my fridge so I'd rather not waste space on beans that I could've cooked directly in my instant pot

>> No.16505094

>putting dried beans in the fridge

>> No.16505513

I wouldn't recommend rice and beans to someone looking to eat on a budget, especially with limited cooking experience. It's memed because it's shelf stable and, when purchased in bulk, can be obtained for sub-dollar per pound prices. If your life is particularly hectic, it's nice to not worry about refrigeration or it getting stale/moldy. But I'd argue it's a fairly advanced dish to make well. At least well enough that you will look forward to eating it every day without getting bored or malnourished. You will need some kind of pork fat to make it even remotely palatable which may or may not negate the budget aspects of it. Smoked ham hocks and pork necks are fairly affordable though. Poors around the globe have learned to live off of it, so it's not exactly rocket science, either. YMMV As someone who had maybe 30 minutes in the evening to prepare a meal, rice and beans wasn't all it was cracked up to be. When combined, it reheats like shit, so making fresh rice in a rice cooker every day is a must. The beans by themselves reheat just fine.

If you live in America, you're much better off looking at the sales paper that your grocery store mails you every week. You can buy inexpensive cuts of meats and sausages and seasonal vegetables and staples every day of the month. You can spend $80-100/month with relative ease and still eat well. Just roast or steam the veggies and pan sear the meat or roast it wrapped in foil on low heat in the oven, depending on the cut.

>> No.16505522

Just buy canned beans, cook rice, add in pepper and MSG, some butter, and you’re golden bro

>> No.16505611

There was a bag of beans with a recipe on the back, it taught me to hard boil the beans in a pot, and then leave a lid on and turn the heat off, sit for 2 hours. Then you can cook like normal

>> No.16505871

>is it true that i dont need to soak the beans if I have an instant pot?
If you cook them under pressure long enough, you don't. I think it's usually like 30 minutes at high pressure to cook dry beans in an instant pot. But if you want to cook rice and beans at the same time in the cooker they need to be soaked overnight. Rice cooks much faster than beans and if you pressure cook rice for 30 minutes at high it will be gummy and partially dissolved.

>> No.16505944

i do wish it were easier to eat vegetarian on a budget, but i just try not to waste shit when i eat meat. better to fight for shit like lab-grown than it is to pretend like not eating chicken on my own is going to make a difference

i'll start keeping an eye out for sales on fresh shit, thanks

>> No.16505945

canned beans are convenience for sure, but for even more budget and best texture/flavor, soaking beans isn't a big sacrifice of time.

Basic formula is:
bag of beans, soaked overnight, or quick boil method, or pressure cooker
1/2 cup of sofrito you made, or jarred, or just a packet of sazon goya, additional seasoning like bouillion bay leaf
meat (smoked or cooked on the bone)

steamed rice w/glug of olive oil in the water, maybe a clove of garlic or sprinkle of onion flakes if you're doing your spices from the dollar store

I like all kinds of beans and rice, just work your way through the Americas and Caribbean trying them all. Every country will have a preferred bean or pea. Some will add coconut milk to the rice, or tomatoes or not, recaito vs sofrito. The most delicious thing you can do is partially bake a whole cut up chicken on the bone, then add arborio rice and stock/wine/stewed tomatoes, limes, onion, herbs, and other ingredients and finish them together. The rendered stock is rich with gelatin and makes a sticky risotto type rice. This is easily <$10 for the dinner that feeds 8. You could live off it.

>> No.16506720

>/ck/, the cooking board, having an extended debate over whether or not soaking dried beans before boiling them and including sauteed aromatics along with it counts as "too advanced" and "too much effort"
oh no no no

>> No.16506729

>also do i cook the beans or what.
Uncooked beans will kill you, so cooking them would probably be a good idea.

>> No.16506742

To be fair it’s a subjective debate and OP is clearly new to cooking

>> No.16506777

Buy a huge bag of store brand 15-minute white rice and 20 cans of lentils. Cook 1 cup of the dry rice in a covered pot on the stove, empty a can of the lentils into a dish and microwave. Just follow the instructions on the packaging for both. Combine and add salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, and a few shakes each of curry powder, chili powder, and smoked paprika.

>> No.16507168

Regular long grain white rice
Black or pinto beans

Cooking method:
- medium heat
- Put olive oil in a pot
- Add onions
- fry until translucent
- add garlic, I like grated
- Add rice
- Let the rice toast for a bit, like a minute
- Add water, you want a 1:2 rice to water ratio. So if you make 1 cup of uncooked rice, add 2 cups of water.
- Add salt and any other seasoning you like
- Increase to high
- When the water starts to boil, back the heat down to the minimum
- cover the pot
- set a timer for 10 min
- cook the rice covered for that amount of time
- when the time is up, let the rice rest for 5 min, covered
- after the 5 min are up, uncover the rice and fluff it with a fork

YMMV depending on stove and shit. I do it like this and the rice comes out perfect everytime

>Beans (assuming uncooked, bag beans not canned)
- Put beans in a container
- Sort through the beans a bit to make sure there no rocks or trash looking beans that may give you food poisoning
- Put beans in a pressure cooker
- Add enough water to cover the beans by about two to three fingers
- Add a bayleaf
- you can also add a bouillon stock cube and that skin part of bacon
- Seal the pressure cooker and high heat that bitch until it starts going "sssshhhhh"
- Back down heat to medium low and cook for about 15 minutes
- Dice some onions, garlic. You can also use celery and green bell pepper for that cajun shit
- In a frying pan, add lard or regular oil
- fry the onion until translucent. If you're using celery and bell peppers, add them now
- add garlic
- season with smoked paprika, oregano, cayenne and cumin
- When the beans are done and the pressures gone, add the frying pan veggies and spice to the beans and stir. I also like to add just a bit of ketchup and worce sauce
- With a laddle, smash some of the beans against the pot for a thicker sauce
- Taste and adjust for salt and spice
- Serve OVER the rice

>> No.16507172
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Did someone say BEANs?

>> No.16507178
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>> No.16507192
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>> No.16507193
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>> No.16508567

I prefer dried black beans and chewy brown rice.
soak beans fro 24h, cook them for a long time with bacon, garlic and onions.
Cook the rice (with turmeric and stock) but not fully, add it to the bean stew when u think its done and let the rice get done in there aswell.
I usually serve it with some chili lemon herb thing and raw onion on top.
Even my vegan friends love it they are usually very picky with food.
Lost 30kg only eating this all winter.

>> No.16508648

In all fields.