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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16500084 No.16500084[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Pic rel is obesity according to the cdc

What the hell makes mutts (especially blacks) so fat? Is it corn syrup? Sugar? McDonald's?

>> No.16500088


>> No.16500092

sounds like I need to move to new hampshire

>> No.16500096

All of what you listed, and in large portions. A good amount of black people also genetically hold onto weight more, as their bodies are more used to scarcity from a historical perspective. Beyond that, corner and convenience stores sell all sorts of junk food for pretty cheap. If you only have a dollar you can still get a pretty big bag of chips.
It's also due to lack of nutrition education, which is a whole other can of worms. "Food deserts" are a thing, but they're not as impactful as some would have you believe. It's the fact that even when grocery stores with healthier foods are built in some areas, they still go out of business due to proximity of fast food places and cheap corner snack stores.

>> No.16500099
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It's not an American problem. It's a modern problem. Fuck off with your D&C, kike.

>> No.16500108

fuck off we're full

>> No.16500123
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cheap foods have lots of sugar or salt or both
alcohol/beer is empty calories
southern folks usually have no respect for nutritional contents of food or are poorly educated about it.
black and latino people are usually lower middle class

>> No.16500131

According to this chart, I should move to Idaho, Montana or South Dakota.

>> No.16500132

every meal is some combo of bread meat cheese + add deep fried shit + add no exercise because they spend all day at work and in traffic + soda pop + dessert + msg + microplastics and all this other shit thats terrible for you (preservatives, steroids the animals are pumped up on) = everyone is becoming fat, gay, low testosterone chubbies.

I'm ashamed of my countrymen

>> No.16500136
File: 299 KB, 1080x1728, Screenshot_20210709-061336-160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are the most based state. Live free or die.

>> No.16500140

it doesn't matter what you eat, it matters how much of it that you eat. and they clearly eat a lot. what are you, stupid

>> No.16500141

we're getting bloated from drinking all the euro tears

>> No.16500158

a number of reasons, one of which I'd like to mention is that once upon a time, most work in America (and in general but lets focus for now) was manual and agricultural labor, things that need a lot of energy
this leads to food and the portions of said food that became "normal" were made with this in mind
but not that's not the case and most people are more sedentary than even a hundred years ago, let alone two or three hundred
if you eat like you're going to be doing hard work all day, but don't do the work, no shit youre gonna get fat
calories in calories out may not be ALL there is to it, but it's still a damn big part
also >>16500099

>> No.16500163
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Americans eat high glycemic index foods like flour and sugar. These cause increased hunger and therefore obesity.

>> No.16500174
File: 31 KB, 598x492, calories-from-plants-vs-animals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's also worth noting that the standard American diet is 70-80% plant-based. If people were eating animal-based diets they'd be lean and healthy.

>> No.16500177

Don't worry anon, just try to be a good example to those around you. Tough times for ameribros now.
Also yes, this post is accurate

>> No.16500184

Most of those plants are refined processed grains though. And they're probably pumped full of fillers and cheap sugars. If it were 70% leafy greens, good tubers and fresh fruits then america would be really damned healthy. It's much healthier to eat meat than a bunch of refined grains, of course

>> No.16500195

Drinking a fucking gallon of soda a day probably doesn't help much

>> No.16500211

People who just chew on coca leaves have better health outcomes than people who do refined cocaine. Still is a harmful drug.

Meat is the most appropriate human food.

>> No.16500807

I've never known any cases where someone od'd on the leaves

>> No.16500862

it's a modern supply surplus problem.
Calories dense food that we crave is available for cheap in great quantities and the human brain is hardwired to seek out fatty, sweet, and carb-filled foods and stuff ourselves silly because up until about 150-200 years ago, the vast majority of the world was malnourished.

The modern man has yet to catch up mentally with the easy access of food and still behaves like a hungry peasant/caveman gorging himself on every tasty treat put in front of him.

This wasn't a problem 40-50 years ago when you still needed to perform regular physical activity to do things, but now you can live your entire life from a chair and get everything delivered, and even the delivery person sits 90% of his work day.

The problem, in short, is we are dumb apes with easy access to calorie dense food and little or no incentive to work out and burn it off.

>> No.16500911

>it's a modern supply surplus problem.
No its not. Plenty of poor calorie restricted populations that get obesity and malnutrition in concert. Once such example being the Pima paradox.

>> No.16500940

>Pima paradox
Intredasting. Thanks for the afternoon reading, anon

>> No.16500971

not exercising is what makes americans fat.

>> No.16501068

>Pima paradox
>self-reported diets

>> No.16501079

>Fontvieille et al. reported that Pima Indian girls watch more TV than their Caucasian counterparts, and the Pima Indian boys and girls reported significantly less past week sport leisure activity than Caucasian boys and girls.



>> No.16501083

Portion control (lack of) and sweetening absolutely everything. American bread would be considered cake in most of the world.

>> No.16501199

>Is it corn syrup?
Probably, that shit's in everything. That and/or some other form of sugar. Plus people eat a fuckload of packaged foods and many drink more soda than plain water. I used to live with someone who'd guzzle dollar store soda straight out of the 2L bottle, often finishing more than 1 per day. He was always complaining about feeling like shit so I told him to drink more water and he switched to Kool-Aid and used like 10 pounds of my sugar in just a few weeks.

I'm not really one to talk, I'm a fatty too but that's because of beer and a lack of exercise. Partially because I moved my exercise stuff to a public part of the house at the request of my fatty roommate and then he touched it literally 0 times.

>> No.16501213

Soda and "snacks".
Some people get so used to responding to boredom by snacking that they spend more of their waking time eating than not.
I used to habitually snack, fucking just tucking into a sack of licorice candy or buffalo chicken pretzels as I sat around and shitposted, you can accidentally eat twice your daily requirement in shitty flour, palm oil, and salt if you just absently mindedly graze for two hours.

>> No.16501243

Annie America goes to Starbucks with her fellow dumb cunt room mate for breakfast.
She decides to get a drink and a breakfast sandwich, a "mocha cookie crumble frappuccino" and a ham, swiss & egg sandwich.
It's 8:15 as they waddle out of the Starbucks and Annie America just ate 1040 calories.
to work that off if she wanted to plop her fat ass in an exercise bike she'd have to stay in there keeping a vigorous pace for an hour and a half.
Most euros are not eating like Americans but spending three hours in the gym a day to compensate, you'd all look fucking jacked.
Annie needs to eat less, moving more is generally good, but it's not the best quickest or easiest way to lose weight.

>> No.16501246

ok guys riddle me this, if shit like fast food is getting more expensive how are people still getting fatter

>> No.16501252

They're addicted so they'll just fork over the 30% increase and be poorer, a bunch of the diabetics will probably fuck their budgets and run out of insulin money due to being retards.

>> No.16501254

lotta fat people in america but you need to understand the BMI qualification for "obesity" has been pushed lower and lower the past several years. inflates the numbers, because weight loss is an industry over here (several industries, actually). always need more pigs for the profit machine

>> No.16501262

>the BMI qualification for "obesity" has been pushed lower and lower the past several years.
Feels like shit's going the opposite direction, I'm a fatfuck whose been losing weight, just shy of obese now at 28BMI, was as big as 35BMI a couple of years ago, but I'm kind of taken aback that I fit in, and am sometimes small for """medium""" sized garments.
Because I'm almost obese.

>> No.16501269

Sounds like you're just a bunch of racist wh*teoids. Don't worry we can fix that :^)

>> No.16501275

elaborating on this, i think health insurance is a primary driver. a lot of basic medicine (im talking painkillers for an injury) is allowed to be denied coverage if you're "obese" (which is determined by your doctor, btw). I know plenty of people who have remained the same weight and BMI for years now be labeled obese by their doctors where they weren't before, and it gets in the way of our shitty american health insurance actually covering fucking anything

there's other smaller industries that benefit too (gym memberships, activewear, supplements, keto shillers), but they don't have political lobbying power in the US so i'm pretty sure they just benefit passively.

>> No.16501288

source is >>16501254
clothes might be getting bigger desu. I wouldn't know, I buy new ones pretty rarely. I mainly meant the medical classification of obesity (which is where a lot of these maps/graphs like in OP get their data I'm pretty sure, the ones that aren't just made up bullshit)

>> No.16501297

>the source is your own post I just read and replied to
I don't trust that source

>> No.16501309

Vegetable oils

>> No.16501311

fair. my shit is all anecdotal. if you're the type to want a medical study you'll have to ask someone else

>> No.16501385

You can eat a big package of cookies and a whole bag of chips every day for less than $2 if you go to Aldi's.

>> No.16501400
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>> No.16501426

i was gonna be a smartass, but you guys do actually seem like a pretty damn based state. do you hate it when Vermin come into your state?

>> No.16501444

>A good amount of black people also genetically hold onto weight more, as their bodies are more used to scarcity from a historical perspective.
Not how it works fren

>> No.16501483

The cutoffs were changed in the US once, in 1998, to match up with everyone else, and they've been the same since. That may be where the idea that they're being revised down came from, but if they were really changing in recent years you'd be able to find examples of different numbers listed on old sites or in images.

>in 1998, the cutoff point between normal and overweight was reduced to a BMI of 25 to bring it into line with the 4 categories in the WHO guidelines.

>> No.16501519

>It's also due to lack of nutrition education
Not knowing nutrition information will not make you a 400 pound amerilard. All the lards in this country know what they eat is high calorie fructose corn syrup injected slop, they just don't care about it.

>> No.16501863

It's all the soda and 1000g sugar "coffees".