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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16498941 No.16498941[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I don’t cook

>> No.16498944

Were you the dude shitting up the indian food thread?

>> No.16498950

I'll make your mom try my own homemade stew. It's white and creamy.

>> No.16498955

well, I do. it's one of the most basic skills u can learn

>> No.16498957

Like 99% of this board. Basically some shitty fast food board

>> No.16498958
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Cream stews good shit

>> No.16498959

That’s exactly what I thought as well
Again, it my hemorrhoid infested asshole
It’s the best in town

>> No.16498963


>> No.16498964

Let me guess. Your mother cooks you a good slow cooker stew with steak and veggies. you like cheesecake factory steak?

>> No.16498966


>> No.16498973

I don't have sex
Which is more pathetic?

>> No.16498976


>> No.16498978

>dumb frog poster
>knows absolutely nothing about the board topic
Truly revelatory.

>> No.16498982

>anon clearly doesn’t know how to cook
Well don’t you think you should give me some pointers then instead of shitting your pants from from the giardia you contracted from the Indian food?

>> No.16498986

Well you can buy sex
You can learn to cook
Women are evil
Learning a new skill set isn’t
I’d say browsing 4chan is pathetic but idk

>> No.16498988

>don’t you think you should give me some pointers then
No. You didn't even ask a question, let alone post a picture of food you pulled off google.

>> No.16498998
File: 212 KB, 605x682, 4EC89E22-A4DE-494B-BC5F-C01C77E02341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok if I were to make this subhuman garbage tier food, how would I approach it in making this eatable
I know how to bake bread so pita might be easy

>> No.16499006


>> No.16499008

Cook it using good technique, and high quality meats, veggies, and spices. Indian food is insanely easy to make.

It's naan bread not pita, which is best made in a tandoori oven. I'd stick with basmati rice.

>> No.16499010

This is absolutely based. I might also venture to say it is redpilled.

>> No.16499014

How do you get that filename when you literally reposed the first image at the top of the first page?

>> No.16499021

>basmati rice
Wtf is a basmati
Oh right lol
>high quality
Is Costco high quality?
And what’s a good technique? Like pray to shiva, don’t wash my hands and touch all the ingredients before I cook or stir something nice and slowly?

>> No.16499030


>> No.16499032

Basmati is just a type of long grain rice.

Costco is decent quality. The meats can be pretty good.

When I say good technique it means understanding and following the recipe well. If it says to brown the onions you gotta brown them. Not burn or undercook.

>> No.16499034

Yes i am in my phone
>phone poster lol
I have a pc too, am just in my bed chilling, don’t want to be over there
Just waiting for my mom to kiss me goodnight with my milk and waffers

>> No.16499039

>i have no idea what i'm doing
>so now you help??

>> No.16499043

So just Google a recipe and follow that
Thanks anon, I see Google helps me more than this Pakistani hijab trade forum

>> No.16499049

I mean a good cookbook will do you a lot better, but I know you aren't going to spend money on that...

>> No.16499052

Yeah you got to chop my balls and feed em to Epstein if you’d ever buy me a book
The last time I bought a book, I got shanked so never buying a book again
Google is ok though, other than spying on you
Only reason I said Costco Bc I’m going grocery shopping with mommy, so I guess I can try to buy ingredients for curry
Heck maybe she can help me make it idk

>> No.16499068

A yellow chicken curry is a good place to start with indian food. You'll mostly find american/western versions of it online because "curry" is a british invention, but to start off it will be an easy and tasty dish.

>> No.16499082

>curry is British
No wonder it looks like shit
Why didn’t the brits teach Indians to wash their hands?
Anyway, I’ll Google that, and see what I’ll do tomorrow
Mom gave me my kiss and milk and waffers, so if this thread is still up tomorrow, which I hardly doubt, I’ll show what I’ll be making
Goodnight degenerates

>> No.16499232

Because of your wet ass pussy, right?

>> No.16499267

i got banned for asking why a serial killer makes bulgogi but this thread is fine

>> No.16499283
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You can't learn if you don't try, son

>> No.16499286

probably because bulgogi isn't food