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16497246 No.16497246 [Reply] [Original]

>Makes coffee taste god-tier in your path

Fuck black coffee and if you drink it black then you have the personality of wet cardboard. If a place doesn't have flavored creamer than I won't drink the coffee, also it's cheaper than going to Starbucks and overpaying for flavored coffee.

>> No.16497332

Coffee is good by itself.

>> No.16497356

*Decent* coffee is good by itself. Dark roasts are basically like drinking burned dirt.

>> No.16497401

Creamer is weird just use milk

>> No.16497416

just use fucking milk you absolute female. i need muh chemical slurry with soy to enjoy my shitty coffee!
what a soy-induced thread. as if coffee-drinkers weren't adrenal-fatigued annoying manchildren alone you had to go ahead and glue yourself to the bottom of the barrel with your fucking soy powder

please rope yourself

>> No.16497421

But milk doesn't make it have flavor like vanilla or cinnamon or pumpkin.

I'm not a coffee expert but light roast, medium roast, and dark roast all taste the same to me when it's black. It all tasted like bitter dirt without sugar or creamer.

Alright, continue drinking bitter black coffee like a tryhard faggot to look hardcore and mature.

>> No.16497546
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Just bought me one of these bad boys today. Can't wait to try it out.

>> No.16497554

I just use Sam"s generic creamer. It is Okay.

>> No.16497578

I prefer heavy cream or half and half and few sprinkles of real ceylon cinnamon. Sometimes I add raw cane sugar or light agave.

Those creamers be having other shit in it, i don't want chemicals in my coffee.

>> No.16497644

Cream is the best partner for coffee.

>> No.16497657

I got the almond joy ngl it's good

>> No.16497663

All kinds of coffee suck.

>> No.16497713
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Just drink the creamer and forget the coffee

>> No.16497772
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>coconut oil and HFCS makes things taste GUD

>> No.16497882

Beats drinking bitter garbage with no flavor or taste. The only people I know who love black coffee are people over the age of 40 or tryhard normalfags who want to "fit in" and seem mature to the older generation, also hipsters and hippies. It's like people born between 1960 and 1990 didn't have access to flavor creamer, so all you had was black coffee, so that's what they got use to drinking.

I have never tasted a black coffee that was good on it's own. It's gotta have cream or sugar, if you put nothing in it you're just essentially drinking hot water with a bitter taste. Who the fuck finds bitter anything appealing?

>> No.16498600
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suck asshole you fuckman

>> No.16498711

why drink 'ee at all then if you dont like it

>> No.16499073
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If you don't like coffee, stop drinking it and stop being such a sugar-addicted retard.

>> No.16500077

black coffee enjoyer here. at least we can taste the fucking coffee. seriously, at that point you dont even like the coffee. you just like the fucking sugary artificial milk substance.

>> No.16500085

I put a pinch of sugar in my black coffee to offset the bitterness. It's nice. Flavor creamer is for fatasses and frumpy housewives. Just use heavy cream and a bit of sugar if you want that, all those fake flavors are vomit inducing

>> No.16500086

i fucking chug the creamer. fuck coffee
i buy this shit and chug it from a glass.

>> No.16500101
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>I need my vanilla pumpkin Mochaitato

Burgers are truly another species

>> No.16500105


You seem like the type of guy who doesn't drink water bc he "doesn't like the taste"

>> No.16500115

That's a quality homeless person trick. Chug gas station creamer to get calories.

>> No.16500117

we could turn your whole fucking "country" into rubble you wretched. (God forgive me for even MENTIONING these foul words) e**o.

>> No.16500219

>I'm not a coffee expert but light roast, medium roast, and dark roast all taste the same to me when it's black.
You're right, you're not an expert. And you're wrong, because they don't taste the same. If you'd had enough coffee varieties you'd know that. Maybe stop drinking 2 liters of soda every other day and your tounge will be able to taste stuff properly again

>> No.16500225

>Getting this defensive over fucking coffee creamer
I'm an American, and you should shut the fuck up with your butthurt

>> No.16500232

meth heads do this where i work
they start digging into the cabinets and everything

>> No.16500253

I don't really care what kinds of food people eat or drink, but I stopped putting that kind of creamer in my coffee when I realized I was just basically drinking the creamer and the coffee was secondary.

Like I boiled water and added the creamer too it and it wasn't TERRIBLE, which meant the coffee wasn't really adding all that much anyway. At that point I might as well just drink hot milk.

>> No.16500276

>natural and artificial flavoring
oh no no no no

>> No.16500287

my ex gf got me hooked on french vanilla coffeemate and she had perfect knockers.. i think there is a correlation desu. I just use almond milk now but the creamer is very tasty

>> No.16500637

>I'm an American
no one cares pedro

>> No.16501281

They taste the same to me, so suck it and stay mad. Faggot.

>> No.16501294
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I just put milk in it.

>> No.16501858

Cut the sugar content by 70% and maybe it’ll be viable.
This shit is insufferably sweet

>> No.16501927

>But milk doesn't make it have flavor like vanilla or cinnamon or pumpkin
Half condensed /evaporated milk, half good ol' regular milk, a tablespoon of milk powder won't hurt. Add a bit of salt, some vanilla extract, freshly ground cinnamon, heat till it just starts to froth, done. You have your flavoured creamer, doesnt spoil in the fridge either and you dont need more than a couple teaspoons per cup

>> No.16502071

>Makes coffee taste god-tier in your path
You're one to talk about flat personalities.