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File: 69 KB, 940x529, st-hubert-take-over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16488136 No.16488136 [Reply] [Original]

What was your favourite restaurant when you were a kid? What did you order?
Do you ever go there still?
Do you still like the same thing?

pic related for me.

>> No.16488143

as a kid i went to mcdonalds often until i got food poisoning at 10, then i realized there's much better food out there than a burger with questionable ingredients, haven't went since then

>> No.16488152

As a family we never went out to eat except for Pizza Express once a year on dad's birthday
Pizza express is pretty decent to be relatively frank, I had my first exposure to some foods like goat's cheese, artichoke, hot peppers, etc there

>> No.16488153

A place called E.J Thomas, it was more of a general store than a restaurant, but the they had the greatest bologna sandwiches I've ever had

>> No.16488154

There used to be a Ricky's All-Day Breakfast that shared its location with a Fatburger. I went there all the time to hang out with friends when I was in high school. I'd usually get a cheeseburger with a fried egg on it and a side of hashbrowns.

They closed down around a decade ago. I think the building is a sushi restaurant now. I don't know if the two restaurants still have any of those joint locations around or if their partnership dissolving was what caused them to shut down the location.

>> No.16488161

I used to ludys bbq or the rusty duck. That was a million years ago now

>> No.16488164

I really liked Red Lobster as a kid, because the only seafood I had before then was frozen fishsticks (my parents dont cook). Obviously as an adult, I discovered there are many other sources to get higher quality fish. Haven't been to a Red Lobster in decades.

>> No.16488166

cremeuse pls

>> No.16488233

I travel to Montreal all the time for work and always go to the st. Hubert by the stadium. Half a chicken and as many Joufflue as I can drink and still walk back to the hotel

>> No.16488306

>grilled cajun chicken sandwich
>cajun season fries
>cherry coke

>> No.16488314
File: 53 KB, 600x360, HotTurkeySand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They closed the one in my town, unfortunately. It's much better that Swiss Chalet.
I'd always get the hot turkey sandwich.

>> No.16488413

An Indian place called The Agra, back when I were young it were pretty alright but then it went a bit downhill and we started going to the India Garden instead. There was also the USA Chicken which in retrospect was really just the same as any other takeaway place you'd find in the UK but it was the one my parents preferred after Pizza Hot burnt down.

>> No.16488433

Rusty Duck? You a Sacfag, Anon?

>> No.16488496

Pizza Hut back when the Australian places had buffets was always nice to go to semi-regularly.
The really good one that we went to a bit more rarely was a huge stand alone Chinese restaurant that had big ass statutes of lions and shit out the front. On Chinese new year they used to do a big celebration and we went a couple of times, they had that dancing dragon and drummers. They used to let us in the kitchen when it was a slow night which was cool.
They were both in the same place near the big local shopping mall. The hut went first, replaced by a generic family restaurant that I never really liked (and ended up being the location where my parents decided to finally divorce lol, with me and my siblings sat in the car for like an hour while they talked inside).
The Chinese place shut down, bought by the council and demolished & the location turned into a library/community centre.

>> No.16488505

pizza hut

>> No.16488717

I used to really love the 99. The chicken ziti and broc was good. Step-dad used to take me and my brother.

>> No.16488768

I really miss st-hub....

>> No.16488809

Your parents would unironically stayed together if one of their sons wasn't constantly stealing mom's lingerie and birth control pills to "become the woman he knew he was inside".

>> No.16488814

I live near anon, my whole childhood was spent in davis, woodland and sac

>> No.16488844

I fucking loved the cardboard car meal from st-hub when I was a kid

>> No.16488852

for me? its the pouding chomeur from st hubs

>> No.16488865

As a kid? Long John Silvers.
Just fry up everything. gimme the hush puppies, fried fish and shrimp. That corn on the cob dripping with butter. Shit still sounds good.

>> No.16488874
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>> No.16488889

Went through phases, I'd say my longest one I still love is Ya-Yas, they grill chicken and have nice pita bread

>> No.16489143

My dad used to work there and he ended up with stones in his kidneys from eating there all the time

>> No.16489202

Why was he eating stones

>> No.16489240
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you threw your peanut shells on the ground!

>> No.16489245
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>Soon they'll be all gone

>> No.16489288
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>> No.16489308

this place in northern michigan that had the best fried perch. but favorite regular food was late 90’s burger king. the double whopper was the best sandwich money could buy, and the fries used to be thin and very crispy. i long for those days

>> No.16489313

An old supper club type place my dad would take us to for steak and shrimp. Had a huge salad bar and the interior looked straight out of the 70s. Pretty comfy.

>> No.16489339
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>> No.16489341

St-Hubert used to super salty in the late 60s

>> No.16489350
File: 69 KB, 533x400, chuys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This place was the bomb in the 2000s, as a kid I loved eating the appetizer chips sprinkled with seasoned salt while looking at the rubber chickens and shit hanging from the ceiling.

>> No.16489362

It was a pub in a nearby village that served great steaks and roast meat dishes.

>> No.16489373

round table pizza

>> No.16489374

Fuddruckers (they used to have these giant iron cauldrons of melted cheese with pump tops and you could just drown your burger and fries in it if you wanted).

>> No.16489382

I liked to go to gas stations and get a sausage, egg and cheese biscuit sitting under a heat lamp. It was usually wrapped in foil paper and had "SEC" written on the outside in black marker. I also adored (and ordered!) McDonald's bikky and grikky almost every weekend. My friend's grandmother would also make it for us every time I would stay over.

Chick-fil-A has a decent SEC that reminds me of that giant, fluffy, salty, porky deliciousness. I like the one at Braum's too. Dodge's sausage is among the best.

>> No.16489389
File: 24 KB, 550x413, mcdonald-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic although I never mentioned it.

>> No.16489456

Subway but only when Jared was there

>> No.16489469
File: 1.23 MB, 6124x4735, wb-ext-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this was the pinnacle of Italian food as a child.

>> No.16489499

That shit is better than "authentic" eye-talian

>> No.16489656
File: 87 KB, 640x480, unnamed_2_t640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking miss this place, dude.

>> No.16489671

Holy shit just had a blast of nostalgia

>> No.16489673

lots of redneck fatsos do

>> No.16489682
File: 90 KB, 960x720, 1622258009663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel but they moved by time i had money to choose to go there. drove an hour there right before covid to see if it help up to nostalgia, and it did except the fact they didnt play mexican music because it was a 98% whites area. nothing that special but definitely better than your average copy pasta sit-in american-mexican restaurant

>> No.16489687

Dodges as in that gas station?
I'd get their bec before school

>> No.16489692

can we see the rest of the presentation? I would give it my undivided attention

>> No.16490327
File: 61 KB, 550x412, sarku-japan-in-bakersfield.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit still slaps considering the price.
For me it was Sarku though. (which I still grab every time that I have to go to a mall for some reason so rarely)

>> No.16490496
File: 117 KB, 750x898, Old-fashioned-Pizza-Hut-restaurants-1973-5-750x898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pizza Hut

>> No.16490556

Nice, same here. The area's not what it used to be, but it's still home. Any under the radar eateries you might recommend I check out?

>> No.16490566 [DELETED] 
File: 1 KB, 295x80, pwk0t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wendy's, spicy chicken sandwich, no, yes

Don't really care to eat fast food sloppa, it's full of toxic preservatives/pesticides/etc and nearly every fast food join has bent the knee to the communists

>> No.16490628

lol. I have a brother and he is 100% male gay.

>> No.16490938

yup, based

>> No.16490943

Local restaurant that went out of business years ago. I loved their French dip and would order it every time, and if I got to go with my grandparents I also sometimes got to order some fried banana cheesecake thingy for dessert.