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16478649 No.16478649 [Reply] [Original]

Beer doesn't taste good.

>> No.16478651

I fucking hate this board.

>> No.16478653

>ohhh is that something I don't like?? *click*
get a hobby

>> No.16478670
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I don't care

>> No.16478671
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Drink stout.
Get strong.

>> No.16478675

Acceptable answer.
Once in a while a stout is good.

>> No.16478682

t. Only drinks shit like mich ultra

>> No.16478683

it really doesn't, literally every person saying that beer is good is psyoped into liking it from the effects of alcohol
literally drink water

>> No.16478702

>t. double digit iq
would you say the same about wine? fermentation can imbue a lot of complexity and flavour. hence why so much alcohol is so complex, meaning your palette needs to adjust/desensitize to some of the boldness to appreciate the subtleties. same with coffee. same with cheese. I don't wanna say you're a tastelet, but you're making an awfully convincing case for it

>> No.16478711

Depends on the beer. I genuinely like the taste of a lot of beers. The psychoactive effects are just a nice bonus.

If you like the taste of bread, you can understand people liking the taste of beer.

>> No.16478715

Beer does taste good.

>> No.16478716

>your palette needs to adjust/desensitize to some of the boldness to appreciate the subtleties
just face it, you like wine for the alcohol content. This mentality of having to adjust to the flavor of something is a cope for slowly getting drunk, then enjoying the feeling of being drunk.

>> No.16478718

I dislike being drunk, I only drink alcohol for the taste.

>> No.16478723

Wine actually tastes good though.

>> No.16478727

No, you get accustomed the first few times you have the thing, and then every time thereafter you enjoy the flavour naturally. Same with all acquired tastes. If your idea made sense then people would respond the same to alcohol every time they had it until drunk that session.

>> No.16478820

this guy gets it >>16478727
there is no psy-op retard. you have to get accustomed to complex flavours to get more out of them. do people drink coffee to get drunk? eat blue cheese to get drunk?
subjective and gay but yeah wine does taste better

>> No.16478835

me too bud

>> No.16478842
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*enters thread*

>> No.16478884

How do you get over that bitter taste?

>> No.16478898

beer is for teenagers, manchildren and plebs whose only culture is netflix and reddit. wine and spirits are infinitely superior.

>> No.16478903

People who don't like beer have either only tried pisswater swill or were raised on sugar sodas and have ruined palates.
For the latter, there is no hope for them.

>> No.16478908

yes it does

>> No.16478909

or maybe they're attractive people without man boobs who wear fitting shirts don't fart permanently and have sex from time to time.

>> No.16478977
File: 14 KB, 325x325, hoegaarden-witbier-glas-25cl-doos-6st.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*tastes good in your path*

>> No.16478983

sure buddy whatever to convince yourself that you aren't an alcoholic

>> No.16478984

>he doesn't enjoy a nice beer with his dinner

>> No.16478985

While I know this is bait, I'm curious where this concept comes from.

>> No.16478987

A lot of people have one glass of wine and you can't get drunk off that unless you are a real fucking lightweight

>> No.16478995

I have never drank alcohol before and I never will.

>> No.16479028

we all need something to be proud of I guess, no matter what it is

>> No.16479029

That's why we have alcohol in it.

>> No.16479033

Beer reduction over food that's good and beer cheese soup with slab of bread

>> No.16479416

Tastes change as you age. You might start enjoying it when you get older.

>> No.16479417

Fuck Hoegaarden and Leffe and all that sweet shit. It tastes like caramel.

>> No.16479424

it's the hoppy taste that ruins it. i'd be curious to try an alcoholic yeast-grain drink that doesn't contain hops.

>> No.16479485

it's not like I think beer isn't tasty but if there weren't alcohol in it I wouldn't drink it probably.
Although that's more because I prefer eating over drinking my calories.

>> No.16479514

>consumes alcohol
Ask me how i know you will achieve nothing meaningful in life

>> No.16479639

is it because I consume alcohol?

>> No.16479760

Stop lying. Beer tastes like rotting organic material.

Wine is rotting organic material + sugar

>> No.16480060

You need that bitter hop to balance out the sweetness of the malt. If you really want to try that though, bud light is pretty damn close to what you'd be looking for.

>> No.16480112
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this might surprise you, but people sometimes enjoy the contrast between something mildly bitter and whatever greasy garbage they're shovelling into their foodchutes.

>> No.16480116

how does it feel to be 100% wrong?

>> No.16480127

beer is the crocs + jorts of drinks

>> No.16480217

>all these plebs
I only drink absinthe straight from the green fairy's teat.

>> No.16481416

how dare you