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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 401 KB, 710x400, mcd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16474266 No.16474266 [Reply] [Original]

What was their secret? What was it about these burgers that allowed them to dominate.

>> No.16474269

The buns. When I crave McD I am thinking of the buns. Plus the little onions.

>> No.16474273

It just works so well. It's a burger you actually want to eat. The bread is soft. It's wider than it is tall. The vegetables don't need to be chewed a lot. It's just good.

>> No.16474354

something about the onions mixed with the ketchup

>> No.16474395

Burgers never mattered, Kroc said as much
It was all about having the right fry recipe. Which is different now but at that point they were already cemented

>> No.16474427

probably the pink slime worm meat that my mom warned me about

i am addicted to that

>> No.16474463

One of the (many) things Kroc got right from a business perspective was targeting families and older people with more money as opposed to the typical customers for hamburger resteraunts at the time which he described as "teenagers and men in leather jackets", who would often hang around all day smoking and presumably scaring off other customers, he banned cigarette vending machines and pinball machines from all mcdonalds, and generally set up the resteraunts to encourage diners to eat and leave in a short amount of time. I thought that was interesting and isn't mentioned often with the other things like speed and consistency when people talk about what makes mcdonalds successful

>> No.16474676

sodium and msg

>> No.16474680

>What was it about these burgers that allowed them to dominate.
They were cheap back then. Not so much now.

>> No.16474697

The burgers barely matter, it was mostly about the experience and marketing as >>16474463 describes.

>> No.16474721

They pulled some really janky shit to that end, too. Not just the hard uncomfortable moulded plastic chairs and stand-up tables, but they also originally had cone-shaped drink cups that you couldn't put down on the table and had to hold the entire time until you were finished.

>> No.16474725

fast food innovations, branding, and advertisting. Food quality doesn't matter at all

>> No.16474829

It's just the name bro

>> No.16474859

It's not about the food it's about the production. Mcdonalds out produced and out marketed everybody else.

>> No.16474864

McDonalds is more into the real estate business than it is fast food business. They bought up all of thenprime real estate and lease it out to franchisees to sell shitty burgers

>> No.16474872

Is their secret just sugar then?

I guess back in the 40s there wouldn't have been sugar in everything yet, so those little bastards would have been like crack

>> No.16474895

>I guess back in the 40s there wouldn't have been sugar in everything yet
You guessed wrong. Cheapo white bread primed full of additives and sugar has been a working class stereotype since back in pre-war Britain. It was actually one of the first instances of people complaining about rampant adulteration of food with unhealthy ingredients. It was cheap, vaguely nutritious, more palatable than a potato, and readily available.

>> No.16474921

Believe it or not but there was a point in time where mcdonalds was a respectable place to get lunch

>> No.16474926

In some places, it still is. Not so much in the "11 o'clock reservation at Dorsia" kind of respect, but in the passing "oh, that guy must be too busy with work to sit down for a proper meal" sort of respect.

>> No.16474929

some kind of drug hidden in the "flavours" ingredient

>> No.16474958

the cheese onions and meat texture in that order

>> No.16474967

>wider than it is tall
Yeah. Biting into 3 inches of burger patty is not good. There’s no excuse for it.

>> No.16475570

Heroin in the meat and cocaine in the soda. Look it up. It's all true

>> No.16475696

i can believe this unironically

>> No.16475705

Now discontinued in my country
for kids
>double cheeseburger
Give me a quarter pounder over it any day.

>> No.16475773

>missing the big mac

>> No.16475781

That was on purpose. I have nothing to say about it. It deserves its status as a dominant burger.

>> No.16476004
File: 59 KB, 256x294, 1627027637476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another thinly veiled mcshit thread

>> No.16476546

it wasn't their burgers. the beef tallow fries were what made them popular. now it is just the cheapness of the food that keeps people coming back.

>> No.16476658

but its not even that cheap anymore

>> No.16476683

Their meat is made with toilet paper.

The burgers are specifically designed to be eaten without dentures, and prevent choking

>> No.16476721

You all read like an ad. If any one of posters aren't being directly paid to post these, then you've been absolutely cucked by McMarketing teams.

>> No.16476726

What did you expect me to write?

Ayooo shit nigga, the burger easy to eat cracka. The onion all minsed up yo. Cracka cracka nice nice burga homaboaya.

>> No.16476740

Take your meds. This is a literallywho board with maybe 50 regular posts plus a couple hundred transients. Nobody is fucking paying people to advertise here, especially not to you.

>> No.16476814

The answer is explained in this video


>> No.16476945
File: 1.46 MB, 750x898, albini0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For less than the cost of a Big Mac, fries and a Coke, you can buy a loaf of fresh bread and some good cheese or roast beef, which you will enjoy much more.

>> No.16476955

Success breeds success and explains most things in our economy.

>> No.16476960
File: 199 KB, 1003x324, Screenshot_2021-04-10 Big Mac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still waiting for this promo meal.

>> No.16476999

then there's more people than I'd have expected that are absolutely cucked to the point that their speech is indistinguishable from mcdonnalds marketing.

>> No.16477012

I'd expect people to write like a normal person speaks. Those posts sound like transcripts from a tv ad. I guess its a result of peoples thought being a product of their environment, and their environment being saturated with on brand advertising. Then resulting in their thought and speech being nothing more than regurgitated ads.

>> No.16477181

you're turboautistic if you think "something about the onions mixed with the ketchup" is some globohomo .01% conspiracy manchurian candidate phrase

>> No.16477202

>cone-shaped drink cups that you couldn't put down on the table
Uhh no? What kind of bullshit is this?

>> No.16477205

that one not so much in isolation but read next to the others it sounds very on brand. And if you read this one and didn't notice the blatant corporate speak you're in total denial.

>It just works so well. It's a burger you actually want to eat. The bread is soft.

come on, that kids been totally brainwashed, who the fuck talks like that outside of an actor in an ad? It reminds me of that scene in Truman show where his wife suddenly cuts to a product placement mid argument.

>> No.16477227

do you have an iq of like 75-80?

jesus fuck have you never written ANYTHING in your life? essay? short story? jesus fuck anon. you're a literal and legitimate loser. being able to add intonation into writing isn't a massive feat.

>> No.16477254
File: 177 KB, 582x782, A097A896-C5B2-446A-9EF1-C931D4FA7DCE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nnoooooooooo he’s not speaking in meme speak like this greentext that’s quoting me right now nooooooooooo soi soi soi tranny tranny tranny nooooooooo not the heckin chungus soi boogaloo doge wholesome keanu amogus nooooooooo

>> No.16477267

I've got an IQ around 120 and I've written a bunch of things, however I don't think that's relevant. I think you're just lashing out with stereotypical "you're dumb" insults after being confronted with the realisation that people speaking in this manner is a result of marketing saturation. It's uncomfortable to admit the extent to which marketing has effected people subconsciously. You'd rather call me a retard than notice this unnerving yet blatant truth. It's safer to think these people are not effected at all buy their environment, and they maintain full autonomy of thought. Because their environment is similar to your environment. You're not brainwashed, right? Right. I'm probably just low IQ and never write. Also I wonder what their secret is, their all beef patty on a soft bun works so well, it's a burger you actually want to eat.

>> No.16477294

>"Further marketing techniques were implemented to change McDonald's from a sit down restaurant to a fast food chain. They used such things as turning off the heating to prevent people wanting to stay so long, fixed and angled seating so the customer would sit over their food promoting them to eat faster, spreading the seats further apart so being less of a sociable place to dine in, and giving their customers branded cone shaped cups forcing them to hold their drink while eating which would speed up the eating process."
>Hess, Alan (March 1986). Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians

>> No.16477297

I consider them baby food. Everything is so damn soft.

>> No.16477311

Based and founderpilled

>> No.16477362

Cool. Post your citations. How is this the result of brainwashing? Surely you have empirical evidence, right? This isn’t just a “dude, trust me” moment, right?

>> No.16477370

touch grass.

>> No.16477412

Is soy seriously filtered on /ck/ of all things you have to say that

>> No.16477428

No. It's a good board tourist identifier, too. You can say soy, soy sauce, soya, soya beans, etc.

>> No.16478844

>he doesn't know about cone cups

>> No.16478955


>> No.16479798

nowadays yes but it's not what make them sucessful

>> No.16479994

Their burgers aren't even that good. The fries are decent though

>> No.16480046

>it's a burger you actually want to eat.
Was it autism?

>> No.16480059

>jesus fuck

>> No.16480870

70 years of brainwashing and indoctrination to eating garbage

>> No.16480887

Thank you for the response, fellow McHuman! I couldnt agree more, McDonald's (tm) meat based products are easy to eat, and very enjoyable for humans like us.

0.01 Burgercoins ($Poop) have been deposited into your wallet.

>> No.16480964 [DELETED] 
File: 201 KB, 2084x1018, It just works so well.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16480969 [DELETED] 
File: 172 KB, 820x1018, It just works so well.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awkward white space got added out of nowhere..

>> No.16480980
File: 172 KB, 820x1018, It just works so well.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16481068

Fuck mcdonalds.
They're always managed by lazy niggers and the fries are never salty and last time I went the food was stale.

>> No.16481112

You're wrong

>> No.16481145
File: 113 KB, 225x225, maccies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sugar in the ketchup and in the buns
>tanginess in the mustard and in the pickles
>MSG and salt in the meat and cheese
>crispness of the lettuce/onions/pickles
>nuggets absolutely drenched in sodium, MSG, and white/black pepper, fried to perfect crispness, and served with HFCS-laden sauces
>perfect crisp fries with just a touch of salt and beef flavor added
>served with delicious sweet beverages designed to stimulate the appetite
>all delivered in a timely and affordable manner
Literally the perfect business model for a restaurant. Designed to be addicting, yet affordable.

>> No.16481169

>loaf of fresh bread
Couple bucks
>good cheese
Lolno, you're getting a pack of Kraft singles. Couple bucks
>roast beef
Great Value brand prepackaged shit from a factory. Three bucks or more
I'm sure you'll enjoy it a lot more

>> No.16481190

They just werk