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16473843 No.16473843 [Reply] [Original]

Who here eats, uses honeycomb on the regular? Or even semi-irregular? Why?
Also general honey thread.

>> No.16473860

honey combs remind me of that webm of that dog infested with bot flies, and when they pop all the grubs out of its skin, it looks like a honeycomb. Anyone got that webm?

>> No.16473871
File: 276 KB, 228x312, gonna_hurl.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gtfo my thread!

>> No.16473881

I've had unfiltered honey and I think the boost in taste is well worth the """"inferior"""" (cloudy) appearance

>> No.16473894

unfiltered honey including the honeycomb? does the comb add anything to it?

>> No.16473903

not him, but for me it bulks it up so you can pick it up with a knife & spread it on a cracker...whatever!

>> No.16473936

I will literally put honey on anything.

>> No.16473940


>> No.16473944

Especially dick.

>> No.16473949
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>tfw I learned honeycomb was waxy and not crunchy like honeycomb flavoured icecream/chocolates/etc

Possibly the biggest food related disappointment of my childhood.

>> No.16473961

what did you think beeswax was? its like the first word you learn

>> No.16473972

Gotta have it freezer-cold. The meltiness is a game changer.

>> No.16473974

It's not? That's a huge disappointment. I mean I figured it wouldn't be crispy, but I hoped it would be at least a little hard. That's honestly pretty sad to hear desu

>> No.16474098

You don't "eat" honeycomb. You just chew it and spit it out, like gum. It just becomes a big ball of wax that's not really digestible and will prolly give you the shits

>> No.16474109

>can't eat honeycomb whole
I'm not certain that's entirely true anon.

>> No.16474205
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I assumed beeswax was something else because everything marketed as honeycomb was crunchy. I was a kid, I just knew about the crunchy stuff in chocolate and icecream as being "pieces of honeycomb"

>> No.16474209

Are you sure you're not thinking of honeycomb toffee or hokey-pokey?

>> No.16474234
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I'm thinking of all the shit that was honeycomb flavoured when I was a kid. Crunchies, violet crumble, icecream, anything that marketed itself as honeycomb was crunchy or had crunchy pieces of "honeycomb" in it.

>> No.16474258

Yeah, that's honeycomb toffee. You got bamboozled.

>> No.16475569

>honeycombed center
that just means a wafer with honey flavoring; it's not true honeycomb

>> No.16475575

You can eat a candle too, but it's not advisable.

>> No.16475660

As a burger, I love these bars so much.
And even I knew that is was just a honey flavored cracker/toffee/whatever

>> No.16475674

I like Crunchies, though I don't think I've had one in close to five years. They probably taste like shit now.

>> No.16475678

american post

>> No.16475736

honeycomb is not the same as a solid chunk of beeswax

>> No.16475750

These are marketed as sponge toffee in Canada, no mention of honey or honeycomb

>> No.16475752

Honeycomb is amazing. I sometimes use it like a slice of "bread" and spread peanut butter or almond butter over the top. If you like nuts you need to try this

>> No.16475945

It has different regional names.

I don't know what backwater third world country you're from, but that's a perfectly reasonable mistake. Where I come from, we have a popular ice cream flavour that's advertised as a "honeycomb ice cream" but instead uses honeycomb toffee.

>> No.16475955

very good and tasty

>> No.16475982

>never liked honey
>maybe it's just the store bought stuff I don't like because I dislike that weird syrup they sell at the grocer but my neighbors homemade stuff is godlike
>buy a filled honeycomb one day at the fair
>take a bite
puked a couple times and felt nauseous the rest of the day. fuck honey

>> No.16475996

>at the fair
sounds like you didn't do your due diligence and just bought from the first person who looked legit

>> No.16476008

Honey is the GOAT

>> No.16476254

Man, I can do you one better.


Bonus: You can hear a learned, western man who came to Africa for humanitarian reasons come to despise niggers.

>> No.16476294

this reminds me of this German doctor who went to south africa to help men with botched circumcisions (they have it done as adults, by a witchdoctor, with poor hygiene and bizarre practices like binding the member so tight with bandages that there's no blood flow). He's got a gallery of hundreds of pages of rotted, gangrenous cocks. What a silly continent.

>> No.16476305

That reminds me of hearing about how it's done in the Phillipines, usually just before a boy enters puberty. Wealthy families can afford to have a doctor do it, but poorer families still have to rely on smashing the kid's dick with a sharp rock and waiting for it to fall off from necrosis. I had a Filipino coworker explain this shit to me before he quickly confirmed his parents could afford a doctor.

>> No.16477248

>eating pure sugar, carbs, and wax
who really

>> No.16477298
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>> No.16477319

Yes, it literally is. Beeswax is made by melting it. And you can eat beeswax, but most candles these days are made out of artificial wax.

>> No.16477331

Bees sting

>> No.16477335
