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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.88 MB, 800x450, burgerfork.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16471501 No.16471501 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16471504

They should be shot.

>> No.16471505
File: 77 KB, 960x720, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16471508

I dont worry about how other people conduct their business

>> No.16471516


Imagining being too insecure to judge anybody for their for their fucked up behavior.

>> No.16471520

>Imagining being too insecure to judge anybody for their for their fucked up behavior.
The irony in this statement is not lost on me anon

>> No.16471523

based if it's one of those stupid burgers that's taller than it is wide

>> No.16471528

Free country, bitch!!!

>> No.16471538

>Free country, bitch!!!
Which means I'm free to judge you, retard.

>> No.16471548

hold on is that fella eating a snickers with a fork and knife? thats hilarious!

>> No.16471551

they should be killed publicly after severe and brutal torture

>> No.16471561

Only decent reason. If I can't get a solid bite of the entire burger, then I'm cutting that up and using a fork and knife.

>> No.16471619

Women who do it should be raped. Men who do it sounds be flogged. Homosexuals should be crucified.

>> No.16471642
File: 78 KB, 600x900, huge-burger-tower-beef-cutlets-melted-cheese-onions-potatoes-cucumbers-sauce-close-up-vertical-175207898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck are you supposed to eat bs like this then?

>> No.16471649

You don't. Dumb soy goblin. Go drink another marshmallow candy pony butthole hazy chocolate porter and comb your beard.

>> No.16471653

No. My mind is my property. Your opinions are spoiling my peace (piece, i.e. land) of mind, which means I have the right to stand my ground

>> No.16471668

Why would you want to eat something like that in the first place?
There is no balance in the filling to bun ratio.

>> No.16471685

the bigger issue is people eating burgers, i think

>> No.16471751

What's wrong with burgers?

>> No.16471757
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batman does so I guess is the right thing to do if you are a hero or a pedophile.

>> No.16471771

mix, because you morons can't seem to make a burger that is pick'upable.
It's supposed to be a patty not a giant meatball, picrel how the fuck are you supposed to eat this?if your mouth opens that wide you're a soifaced redditfag that only buys this nasty shit to for Instagram pics

>> No.16471774

That's the Ssme people who wipe their mouth with a napkin after eating or insist on using BOTH fork & knife during meals when you can just impale your steak on a fork and take bites as you chew. Or the kind of people who make you change your plates for different meals. When i eat, i eat. E - A - T. Not pretend to be some kind of an aristocrat who has 5 types of spoons at home. One plate, one fork.

>> No.16471775


>> No.16471790

Growing up my parents used to beat the shit out of me anytime I got sauce or anything on my hands. Now as an adult I still eat everything with utensils. If it's a food you can only really eat with your hands (popcorn, etc.), I simply won't eat it.

>> No.16471807

I've never in my life witnessed it, so I'd say it's not really much of a problem.

>> No.16471816

How do you eat a burrito?

>> No.16471822
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>Whats's your opinion on people who eat burgers with utensils?
I think quite highly of myself.
Have you ever heard of chopsticks?? Perfect for shoveling popcorn and chips in to your mouth without the consequence of icky fingers

>> No.16471828

WIth utensils or not at all....

>> No.16471835
File: 2.99 MB, 2811x2065, fabulous-wet-burritos-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go on, show us how to eat it, piggy.

>> No.16471836

You could the burger in half and then you eat each half with your hands.

>> No.16472321

Based people like me.

>> No.16472340
File: 144 KB, 1000x1015, tumblr_pghn5cbjnQ1tbredno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute pricks. I went to a dinner for business and TWO of the people at our table started cutting into their burgers with knives and forks, like it was a chicken pie. It's just sick and wrong and these people should fuck off if they think it looks 'sophisticated', it just looks like they've suffered head trauma.

>> No.16472672


>> No.16472732

I've had to do it more than once.
>go to new hipster burger bar
>order on of the specials
>oozes cheese and fat excessively
>bottom bun turns to mush
I have my pride, but I'll put it aside to eat a meal without eating like a toddler.

>> No.16472772

Your >right to stand your ground
hurts some dictator's feelings very much.

>> No.16472803
File: 2.81 MB, 500x278, 1601572143222.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't order his burger cubed so he can use chopsticks

>> No.16472983

>You could the burger in half and then you eat each half with your hands.
This is the correct answer.

>> No.16472990

I can kinda see the point in cutting a hamburger in half, something which my family does, though I don't care enough to do so myself.
In a recent hangout with my siblings, we ate at a hamburger place. My sister commented about some other diner eating a hamburger without halving. My brother and I looked at her funny, as I was finishing my burger which went uncut, sitting right next to her.

>> No.16472999

That's bad writing. Bruce Wayne wouldn't do that. He's a master of blending in. That's why he pretends to be drinking alcohol at parties when it's really not alcohol.

>> No.16473266

I don't see what's wrong as long as it's a gourmet burger

>> No.16473310

Take off the pickles and that would be perfection

>> No.16473426

I have TMD so I can hardly open my mouth open wide enough to take a proper bite out of a borg, so I have to use utensils.

Anyone else who does it is a fag, though

>> No.16473440

This, it helps you get a good first bite without worrying you're gonna pull the lettuce and tomatoe off in the first bite.

>> No.16473445

You should only do it when you're eating one of those over the top scooby-dooed gordo ramseed hipster burgers

>> No.16473485

You don't

>> No.16473499

Tie your hands behind your back and then just plunge your face in.

>> No.16473503

Use your incisors.

>> No.16473504

holy shit this is fucking agonizing to read

>> No.16473513
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It's their life I guess.

>> No.16473521

>you can just impale your steak on a fork and take bites as you chew
THIS. Its 5 times easier too

>> No.16473624

I'm not convinced those people ever existed. Just like how literally nobody ate a Snickers on a plate with a knife and fork before George did.

>> No.16473648

I'm impressed they can get it to stay together. Some things are impractical to eat with utensils to the point where it is kinda wacky to eat them, notably pizza. Burgers I would say would be the dividing line. I wouldn't judge for things like fried chicken tho

>> No.16473880

I think I gained weight just from looking at that.

>> No.16473991

I always use a knife and fork.

>order double patty burger
>split it in half to make two open-face burgers
>cut each one neatly into 6ths like a pizza
>each slice is exactly two bites and fits well on a fork

It's the most dignified way. My hands don't get greasy, I don't have to unhinge my jaw, and I don't look like a piggy even though I am eating a 12oz double burger.

>> No.16474005

I get berated for going to a restaurant and ordering a burger I know is gonna be too big to eat with my hands, then still attempting to eat it with my hands. I'm also disgusted when they bring the burger out cut in half. I'd rather have my entire burger fall out of the bun and onto my plate, only for me to haphazardly put it all back together and shove it back into my mouth, than to ever EVER use utensils when eating a burger.

>> No.16474065

I despise the sloppy part of a sloppy Joe's and will eat it with a knife and fork. I get autismal rage that is difficult to choke down in public when a burger/sandwich/wrap/etc nuts all over my fucking hands, face and clothes.

>> No.16474085

>impale your steak on a fork and take bites as you chew
I like to do that with pork chops or something but if I cook a nice steak and slice it thin against the grain on the cutting board it is so tender

>> No.16474137
File: 87 KB, 321x308, 1625374424870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't look like a piggy even though I am eating a 12oz double burger.

>> No.16474222

I used to be all live and let live but that's been fading away a lot, most notably in my aversion to certain fetishes, incestfags and femdom subhumans should burn

>> No.16474229

The Left can meme!

>> No.16474241


>> No.16474255

I use soldering irons like chop sticks

>> No.16474256

I don't do this, but anyone who's bothered by other people doing it are massive nigger faggots.

>> No.16474292

make you fat

>> No.16474293


>> No.16474363

I'll eat that shit like the little brother from A Christmas Story

>> No.16474539


>> No.16474550

none of my business but it's fucking weird

>> No.16474569

gay anime shit, no one does that

>> No.16474572

I bought into meme astrology
I sold this latest top, I hope you did too

>> No.16474711

Weak seed, purge them.

>> No.16474738

I kneel

>> No.16474814

Only slightly acceptable if the burger is a sloppy fucking mess.

>> No.16474818

>wet burrito.
So an enchilada?

>> No.16474893
File: 96 KB, 400x600, 47si8n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this?

>> No.16474937

What do i care?

>> No.16474973
File: 33 KB, 636x358, 3E1E12E600000578-0-image-a-5_1489090482589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's to messy to pickup than yeah sure, but if they order a burger covered in cheese or something similar they should be forced to use their hands while boiling oil is poured on them

>> No.16474975
File: 938 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210727-013857_Tachiyomi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16475349

Don't care and neither should you.

>> No.16475372
File: 14 KB, 368x353, 1587633513461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You never look classy eating a hamburger, and trying to church it up only makes you look even more classless.

You know what? Eating a burger with cutlery is the same thing as wearing one of those t-shirts with the tuxedo print on the front to a wedding.

>> No.16475384
File: 43 KB, 400x391, Monarch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With your hands, grabbing greasy fucking patties with your bare hands, getting cheese stuck in your nails and sauce all over your fingers because if you order something like that then don't even pretend you give a fuck.

I guarantee that the clientele at a place that serves something like that won't think any less of you, in fact they might cheer you on and do the same.

>> No.16476736

Pickup plate, slide into mouth, close mouth.

>> No.16476743

Do Amerifats really?

>> No.16477921

they're anime fans, so I can probably talk to them about 4chan

>> No.16478125

Shut up redditor

>> No.16478325

You're about 7 years too late.

>> No.16478563


this but for futa and scatfags

>> No.16478578

That knife wouldn't cut into a bun very well methinks.

>> No.16478780

if people are enjoying their food why get mad about it. Chill out bro, it's not like pineapple on pizza.

>> No.16478798

Fucking hell it took me a solid 15 seconds to realize I was reading this backwards

>> No.16478937

If you touch your food and put it in your mouth, you are literally uncivilised.

>> No.16478980

>Better put my gloves on so I can make a peanut butter sandwich, then eat it with a knife and fork.
This is the kind of thing a savage would do if he saw civilization but didn't understand it. If you don't understand when it's appropriate to touch your food, you are literally uncivilized.

>> No.16478989

> unironically believing anyone gives a shit what you think
the sheer retardation of (You)

>> No.16478990

If it's in the US? I'll silently judge them but ultimately respect how they can do whatever the absolute fuck they want.
Outside of the states? Only filthy subhuman chimps eat burgers with utensils. The only time it's acceptable to eat a sandwich with anything other than your hands is if it's open-faced.

>> No.16479430
File: 546 KB, 554x602, CB_BRayW4AAMhEp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are people of such low stock, browsing this board right now, that they don't even eat their hot dogs with a knife and fork.