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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16470883 No.16470883 [Reply] [Original]

How do you prepare brautwurst? What do you eat it with? What do you drink with it? Is it any good? I want to try it.

>> No.16470908

>finish on grill (or in pan with a bit of oil if lazy)
>in a bun with sauerkraut and mustard
It's very simple and very good

>> No.16470946

The fuck are you doing?

>> No.16470968

My sentiment exactly. You can buy pre-cooked ones and microwave them. Add a little ketchup and you've got a good easy meal. Yum! :)

>> No.16470988

This board is so fucked.

>> No.16470997

Boil the sauerkraut and just add the bratwurst to the same pan to heat/boil it

>> No.16470998

and then boil potatoes in a different pan, when the sauerkraut is done mash it together with the potatoes

>> No.16471000
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Boil with cabbage, dill and potato.
Let it all simmer till the potato is soft.
Thicken with flour and paprika.
Serve with dollop of sour cream.

You can add other veggies to it if you want, I did some with pumpkins I grew, and it freezes well so you've got food for ages. Also I like to chop up some onions and garlic first and cook them in the bottom of the pot before adding the other shit, turns out delicious. Add your pepper and some more paprika in with this step, and you can't go wrong with a spoonful of vegeta. The stock, not the saiyan.

>> No.16471004

how sheltered are you that you haven't had a brat?

>> No.16471567
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gerfag here dont boil bratwurst, just throw it in a pan. good with mashed potatoes + peas&carrots

or with potatoes and kohlrabi

>> No.16471575

preboil then grill on charcoal grill
On a bun, with carmelized onions, peppers, and with quality mustard.

>> No.16471578

Boiling before you grill is the proper way to grill bratwurts
They burn and it ruins the casings if you dont.

>> No.16471579

Is this a bait thread? Why is everyone saying they boil it? Are they gay?

>> No.16471583

You’re fucking retarded.

>> No.16471589

>You’re fucking retarded.
And youve been making shit brats for all your life.
Google it retard, its widespread and well known for a reason.
The only one on the outside is YOU.

>> No.16471590

I boil em in a stout for about 20 minutes or so before I grill em. Beer brats are a meme, but if you've never had one it's worth a try.

>> No.16471605

Why the fuck would I want a watery sausage? I’ve had shitty boiled-to-grill bratwurst. Just the grill, is better every fucking time.

>> No.16471611

the casings keep anything that has taste inside, it's not like boiling a hamburger patty

>> No.16471612

I make it in a cast iron pan if I don't feel like firing up the little charcoal grill.

I'll use bacon grease in the pan and in another do some sliced peppers and onions and pour a little of my beer into it--usually I'll be drinking a pilsner.

>> No.16471617

>I’ve had shitty boiled-to-grill bratwurst
>Why the fuck would I want a watery sausage

Oh no, he's retarded

>> No.16471625

You just cook them on LOW heat and turn them frequently. It's not difficult to prevent the casings from being scorched and the insides undercooked.

>> No.16471637

Im genuinely baffled right now.
Like did you think "beer brats" were just something you bought?
Kroger brand brats with beer already infused?

Sometimes I wonder about the posters on this board. Its like you guys actually did come only for the fast food shitposting

>> No.16471641

You don't have to boil them in beer first, shit head. You can cook them however you'd like.

>> No.16471643

True, and it sounds like some retards in this thread like their brats burnt, dry, and undercooked.

>> No.16471645

>Implying the way you cook a dish is the only way to do it.
Your parents should have hit you harder.

>> No.16471650
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>> No.16471657

The irony in this post is too much
Especially since it was you REEEEEEing that people parboil their brats. You know, the standard way everyone knows how to do it.

>Your parents should have hit you harder.
It sounds like your parents should have actually taught you how to cook.

>> No.16471665

I've made 4 posts, sport. 3 of them in reply to you. All I've said is that boiling is not strictly necessary to cook brats thoroughly and without burning them.

>> No.16471667

Is that what happens when you boil it?

>> No.16471675

Don’t bother, anon. They only know how to avoid burning food if they boil it.

>> No.16471679

>All I've said is that boiling is not strictly necessary to cook brats thoroughly and without burning them.

You can throw a raw brat into the microwave too and it would be cooked all the way through without being burnt too.

I get that you are new to cooking anon, but maybe you should start actually cooking and see for yourself

>> No.16471681

I get it, prep work is a little too hard for people who are used to TV dinners

>> No.16471687

I had never attempted to grill a non boiled brat until was about 25 because that's how everyone I ever met did it. Absolutely can be done, and isn't any more difficult than grilling any other food. That said, beer brats are excellent.

>> No.16471704
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>be me
>throw it straight on the grill
>comes out perfect every time

>be you
>have to boil it first
>still it burn it to shit

>> No.16471727

You underage retards probably don't buy your own food. Ask any good butcher for bratwursts and they will ask you wether you want raw or boiled ones. You can obviously boil the raw ones yourself berfore preparing them in whatever way you want.
On another note, I'm fairly certain any bratwurst you get at a food stall or buy packaged in a store is of the pre-boiled kind. So the anons talking about 'putting raw bratwursts on the grill' probably don't know what raw means.

>> No.16471753

If that’s what you have to tell yourself, anon.

>> No.16471779

Actual german here, dont boil ther eare otehr sausages to boil.
Fry it with butter and potatoes, or alone and eat it with anything potatoe.
Also Sauerkraut is nice, but only boiled for several hours. Best is several times with cooling in between for all in all 6 hours. And with bacon.

>> No.16471838

But I'm trying to tell you not myself. I don't boil my bratwursts either before grilling them. This thread is the first time I've heard of it. It just seems like most people don't realise that the sausages they buy have been boiled already and if you were to buy actual raw ones it wouldn't be wrong to boil them before grilling/frying.

>> No.16471844

Brat-Wurst literally means Fry/Grill-Sausage.

How you think you supposed to make them? Hint: They are not called Boil-Sausage

>> No.16471855

observing the sausage

>> No.16471886
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