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File: 575 KB, 2000x1200, oats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16470382 No.16470382 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a hidden way? Im basically poor af right now and need to live on oats rice & pasta, what are some good cheap sauces or spices that would make it taste better for cheap?

Atm im just boiling the oats in water and adding a banana, taste pretty meh but it's better than starving i guess..should i use milk instead of water?

>> No.16470464

use black strap

>> No.16470477

yes use milk, also peanut butter if u can afford
Here's my step by step breakfast, the measurements are all exact because i knew i'd be eating it for a while and I perfected it

>into bowl goes 159g milk, 23g peanut butter (skippy extra crunchy in my case, doesnt matter really)
>two big pinches of salt
>microwave for anywhere from 1 minute to 80 seconds
>remove, stir to dissolve(more accurately, break up) peanut butter
>add 60g oats
>microwave again 1 minute to 80 seconds, this 20 seconds greatly changes how thick\thin it is
>remove, stir to incorporate PB into oatmeal
>add 100-120g banana. This is usually half of a big banana or like 75% of a small one and i just eat the rest
>sprinkle generous amount of cinnamon
>stir again and holy shit its a great breakfast
561 calories

>> No.16470478

Cook oats in milk. Process the cooked oats and a banana into a slurry/paste. It's not delicious, but it is a lot more tolerable. Also soak the oats overnight I guess.

>> No.16470479

Soak your oats, add a pinch of salt, cook until creamy. Be sure to add the appropriate amount of water. If you're concerned about taste, be sure to caramelize your banana before adding it and harden up cunt.

>> No.16470498
File: 771 KB, 1641x973, 1519113420851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very legit recipe in pic related

I don't add much fruit. But I do throw in some cardamom seeds crushed while the milk boils.

>> No.16470598

Look into savory oats
curry,cumin,black pepper
5 spice, tumeric, ceyenne pepper, lemon peel

>> No.16470610

Vanilla, almond , orange extract
flax seeds

do you not have a local food bank?

>> No.16470617

you can't afford a bag of sugar?

>> No.16470669

i got used to the taste with a bit of salt, no sugar. it's a comforting to eat everyday

>> No.16470991

fruit of your choice

>> No.16471074

Anything goes with oatmeal. You can make it savory, sweet, salty, or a mix of these things. It comes out fine each time. Personally, I like to mix it with protein powders, dairy products of all kinds (especially yoghurts and butter), and berries. If you want it sweet but don't want instant diabetes from downing loads of sugar regularly, stevia is an option. I use plentiful salt and stevia in mine, but I also mix other things in for variety of flavor.

>> No.16471095

steal some frozen fruit at the grosery store, put it into a bull of hot oats
wa la, the fruit will melt and the sirrup will flavor your oats

>> No.16471098

roast oats first, then make oatmeal

>> No.16471117

use aspartame.

>> No.16471158

Not that I would recommend sugar, but it's way cheaper than bananas?
Anyway, pick some berries, if your time isn't valuable? Where do you live?

>> No.16471176

oats: cinnamon, vanilla, salt; optional: milk, honey, berries, maple syrup, bananas;
dice bananas and fry in sugar and oil/butter if you want it extra sweet

>> No.16471250

Yeah it's better with milk. I also prefer instant oats over quick oats or steel cut. You can make instant oats thicker which is more satisfying to me. Oatmeal that isn't thick enough just seems unpleasant to eat. Or do what >>16470478 said and process it into a thick paste somehow.

If you have a coffee grinder you can grind the oats and turn it into pancakes instead which is also good. It's usually 1.5 cups of oats before grinding to substitute for 1 cup of flour.

Eggs are really cheap if you can afford to buy them at some point. Even just one boiled egg with the oatmeal would make it a lot more tolerable.

>> No.16471274

I just use a bag of frozen blueberries because they last for like a year and a half. It's tough though because of the dethawing. I just put a pile of them in my bowl like an hour before I'm going to make the oatmeal.

Also, I only fell for buying steel cut oats once. They taste the same, have the same nutritional value, and take 500 times as long to prepare.

>> No.16471281

fruits, dairy

>> No.16471463

>>into bowl goes 159g milk, 23g peanut butter
>159g, 23g
Bless your autism

>> No.16472262


A mashed banana is a natural sweetener anon

>> No.16472268

Make savoury porridge. Cook it like congee or risotto. Throw in some beans and mexican spices and it's pretty good protein packed meal.

>> No.16472281

Just milk, raisins and 15 minutes soak time. (2:1 milk:oats by weight)

>> No.16472365

Make savory oats.
I usually cook a diced up sausage in the pot before hand, set the sausage aside the cook the oats in chicken broth and add w.e. spices I feel like. Then put the sausage back in.
But I never tried it with rolled oats, only with steelcut.

>> No.16472393

I do overnight oats in milk with protein powder

>> No.16472521

oats are carbs. might as well use sugar

>> No.16472527

Use honey and maple syrup to make granola.

>> No.16472538

dang that's almost what I do

here's what I've eaten for lunch every day for like a year, managed to almost cut out all the sugar entirely

overnight oats with milk, chopped banana, and a cup of homemade yogurt, add some cinnamon and salt. if ABSOLUTELY needed, you can add raisins, but I cut out the raisins because it felt more like I was eating a dessert than a meal at that point

>> No.16472601

peanut butter, and cinnamon

>> No.16473686

Greek yoghurt and fruits are your friends

>> No.16473937


garlic salt even might taste nice in oatmeal once in a while.

Honey rocks in oatmeal

>> No.16473990

sweetner + cinnamon + sliced banana + peanut butter

>> No.16474011


Make oatmeal energy balls. If you can get dates, thatd be a great way to add sweetness. Flax meal, chia seeds, cocoa powder, protein powder, apple sauce/smashed banana

Otherwise do what >>16470477 suggests

>> No.16474197

>Cinnamon powder
>Vanilla extract

>> No.16474210

peanut butter

>> No.16474213

that's sugar

>> No.16474214

I'm rich. What's the best fancy brand of Oats?

>> No.16474249

I think he means: he is gonna eat it at every meal so it can't always be sugar