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File: 125 KB, 800x449, drivethru_wide-8d794915b71d36efb20574d7af7b2952da9883ea_t800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16468654 No.16468654 [Reply] [Original]

You don't use the drive-thru when you get fast food, right? They're horrible for the environment.

>> No.16468658

Speak for yourself, electric cars don't need to 'idle'

>> No.16468659

not my problem

>> No.16468664

I've been avoiding it as much as possible actually. I'm rarely in that big of a hurry at meal times that I can't park my shit and go inside

>> No.16468667

fuck off, me idling my car an extra 2 minutes isn't shit for actual environmental issues that need addressing

>> No.16468669

i dont eat fast food.

>> No.16468676

Pretty true. All the processes that go into raising the meat and processing and transporting and cooking the food are orders of magnitude more destructive than running your engine for a few extra minutes

>> No.16468686 [DELETED] 

McDonald’s has had the lobby locked for over a year. Also fuck the environment

>> No.16468707

Something seemly small to you adds up, you momos. Every step you take to reduce your carbon footprint gets us one step closer to a clean future and happy planet. Why should we bother with paper straws of they're so small and insignificant? Because it all adds up. Sure there are bigger problems but that doesn't mean you should just throw your hands up in the air and say fuck it all.

>> No.16468808
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I do my part and try to lead by example but realistically if I shot myself in the head, the status of the environment 50 years from now will be the same regardless. I recycle, I don't litter even teeny tiny pieces of trash, etc, but until we stop allowing these giga polluter countries and companies from trying to put the onus on us, we are fucked

>> No.16468814

If we really cared about the environment we would ban Cars, Planes, and most Electronic devices.

>> No.16468821

This. The average voter/citizen is powerless to make any real change. Assuming everyone believed in climate change, they would all completely agree to do something to address it. Since that's not the case, and most 3rd worlders are just gonna fuck it up regardless, my own personal choice in the matter is of zero consequence on a macro scale.

>> No.16468825

I always do now, because I have to wear a mask to go inside and I like to show off my strong jaw and pert lips.

>> No.16468836

I only eat KFC once a month but I walk all the way to the other side of the city to get my drumsticks and then I look for slutty teenagers on the way back home. Sometimes I get lucky and can take one back with me to schmuckie.

>> No.16468845

I live in NYC, so I don’t need a car.

>> No.16468988

No I have my uber eats guy pick up my fast food and deliver it to me.

>> No.16469100

paper straws are so fucking dumb
all that paper is just going to end up in a landfill and rot into CO2 anyway. possibly emitting more carbon than it took because you'd be spending energy to turn cellulose from trees into paper in the first place.

>> No.16469132

I wonder how well straws from actual wheat, rye, or oat straw would work? Do they have a reasonable diameter? (I've never lived or worked on a farm.)

>> No.16469133

Fatasses are a nuisance to society. If I am elected president everyone over the weight of 250lbs will be publicly humiliated and executed by being launched by a trebuchet into a wall.

>> No.16469135
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>They're horrible for the environment.
An individual person has ZERO EFFECT on the environment, dumb cultist

>> No.16469143

I wish there was a drive thru to lane dump a load of cum in fertile women and twink men

>> No.16469151

So you're saying we should ban drive thrus to ensure the full collective doesn't use them?

>> No.16469221
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>> No.16469255

>why bother with straw if they're so small and isnignificant
firstly, fucking no-one over the age of 8 even uses or used straws.
secondly, straws only account for 0.2% of plastic waste in the ocean.
banning that shit was cool and all but literally ignoring the elephant in the room

want to save the planet?
literally nuke China.
1/3rd of the population dropped instantly.
60% of the planet's waste production instantly reduced.
CO2 emissions reduced by 80%
Much much less plastic, chemicals, waste and feces in the ocean.

>> No.16469285
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>> No.16469302

clearly you missed the point you hyperbolic faggot

>> No.16469305

Not only do I use the drive thru, but I'm also redlining the engine in neutral the whole time to let the people in front of me know they need to hurry up, get their food, and get out of my way.

>> No.16469350

Unless you get out and literally shoot them, they're probably just confused by the autist behind them damagining his car for fast food.

>> No.16469601

always funny

>> No.16469709
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thats an aussie drive thru, it would be more like

>> No.16469719

I think they are actually slower than ordering inside.

>> No.16469730

it really depends, they have hard metrics on drive thru service times, thus inside takes lower priority. if you have enough fries for the next 3 orders at the window or the next 3 orders for inside, the customers inside are probably going to be the ones who wind up waiting. plus whoever is working the front counter, if not a manager, is probably in the lowest 10% of the intelligence pool of the staff
t. former wendy's cuck

>> No.16469921

i'm right though.
you wanna save the planet?
nuke china.

>> No.16469939

McDomalds here hasn't opened indoor dining
Only place too

>> No.16469946

Tell McDormand's to unlock their doors and I won't do donuts in their parking holes.

>> No.16470861
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Funny how you idiots in cities that actually banned the things got raped badly when the Wuhan novel coronavirus came about.

>> No.16470870

no cities have banned drive thrus lul

>> No.16470878

the city I live in has banned new drive thru construction. only properties with an existing drive-thru are allowed to operate.

personally i think it's a good idea since a vast majority of drive thru patronage is by stupid poor people.

>> No.16470879
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That's where you're wrong faggot. https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2019/10/10/765789694/why-u-s-cities-are-banning-new-fast-food-drive-throughs
>In August, Minneapolis became the latest city to pass an ordinance banning the construction of new drive-through windows. Similar legislation restricting or banning the ubiquitous windows has also passed in Creve Coeur, Mo.; Long Beach, Calif.; and Fair Haven, N.J.

>> No.16470886

By the time the environment goes to shit, I'll already be an old man with zero incentive to give a shit about preserving this dump of a space rock or whatever, so fuck niggers, fuck kikes, fuck spics, fuck this planet, and most importantly fuck you OP.

>> No.16470889

You should ban yourself from life

>> No.16470897

>a couple of "cities" that aren't even proven to exist have banned NEW drive-thru construction
wow u sure showed that guy!!

>> No.16471014

I'm autistic and I would have a very hard time ordering something face-to-face

>> No.16471533

based apathy poster

>> No.16471566

I hate how good this bait is.

"carbon footprint" and individuals "doing their part" to "help the environment" is pure propaganda and a con from large producers of pollution.

It serves 2 purposes
>deflection to convince people who worry about the environment to blame themselves and look away from the real polluters
>make the people who are not worried about the environment feel personally attacked, so that all legislation and moves to help the environment are met with hate and anger

And it works.
A single slowboat from china containing shipping containers full of dollar store trash shits out more air pollution and dumps oil and other chemicals directly into the ocean.
It does more damage than a year of all 4chans NEETs idling in the fast food drive-throughs

Either way, while you are distracted you are pretty much just sucking off ExxonMobile as they get off scot-free

>> No.16471892


>> No.16471957

5% of power generation companys produce 2/3 of all co2 emissions so shut the fuck up retard idling a car in a fuckn mcdonald deive thru isnt gonna do jack shit you fucking retard

>> No.16471984
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>They're horrible for the environment.
that's why i use it. rent free