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16468053 No.16468053 [Reply] [Original]

Let's settle this, should you buy bottled water or just drink tap water?

>> No.16468262

In WA, tap is better than bottled, everywhere else sucks

>> No.16468263

I have a carbon filtration system/water softener that all my house water goes through I make my own bottled water

>> No.16468269


most bottled water is tap water

>> No.16468275

depends where you live.

>> No.16468277

Filter your water, carbonate it if you are feeling a little wild.

>> No.16468280

Normally in my area the tap water is indistinguishable from bottles, but my current apartment is new and has shitty piping so it's pretty undrinkable.

>> No.16468490

neither; find a place that sells reverse osmosis water by the gallon. it’s more than twice as cheap as bottled water

>> No.16468514

I live in a pretty environmentally pristine place, the water here out of the tap is always ice cold and fucking delicious.

>> No.16468532

Retard moment. There are like 5 places in the US that don't need to filter their tap water and is hence better.

>> No.16468666

>water is from a reservoir running trough a river
>river is right next to a former leather factory which had a major chemical spill that contaminated an entire area around the river
>pipes and cleaning station is decades old
>tap water is still ten times cleaner than most american tap water

>> No.16468813

The tap water in my area is fine.

>> No.16468840

i remember going to denver and falling in love with their tap water

>> No.16468904

I live in a town literally called "The land of sweet water". Our tap is seriously excellent and people who buy bottles are retarded

>> No.16469069
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Diet coke from cans.

>> No.16469077

I buy bottled water when I'm out because there's no way I'm trusting communally shared faucets to be clean.

>> No.16469106

Bit of both really. Tap if i make tea/coffee (i filter tap water). Mineral if i fancy a drink.

>> No.16469163


>> No.16469203

It depends on your tap water. The one in my area leaves a harsh aftertaste after drinking it.
I like to use bottled water for my coffee and put a bit of tap water so it has a hint of 'harshness'.

>> No.16469208

I only buy 2L bottles and I mix it with about 700ml of water, so it doesn't taste so strong and sweet.