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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 23 KB, 420x495, raw+milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16464517 No.16464517 [Reply] [Original]

Picked some up today at the Farmer's Market, what am I in for?

>> No.16464523


>> No.16464532

this milk tastes really good. make sure to shake it because it gets deposits on the walls of the container.

>> No.16464540

I've never had raw milk, it's a bit of a faux pas here in the states.
What's it taste like? I imagine it tastes pretty much like a good heavy cream.

>> No.16464544

raw milk. Good shit. Makes good cheese.

>> No.16464554


>> No.16464557

It's not really different from pasteurized milk. Assuming the cows don't have any diseases, it should be safe.

>> No.16464559

I live in the states. Got some from an amish grocery. You can find raw milk everywhere if you know where to look. Raw milk from grassfed cows is delicious. You can even taste a bit of what the cow ate. It can be kind of minty/grassy in a very pleasant way. I love raw milk. Makes better cheese too.

>> No.16464573
File: 1.14 MB, 2235x2447, milkcreamrawc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is raw cream

>> No.16464582

Might as well just ante up for human milk at that point.

>> No.16464599

It tastes thick and creamy, the kind of thing you want to slowly sip on because the fat/cream content is really high. It's really rich and satisfying is the only way I can describe it. Hard to go back to grocery store milk after drinking it, even organic, full fat milk doesn't have the same satisfaction.

I've been drinking it regularly for like almost two years now, have never had any negative reactions to it. Stuff is delicious, but it's about $10 a gallon at the co-op.

>> No.16464618


>> No.16464633

>It tastes thick and creamy, the kind of thing you want to slowly sip on because the fat/cream content is really high.
That's kinda gay.
Anyway, the creaminess sounds like it's just a matter of cream content, which doesn't really have anything to do with raw vs. pasteurized. It's not like you can't have raw skimmed milk or raw buttermilk.

>> No.16464886

tasted a little sweet and earthy last I had which was nice. I'd like to get more.

>> No.16464895
File: 1.55 MB, 384x288, i have a bad case of diarrhea.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16464912

I make kefir with what I get. I adore the stuff. Sheep milk > goat milk > cow milk, but as long as it's raw, it's all good stuff.

>> No.16464966

Can only white (real white, not Italian/Jews) people consume raw milk?

>> No.16465147

Bad poops unless you use it to make a dairy product.

>> No.16465797

It was delicious. Definitely a little different than regular milk but still good. I think I'll grow to like it more but only had a half-glass today to get acclimated.

>> No.16465825

some Middle Easterners can handle it well if i recall correctly

>> No.16465849

>the Farmer's Market
Which Farmer? What is his name? There are many farmers with markets so I think you could be a little more precise with your speech. Jesus christ the state of this board...

>> No.16465864

>he doesn't know about 4chans exclusive farmer's market
you too can have access if you buy the pass

>> No.16466055

So sweet, like a milkshake that's melted a bit.

>> No.16466455

Nigga holy animal of India is literally a cow.

>> No.16466484

and they still shit themselves (or, more commonly, the street) if they have dairy

>> No.16466544

real milk

it basically stops being milk during the homogenization process, so store milk isn't really milk

also, the glowies in the FDA want to ban it because it's better for you, sort of how they want to ban suppliments because one person had one bad reaction meanwhile millions die because of prescriptions

>> No.16466552

Difficult to get raw milk in India, due to the obvious hygiene issues, all commercially sold milk has to be pasteurised and homogenised by law. But I did get one direct from a farmer once and used it in my coffee. Even today, I yearn for that coffee. Also, never use sugar when drinking a raw milk beverage, if you are in the habit of doing so.

>> No.16466555
File: 135 KB, 694x1200, 1623636002047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it is really raw, short shelf life, higher fat cont. and the milk gets a "skin".

>> No.16466556
File: 122 KB, 1280x720, downloadfile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No we don't, retard. Lactose intolerance is almost nonexistent here.

>> No.16466732

Well I've had all kinds of milk here (in new zealand), and basically never really noticed a difference between unhomogenized store brought milk, and raw milk you can buy from farms (they have vending machines to fill your own bottles). The unhomogonized milk is just raw milk thats been quickly heat treated. doesn't taste any different at least form what I noticed.

>> No.16466752

liquid shits

>> No.16467093

1gulp for your body. Cook the rest.

>> No.16467364

>can find it everywhere
>but only if you know how to look

>> No.16467502

Really fatty milk. Actually kinda inferior to pasturized milk because the fat "dilutes" the milk flavor, rolls over your tongue in an unpleasant way like you're drinking cream.
Besides I've noticed no real difference in using raw milk over any other milk.

>> No.16467679
File: 144 KB, 1022x570, url(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you couldve taken 2 seconds to search to save yourself from looking like a retard