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16463609 No.16463609 [Reply] [Original]

Why are vegans constantly trying to recreate meat?

>> No.16463618

Because they want to eat meat without the implications they chose to be vegan for.

>> No.16463628

They remember the taste anon, and it constantly is at the back of their brain since their body naturally wants meat and isn't getting it.

>> No.16463648

You cant chance the living conditions of cattle by not buying meet. Its a bit idiotic as well, cause many vegan products are as expensive as meat or more. Occasionally they even worsen the living conditions with their behavior. Just don't tell them, let them believe what they want.

>> No.16463653

>You cant chance the living conditions of cattle by not buying meet.
Basically the main thing with these moral things, no ethical consumption and all that.

>> No.16463654

They are weak wiled losers. At least when I went vegetarian for a while, I never ate a meat substitute.
Fucking losers.

>> No.16463660

No its just simpler if you have the money for a well raised meat and you spent it on soy. You degenerate in this moment the living conditions of the cattle. That's simple economic. As vegetarian you can only win if you reach an critical threshold of 90% or more.

>> No.16463669

try that in english again
bait, thyme

>> No.16463679

Soya products are very expensive. Well raised meet with good living conditions is very expensive.
If you buy meet substitutes instead of well raised meet the machine wins. The poor living condition wins.

>> No.16463683

i never understood this question, it seems so low iq
vegans arent vegan because they dont like meat, theyre vegan because they think killing animals for food is wrong. just think about it, when has vegan ever told you meat tastes bad? thats not the reason theyre vegan. so makes sense trying to recreate something you like but dont eat for moral reasons
and no im not a vegan i just have average iq

>> No.16463890

I understand where you're coming from, but if you think animals aren't being killed for vegan burgers then you are probably below average iq.

>> No.16464020

Idk man, I was at a burger event that had two vegan options: one was a veggie pattie and the other was a soy based meat replacement product. Tried both, guess which tasted better?

>> No.16464029

Why do people keep asking these questions?
Try getting 50g protein a day on beans and grains and it's blindingly obvious why vegans need to buy processed protein products

>> No.16464033

Vegans know that field mice amongst other things die in farming, its about the path of least harm. Just as you would choose to kill an animal before cooking it
A cup of lentils is 50g of protein

>> No.16464038

A cup of lentils is an absolute fuckton of lentils, I couldn't eat that much in a day without extreme discomfort

>> No.16464047

Vegetarian and vegan diets are a lot different. Being able to eat eggs and dairy products makes the vegetarian diet much easier

>> No.16464048

Ive honestly never met a real vegan (myself being one) that eats these or cares. These fake meat products are for fake vegans who are only trying to fit in and look trendy and dont actually want to give up meat for more than a couple months.

>> No.16464052

A cups only 250ml, its really not that much. Conversely, you need 250g of steak for the same amount of protein. Its not as if you ONLY have to eat lentils, Jesus man
Toxic vegan mentality

>> No.16464059

Dude, a regular serving of dry lentils is like 40g. You're talking about more than five bigass bowls of lentils in a day, or equivalent, every day. I'd fucking kill myself. Comparing dried lentils to steak is absurd.

>> No.16464071

>5 bigass bowls
What? Its 2.5 cups cooked, and again, you can eat stuff that's not lentils... Its not really absurd, its an interesting comparison.

>> No.16464089

You chose lentils because it's the most dense whole food source - sure, you can eat beans, and grains, and nuts, but it's still a similar volume with similar results.

Give it a try, try eating 250g dry lentils in a day. If you're a normally proportioned human with a normal human appetite, that's a goddamn miserable experience.

>> No.16464107

>You chose lentils because it's the most dense whole food source
Nah I chose lentils because I like them. 250g lentils is like one can. Add. Salt and pepper or mix in other flavours and your good to go. In fact I'd love dhal right now if I could get it.

>> No.16464119

It's not 'one can', lol. Are you confused as to how much hydration lentils need or something?
Typical 400g can of green lentils as I can buy them here, you'd need seven cans to meet that 50g.

>> No.16464125

Nevermind that was a 1/2 can serving for some reason. 3.5 cans. I still couldn't do it.

>> No.16464145

OK those cans are 50% water which is counted in the nutrition. Its 1.75 cans of drained lentils, but dried lentils prepare into a more protein dense form and I think this is where the confusion is arising from. Its basically a bowl of lentils, I don't see why that's not doable, more so I don't understand why you're trying to get all 50g in one meal. Half a bowl of lentils would be 25g, and then whatever you have for breakfast lunch, snacks and elevensies would make up the rest. Still like I said I love lentils so I'd find it easy to live off them.

>> No.16464164

I'm not suggesting this is doable in one meal (though, two chicken thighs isn't even unreasonable in one meal). If I were making some canned lentil sloppa, which isn't exactly something I'd do these days but nonetheless, one can is definitely two meals worth for me. So, yes, five bigass bowls is what 50g lentil protein would feel like to me.

I like lentils, and beans, and grains, don't get me wrong - but living like that eating half a dozen times more fibre than anyone on a normal diet is not something I'd *ever* be able to sustain, and I definitely don't feel like I'm alone in that.

>> No.16464168

It's mostly to convert meat eaters

>> No.16464174

Yet they are perfectly happy murdering plants and bugs

>> No.16464178


>> No.16464191

i'm not constantly trying to recreate meat. it's just that companies need to profit and most people aren't vegan so meat substitutes obviously sell better.

but please, everyone, continue to tell me how i actually closet-love meat and just dont know it. i know, i know, im simply denying my basal desires and it couldn't possibly be the case that flesh and blood are simply disgusting.

>> No.16464207

>flesh and blood are simply disgusting

Wtf you are literally made of flesh and blood. It's not disgusting at all.

>> No.16464209
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Less need for shitty meat products, better conditions for livestock, better quality meat in general. It's a win for everyone

>> No.16464215
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How about:
-50 billion bees dying per year to farm almonds in California alone
-Orangutans and tigers going extinct for palm production
-certain animals going extinct due to overuse of pesticides
-fish going extinct from a combination of tillage and artificial fertilizer runoff causing toxic algae blooms
-The multibillion dollar crop protection industry

The path of least harm is self sufficiency. You cannot buy less harm at a supermarket.

>> No.16464242

I don't get it either. I like the frozen pre made veggie burgers more than any of the meat replacements. They focus on tasting good and not like looking or tasting like meat.

>> No.16464259

lol. it sounds like you're just looking for human-meat substitutes.

my taste is just different i guess and i wish the world gave the same effort with non-animal-derived products as they do with animal ones. i wish veganism weren't an 'alternative' lifestyle.

>> No.16464268

I just don't think the stuff humans and animals are made out of is disgusting. That's childish.

The world won't cater to you regardless of what you eat. You have plenty of options for animal abstinence products. And I have plenty of options being a sovereign focused omnivore living in hardiness zone 4. Be happy with what you have and stop being disgusted with natural things. It's childish.

>> No.16464278

this, vegans arnt the target audience, people think its healthier than meats, but oils are the worse thing you can eat, well, maybe large amounts of frutcose is worse

>> No.16464286

they are actually coping

>> No.16464295

Those have no protein either, so they're not really achieving anything

>> No.16464303

Vegans aren't. Entrepreneurs are. I'd rather see them pouring all those money and enthusiasm into bioreactor-grown meat. Still, have to sell the godawful beyond burger because public demanded it. Fucking plebs, i swear.
t. vegan cook

>> No.16464311
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Wife is vegan. She says they actually liked meat before turning vegan. She always talks about how everyone thinks a vegan will want to eat tomatoes and lettuce for a meal, but what they actually want is the same as everyone else, a tasty, high-calorie, fatty, filling meal.

>> No.16464329

>high calorie, fatty, filling meal
>no animal products
Pick one.

>> No.16464330

meat taste good

>> No.16464346

I live off soley avocado and olives blended

>> No.16464347

>A cup of lentils is 50g of protein
>Conversely, you need 250g of steak for the same amount of protein.
You're comparing dry lentils to fresh meat. That's not really an honest comparison. You can't eat dry lentils. You'd need about 2.75 cups of cooked lentils, which is about 550g, to equal the protein in a 250g steak. The protein quality of lentils is also lower than that of beef. Meat is usually around 25-30% protein. Lentils are not going to be able to match that because they're also full of starch and fiber.

I'm not saying lentils are bad. I just see people constantly trying to make the argument that lentils and beans are comparable to meat in protein content because they compare dry lentils/beans to fresh meat. Cooked lentils are about 10% protein. Cooked meat has almost triple that.

>> No.16464351

The burgers OP has posted are fatty and filling and they actually taste good if done properly.
Sometimes I'll cook her general tzo's chicken with soy chicken and it also tastes pretty good.
Although I do agree the human body begs for animal fats. I'm biased because I eat barbecue by myself 5-6 times a week.

>> No.16464353

bugs have even more

>> No.16464359

vegans should just suck it up and take the bug plunge for the rest of us so they taste good eventually

>> No.16464379

i dunno idrc about being a better person. maturity points are worthless to me.

animals taste worse so i don't want to eat them. simple as. im also expressing laziness when i complain about the availability of vegan products. so what? you seem to be getting a kick out of feeling superior to me anyway so i don't seem to be making the world any worse by whining.

eww to flesh and blood. why aren't i allowed to be jealous of the enabled and easy dietary life meat-eaters have?
what's wrong with wanting my dietary goals to be easier to achieve? it's like you want others to always be stagnant or something.
"be happy with an abacus - learn calculus with that" you'll say to me... if that makes sense.

>> No.16464480

If you're jealous of meat eaters just eat meat. Most of the meat I eat is from stuff I kill (eventually plan to only eat what I kill in the near future) I don't think it's gross at all, even though I was brought up to believe it was gross. Why is something that is so beautiful alive suddenly become repulsive simply because it doesn't have life?

I don't really eat animals for taste, though I do find them delicious, I actually tend to eat vegetables more for taste pleasure. Even though they make me farty and shit too much. Animals I eat for nourishment and good health. If I could feel healthy without them believe me, I wouldn't eat them.

Idk. You think you are alternative but to me you seem pretty mainstream. A bloodless life terrified of flesh, death, and hard work, it's actually incredibly common.

Also, no one is superior to anyone. I have happily fed vegetarians before and I would definitely lay out a nice multi course meal for a vegan if I knew any irl who I could trust (even though I know they wouldn't do the same for me).

Definitely don't want people to be stagnant. A person with a garden will have extra produce to give to the hungry. A person with a laying flock will have extra eggs, a person with a cow will have extra milk, and a person with a hog will have extra meat.

>> No.16464607

>Why is something that is so beautiful alive suddenly become repulsive simply because it doesn't have life?
I think a lot of people aren't too fond of the idea of dying.

>> No.16464642

But why? We all gotta go someday. Why be scared of the inevitable?

>> No.16464708

basically this, especially the tillage and fertilizer use. We need to move to regenerative farming practices. If the government opted to only subsidized farms that adopt a cover cropping system lots of these issues of pesticides, herbicides, soil erosion, and drought intolerance would be severely mitigated.

>> No.16464712

>Why is something that is so beautiful alive suddenly become repulsive simply because it doesn't have life?
it's consuming the animal that's disgusting to me. i think you understand that but your words almost seem to miss it. i mean i guess i agree that animal lives shouldn't go to waste but i don't think that just magically makes it okay to raise animals simply to kill them. but then someone would "what about..." the impacts of agriculture. again - appeal of food/taste are my main reasons for being vegan.
i don't actually know whether life is inherently beautiful or not. sounds edgy though.

>digestive problems possibly from fibrous vegetables
okay dude, i know you're trying to gross me, the easily grossed vegan, out.

>im mainstream
so what do you want from me? to become a hunter like you? that's only available to a small population.
even if i could - of course death terrifies me! but i think you go a bit far including hard work with those terrors. yeah i am lazy but it's out of efficiency. it's not efficient to focus so much effort on culinary or hunting endeavors if i don't have to. at least for me.

my instincts read your post and i think i've heard your closed-loop hunter's diet sentiments before from like... Joe Rogan or someone.
it seems like you're almost channeling Jesus when you say how generous you are providing people with your flesh and blood. kind of extraneous information. im not a monster, i agree that people should be fed.

im pretty sure it's not just "childish" to not want to consume animals in general even if i am childish. i'm not the person to have a vegan archetype of biblical magnitude to rival you, Omnivorous Jesus.

i apologize for taking so long to respond and also if i didn't address enough of your points. some things required me to make up my mind on things i hadn't really thought of before.

>> No.16464770

I don't hunt. I actually kicked all the hunters off my property last year. Fuckers were trying to shoot coyotes and from what I hear from my neighbors they don't make any damn difference in the deer population anyways.
I also don't raise my livestock simply to kill them. They are just as important to me alive as dead. They provide sustainable fertility and pest control for my crops. However I can't just keep them all alive even if I didn't want to eat them. Too many males will cause unnecessary suffering.

I don't really want anything from you. From vegans in general I want to be accepted and not put on the same level as convenience obsessed jackasses who want no connection with their food whatsoever, but I also kind of accept that that's an unrealistic desire. People will always be bigoted towards their opposition. I know I can be that way too.

I guess I also think you shouldn't be scared of death. Living in fear of death is no different than living in fear of tomorrow. It's coming no matter how you feel about it. :)

Don't compare me to anyone. I've never been to church and I don't think it's appropriate to use labels to describe ones personal spirituality or lack thereof.

Nice to know you're thinking of things you haven't really thought of before. I try to do that as much as possible.

I do have to wonder... when did acquiring food become such a burden to humanity? Is it really better to sit around and think and tinker and mindlessly entertain oneself to distract from the inevitable? I definitely don't fit in that regard. I love food, its life's fuel. It reminds you that you're still among the living.

>> No.16464879

fpbp as always

>> No.16464882

okay, suspending disbelief in whether or not you're larping or not, i have made quite a few incorrect assumptions about your lifestyle.
it still seems like whatever lifestyle you live, with it's deep connection to food through livestock and crops, is a life available to a select few enabled by how much land you're able to own. also enabled by how much time you can set aside to maintain livestock because you don't have to pay bills by another time-sucking job. i commend you if you're doing both. that's admirable but still paints a hyper-idealistic archetype that isn't available to many for one reason or another.
of course we should all be doing 100% of our capabilities all the time but as you know and have expressed, it's not necessarily realistic.

>convenienced obsessed
mmm okay. i may be guilty of this. while i don't think it's the worst thing to be guilty of in the world, i could do better.
also... wow im starkly such a crappy person next to you, aren't i? someone might subconsciously start painting all vegans with my faults and all omnivores as ideal as you. im doing such a bad job representing vegans but it's all coincidence that things seem this way. im just doing me and you're doing you.

>Is it really better to sit around and think and tinker
i don't know man the olympics are going on and i don't think any of those athletes would be competent if they had to maintain crops and take care of their own livestock in a closed-loop system.
i'm fairly certain a lot of the innovations, conveniences, and discoveries present in modern life are the result of chores being delegated to others. i guess supermarkets are evil but kinda like... guess we can't have all this nice stuff that results from tinkering or training if we all lived seeking deep connection to our food.

>> No.16464926

>From vegans in general I want to be accepted and not put on the same level as convenience obsessed people
i definitely did paint you with the same brush i paint people who simply shop at the supermarket and just are "meat-heads". i couldn't come up with a better term to describe people that are just so focused on eating meat for eating meat's sake. they cartoonishly sometimes like adopt raw meat diets and the like and it seems like it's out of this artificial... like "putting on airs" rejection of everything that threatens a carnivorous diet.

i use the word "like" too much and im sorry for having thought of you being in with that crowd.

>> No.16464977

Don't be so worried about what other people think of you. Even if the whole world hated you and you liked yourself that would be far better quality life than if the whole world loved you and you hated yourself. What the whole world thinks is irrelevant. Like I said before, even though I want to be accepted, I realize that want is unrealistic and not worth ruminating on.

I dunno man. Is all this stuff really that nice? Would our lives really be that horrible if the Olympics didn't exist and we were focusing more on the land and caring for ourselves and our community? I find that the internet is ok for talking to strangers, but conversations that are truly meaningful and memorable just seem to not actually happen on here. For example, while this conversation is nice and rare (especially on 4 chan) it will soon end and be completely forgotten in favor of flesh and blood interactions I have had with people.

I do understand I come from a place of privilaged with having access to land, but I do believe more people could live like me if they wanted to. I get the luxury of being quite frugal and I have found a small amount of land in the countryside can actually provide a lot of self sufficiency. I think its kind of fucked up that we have so much land (at least where I live in the United States) arable land, land where people could have homes instead of living on urban streets exposed to the elements, and we fuck them over. Meanwhile bill gates has something like almost 300,000 acres of farmland to play around on. Is that really fair? Can one man really manage all that land?

Anyways, I digress. All i can say is. Represent yourself, not your diet, not your beliefs, not your gender, ethnicity, race, religion, whatever. Represent yourself. All that other shit is just labels. It's irritating when people get so caught up in identity. It just divides us further.

>> No.16465087

omg you took my half-sarcasm like a champ. im really just frustrated that i don't have as sound of a justification for my lifestyle as you do. i want to say it's the way life molded me but that's sort of a cop-out.

>I do believe more people could live like me if they wanted to.
i see some people in near-urban environments (usually of a certain race, not to stereotype) who use their limited yard space to at least grow some sort of crop like tomatoes/corn/etc so i just wanted to let you know all of humanity isn't hopeless. sadly, in my eyes, the anecdotes i know in real life aren't vegan but it's always cool to see in any case.
it's the livestock you have that places you in the select few.

I can't really speak on the ethics of the super-rich.... iunno i don't feel like thinking about and it you should be tired of looking at my posts at this point lol.

but i can say i was glad to read about your views and it was even more interesting to see a bit of how you live as well.

>> No.16465115

No, thats not it. It makes sense in their warped mind that a meat substitute can make meat obsolete for meat eaters.

Vegans are already vegan - but thats not enough, everybody else must be vegan too

>> No.16465127

underage faggots get out

>> No.16465200

They're a cult and they try to indoctrinate sane people with meat

>> No.16465255
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>> No.16465257

It's here to make it easier for meat addicts to quit supporting the meat industry if they don't want to harm animals anymore. Convenience and habit are a big reason why some people say it's too bothersome to go vegan or even vegetarian so if you can basically buy a halfway identical product it weakens that reason. Basically the social reason you can still easily have a bbq or go to fast food places etc. More and more people are ditching meat/animal products in general and of course the market is growing for more alternatives too.

>> No.16465319

anyone in this thread smoke wead

>> No.16465376

I can eat more since I went vegan which is great for me but to the point of lentils it's not like we just eat pure lentils a day and you'll find protein in various amounts in most foods like bread, dairy free milk products, mushrooms, spinach, banana, yeast(marmite/vegemite or in powder form), oats, nuts and seeds.

>> No.16465391
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because they're faggy and weedy and who cares?

>> No.16465439

>don't like talking about the ethics of the super rich

That's where the problem is. We wanna talk about petty shit like what small frys are doing and not look at the root cause of all the legitimately fucked up things going on. Great power has great reach and great influence. And yet they seem to almost have immunity from the bulk of public scrutiny.

As long as there are massively subsidized monocrops getting processed into oil, there's going to be oil cakes that are completely useless outside of animal feed. Animals can eat what we can't. Billionaires will claim the future is vegan but they damn well know it's not. However, the future might become more difficult for the poor.

The people you know who grow crops aren't vegan because they know a vegan world is impossible. I know you want it to be true, because you can be vegan for however long you've been vegan, but like it or not animals are incredibly important to us. There are even veganic farms that regularly rely on animals for their manure and behaviors. Cattle in India, where they abstain from beef are worshipped for the fertility of their droppings and the nourishment from their milk. This planet did not evolve with just plants and humans, and in order to sustain its fertility and nourish ourselves at the same time we need to respect that.

:) Definitely not tired of your replies, but I have been kind of busy. Had to rotate pasture today which takes a couple hours and it's 90 degrees with 70% humidity. And I'm too cheap to use air conditioning, so my brain is a bit on the fritz.

>> No.16465445

Eat my nickacado sized coin slot, papa smurf.

>> No.16465526

-better than the suffering in animal agriculture they also need to eat plants where insect die including bees also losing parts or culling your bee population is normal for honey bees
-avoid palm oil you might eat it
-animals eat more farmed plants
-urine and manure is toxic literally a local farm with just a few cows killed the entire fish population in our local creek
And the overfishing and ghost nets aren't too blame now?
-the multitbillion dolar animal agriculture industry

Most people can't be though so why not buy the vegan options instead of meat, this makes the biggest difference in you footprint.

>> No.16465550

Carnivores are pathetic.

>> No.16465563

they are trying to justify their virtue signaling diet by making it seem like a viable alternative. vegans are literally the left wing version of the raw meat diet.

>> No.16465610

we are at 50% topsoil depletion, I wonder how we can regenerate it?

>> No.16465625

natural fertilizer from pasture raised ruminants? maybe its not the cow but the how

>> No.16465629

That's not illogical, they see mammal life as more valuable than vegetal/arthropod life, simply because mammals have more developed brains

>> No.16465636

Could we say the same about eating fish and not mammals?

>> No.16465639

Not really. Fish feel pain.

>> No.16465646

Yea, I think it's pretty reasonable to see mammal life as more valuable than fish life for the same reason; but from a vegan's point of view, even killing a fish for food is morally disturbing and should be avoided if possible, so they simply choose to only murder as much as necessary for their survival

>> No.16465651

Plants "feel pain" too for whatever thats worth but the pertinent question should be what is the quality of that conscious life. And I'd argue fish is less valuable than mammals. But that's just me.

>> No.16465684

bingo we are paying farmers to let their land go wild, we could be paying them to smartly rotate ruminants and cut the time down, plus you know, they could sell the meat after

>> No.16465696

So the animals aren't a problem per se but the question I guess is whether this sustainable agriculture is feasible at a large enough scale to feed as many people as the destructive factory farming does. I've heard people convincingly argue this either way so I'm not really sure.

>> No.16465702

Why do lesbians use dildos?

>> No.16465771

The vegan's point of view is retarded. Theoretically a human could live off the meat of a single cow for a very long time while eating nothing else. Replacing all those calories and nutrients with plant-based foods would require a lot more animals to be killed through crop deaths. A cow can and should be grass-fed so the counter argument that "cows eat crop produce" doesn't even make sense. Being a pure carnivore is actually a lot more vegan than the supposedly "vegan" diet, what an absolute joke.

>> No.16465811

Show me how plants feel pain. I'm waiting. Also, if plants feel pain, it makes more sense to eat them then eat an animal's who eats then.

>> No.16466001
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if most people can't be self sufficient then we have failed as a species.

>> No.16466580

Are you a retard?
Vegans constantly push their shit on other people because they tend to be vegan for ethical reasons. Other people like eating meat too much to be vegan or vegetarian, vegans think if they can recreate meat without the animal they can save the cow.

>> No.16466607

We had a repeat problem with a cashier at a local fredmeyer.
Dumb bitch would recite vegan propaganda and insult customers who were buying meat at her register.
To avoid the petty annoyance more of us went to the self-checkout lanes. Others made sure to take meat purchases to her register.
She started yelling at customers... but she kept working there.
We found out by rumor that the dyke store manager was fucking her.
I hope I wasn't the only one to email this info to fredmeyer complaint system.
Week after that both the vegan dykes were gone.
So, another homeless vegan, I mean getting FIRED from the lowest form of work must be a huge dark smear on your work history.

>> No.16466739

Why are you constantly trying to recreate this thread?
Some things will always be mysteries.

>> No.16466750

Because non-vegans complain a fuck ton about vegan food tasting shitty. So they produce hanger ons that want healthier meals and go "oh this is alright actually" etc. It shuts them up generally, but as you can see by the need to make the thread, unfortunately not always.

>> No.16466883

you might just be the dumbest cunt in the world.
>grass-fed beef
yeah fucking organic non-processed food exists too dickhead. not every omnivore eats at McDonalds, not every vegan eats this shit. you clearly know fuck all about sustainability.
Yeah? When does this happen? You take a couple of cuts and throw out the rest. For someone who's such a retard you sit on a pretty high horse. Crop deaths is the dumbest fucking shit in the world. Regardless of whether YOU eat grass-fed, the fact of the matter remains that the vast, VAST majority (80% iirc) of crops go to animal feed.

>> No.16466994

I find the idea of completely lab manufactured copies of existing food products very fascinating, honestly.

>> No.16467009

Same. I don't like how they're generally less nutritious than the real thing, but it would be really cool to eventually see exact copies of animal products being made at lower cost without animals having to die for it.

>> No.16467051

Which one?

>> No.16467060

>food starch modified
>soy leghemoglobin
No thanks

>> No.16467062

None of what you wrote made any fucking sense or has already been adressed in the post you quoted and you call people dumb? You're in full damage control mode because someone exposed your shitty "way of life" with flawless logic and all you can do is deflect from these issues with red herings and ad hominem rhetoric. Is this what a b12 deficiency looks like? If yes then better KYS now before you become a drooling retard unable to make ANY coherent thoughts.

>> No.16467068

I eat 500g dry weight lentils (obv. cooked) a day. I lift, so I need carbs anyway, and lentils are a source of that, AND protein. Top it off with organ meats. I feel fine.

>> No.16467077

But if they make everyone else vegan, then there'll be no point telling everyone that you are vegan, because it will just be the norm.

>> No.16467174

your whataboutism is not persuasive

>> No.16467190

nutritional yeast, desu. being known for years

>> No.16467260

Then it must be ethically soured and cruelty free

>> No.16467376
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everyone loves hambagah. hambagah is for everyone.

>> No.16467552

then you gotta do it yourself.

>> No.16467613

Bullshit, they will produce less meat if less people eat meat.

>> No.16467617
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Vegans are labrats for the rich and powerful. Fake meat is being tested on them in preparation to eliminate meat from the plebs food supply entirely.

>> No.16468800

unless you are scared of
sugar is the only unhealthy thing you listed

>> No.16468868

Because realistically the biggest consumers of meats (fast food chains and such) are never going to close down given they take up most of the market share in demand.

>> No.16468934
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Because in a few years a "strange" allergy epidemic will break out and make meat useless for 30% of the population. Under the guise of vegans, the big food companies are just getting on with the job.
Screen this.

>> No.16468982

Because they're losers. Genetic losers. Why is that even a question?

>> No.16469012

Alpha-gal syndrome already exists, spread by ticks.

>> No.16469093

That only affects red meat though and it's not permanent.

>> No.16469120

>Fake meat is being tested on them in preparation to eliminate meat from the plebs food supply entirely.
The poorest people in the world pretty much eat nothing but grains already. If fake meat could at least provide them with something like meat then I'd see that as a good thing.

But it should be obvious that most vegans don't have an issue with meat, it's the killing required to get it that they don't like. So I don't see the logic behind thinking that they can't enjoy something like meat without having to kill for it. I don't think many vegans will try to argue that humans are actually herbivores, most will admit they like the taste of meat.

>> No.16469125

can't come up with good vegan dishes because deep down they hate good food

>> No.16469615

or you know they're just trying to make money... the same happened with margarine but turns out its probably not so good for you and i suspect the same will be the case here

>> No.16469912


>> No.16470125

>when has vegan ever told you meat tastes bad?
Some do. It's not common, but it's a meme in vegan circles that some vegans who try meat again end up finding it disgusting. It's not so much the taste as it is the texture.

t. nearly all of my family is vegetarian and a lot are vegan

>> No.16470688

Are all the kids stunted?

>> No.16470732

How does poorly managed livestock justify supporting poorly managed crop agriculture?

>> No.16472273

It's not for people that are vegan already, it's to lure meat eaters into veganism. I only tried vegan minced meat imitation once, and it was only because it was 80% off. Here in Germany, a new company recently gained traction and now there is a range of vegan foods at comparable prices to the animal product.

>> No.16472284

I went vegan over 2 years ago, I don't find meat disgusting because of the taste or texture, but the idea of eating the flesh of another being. Thee is nothing inherently immoral about eating meat, the problem is how you get the meat.

>> No.16472306

>almonds in California
I'm not American, nor do I eat almonds.
>palm production
I don't consume anything with palm oil, I cook all for myself
>certain animals going extinct due to overuse of pesticides
Correct, and growing crops to feed all the animals causes more pesticdes to be used.
>fish going extinct
Why do you care if you eat them?
>artificial fertilizer
That is a real problem, and not just related to veganism. All the byproducts of crop production we feed the animals could be composted and used instead of artifical fertilizer.
>The multibillion dollar crop protection industry
And even more money is spent when you grow even more crops to feed the animals.
>The path of least harm is self sufficiency.
Correct, and I one day want to be able to afford land and farm, but can't currently.
>You cannot buy less harm at a supermarket.
Less? Yes. None? No. Simple as. Just because you can't eliminate harm, doesn't justify willingly causing more of it.

>> No.16472329
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>it's because they crave meat hehe mental illness

>> No.16472352


>> No.16472392
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Idk if you've seen it yet, but they're actually trying to rebrand margarine as vegan butter now, with the hot new lingo since vegans don't actually like to say vegan anymore

>> No.16472412

Because (((they))) are trying to wean you off of real meat with frankenburgers until your diet becomes accustomed to no meat. This will help (((them))) maintain control when meat consumption is banned outright or when it becomes so expensive that only (((they))) and our elected officials can afford to eat it. This is how insidious (((they))) are.

>> No.16472434

>vegans don't actually like to say vegan anymore
Because lots of people claim to be vegan, but aren't. Veganism is a philosophy, plant-based is the diet, or strict vegetarian (oldest term).

>> No.16472512

Pollinator mistreatment is a huge problem with tons of crop production. Fruit is a good example.

You talk a lot of fancy talk about crops being fed to animals. Do you even actually know what is being fed to animals? Something like 2 percent of the "crops" being fed to animals are even edible to humans. Unless you eat a steady diet of distillers mash and oil cakes. And thats the shit getting fed to hogs and poultry. Cattle will only get FINISHED on feedlots even in the most conventional sense. They always get at least a bit of time on pasture, though you can get ruminant meat without them eating any grains.

The problem is, you have your head up your ass. You have all these answers to questions you never asked yourself. You believe you know where you food comes from, but do you actually KNOW? What do you grow? What do you raise? Once you start your wonderful veganic garden of eden you will realize just like the rest of the veganic farmers that you can't just rely on vegan compost. Piss, shit, fish meal, blood meal, bone meal, egg shells, etc. You will be jonesing for it. And your only other option will be environment destroying, unsustainable artificial fertilizer. You will resort to using absolutely finite recourses for your "morals".

You could start growing shit right away. You could be guerilla gardening fall/winter crops in your hellhole city as we speak. But you won't, because then you'd have to eat your words.

Keep sucking supermarket dick and acting better than those who don't.

>> No.16472530

Cuz their dumb lol

>> No.16472552

Or export it.

>> No.16472555

>many vegan products are as expensive as meat or more

I've seen Beyond and Impossible for $8/lb. I'm sure most don't think it's bad until they realize it's sold in 8oz packages.
I always wondered what takes to create plant based food. It could be just as resource heavy as any other food.

>> No.16472574

Way more recourse heavy. Heres how just one ingredient in the beyond burger, canola oil, is made.

Note how the video says repeatedly that there is byproduct in the production of this oil that is being used as animal feed.

>> No.16472583

>Pollinator mistreatment is a huge problem
It is, I try to eat mostly wind pollinated plants, or pollinated by other insects that aren't honeybees (like bumblebees in tomato greenhouses).
>Something like 2 percent of the "crops" being fed to animals are even edible to humans.
Start with this wiki page (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_feed)), it's not 2%. And even if it was just the stuff we can't eat, it would be better to compost that to replace the usage of artificial fertilizer.
>though you can get ruminant meat without them eating any grains
You can get grass fed only, that live on a giant pasture, but that's a very small amount of the market and also very expensive.
>but do you actually KNOW?
That's very hard if you buy pre-made meals and such, but I always cook my own food and I most of it is grown inside my country (the packaging often specifies exactly where it came from, and I look them up online).
>What do you grow?
Unfortuneately just some herbs as I'm under a strict lease and don't have a balcony, since I move often it's not practical to buy growing equipment.
>Piss, shit, fish meal, blood meal, bone meal, egg shells, etc.
I know all of that, the solution is for most people to go vegan, then such practices won't take place. They are here only because they're cheap in the current system.
>unsustainable artificial fertilizer. You will resort to using absolutely finite recourses for your "morals".
No, once enough people go vegan, we'll have more compost. Some places also compost human waste, the infrastructure and technology is there, but it's cheaper to use cow shit. Until then it is how it is, I can't eliminate it but I can cut off their supply of poo, shit and piss by not paying the companies that produce it.
>But you won't, because then you'd have to eat your words
I won't because I currently can't and will soon move again, probably to another country.
>acting better than those who don't
I'm not, even if you interpret it that way.

>> No.16472585

That is if less people will eat meat. Only like, 2 percent of people go vegan, and 70% of them go back to meat.

>> No.16472610
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>all of that, the solution is for most people to go vegan

It's not gonna happen. Not only are we using manure and animal fertilizer, but we also use their behavior. Only 50% of croplands uses machinery, what do you think uses the rest? I'll give you a hint, in india, cows are either bred for their milk or their labour. Do you eat rice? Chances are they use 10s of thousands of ducks, because the only other alternative to slugs destroying their crops is harmful chemical pesticides.

Listen, I get it, you watched some documentaries and now you think you know everything because you had your emotions manipulated, but has it ever occurred to you that livestock is actually important? You would think someone as nomadic as you might actually have the perspective to understand how futile it is to come to conclusions about how the whole world should act like you. I don't even think the whole world should grow their own food. I just think that those who don't grow their own food don't know what's best for those who do.

Also, I feel bad for you. I've been eating tons of plants lately due to my garden yielding way more than I can preserve and holy shit do my farts stink. How the fuck can you live like that 24/7?

>> No.16472611

>2 percent of people go vegan, and 70% of them go back to meat.
Now compare that to the historical figures, look up when veganism started, and when it became possible to get all of your nutrition from non-animal sources. It began very recently and it's already 2% and rising all the time, there are more and more vegan options available. It's a slow shift, and it will take a few hundred years for mass adoption (unless something drastic happens).

>> No.16472613

Stop trying to convert the world to your religion, colonizer.

>> No.16472620

>we're going to save the planet mass produced amalgamated waste product marketed by billionaires

>> No.16472646

Its not for them, its to attract non-vegans to try and join. And maybe they to try sometime to test how it tastes.

>> No.16472673

>Do you eat rice?
Used to, but now only wholewheat pasta made from EU wheat.
>had your emotions manipulated
I actually went vegan before I learned about how animal agriculture works. I used to work in a restaurant and had free burgers with each shift, so I ate burgers almost everyday. Once I quit, I felt sick of meat and wanted to try sth else for a change and decided to try vegan cooking as I also like to learn new ways to cook and challange myself.
>and now you think you know everything
I don't, I learn more everyday it's a long process. I recently learned that a some coconuts are picked by monekeys on chainsm, tho I quit coconut milk (together with most non EU foods) a while back.
>how the whole world should act like you
They shouldn't, my current lifestly is very unstable, but I try my best. Until I earn enough money to buy a piece of land.
>I don't even think the whole world should grow their own food.
I don't either, it's just my personal goal because I like it. I used to grow stuff before I started to move around a lot. The farming industy needs massive changes, I even considered becoming a commertial farmer.
>I just think that those who don't grow their own food don't know what's best for those who do.
I know that killing animals is bad for the animals, that's enough. If you legit can't feed yourself a vegan dietm it's fine.
>holy shit do my farts stink
It used to stink for me for a month or so as well, but now my gut biome is adjusted to it and I now know how to better prepare foods (soak all legumes 3 times, dumping the water, and let sprout). Now my farts have either no smell at all, or very slight smell. If I eat lots of fermented foods (like uncooked soy yoghurt), the smell comes back. Oh, also, when it comes to knowing where the food comes from, I found out that spices are extremely difficult to trace.

>> No.16472690
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Why yes, I pray to Veganos everyday and exterminate carnists in all lands by showing celery down their throats and letting them choke.
>pic related is litterally me

>> No.16472699

Looks like Incogmeato and Farmless also use canola oil.
Impossible has canola, corn, or sunflower oil.

>> No.16472703

*Meatless Farm, not Farmless

>> No.16472706

You only JUST learned about the monkeys picking coconuts? Boy you have a LOT to learn.

Also for someone who claims to understand people can't be like them, they sure are pushy. I can't even eat legumes at all despite proper preparation. I get horrible heartburn.

Not only are spices difficult to trace, but so are most foods in general.

>killing animals is bad for the animals.

You really don't know jack shit. I slaughter my excess males for a good reason. They WILL rape my females to death if I don't. It's a simple choice between an instant, painless death or letting my females get raped, drowned, possibly getting their eyes pecked out and their backs ripped open. These are animals who live on pasture. This happens in the wild regularly. A quick death is not the worst thing in the world.

>> No.16472778
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"Intensive avocado production has caused biodiversity loss, extreme weather conditions, extensive soil degradation of the soil and is on the brink of causing an entirely human-made environmental disaster"

>> No.16472817
File: 74 KB, 640x853, 6d49e57ce72d8f1b418b8aaf1b3b8a4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You only JUST learned about the monkeys picking coconuts? Boy you have a LOT to learn.
Sure, I do. I don't know everything, and I never came across monkeys picking coconuts as I very rarely ate coconuts and so didn't research them. I only found out by accident.
>I get horrible heartburn.
That sucks, if you really want to eat legumes, try fermenting them first before cooking. If that doesn't work either, well fuck, there are alternatives. I can't find any studies about legumes causing heartburns, but there are a lot of blogs and people saying they have a problem with it. Not everyone gets it from legumes, most people don't. Some get it from other things, like my sister, she gets it from onions and peppers. It takes time to learn to work around that, but it's possible.
>but so are most foods in general
Not if it's inside of EU and you buy raw ingridients. Sometimes you have to write an email asking them if it's not stated on their website, they usually reply.
>You really don't know jack shit.
I used to live in a village when I was little and helped with slaughtering/prcessing of chickens, occasional cow/pig and rabbits. My favourite meals as a kid were hladetina (pic related, just with tongues usually) and chicken soup with legs, hearts and livers.
>They WILL rape my females to death if I don't.
So don't have either? Problem solved.
>This happens in the wild regularly.
True, but that doesn't justify us doing it. Some animals eat their young, doesn't mean we should eat our babies if we find them to be weak.
>A quick death is not the worst thing in the world.
Not the worst, but it's not good either. If I gave you a choice of you being killed quickly, or torturing you to death, you'd probably pick the former But it does't mean it's good, and you'd most likely avoid being/prefer not to be killled.

>> No.16472832

I'm not going to go vegan and you are a traitor to your culture for being so scared of death.

>> No.16472847

Not only that, a lot of avocado farms are held by criminal organisations and are full of human rights violations. Look up "blood guacamole".

>> No.16472856

i tried one and i liked it

>> No.16472909

Do your parents know you're gay?

>> No.16472955

Because they like the taste of meat but not the negative health effects or the suffering that comes along with meat.

>> No.16472959

They don't eat meat due to morals, not some belief that the meat industry will magically disappear.
It is funny watching retards seethe at other peoples' life choices.

>> No.16473010

>I'm not going to go vegan
Ok, I'm just having a conversation, trying to see how others view it. If it motivates you to give veganism a try, great. If not, I know I tried.
>you are a traitor to your culture
If you can't change your culture, you don't own it. My culture used to rape and murder, and many still hate Serbians more than anything, doesn't mean I have to. Cultures change when those that control it change.
>scared of death
I'm not, I just don't want to cause it needlessly anymore.
Well, this was a fun convo. You brought up some good points, especially the tracking of food. I think businesses shoiuld be a lot more transparent about their products (no, you don't need to open source all your machines, just say and show where you get your resources from). If I ever get the balls to start a business, I sure as hell will give my best to do just that.
I'll go to sleep now, this thread will probably be dead by the next time I come here. Have a good day/night.

>> No.16473314

There are negative health effects from not eating meat. Vegans have less muscle mass and more deficiencies. Meat is not unhealthy. I'm not vegan although I agree with them about certain things and have a bit of respect for them for doing what they do, but I feel like it does everyone a disservice to say meat is unhealthy anyway. The only real issue is about animal slaughter.

>> No.16473391

Processed meat is the bad stuff. The evidence for red meat is still inconclusive, but shows it is potentially bad.
>There are negative health effects from not eating meat.
Such as?
>Vegans have less muscle mass and more deficiencies.
Only if they don't plan their meals. Lots of people hav deficiencies, vegan or not. Vegans tend to be defficient in some things more, but only if they're not aware of it and don't compensate.
>The only real issue is about animal slaughter.
I'd say environmental impact plays a role as well.

>> No.16473523

when you start getting really sick from being vegan(no cheating) you better not pussy out and instead go the whole way straight to your grave.

>> No.16473557

>vegans think if they can recreate meat without the animal they can save the cow.
Wouldn't cows not being mass bread for consumption mean their numbers would dwindle to hell and back and because of centuries of domestication they would basically be unable outside of a few breeds to survive in the wild?

>> No.16473734

Why would I get sick? I get regular blood checks and supplement what's needed.

>> No.16473781

Because veganism is a mental illness

>> No.16473818

We're Indian, we know how to feed kids without meat. No one under the age of 20 is vegan however.

>> No.16474113

Avocados also require a shitload of water. A tomato needs about 5 liters of water to be grown, whereas growing an avocado can require over 300 liters. To make matters worse, a lot of avocados are farmed in arid regions where there's water shortages to begin with.

>> No.16474323

Yep. It’s a losing battle

>> No.16474343
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because why not? slaughter will always be inhumane. the real question is, Why does plant based and lab grown meat trigger people like OP?

>> No.16474357

Many vegans don't eat bugs because bugs are animals you dingus

Plants can be harvested without being killed in some cases, and in others have evolved to spread via making a fruit and having the seeds distributed by whatever eats it. Even if you spit out the watermelon seeds the farm keeps watermelon plants alive and plants new ones.

>> No.16474361

Think of it like the Catholics sanctifying pagan gods. It's not made for vegans, its made to make veganism more accessable.

>> No.16474365
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Bait image.
Slaughter is not required by law to be sloppy.

Sure, something dies, but honestly, maybe killing isn't so bad in certain contests? I mean, that dead cow could feed a man and his family for a good few years.

>> No.16474369
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>I know all of that, the solution is for most people to go vegan, then such practices won't take place.

So if everyone went vegan then plants would no longer need blood and bone and shit and fishmeal? Are you suggesting plants will fundamentally change their nutritional needs if the world turns vegan? Honestly, what fucking point are you trying to make here?

Do you think compost starts by throwing some vegetable scraps into a drum? You need shit as a starter. And good-luck running a cruelty free garden that doesn't get ravaged by insects. Nobody who owns a garden as anything more than a hobby, as in people who are growing vegetables to completely cut out the need to purchase them, has a cruelty free garden. When it's a matter of "The bugs die or I lose my crop and starve" the bugs will die. Meanwhile hobby gardeners who raise their cruelty free vegetables for a laugh are supplementing it with store bought vegetables grown in places where the bugs die. You think organic vegetables are cruelty-free? Pyrethrum is an organic INSECTICIDE, not an organic "Please-go-away-Mr-Bug-spray"

This shit is why I have two classifications of Vegan. White, and Not-White. Can you guess which is the insufferable moralist who thinks their sheltered life is anywhere even close to possible for the vast majority of the world to attain?
(this is the part where you say I KNOW MY LIFE ISN'T ATTAINABLE FOR EVERYONE, and act like you can even fathom the level of difference between your comfortable life where your food is grown in obliterated rainforest by people who can no longer afford the food they used to eat because Whitey called it a superfood. Quinoa is now priced out of the budgets of the people who grow it for you you bipedal leech, the people who were eating it for thousands of years before you found out about it)

>> No.16474370

why does all indian food look like vomit?

>> No.16474384

Don't even bother with this guy. He thinks humanure is something you can easily compost and he just wants to spread gospel. He's the equivalent of that evangelical asshole who wants to "convert the savages" on north sentinel island. One day when hes sick as a dog and needs animal products more than ever and now HAS to eat meat instead of just being a vegetarian like a normal death fearing pussy he will realize what a preachy, humiliating fucking goon he was like he's being right now.

I hope when he gets back to meat he can go back to his roots and help his family butcher livestock.

>> No.16474488
File: 250 KB, 1423x1067, __opt__aboutcom__coeus__resources__content_migration__simply_recipes__uploads__2010__06__tandoori-chicken-horiz-a-1600-a92053df1c764ee1beaa91ae6383dcfd[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the bean or vegetable stews really look like that, but they're still tasty. That's not all Indian food is though.

>> No.16474783

That's a lot of words for someone who can't even spell meat correctly

>> No.16474796

Because the heavily spiced amalgam is easy and delicious to eat with flatbreads and rice.

>> No.16475038

>would no longer need blood and bone and shit and fishmeal?
They never needed it. They can use lots of things as fertilizer. Are all forests constantly sprayed with blood and fishmeal?
>You need shit as a starter.
What are you talking about? You never get food to start rotting in your house unless you rub it with shit or something? As alwasy, at least read the wiki page before you start saying nonsense.
>has a cruelty free garden
You don't understand what veganism is about. It's not about eliminating harm, it's about doing as little harm as possible.
>When it's a matter of "The bugs die or I lose my crop and starve" the bugs will die.
Correct, but that doesn't justify slitting a cow's throat or showing a fist up their ass to inseminate them.
>You think organic vegetables are cruelty-free?

>> No.16475039

>White, and Not-White.
That's racist. Wasn't /pol/ arguing how Mediterraneans aren't white? Even then, I have lots ancestors from the Middle East. Lots of vegans aren't white.
>even close to possible for the vast majority of the world to attain?
I explicitly stated that if you have to eat animal products becuase growing is impossible, it's still vegan and it's on us to help them. Most people in developed countries can go vegan.
>quinoa | obliterated rainforest | people who can no longer afford | superfood.
I don't eat quinoa, almost everything I eat is of EU origin (including soy, from Bayern). And most of the quinoa consumed is not by vegans, as vegans are a minority. Also, no, the rainforest is not obliterated for vegans, but for animals.
The US is the leading producer of soy, but most of it is fed to animals. If the US sold the 70% directly to people, there would be no need to burn the rainforest. Superfood is a retarded marketing name.

>> No.16475055

Because thier body's want them to eat meat but their religion forbids it.

>> No.16475167

Just like priests diddling kids, eh?
There is nothing immoral about eating meat, the problem is how you get it.

>> No.16475183

>humanure is something you can easily compost
Never said it's easy, I in fact explicitly said it's more expensive to produce. it's being done, and it's retarded not to use it because we already have the infrastructure, it needs to be adapted. We don't do it because after subsidies, the animal waste is cheaper for farmers.
>needs animal products more than ever
Why would I get sick? What is missing? My bloodwork looks better now than it did before. I get more omega 3 adn vitamin D now because I know it's important, before I rarely got it as I hate fish and ate eggs only in sweets and rarely go out in the sun.
>what a preachy
How am I preachy? I just respond to arguments and give my own, when possible I cite official sources.
>help his family
Most of my family is abusive and are the reason I moved. I cut ties with most long before I became vegan.

>> No.16475192

Another good video that explains human waste treatment and processing to fertilizer step-by-step.

>> No.16475212

these products are targeting people that like meat idiot how dumb you have to be to not know this

>> No.16475228

Anti-vegans are such losers lmao. Imagine being upset about something like this.

>> No.16475230

I've worked in extrusion/agglomeration factories where these type of products are made. If non meat eaters saw the ingredients and lack of sanitary guidelines while making this garbage they wouldn't be consuming them.

>> No.16475239

if people saw how any of the food they buy is made nobody would be eating anything

>> No.16475244

I was expecting this generic sheeple response and couldn't disagree more. Many food products are made in very sanitary environments, it's just a matter of doing your research. My statement is that most if not all products made through extrusion, specifically this wave of health products that have appeared over the past 3 decades, are made in horribly unsanitary conditions.

>inb4 herp derp researching my food sources is autism

Not my fault you choose to blindly consume, show some fucking willpower.

>> No.16475250

And? The normal non-vegan burger patties aren't extruded? And yes, if people saw these animals being slaughtered each day, they would become vegan.

>> No.16475252

literally every packaged product you find in a supermarket is made either in unsanitary environment or is filled with chemicals. you must be really brainwashed to think otherwise

>> No.16475257

Vegans are such losers Imao. Imagine needing 20 fucking pills to not die.

>> No.16475263

Imagine eating food that literally gives you cancer

>> No.16475280

What are the cancer rates in the maasai again. Also imagine eating something that gives you kidney stones.

>> No.16475282

>Implies I shop at supermarkets
>Implies that I'm brainwashed
>Implies that I care what a faggot like him thinks

Obviously your reading comprehension skills are minimal at best. Not everyone in this world does their shopping at supermarkets. I know you struggled earlier with my posts so I'll try to dumb it down to your primitive level of understanding. IF you take your time and research the source of the foods you consume (farms, seed houses, butcher/rancher, etc.) you would realize that you can pick up 100% of the foods you eat for cheaper and with no additives. Once again, just because you're too lazy to discover this for yourself doesn't mean I'm as incompetent as you are. So which of us is brainwashed? The one who eats what he knows is best for himself and his family...or the mindless sheep who thinks that since the garbage they eat is full of chemicals everyone else must eat garbage too.

TLDR: You are lazy and a moron.

>> No.16475284

>thinks meat products are made in sanitary environments
yep you are a certified retard

>> No.16475286

Imagine trusting observational studies lmao

>> No.16475290

imagine eating eating your own shit

>> No.16475291

You kill bugs every time you drive a car, train or plane. It's a massacre

>> No.16475293

Maybe because certain dishes that they like despite the meat call for something to fill the 'meat' role and there are no good straightforward substitutes without artifice.

>> No.16475311

>Implies that I don't buy and butcher my own meat

Once again young manlet, just because your mommy and granny heat up your chicken fingers and tater tots for you doesn't mean I am incapable of being a man. Obviously you are too mentally challenged to understand that NOT EVERYONE buys their food from grocery stores. Your mother should have been beaten to death with YOU after giving birth. Two birds with one stone, I never realized people could be this dependent on others...then I met your faggot self.

>> No.16475315

>I butcher my own meat and farm all my veggies!
Do you also have your own mesh network and satellite drone to get internet? fucking dumb larping kid lmao

>> No.16475319

Lets crank down the hate and bile folks

>> No.16475324


What the fuck is wrong with some beefsteak fungus, it was literally used as a meat replacement.

>> No.16475331

stop being a centrist

>> No.16475332

Imagine posting on 4channel

>> No.16475340

Mushrooms have similar flavor but basically no fat/protein/calories. They taste great but won't leave you feeling as satisfied when trying to completely replace meat with them.>>16475331

>> No.16475344

>implying it's hard to farm veggies

Fucking peasants can do it. And I know because my family were peasants and I grow my own veggies. And it's a lot easier for me than it was for my grandpa where foraging was one of the chores he had as a kid.

>> No.16475350

Your B12 deficiency is showing.

>> No.16475356

Imagine living like a third worlder and being proud of it

>> No.16475358

Looks like your colon cancer makes you really butthurt

>> No.16475362

No. I drove on roads like yourself and use electricity like yourself. I grow most of my vegetables and fruits and those I can't grow due to climate or inability are purchased from farmers that grow them. I buy meat and dairy from a rancher I know and trim and butcher said meat myself. I own a few hens for eggs AND they make good fertilizer for my plants. You are just upset that you lack the skills to provide and do for yourself, so you call others larpers for possessing knowledge you can't grasp. You really are a perfect example of why we need eugenics now more than ever. Sorry guy, it's been fun reading your face smashing, but I only have so much time in a day for it to be wasted on your bleating, BAAAAH. Enjoy your tv dinners, you mama's boy.

>> No.16475369

You are literally in your mom's basement larping right now, thats sad and pathetic desu

>> No.16475379

>Implies I don't butcher my own meat
>Implies I don't shoot my own deer and enjoy its sweet delicious venison

I'm not a sissy fag like you. The kill is just as important as the preparation, but a whiny soyim like you could never understand that.

>> No.16475382

>Are all forests constantly sprayed with blood and Fishmeal?
They're constantly sprayed with blood, piss, and shit from the animals that live in them. The plants and animals in the forest are participating in the carbon and nitrogen cycles which move the building blocks of living things between plants, animals, and fungi. Without animals' piss and shit and carcasses, plants would not have access to the exact forms of these building blocks they need. Nitrogen is the big one, which is excreted by animals in the plant available form of urea or ammonia, and it can't be naturally pulled from our 70% nitrogen atmosphere without first being excreted by animals or being "fixed" by certain fungi, which only live in a small amount of species of plants (legumes in the Fabaceae family being the most prominent). I can forgive most ignorance of the importance of animals and their byproducts to plants, but do these people never take a basic ecology course?
t. forester

>> No.16475394

You can project your insecurities all you want. The fact remains that not everyone in this world is incapable of being self sufficient when it comes to their food. Once again, just because you and others may lack the ability to provide the simplest things for yourself doesn't mean we are mouth breathers like you. It really is funny seeing how triggered you no skill having sheep get when someone says they are capable of sustaining themselves and their family with food. In case you forgot, this is a cooking/food board so it shouldn't be surprising when you meet people like that here. I'm not surprised by your shock, basement dwelling as long as you have must really have damaged your cognitive ability in many different areas.

>> No.16475396

I don't know what would be more pathetic, you larping as a third worlder living in a shit smelling farm or you actually living as a third worlder in a shit smelling farm. Either way you are a subhuman that should be shot on sight

>> No.16475426

- Dying of B12, D, K2, Calcium, Iron, Protein deficiency.
- Fucked up bones and teeth.
- Has to take supplements to gain any muscle.
- Fucked up kidneys due to Oxalates.
- Has to eat like a Cow to feel full.
- Still always "Hangry".
- Can't fucking have children due to women missing periods and men not having enough sperm.
- Farts like a cow and has IBS.
- Still dies of cancer due to many cancers feeding on sugar

Suddenly my Colan cancer dosen't seem so bad.

>> No.16475433

colon cancer is worse than everything you posted

>> No.16475472

Yes i expect to get Colon cancer in the next 200 years( if at all ). You on the other hand won't get to that age even with life extension technologies on your diet.

>> No.16475480

When you will be shitting your rectum out you will be thinking of me

>> No.16475482

4chan really is the botom of the barrel, isn't it?

>> No.16475485

its the toilet of the internet

>> No.16475489

And when your doctor is sticking a stick up your dick you will be thinking of me

>> No.16475491

better than fisting my asshole

>> No.16475494

You wouldn't have any of this if you knew how to balance your diet properly but a lot of vegans are retards and just eat shit like OP's pic and a bunch of junk food instead.

>> No.16475496

>Why are vegans constantly trying to recreate meat?
It's all part of the mental health disorder to be obsessed with food.
Also, they have shit palates.

>> No.16475512

Tell me what exactly should you eat to avoid all of these.

>> No.16475523

Literally any vegetables. Spinach has a shit ton of iron and you can get protein from nuts and lentils. Not to mention some vegetarians like myself eat fish as well.

>> No.16475524

>source: "Trust me, bro."

>> No.16475529

You should try it. A soyboy like you might actually like it.

>> No.16475537

tell me how it goes first when the doctor is fisting your asshole to remove the tumours

>> No.16475544

- has a shit ton of oxalates which give you kidney stones
- the iron is not bioavailable
- the protein is not bioavailable
- still no b12 and D3
The fish you eat is vastly superior to everything else you eat.

>> No.16475550

please take your meds.

>> No.16475556

- Vegan brain damage makes you think this is how you remove tumors.
Or this is what your doctor told you when he was fisting you.

>> No.16475557 [DELETED] 

Why not you triggered little shit.

>> No.16475568

you are gonna die anyway from colon cancer the ass fisting is just a punishment for being subhuman scum

>> No.16475623

At least it is punishment for me. For you it is .....

>> No.16475688

I wont ever have to get fisted I am not eating cancer food like you

>> No.16475730

I doubt your family is abusive. You were just kind of a weak little bitch and they were trying to toughen you up. But you ran away like a dog with its tail between its legs because you couldn't handle a little tough love. Then you decided to punish yourself for your weakness though asceticism. Now you think the whole world should be like you.

You think human manure wont lead to some issues. But human, unlike organic animal manure, is incredibly dirty and labor intensive. People use animal shit because of how minimal processing it requires. You can take pure rabbit shit straight from the animals ass and put it right in your garden. Cow shit usually just has to age in a pile. Both these animals only need to eat grass. In fact, it's what they should be eating. The humanure needs a giant factory that uses tons of petrol.

Your vegan idealism is just a giant cope.

And remember, members of your own tribe will say you can't be vegan for health, so when your health goes to shit you won't be allowed to leave. You might have well become a muslim or a scientologist or something.

>> No.16475751

Funny thing is it's people like you that have to justify their meat eating habits which are outrageously harmful to animals and the environment. cope

>> No.16475763
File: 86 KB, 660x400, pest control to protect vegan crops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny you have to completely derail the argument because you want to believe your right when you're just a pathetic virtue signaling do nothing consumer who blindly supports billionares.

>> No.16475768

I wasn't that other guy, just have to point out your cognitive dissonance.

>> No.16475775

>cognitive dissonance.
Bitch where?

>> No.16475823

>I am a good person
>Eating vegan is more ethical than not
>I should be vegan
>I am not vegan
>I know, it's the vegans who are wrong!

>> No.16475835

Where the fuck did I say any of that?

>> No.16475844

in your head

>> No.16475869

Nah, what I'm actually thinking about is if it would be okay for me to butcher my duck inside without air conditioning tomorrow.

Also good and evil doesn't exist.

>> No.16476252
File: 76 KB, 1627x389, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something in my post is deemed as spam. I tried reducing the number of links, but it didn't help.

>> No.16476319

Meat does not cause colorectal cancer the Polyp Prevention Trial has shown

>> No.16476333

Vegan diets don't reverse diabetes but keto does. Note that these aren't necessarily mutually exclusive though. You can do a vegan keto diet its just pretty difficult. Much easier doing a vegetarian keto diet or just eat animal products if you're diabetic.

>> No.16476348

>Why are vegans constantly trying to recreate meat?
its just someone making money.

>> No.16476352

They want justification to control what you can and can't eat. All leftists want control over other people.

>> No.16476377

The American dietetics association as well as several others are run by 7th day adventists. Their religion dictates vegetariansim. There is no science backing up a religious claim.

The thing about animal manure is that it literally is composting plants. It is always the perfect temperature and humidity with the perfect bacteria in a healthy animals stomach. No matter how many times your dad raped you it doesn't change how important livestock is.

And yeah, don't send links. Veganisim is just your opinion, accept your futility. I know its hard because you had to accept it when you were getting raped but thats just how life is. Life is suffering, life requires death and consumption. Animals must die, be killed, and be consumed.

Do not get caught up in this vegan identity. If you wanna not eat animals, just don't eat animals. Don't make it a massive part of who you are otherwise if you have to go back to eating animals it will damage you just like your dad damaged you.

>> No.16476433

this. authoritarianism.

>> No.16476439

>Vegan diets don't reverse diabetes but keto does.
>Note that these aren't necessarily mutually exclusive though. You can do a vegan keto diet its just pretty difficult.
>or just eat animal products if you're diabetic
Wrong, many animal products are bad for diabetics.

Vegan diets are good for diabetics, an it's not hard at all, just some things you should avoid. Having diabetes sucks balls tho and makes any diet harder, vegan or omni.

>> No.16476451

historically right wing people are the people taking away rights. you guys are honestly retarded.

>> No.16476456

>The American dietetics association as well as several others are run by 7th day adventists. Their religion dictates vegetariansim. There is no science backing up a religious claim.
Are the British, German and Australian ones also run by 7th day adventists?
>And yeah, don't send links. Veganisim is just your opinion, accept your futility.
It's the opinion of many professionals, and there are many studies explaining how it's healthful and adqquate. If you know better, what is it that's missing? Why is it not healthy?
>Don't make it a massive part of who you are
I'm not, I'm just discussing it in a thread about vegan products.
>otherwise if you have to go back to eating animals
Why would I? No one named even a single reason.

>> No.16476489

>vegan food is authoritarianism
polcels really are mentally ill

>> No.16476528

>Are the British, German and Australian ones also run by 7th day Adventists?
Yes. Do you have any idea how powerful religion can be?

Also just look at the ex vegans. There's thousands of them. They take the supplements, they adjust their diets, get chronometer and track all their macros and micros more meticulously than any human should, see doctors, do everything they can and veganism still doesn't work. Even a carefully planned vegan diet can prove to be dangerous. And vegans, lacking any true empathy, instead of just accepting it, will bitch that the ex vegans "did it wrong". That's fucked up. Tons of vegans will say its not about health. maybe you should too. Its just about feeding your broken ego. When you get sick. You will have to deal with it.

Dictating what people eat is authoritarianism. No one cares if people wanna be vegan.

>> No.16476545

>when has vegan ever told you meat tastes bad?
I've heard that from vegans several times.

>> No.16476548

who dictated you to be vegan?

>> No.16476555

I said reverse diabetes not a 1 point reduction in hgba1c.


>> No.16476557

Are you pretending to be stupid or something?

>> No.16476564

the voices in your head are telling you to be vegan again buddy? try getting your meds

>> No.16476572

I've got the taste palette of a child and the guilt for eating primarily meat in an unfair way.
I have self loathing for hating greens as much as I do and going the route I'm going

>> No.16476575

good point
and I think that the notion is somewhat ironic, considering eating meat is what made us smarter to begin with

>> No.16476578

Vegans and meatheads are the worst.

>> No.16476588
File: 399 KB, 2058x1970, media_E6HEVVnWUAUYmQ-.jpg name=orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that veganism is telling you not to eat the most nutrient dense foods available. This is actively harmful as significant numbers of vulnerable populations are deficient in micronutrients best found in animal products.

>> No.16476595

apologize for being yourself.

>> No.16476596

>Yes. Do you have any idea how powerful religion can be?
I know it can be powerful, do you have any proof? Otherwise I can claim it wasn't the adventists, but in fact jews or muslims or other denominations of christians.

>Also just look at the ex vegans. There's thousands of them.
So? That doesn't prove that the diet is unhealthy. Many people are ex-whateveryouwant.

>and veganism still doesn't work
I doubt it, show me some studies where they have vegans that did all of that and it didn't work.

>Tons of vegans will say its not about health. maybe you should too.
I'm not saying it's about health, or that a vegan diet is healthier than non-vegan diet. I'm just saying it's healthful with proper supplementation.

>When you get sick.
You keep saying that, but you didn't say anything that would be a problem. Give me one specific thing that's a problem.

>Dictating what people eat is authoritarianism
Depends on how you define authoritarianism.

>> No.16476603
File: 133 KB, 1646x808, media_E0oYbMNX0AcF4-B.jpg name=orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*apologize to the girls who will have stunted children

>> No.16476604

True enough, you did. All else stands though. From your citation and others I viewed, keto does indeed reverse diabetes. But even afterwards, you have to be careful what you eat, no?

>> No.16476610

Yes the most important thing in my view isn't whether or not you eat animal products, although I'd argue they're an easy source of many micro nutrients, but not eating the processed crap like soda and junk food that a good vegan diet advises people to eliminate.

>> No.16476616

>that a good vegan diet advises people to eliminate.
*any good diet
However this may not be enough for some if they're already diabetic and they may need to eliminate starchy vegetables and whole grains as well. Still not impossible to do this type of high fat diet as a vegan just more difficult than with animal products.

>> No.16476626

apologize to your mother. i bet she doesn't even love you lmao.

>> No.16476628

>because mammals have more developed brains
More developed? Show me a plant's brain.

>> No.16476636

Now you're just being rude for no good reason. I eat meat for my health but I try to buy local, more ethically sourced products as opposed to factory farmed stuff. Apparently you make no distinction.

>> No.16476677

>Now you're just being rude for no good reason.
That's most of 4chan. Well, of any platform, just that 4chan is not heavily moderated.

>> No.16476707

Yeah I guess wrong of me to assume people arguing about how to eat in order to better their health would be any more good faith or less vitriolic than the other boards...

>> No.16476829

Ok. How is a diet healthier if it requires supplementation?

>> No.16476838

Maybe he is using some alternative definition of the word health. As I've shown in >>16476588 animal products by and large are more nutritionally dense.

>> No.16476890

What do you expect from a brain thats been deprived iron and b12?

>> No.16477301

He's G*rman, don't talk to him.

>> No.16477906

Indian, Thai, Japanese, and even Italian cuisines are full of vegetable-based dishes. There's no shortage of vegan options and you could potentially go your whole life without repeating a dish once.
But vegans are human and crave meat, whether they want to admit it or not. So they spend billions of dollars every year trying to recreate it in a lab while a simple bean burger would be easier, less expensive, and an overall better eating experience.

>> No.16478061

No, they don't. Stop reading clickbait headlines and learn how to read journal articles.

>> No.16478188

You are retarded.

>> No.16478192

The same thing has happened at the same level or higher with the cow industry and milk production.

>> No.16478341

>Toxic vegan mentality
your processed fake meat buns are toxic

>> No.16478595

mao starved 45 million people

>> No.16478612

>Not the worst, but it's not good either.
Considering that everything has to die, I'd say yes it is.

>> No.16478621

>Its not really absurd, its an interesting comparison.
Interesting to idiots. The protein is not complete, it has no B vitamins. No, eating it with grains is not enough. There's no comparison. You can't replace meat.

>> No.16478632

This new meat allergy epidemic will be spread by a vaccine.

>> No.16478635

Based and truthpilled.

>> No.16478646

stop being a faggot and buy dried stuff

>> No.16478722

Banana is an awful example but the rest are good suggestions

>> No.16478976

get your thorazine

>> No.16478991

who the fuck forces you to eat meat substitutes lmao

>> No.16478996

Its one of those schizo conspiracy theories. He probably hears voices in his head telling him to eat vegan burgers

>> No.16479066

>None of what you wrote made any fucking sense
reading comprehension retard? you said plant-based food causes more death which is blatantly wrong. Flawless logic?? God I hope you're baiting. If you have to harvest crops to feed animals for consumption, how can it possibly cause more deaths to just eat the fucking crops? Believe it or not but cows and pigs are fat cunts and eat more than humans. Does it get any more common sense than that? How do you function when you're this genuinely retarded? What could you possibly not understand? Do you have a carer there to wipe your ass and clothe you? Or can you dress yourself? Please enlighten me I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.16479097

do you believe you can eat what cows eat? 80% of it is not edible to humans. We feed crop byproducts to animals NOT crops.

>> No.16479099

if you eat a grass fed cows from birth to death you cause about 200 deaths( a bit more because even cows have been observed to eat rats ). now imagine how many deaths your precious almonds and avocados cause

>> No.16479106

Shush we're not allowed to talk about the fact that avocadoes are basically blood money with the amount of hold the cartels have over Mexican agricultural exports.

>> No.16479140

Wanting to eat meat implicitly concedes the moral rectitude of eating meat, and exposes vegans as hypocrites and moral cowards. (Wanting in this context not referring to passion but a physiological need.)

>> No.16479206

It's always the same with you faggots. Almonds, avocados... Don't you get tired of embarassing yourselves? Seriously. Any time someone brings up how fucked up the meat process is, which the BASE of your shitty diet, you bring up these foods that are completely unnecessary. Guess what, faggot? Most people who eat avocados are not vegan. Get a new card, this one's getting old. Fuck you.

>> No.16479346

regardless it's crop space that can be used to grow EDIBLE food. the enormity of the animal agriculture industry necessitates this huge amount of feed. there are crops with far higher edible yields than what are being grown, yet all this land is cleared to pave the way for that shit. this whole discussion is fucking ridiculous. if you're that keen to eat meat, go nuts. don't for one fucking second though pretend it's more environmentally sustainable because we all know that's bullshit. just admit that you don't give a fuck about the environment

>> No.16479370


Yeah because we all know that omnivores are always eating liver spleen bivalves and kidneys, and not greasy takeout

>> No.16479422

> regardless it's crop space that can be used to grow EDIBLE food.

this convinced me that you are brain damaged. what space are you talking about? do you think we can grow corn on air making the plant disappear? Or we should grow corn on corn on corn on ....

it is certainly more sustainable than crops. Guess what every time you plant a crop, you fuck up the soil a bit. animals mean while improve the soil. eventually the only use your farms will have is for animals to graze on it.

If you care about sustainability you vegans would get a few cows( as a community), have them grass fed, And harvest them for blood and milk like the massai. and when they die you will eat every single piece of them. you will grow chicken and ducks on a pasture and harvest them for eggs. But nooo your retarded feeling are more important than sustainability.

>> No.16479504

bruh vegans don't actually care about the issues they claim to care about. They just wanna be right.

How about the fact that all your exotic and even local fruits and vegetables use slave labour, massive amounts of pesticides, massive amounts of irrigation, and the worst part is, you could grow your own fruits and vegetables but you'd rather exploit someone else for it, while still continuing to virtue signal that you are somehow a "good" person, even though all you really project onto the masses is that you're an egotistical virtue signaling asshole who just wants to feel like they are good without actually doing anything because god forbid you get your hands dirty.

>> No.16479522

its because you faggots always scream about SAVE THE ANIMALS while chugging down almond milk. you are the same as omnivores. you only care about the animals that you find cute. Other than them? well fuck them they can die for my food.
>Most people who eat avocados are not vegan
well guess what i eat meat but who cares because other people eat meat.

> shitty diet

nigger your diet needs you eat a million pills a day to not die. i have seen vegan influencers have literal cabinets of pills. if you look at unnatural vegans fridge, there is more plastic in it than Bangladesh. and animals are necessary you retard. the most famous vegan doctor "Gregor", he looks worse than dead bodies, he looks lighter than hydrogen, his head bobbles more than Indians, he behaves like a coke addict. He is like a 600lbs dietitian.

>> No.16479527
File: 261 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you talking about, look at how buff our lord and savior dr gregor is

>> No.16479574

But that shit is not the problem. How the fuck are you people so retarded?? You've got a small-scale farm? Great! It's the fucking mass-production McDonalds beef that is killing the fucking world. What can you not understand about that? I genuinely do not get it. How can you possibly advocate for factory mass-spawned mass-slaughtered livestock? Justify that to me. I'd love to hear it.

>> No.16479592

I swear the way you faggots go on about it you'd think every fucking person in the world is living on a small plot of land with a few cows and sheep and pigs. You're a moron. People live in apartments. They uber eats McDonalds. They buy pizza from their local shitty pizza joint which buys the cheapest shredded meat. There's no fucking sustainability in that what's not to get?

>> No.16479626

just because one doesn't stand by the killing of animals or livestock agriculture and doesn't eat meat doesn't mean they can't recognize that meat tastes good to many people and perhaps even themselves. a lot of people switch to vegetarianism or veganism after having eaten meat for a long time and i'm sure they still get the hankering for a burger every now and again. that doesn't make them a hypocrite though

>> No.16479690

> People live in apartments. They uber eats McDonalds. They buy pizza from their local shitty pizza joint which buys the cheapest shredded meat.

So all these issues from cooperate greed and unrestricted capatilisim exploiting humanity means we should.... put more restrictions on humanity? You seem a bit mixed up.

>> No.16479728
File: 586 KB, 3264x2448, meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only eat meat, picrel, my breakfast for the next 6 days, usually eat bacon and eggs or fish for dinner, only get hungry twice a day

>> No.16479888

Because meat is tasty simple as that. It's the same reasons lesbians use dick shaped objects, we like the idea of it just hate all the attachment it comes with.

>> No.16480431

Of course you'd be a lesbian too.

>> No.16480462

I'm not going to apologize for loving tits.

>> No.16480465

I like tits too but lesbians are fucking nuts. Vegan lesbians are the WORST.

>> No.16480481

Bruh tell me about it, I'm not even a vegan I'm a vegetarian and I hate how preachy some people can get about it. Like yeah factory farming is fuckin terrible but you're never going to eliminate meat eating from the planet.

>> No.16480505
File: 149 KB, 640x193, vegetarian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of the meat I eat is from factory farms. Its either someone's personal animal, a small regenerative farm, or I kill it myself (just finished butchering a couple animals today). The only "factory farmed" shit I get right now is dairy, and that's gonna be over soon.

>> No.16480528

That rocks dude but it's still a global problem. I'd much rather see a meat industry built off quality and ethically managed product instead of mass quantity like we have now. Even past the taste there's tons of cultures that have a focus on hunting and it'd be pretty shitty of me to say that they can't do that because as a white person I say it's wrong (even though they've been hunting sustainably for centuries before we showed up).

>> No.16480593
File: 88 KB, 800x450, wou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The issue is that all industry is about mass marketing low quality product. If you want to support people who produce quality over quantity, then you absolutely need to do just that.

Also, while I am ok with hunting, I don't think that it is always inherently better than livestock. You can care for livestock in a way you can't with wild game. And you can slaughter livestock without as much of a risk of missing and then having to chase around a deer with a serious injury experiencing extreme stress.

idk. people need to look at slaughter more objectively. People attach too much emotion to slaughter, and they only really see it through the worst light. idk, it's really not bad. It takes 2 seconds and then its over.

>> No.16480668

Oh yeah the entire world is built off unsustainable growth and we're all going to die because of it, the meat and fishing industry just exaserbate it (especially the fishing industry). I think the issue with slaughter is just the fact it's about taking a life and how clinical it is. Just a fact of modern civilization we're a lot more disconnected to how we get our food. Like Marx had said "I don't know who made this sausage", I don't know who made the food I'm eating or how it was made. When we learn about the truth it makes us uncomfortable because we've never had to think about it, we've been taught that all life is sacred and it gives us cognitive dissonance to imagine that steak as a cow instead of a product to consume.

>> No.16480701

I mean, I just stop looking at the whole world for a second. I feel like the media and mainstream institutions condition us to care so much about what other people are doing. You gotta just focus on yourself. Sausage or salad, you gotta know where your food is coming from otherwise you are missing out on a major part of life. To me, its both a miracle and a nightmare that one can just step foot inside a sanitized, air conditioned supermarket and just... get food. You can get some fresh strawberries in the middle of winter and not give it a second thought. You can pick up ready to cook oats, with sugar already inside it. Who knows if the sugar comes from cane, beets, corn, or hell even fucking coconut.

If anything, transforming a living, breathing creature into a piece of meat is absolutely fascinating to me.

Anyways, we are all going to die anyways. Our species is as mortal as we are as individuals.

I suggest you start growing your own food. Lots of people start with tomatoes, but you can even do potatoes in a bucket. Rhubarb is good if you have a yard. Not much calories but its around and low maintenance. Zucchini too.

>> No.16480759

Oh yeah I'm not defending it just stating the fact that our current society is built that we no longer have to think about the how and why and just consume.

I don't know how much I dislike the the idea of superstores because of their convenience, I often think about how a hundred years ago I would literally never even know avacados existed and today I can just casually buy them for a salad. But I do wholeheartedly agree that the idea of communal food production being practically non existent is a problem and how our current system wouldn't prioritize fixing it. True I can go shopping at my local markets and that's a viable option if you have the funds for it, but I don't see a large section of the population doing that. If we really wanted to change the world we'd all have to be on the same page and since we're more divided and atomized than ever I don't see that happening without a societal upheaval.

But yeah, we're on track to keep warming the planet and there's very little signs of making actual progress in fixing the environment and we're the generation that gets to watch it happen. I feel bad for the zoomers who're going to have to deal with the societal collapse whereas we get the benefit of dying before we truly have to live with it.

>> No.16481010

You do realize you don't have to buy ingredients for a salad?

>> No.16481126

Yeah but that's not what I was talking about, I was referring to my ability to buy ingredients today that I'd never even know about a hundred years ago.

>> No.16481237

You can deflect blame as much as you want to, but if you're still buying from sweat shops and factory farms, that makes you culpable. Pretty fucking childish to day boo hoo the world's bad, poor me caught up in it...oh well can't change anything, guess I'll just be ignorant. You can choose where your food, where your clothes, where your possessions come from. But no, blame the system. Change nothing. You're not at all innocent in this, by fiscally contributing to these exploitative companies you are directly supporting what they do.

>> No.16481283

None of this happened

>> No.16481804

enlighten me how factory farming is killing the world. it is no doubt doing damage but you are retarded if you think it is killing the world.

and yes i do partially support factory farming. people getting cheap meat is more important to me than the negligible harm to the environment.
do you actually think beyond meat does less harm to the environment than meat or vegan eggnog less than egg

>> No.16481808

I never said don't change yourself.

Would be pretty cool to make my own clothes/shoes...

>> No.16481820


wtf is a factory farm?

>> No.16481831

i am not talking about others i am talking about you faggot. if 2% of the vegan population started doing this there would be massive changes. not only would meat get cheaper but less animals have to die.
as for why i am not doing this? because it is not my life's goal to kill as few animals as possible.