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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16460177 No.16460177[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I ordered the goat meat burrito from the local Mexican place and it was full of bones. When I called to complain the stupid woman just went "ok" in a bitchy tone to me so I hung up. What the fuck? Am I in the wrong? That is a HUGE bone right? Also, there were other bones

>> No.16460180

Don’t eat there again.

>> No.16460181

What were you hoping to get from the call? A refund? A new burrito?

>> No.16460189 [DELETED] 

>Am I in the wrong?
You were dumb enough to trust a spic who is probably in your country illegally.

>> No.16460191

"Oh shit! That sucks, you alright? Yeah that's fucked up" I don't know, any acknowledgment at all aside from "OK"? I gave them 1 star on every review site and attached pic related but I was curious if this was just normal for Mexican food

>> No.16460197

Yeah, that shit only works on corporate chains. Though I did manage to get a refund from a local Chinese place. The woman was a bitch about it too. Then she tried to get my sympathy by saying their cook died. Should have asked if she’d served him to me.

>> No.16460223
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That would've been hilarious you should've. I hate when they try to make excuses for shit service with sympathy. The cook died? Close.

>> No.16460290

They have over 700 good reviews

>> No.16460318

They definitely should have closed. They basically gave me chicken in gravy with microwaved rice. Nothing about it seemed Chinese at all. It was like a 1970s school dinner.

>> No.16460324

jajaja pussy ass gringo crying about a bones. Is milk too spicy too?

>> No.16460328

have you ever seen a goat before? those fuckers are full of bones. they got bones sticking out of their heads and shit, damn. don't know why you ordered goat if you don't like bones. dumbass.

>> No.16460449

For my 21st birthday (a long time ago) I got curry goat from a Jamaican restaurant and it was full of bone shards. I wasn't sure if they did it to spite me for being white, or if it was because they were just stupid black people who were too dumb to remove the bones before they ground up the meat.

>> No.16460455

Call ICE on them.

>> No.16460460

I love ethnic food with bones in it
smart places put (with bones) on the menu though

>> No.16460485

Just crush them with your molars

>> No.16460490

lmao at this dumb gringo crying because of a tiny bone in his food.

>> No.16460497


>> No.16460498
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>> No.16460515

That is not tiny. That's a normal sized fork next to that bone. Also, there was another bone too that was smaller. I stopped eating at that point.

>> No.16460520

Burritos should not have bones. End of story.

Everyone brown ITT seething and sputtering because they have a racial hivemind-like habit of sticking it to the white man, even when their brethren are clearly in the wrong. Many such cases. Pathetic!

>> No.16460523

If it's smaller than my index finger it's tiny and not eating because of a bone if the food tastes fine is retarded and wasteful.

>> No.16460532

Nigger, if you're eating a fucking burrito with fork and knife I don't see what's the issue with a bone.

>> No.16460535


>> No.16460543

Post it on your facebook page with the name and location of the restaurant. Then blog about it on twitter and instagram. Doing it here does you no good.

>> No.16460546 [DELETED] 

Sounds like you complain alot like some jew karen. Shit happens get over it

>> No.16460554

>Posts a Karen style yelp review on 4chan
>Expects the incels, autists, zoomers, and habitual contrarians to back him up.
I'm whiter than you and you're being a bitch. Every post calling you a pussy is right, and you should just shut the fuck up and not go back.

>> No.16460556

It's shredded meat in the burrito you are telling me it's normal to have a chunk that big in shredded meat? I swear the guy making my burrito must've been blitzed to not notice a bone as big as a chicken wing bone

>> No.16460560

Then you must also think bone chips and fragments would go well in a stir fry? In spaghetti? In lasagna? Piece of shit, choke.

>> No.16460562

He's not even OP(me) you dumb bitch he's just somebody else that agrees burrito shouldn't have giant bones in them especially for over $10

>> No.16460567

I'm not OP, though. And the Mexicans in my area don't put fucking bones into their burritos. Kek.

>> No.16460603

I've never heard of meat on the bone being served in a burrito. Anyone saying this is okay is probably just wants to insult you and get into an e-argument. I'm guessing someone was rushing when shredding the meat and didn't pay close enough attention. Not as big of a deal with that kind of burrito where you're eating it with a fork and knife, but it could lead to a broken tooth or become a choking hazard if served in a burrito you're supposed to eat with your hands. Meat on the bone needs to be served in a way where you can actually see the bone before potentially biting into it.

I think restaurant workers get tired of people making fake complaints to get free food or whatever so they stop caring as much when there legitimately is a real complaint. Might be a good idea to wait until you calm down and then try to reasonably speak with a manager so they know what's going on because they probably don't want to have a more serious problem with this in the future. If it was a mistake then they'll probably be happy to know, if it's intentional for some reason then just don't eat there again.

>> No.16460611

Shit in their toilets and don't flush. Take some poo from home in a Ziploc if you think you may get poo-shy and unable to produce. Bonus points for mashing it and poking a hole in the end so you can use it like a frosting bag.

>> No.16460622

why would you eat goat? that's like eating, i don't know, dogs or ferrets.

>> No.16460624

I already gave them a 1 star on google and yelp I don't care. The bitch on the phone was so dismissive to me and kept going "ok" like a bitch. Yeah no thanks they can just deal with the bad press

>> No.16460646

Fuck that place. I once got chinese delivery with a friend and his had a long black hair in it. He called to complain and they accused him of making it up. He got irate and told them to come suck the mongolion juice off of it

>> No.16460656

That is the exact reason why I stopped getting sushi from a new sushi place by me. I didn't write them a bad review but I got a short, black hair in my sushi. I am a blonde and my bf has long, curly brown hair. Yeah, fucking gross

>> No.16460765

Go home gringo stick to Taco Bell and Apple Bees

>> No.16460776

So you are telling me they gave me the bone on purpose? Should I order with a Mexican accent next time?

>> No.16460777

shouldn't have ordered extra bones

>> No.16460779

The only bones you like are up your ass huh

>> No.16460787

auténticos tacos de cabra reales tienen pequeños huesos de culo que los mexicanos reales simplemente mastican a través de tu coño culo mujer blanca

>> No.16460794
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Checked. this nigga eating bones

>> No.16460796

That's called soft calcium you chew right through it you pussy

>> No.16460803

No, it's like eating goat. Try another board, this one is about food and cooking specifically.

>> No.16460809

In my experience bones are just part of the package when you order goat, regardless of what style of food you're eating. I agree that they shouldn't be in there but it is what it is, I just avoid those foods now. That's also why I don't order trout up North, motherfuckers fry it with the bones in. Intentionally. I can just do that myself if I want to deal with the bones since I can do it while the fish is raw which is easier than doing it while you eat.

>> No.16460819

>bones we just chew through
Did you see the OP image? It's fucking huge, are you serious?

>> No.16460847

plebanon has spoken

>> No.16460855

It's 300% easier to pull fish bones out after cooking. They just lift out.

>> No.16460871
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>curious if this was just normal for Mexican food
Yes, in Mexico goat birria nearly always has bones in it.

Also normal for lots of Indian ,middle eastern type foods .
Had that been my burrito I would have been impressed at the authenticity. I have learned to eat food with bones in it from extensive third world travel

>> No.16460873

Individually yes but you can take them out as an entire flap when preparing the fish.

>> No.16460883

>Also normal for lots of Indian ,middle eastern type foods .
It is, but they aren't wrapping the goat in a flatbread to eat, it's always served on its own. Or just with rice or something where you'll see the bones.

>> No.16460895

I think you are just trying to gaslight me because you can tell I'm a woman because I mentioned my boyfriend. Fuck you. Bones that big in a burrito aren't normal. That is sloppy of them. You can SEE that it isn't meat, they must've been building the burrito on drugs to not notice it.

>> No.16460907
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>you can tell I'm a woman because I mentioned my boyfriend.
No ,we can tell you are a woman because you complain a lot, are picky about stuff like bones in food, and leave one star reviews at restaurants
Men dont do these things

>> No.16460914

So a real man just sheepishly accepts giant bones in his meal? Maybe a lower class one. I'm not poor, by the way.

>> No.16460917

Call the health department or something.

>> No.16460922

Ok Karen

>> No.16460932

Yeah I'm such a Karen for not wanting to chew on thumb-sized bone pieces in a BURRITO. Good one, play it again Sam!

>> No.16460934
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>sheepishly accepts giant bones in his meal?
A real man is excited to see them.
He knows they added flavor and the idea of them better connects him to the carnal nature of eating meat.
For you its a huge inconvenience, for him its a lucky bonus that makes him pine for a lost era when humans were not so weak.

>> No.16460938
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Ok Karen

>> No.16460943

Order the uhhhh Boneless burrito next time then you silly cunt

>> No.16460952

peak r*ddit. Fuck off and lurk moar.

>> No.16460954

Ok Karen

>> No.16460957

This is what you get for relying on strangers for your food you useless incompetent wage slave garbage.

>> No.16460965

all their relatives that live in the back of the restaurant

>> No.16460973

4chan's been hating soccer moms since before you immigrated here you ironically self-censoring pretender. Don't tell people to fuck off and lurk more when you type like you're on twitter tiptoeing around triggers, the lack of self-awareness is mindblowing.

I'm not even either of the people you replied to, I just hate you and everyone like you.

>> No.16460975 [DELETED] 

Kek (kill every k*ke)

>> No.16460991

Anyone could tell you're a woman before that because you make a huge deal out of nothing and post in such a passive aggressive way.
>Maybe a lower class one. I'm not poor, by the way.
Being status obsessed is also a very telling sign.

>> No.16461003
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Women be like "here's this one (1) (uno) bone I could easily pick out from the meal, now let me speak to your manager for a $5 refund".

>> No.16461020

When did women become such horrible people?

>> No.16461027

Small bones compared to the oxtail I'm shattering and chicken bones on the regular

Stop being white

>> No.16461060

Wow, that is one powerful photo anon, thanks for sharing

>> No.16461069
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>oh i am a woman btw

>> No.16461074

Pre or post op though? Details matter

>> No.16461079
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You had the 70th post and your post number ended in 69
So close to summoning the succubus

>> No.16461162

did I say I wanted a refund? I just wanted to let them know they were serving people giant bones in the burritos but I guess that's normal for them.

>> No.16461219

>but I guess that's normal for them.
It is normal for them
Maybe authentic ethnic foods are not your thing?

>> No.16461319

Did you say anything after the "OK?"

>> No.16461323

i wouldnt call them over a minor inconvenience like that. i just dont eat there.

>> No.16461324

Brah, you dont give out arcane secrets just like that. That shit is no joke

>> No.16461410

Bones are super common in goat dishes because the bones release ton of collagen and flavor when it's stewed. Literally every time I've eaten goat from any restaurant (regardless of ethnicity of food) there have been bones in it.

>> No.16461426

Have you ever had goat with bones wrapped in a tortilla served that way? The issue is not the goat having bones, it's bones in a burrito.

>> No.16461436

*a burrito that you have to eat with knife and fork anyway

>> No.16461444

I like to use my hands when eating meat on the bone, can't always get everything off the bone too easily with a fork and knife. So I'd say that's still a less than ideal serving method.

>> No.16461457
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>> No.16461460


>> No.16461466

Goat meat or cabrito is usually full of bones but if it was shredded then it could be sorted through. If its thick chunks then thats not possible and theres bound to be bones that you just have to spit out as you go. Burritos arent a mexican dish though so i dont know what kind of place you went to though, im sure mexicans have adopted it by now but burritps were made by whites in the 1950s to feed mexican bracero farm workers. If theyre putting meat inside of the burrito mixed with other stuff then they should try to sort through it to minimize bones but even then its possible for a few to slip through the cracks. Either way op sounds like kind of a cunt and the place they got their food from seems mediocre at best

>> No.16461472

sorry gringo :(

>> No.16461476
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>I like to use my hands when eating meat on the bone

I just bet you do you little fucking tramp

>> No.16461478

id argue 80% of the people arguing back are white though

>> No.16461482

low test faggot lmao

>> No.16461582

And they've probably never had a burrito with bones in it. And if they did they wouldn't enjoy it. But since it happened to OP and not them they have to call OP a fag and say it's fine.

>> No.16461586

how so?

>> No.16462205


>> No.16462233

>wh*te women

no bueno

>> No.16462240

If you post tits I will go give them a bad Yelp review just for you bby girl

>> No.16462334

Goat sucks and you deserve to eat bones if you're on the level of eating an animal that tastes like fucked up sweat. This is not a warning.

>> No.16462425


>> No.16462638

>"hates" corporate "wypipo" food
>discourages you from supporting "his people" and encourages you to stick to the corporate food he "hates"
>drives ethnic mom and pop shops out of business
>complains more with the utmost phoniest self-righteousness and sense of entitlement
Don't you know anything about economics? Or math? Or social interactions? Or anything at all? You sound stupid. I'm surprised you can defeat the captcha.

>> No.16462642

serving meat with bones in a burrito is bad but you're a fag for ever calling the place to bitch about shit

>> No.16462649

OP won't ever stop being a cunt but maybe the mediocre food can get better. Then maybe OP will have one less thing to be a cunt about. Rising tides lift all bones.

>> No.16462650

Real food has bones in it on occasion. If it tasted good I wouldn't give a shit. Don't be such a fatass, slow your eating and you'll notice bones and stuff without any danger of breaking teeth or choking.

>> No.16462668 [DELETED] 

he said he DOESNT like the bones, however youve made it quite clear than you like it in your mouth and down your throat. jajajajaja!

>> No.16462704

>orders goat
>complains about bones

i know this i b8 but come on

>> No.16463025
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>Kek (kill every k*ke)
It's for you king

>> No.16463088

yeah dont ever try jamaican food. shit is littered. captcha HAH T8, fuckin tate's hilarious amirite

>> No.16463115

I've had a bunch of indian food with bone in chicken and I've never got why they do it that way. It doesn't taste any better, and you could just as easily get the marrow and stuff in a stock and not have to fish around in your mouth for chunks of chicken bone. Worst part is chicken bones splinter too so it's practically guaranteed you're eating some bone

Having looked at that village cooking channel thing It looks like the only reason they do it is because it takes a lot of effort to cut the meat off the bone and indians are some of the laziest people I've ever met

>> No.16463543

You are complaining about lazy people when you are too lazy to pull a bone out of your mouth?

>> No.16463767

What got deleted?

>> No.16463774

We don't want you at our restaurants, gringo

>> No.16463776

we dont need your business redneck

>> No.16463783

Sucks you didn't choke on it. Racist cunt

>> No.16463787

Are you a fucking idiot or is this a troll. Why is a thread this bad on /ck/.

>> No.16463798

its a (May Allah forgive me for uttering this word) w*man

>> No.16464086

>The woman was a bitch about it too.
refund for a few bucks!? lol. pathetic life you have if a few bucks and wasted time was a priority for you.

act like a bitch, get treated like a bitch. only poor ghetto rats ask for a refund on fast food. just don't ever buy from the place and leave a bad review, if you need to make your fee fees better.

>> No.16464100

this. shit happens. seems like an overreacting from op. if the place is consistently bad, bad reviews are justifiable.

>> No.16464134

Get rekt fukin gringo

>> No.16464136

"Karen" is a retarded slur, but OP and the retarded complainers ITT fits the term.

>> No.16464171 [DELETED] 

Who hurt you chud

>> No.16464192

Bones in burrito are bad and a sign of lazy shit subpar cooking

>> No.16464734

1star reviews are karen.

>> No.16464794

go back at night in all black and a ski mask and throw a cinderblock through a few of their windows. people won't learn unless they're forced to. become the hand of chaos anon

>> No.16464851 [DELETED] 

You should feel pretty honoured, frienderino. Mexican restaurants in the States sell watered-down versions of Mexican cuisine, like boneless burritos, to the gringos, while serving authentic Mexican food to other Mexicans. When they saw you, they could see you had a melody in your heart and a dance in your body, despite looking outwardly like a boring pasty white cracker colonizer honky.
They were trying to awaken your inner Mexican.

>> No.16464899

OP is a jew. He would do anything to get his nickel and dime back.

>> No.16464916

>"Oh shit! That sucks, you alright? Yeah that's fucked up"
I don't think Mexicans talk that way.

>> No.16464936

>you can tell I'm a woman because I mentioned my boyfriend
No it's just the way you write. It was obvious from the OP. Nothing wrong with that, it just is.
Anyway if you feel that way about bones in burritos be prepared to stick to your guns and call anyone who disagrees a glownigger. That's just the way it works.
>But I wanted support from my bros
Bullying you IS supporting you.

>> No.16465169


>> No.16465180

You fucking waste of oxygen, Karen snowflake.

>> No.16465188


*closes thread*

>> No.16465408

>Ay Chihuahua /ck/! I serve gringo lady at my business, later she call me and she say "my burrito she have bone! "I say "oh no ok senora" and she hang up on me! I don't think she coming back. Que grande puta!

>> No.16465421

nice blogpost faggot

>> No.16465423

If you're not a Karen in times where it is warranted then you are a cuck. You will be shit on your entire life. Not saying anything about it is the same thing as asking for more.

>> No.16465432

The autists on this site get upset at an alcohol and tobacco general, but some faggot actually losing their shit about bones in a Mexican goat burrito gets over 100 replies.

>> No.16465524

Call her back and apologize for being a bad customer. Tell her next time you will eat the bones for calcium (you are probably calcium deprived) and want your burrito cold. She will ask if you want to be her personal goat: respond that you love to, now you will realize what it means to be in the wrong. Poor lady. And that was a small bone, you should have ate that easily.

>> No.16465527

Hair falls out of people's fucking heads all the time you picky retards. You eat way more than you'll ever notice. Just deal with it.

>> No.16465538
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Like the doctor told your mother after he delivered you.

>> No.16465829

A decent cut intended for burrito shouldn't have any bone. Unless they are using scraps or odd inferior cuts with bone slivers to increase profit.
This is an important topic

>> No.16465860

I thought goat burritos/tacos were a meme

>> No.16466029

>decent cut intended for burrito shouldn't have any bone.

You know nothing about goat birria

>> No.16466298

>You know nothing about goat birria
why is bone acceptable in goat, but not other meats?

i understand the idea of expected bone exposed in dishes,
except you dont except that shit in a wrapped up burrito ...unless is from a reallllly cheap shithole. ive come to expect getting bone when i get a $2.25 ground beef burrito form some shithole ....and watery hot sauce instead of salsa

>> No.16466324

>unless is from a reallllly cheap shithole
You are just wrong anon.
There is much you do not seem to understand here.
Not sure what to tell you, maybe try traveling?

>> No.16466366

>reddit spacing
it's shitty birria

>> No.16466384

Do Mexifornians really do this?

>> No.16466393

>Not sure what to tell you, maybe try traveling?
im taking about in the usa, faggot

>> No.16466394

>Do Mexifornians really do this?
at shtiholes that only charge $2.25 for a burrito
oh wait, california*
at shitholes that only charge $6.25 for a burrito*

>> No.16466516
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OP is acutally right and everyone is making fun of him
burritos should not have bones lol

>> No.16466543

>Huesos de culo


>> No.16467874


>> No.16467903

I stand by my decision I'm glad I left bad reviews

>> No.16468285

>I stand by my decision I'm glad I left bad reviews
1star reviews are karen
i only pay attention to 2star reviews and up
1star reviews are karen

>> No.16468309

Yeah cause kicking up shit cause a kid fucked up one tiny thing so they get fired is a super cool thing to do. Quit being a whiny bitch, this could easily be a post from a kid saving up for a car complaining that he got fired cause the pre packed shit meat had a bone in. Use your fucking head for a second.

>> No.16468312

goat meat always is

same with all Jamaican food, for some reason they think paying for mostly bones is good

>> No.16468313

Goat is great, but the bones are suboptimal. Not a perfect experience but I would never go into a goat meat meal without expecting bones in it. It's not worth filing a complaint or leaving a bad review, imo, but I will agree that the fact that there's always bones in it sucks and makes it worse.

>> No.16468315
File: 30 KB, 680x510, 4212D187-528D-4ADB-ACD4-E037943B3FC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks at those perky tits on Lorrie

>> No.16468317



>> No.16469025

>When I called to complain the stupid woman just went "ok" in a bitchy tone to me so I hung up

based burrito lady

>> No.16469027

you try and separate oxtail meat from the bone then

>> No.16469033

Based and perky-teen-titpilled

>> No.16469050

What's it like to have a vagina boned?

>> No.16470229

they do the same shit with chicken
they just love paying over the odds for a tiny amount of meat in sauce thats mostly bone

>> No.16470261

Like he wouldn't have nailed three times as many women if the circumstances were reversed. Pretty easy to not sleep around when you're imprisoned.

>> No.16470689

If the circumstances were reversed she would have probably become the POW camp commander's concubine.

>> No.16471011
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>She just kept going "ok" and now I'm mad as fuck
OP is a weeping pussy who got trolled hard by a conchita and is lashing out with threads and reviews on the internet in a fit of impotent rage.

>> No.16471322

nibba how do you expect to get a peoce of chicken without a bone
you cant grow them boneless

>> No.16471484


Wow, you are a horrible person

>> No.16471735

yeah, but are you an archaeologist?

>> No.16471858
File: 272 KB, 434x534, 59trt6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to beaner restaurant
>order meat only literal third world bottom feeders consume
>it's full of bones and gristle

>> No.16471983

Any time the meat is called goat rather than lamb I assume it has bones in it and don't order it, it's happened to me from Indian places and thats just normal apparently. I don't know how people assume that a dish full of tiny bone shards, in particular a burrito where you don't cut the meat, isn't fucking insane, but I guess it is.

>> No.16472004

Typical response from a American with no food culture and people who only eats fast food on a daily basis. Reminds me of a story in my country when some American snowflake ran out of the restaurant crying screaming after she ordered a fish. She expected a fillet but instead got served a whole grilled fish lol