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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 183 KB, 1842x1665, i9v5nm19bu771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16458591 No.16458591 [Reply] [Original]

Food that used to be cheap until it became a meme, and now even bad quality versions are expensive

>> No.16458782


>> No.16458784


>> No.16458792


>> No.16458795


>> No.16458798

waste cuts of meat
I swear I can't even buy dog food or soup bones anymore without spending a fortune.

>> No.16458800 [DELETED] 


>> No.16458808

is this samefaggotry

>> No.16458812


>> No.16458813
File: 3 KB, 81x46, posters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bottom right corner shows you how many different people have made posts in the thread silly newfag

>> No.16458925

that shit isn't accurate at all anon. mobile posters change the count every time they move 5 feet in a new direction.

>> No.16458940
File: 41 KB, 499x272, allives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you hate black people

>> No.16458945

but I love olives!

>> No.16458949


>> No.16458959

chicken thighs, anything probiotic (kimchi kefir slaw), flatiron/flank steak, uhhhhhh

>> No.16458962


>> No.16459219
File: 138 KB, 1048x699, red-horse-in-sunflowers-field.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chicken thighs
for real though they are the best. I saw some other anon say this was reddit's doing. Just another reason to hate those fags

>> No.16459262


>> No.16460087


>> No.16460131

Fast food

>> No.16460136

Chicken wings, brisket, oxtail, avocado, a lot of offal.

>> No.16460137

livers will never become mainstream so I can enjoy by cheap nutrient dense food.

>> No.16460375


>> No.16460380

Based organ meat eater. Gimmie that sweet sweet iron

>> No.16460383


>> No.16460386


Tritip is skyrocketing right now

>> No.16460409

Hanger steak

>> No.16460423


>> No.16460463

marrow bones

>> No.16460477

good, that's pseudoscience and fewer people getting fooled by it is a good thing

>> No.16460481
File: 279 KB, 4096x4096, 1626988343206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys aren't making the price of deenz go up, right?

>> No.16460630

What's bofa?

>> No.16460635

Steve Jobs

>> No.16460643


>> No.16460833

Not him but I'd like you to explain how you interpret rising prices driven by increased demand as
>fewer people getting fooled by it

>> No.16460857

I know right. I hate that bone broth became a meme. Neck and tailbones used to be pretty cheap even free in certain places. Hard to source offal unless going straight to the butcher as well.

>> No.16460866

Food trends involve crap that used to be considered waste and repackaging it as cool. Lobsters used to be undesirable.

>> No.16460872

i rarely post from a phone but every time i've tried without wifi it always says i'm blocked from posting due to a range ban

>> No.16460886

I want to personally kill whoever spread this meme.

>> No.16460898

Some incredibly based person on your network did their part to combat the phoneposter menace.

>> No.16460901
File: 66 KB, 1200x1200, quinoa-8-1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16460906


>> No.16461032

Buying boneless skin off is fucking cringe. Bone in skin on is the only way to go. Extremely versatile, I can get them for roughly a dollar a pound. Don't understand the rage but I'm low on the spectrum so maybe a higher tier autist can explain

>> No.16461055

chicken wings

>> No.16461066

This ten times over. I used to get oxtail for like a dollar fifty a pound, now that shit's as expensive as steak cuts. Anything that would've been an offcut/offal a decade ago seems like it's quadrupled in price.

>> No.16461093

ground beef used to be made from unsellable pieces of meat, now it's the single most popular product in the beef category. Insane that people are grinding down steaks to make mince.

>> No.16461997

I used to fucking love getting big frozen bags of kale 2-for-a-dollar before waves of faggots started screaming "OMG SUPERFOODS" and drove the price up to 3 dollars a bag.
If they come for my frozen mustard greens, I am going to FLIP

>> No.16462021

Pork shoulder
Ox tail

When I was growing up poor as fuck this was the shit we got to eat on the rare occasion we got meat. That fucking pork shoulder was the highlight of my year. We could eat meat for three day. I became an adult, slowly worked my way up in life. Now that I have a little bit of money between bills all I want is the flavors of my childhood, but it is way more expensive than it was back then and I can't afford it. It is frustrating as fuck. I can eat chicken every day, but slow cooked pulled pork is a luxury that I can afford once a month.

Fuck this gay ass earth and fuck all you middle class shitlicks that are slumming in my meat section.

>> No.16462096

And double fuck you to this thread. Took a look at my balance and bills, decided I can go without television from now on. Freed myself up $20 bucks from my internet bill so that next month, and for every month after, I am eating 2 pork shoulders. Finna slow cook that shit and make the best fucking fucking kalua pork you haoles will never eat.

Suck on my giant brown balls whitoids

>> No.16462232


>> No.16462447

Saltygrapefags seething

>> No.16462684

Top right if using 4chanx
Check timestamps too

>> No.16462688

meant for>>16458813

>> No.16462689

and to even go one step further, monkfish is now expensiver'n tits

>> No.16462692

Television is free, anon. The antenna just picks up the signal and converts it for your television. No internet required, no data used.

>> No.16462803


>> No.16462935


>> No.16463746

Deena nuts

>> No.16463759

Oxtail, chicken wings, pork baby back ribs

>> No.16463764

Of course but how is that relevant

>> No.16464621

No most people hate sardines because they smell weird

>> No.16464655


>> No.16464715


>> No.16464717


>> No.16464737

olives matter

>> No.16465172


>> No.16465428


>> No.16465440

Two buck chuck has not been two bucks for a while now.

chicken thighs are still cheap. maybe not quite as stupid cheap as years ago but plenty cheap.

>> No.16465493

Not him but where the hell are you that this is still true? The US switched to digital signals well over a decade ago so you had to get a special box that was designed to fail after a few years so you'd have to keep getting boxes.

>> No.16465536
File: 600 KB, 1600x2048, monopolowa-vodka-175-liter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The vodka that I used to pay $19.98 for is now $20.48 so I can no longer just go to the liquor store with a $20. Thanks Trump.

>> No.16466025


>> No.16466290

olives are now expensive

>> No.16466312

Didn't Ramps and Chords become such a meme that people were killing themselves over em?

>> No.16466342

Chicken wings, flank steak, skirt steak, oxtail, shortrib. These are the ones that have dramatically increased in the past 10 years.

>> No.16466360

What’s deenz backwards?

>> No.16466363

Who still uses cash? Are you homeless?

>> No.16466367

I was amazed the other day at HEB I saw a big ol fat lengua going for like $8/lb. You couldn’t pay me to eat that.

>> No.16466370

>middle class

>> No.16466375


>> No.16466376

beef cheek

>> No.16466378

its not a waste cut, its just using all of the animal

>> No.16466532

Refrigeration made lobster desirable more than food trend-chasing did.

>> No.16466554

You mean Biden.

>> No.16466671


>> No.16466688


>> No.16466738


>> No.16466894

You do not need a box if your TV is modern.

>> No.16466901

Getting a new IP on mobile literally takes 10 seconds and is so easy even the most braindeficient shitposter can manage it. There's a reason mobileposters are hated. Posting via mobile shiuld either be completely disabled or locked behind a Pass.

>> No.16466975

Buy American faggot

>> No.16467653


>> No.16467664

The fuck is this, monkey see monkey olives?

>> No.16467673

PBR. Fuck hipsters

>> No.16467678

muuhh brofits muuhh demand
peepoos want it? hmmm me give but high high price cause they want... mmm me think atleast 500% profit...

>> No.16467703

>be third monke
>two other monkes are male and female
>fight the female monke and win
>get to hang with bro monke on ark tossing feces at lions

>> No.16467717

This post reeks of soy. God forbid you make an untraceable purchase. It'd probably send you into fits to know that the vast majority of my firearms can't be traced back to me in any way.

No I don't.

I'll do better and buy local. Now that I have to bring more than a $20 I'll bring a $20 and a $5 to buy Texan.

>> No.16467721

bros before hoes

>> No.16467727

Pork shoulder is incredibly cheap here compared to basically everything that isn't chicken. My guess is that since sandniggers don't eat it like beef & lamb the price is already supressed, and since it's a long cook that actually requires some basic knowledge, there's oversupply because most people don't buy it.
Blade steak & pork tenderloin used to be incredibly cheap here, but jamie oliver that cunt came along and it became a meme.

>> No.16467773

how cheap was PBR before? i love it and can get 6 pints for $5-6.

>> No.16467797

Anon, stop pretending to be retarded. You’re not helping anyone.

>> No.16467838


>> No.16467858

modern TVs come with digital antenna built in retard.

>> No.16467867

Modern TVs come with reception that doesn't need to convert jack shit because the signal has been digital for more than a decade, dumbass.

>> No.16467870

that's what I just said.

>> No.16467878

Which makes me wonder why your dumb ass is bitching at me and not the guy I originally replied to who's talking about antennas and signal conversion.

>> No.16467880

>he likes alabama monkey piss
could not possibly be me

>> No.16467885

>I-i-im not the retard I swear!
sure thing kiddo

>> No.16467891

>I-i-im not the retard I swear!
Why put your own words in greentext? You know that's not how that works, right?

>> No.16467900
File: 280 KB, 128x128, 1612836840730.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who are you quoting

>> No.16467910

fun fact if you low pass filter the digital TV signal you just get the analog signal back

>> No.16467914
File: 48 KB, 400x300, Tragic anime back story.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you quoting?

>> No.16467915

you, I can read minds

>> No.16467929

But I wasn't the person originally talking about antennas and signal conversion. If I didn't know any better I'd think you didn't read the string carefully enough before getting yourself involved in it.

>> No.16467932

Butt goes on sale at my Kroger basically every other week. I bought an almost 9 pound one yesterday for around 11-12 dollars.

>> No.16467942

anon 1 says TV's need special box
anon 2 says that's stupid
anon 3 (could be anon 1) sides with anon 1 by going against anon 2
I reply. it's not that hard. you are anon 3 and you are a retard by taking the side of a retard.

>> No.16467952

Why are you still pretending to be retarded? I see advertisements for ultrahd antennas on tv every night.

Do you think everyone has to buy cable, to watch tv?

>> No.16467963
File: 10 KB, 644x195, Muh tv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 1 and 2 and whoever you think you can pass off as a reply.


>> No.16467967

you're anon 1 and 3 lmao why can't you even read.

>> No.16467977

>you're anon 1 and 3
The only one I'm not is 3 you fucking retard.

>> No.16467982

Alright anon, let’s pretend I am retarded.

Now tell me why I’m retarded.

>> No.16467984

can you not read?

>> No.16467990

not fooling anyone

>> No.16467995

>Now tell me why I’m retarded.
Possibly an extra chromosome, I can't know without meeting you.

Can't you? The only line without a (you) in it is
>anon 3

>> No.16467996

anon, the line of text is tied to the post number UNDER it.

>> No.16468003

anon 1
anon 2
anon 3

anon 1
anon 2
anon 3

the first post number is me replying to you.

>> No.16468017


If I’m retarded, what does that make you?

>> No.16468022

Is there anything that is still cheap?

>> No.16468029

>B-but what I actually meant was...
And just minutes later we pivot away from:
>anon 3 (could be anon 1)
>you're anon 1 and 3

Someone who hasn't had to worry about antennas and signal conversion for more than a decade because all my shit is digital.

>> No.16468031


>> No.16468042


>> No.16468044


>> No.16468049

you can't be this dumb. I've been saying the same thing the whole time
these posts are you:
in those posts you act stupid, dense, and show that you can't read for shit. if you actually read my post >>16467942 you would see that I'm still saying that and have been the whole time.

>> No.16468067

>hasn't had to worry about antennas and signal conversion for more than a decade
I thought you had to keep buying boxes though? you said so yourself here >>16465493

>> No.16468073

Pomegranates. They used to be decently priced until some stupid bitch put it in some gay salad and all of a sudden they became expensive.

>> No.16468104

For the longest time, I thought you had to suck the jelly of the seeds and spit it out like a cherry.

The seed seems to hard to just eat through.

>> No.16468111


>I've been saying the same thing the whole time
I've been saying it before you were, you've been bitching at the wrong person.

Yeah, if you needed to keep converting the signal. All my shit's digital and I haven't had to worry about that for more than a decade which was the whole point of my first post. I had to buy 2 of those boxes in high school and then moved on from my CRT TVs with build in VCRs.

>> No.16468120

What boxes?? I’ve never seen the boxes you keep talking about.

I grew up on antenna, and have one now. I just plug in to the back of the TV and get a clear signal every time.

>> No.16468123

>All my shit's digital and I haven't had to worry about that for more than a decade
why did you disagree with >>16462692 then?

>> No.16468128

>you've been bitching at the wrong person.
no I'm not, I'm explicitly replying to you because it's funny to laugh and the next absolutely idiotic thing you type.

>> No.16468133
File: 183 KB, 1563x913, 1626400465575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking love watching anons argue over digital and analog signals
i got a crappy wittle signal booster antenna for my smart tv and i get like 60 free channels

>> No.16468150

b-b-but anon! the boxes!! you have to buy the boxes!!!!

>> No.16468152

>I grew up on antenna, and have one now. I just plug in to the back of the TV and get a clear signal every time.
Where are you? Because traditional antennas stopped working in the US when I was still in high school. They gave out vouchers for conversion boxes and those conversion boxes sucked ass so I bought better TVs on black Friday from a Best Buy in the middle of nowhere during my freshman year of college which will be a decade ago in very little time.

Because it's an inaccurate statement from where I'm sitting.

Yes you are.

>> No.16468160


Where do you live? Guam?

>> No.16468161

>Because it's an inaccurate statement

>> No.16468180

nope, I'm replying because I'm having fun. continue to cry about being targeted on an anonymous potato famine support group for all eternity.

>> No.16468182

Texas. A place with like 1/3 the blacks per capita, if you can imagine that.

Because nobody's used an antenna here for more than a decade. Because you straight up can't.

>> No.16468187
File: 123 KB, 333x304, LeDarius Howard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16468201

In Texas? What kind of shit are they pulling? If you have enough range, you can watch tv in the fucking ocean

>> No.16468203

>Because you straight up can't.
anon… try googling a digital TV antenna. those boxes you keep going on about has advanced and they've just started putting them into the antenna housing so people with CRT televisions can still get the "new" digital signals.

>> No.16468206

you seem to have forgotten your quotes anon, I gotchu tho!

>> No.16468227

>If you have enough range, you can watch tv in the fucking ocean
Not with traditional antennas. They don't work for anything but radio anymore, at least here in the US hence my original question.

>try googling a digital TV antenna
Once again, you're bitching at the wrong person. I don't think anyone here, including @16468206, understands why I made that first post. It wasn't even Socratic irony, it was a legitimate question.

>> No.16468244


>> No.16468253

>at least here in the US
Anon, I...

>> No.16468261

>They don't work for anything but radio anymore, at least here in the US hence my original question.
most TV's have built in digital tuners, which means you can just plug in an antenna and get a digital signal. antenna TV works just fine in america

>> No.16468271

traditional antenna work, it's just the encoding of the data that has changed. the actual mechanics of the signal have not changed in any way.

>> No.16468298

What, faggot? IDK why a real question had to get turned into this nonsense. Are you implying that you'll get into international waters and suddenly the technology of the day will change or what? If so, why? Are there people still broadcasting major league sports in analog that you can pirate on the seas? Do you do that?

>Bro it's all just digital
Which requires no conversion hence my original question. Seriously, are you people stupid or something? Did you block out part of the post that I originally replied to because it was inconvenient to your
or what?

Seriously, give me a technical answer.

>> No.16468314

>Which requires no conversion hence my original question.
>The antenna just picks up the signal and converts it for your television.
you're the one blocking out parts of posts here anon. nobody is implying that they're using analog signal.

>> No.16468318

OK so a digital device is converting what into what?

>> No.16468319


>> No.16468329


>> No.16468337
File: 3.04 MB, 1919x1079, 1626393831571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16468346

the changing amplitude of a EMR waveform over time into a series of binary inputs, then depending on your TV either:

a digital encode into an NTSC format waveform that controls the electron gun of a CRT television, because those televisions cannot accept binary inputs.
>i.e. it changes it back into an analog signal for your TV to use
a readable instruction for whatever type of screen technology the TV utilizes that combines with the aspect ratio (HDTV or SDTV) that is contained in the initially broadcast waveform.
>i.e. your TV speaks digital already

>> No.16468352

>changes it back
as in how it used to be years ago when the TV was manufactured, I'm not saying that the signal was originally analog.

>> No.16468358

Olea europaea

>> No.16468359

Cool non-answer to my original post and anything following.

>> No.16468362

you literally asked for a technical answer.

>> No.16468393

As opposed to figuratively asking for something? Moreover you failed to supply it.

>> No.16468394

Are you all trying to get confused?
Long ago, TV signals had an analog encoding. These days, they have a digital encoding. The date of the switchover varied from country to country.
A normal, passive antenna converts from radio waves to electrical signals, and doesn't really care about the encoding, only the frequency band. A modern TV will understand the electrical signals that use the digital encoding. I think they still also understand analog encoding, but maybe they have started dropping that feature.
Old TVs didn't understand digital encoding, and you had to get a converter box that converted from digital to analog if you wanted to use an old TV after the switchover. Some anon seems to be suggesting that they make antennas that include the converter box function, but I've never seen such a thing.
Most people I know use cable TV instead -- digital broadcast TV becomes unwatchable at signal levels that used to give you a noisy analog signal.
(But you know all this, and are just arguing because you aren't expressing yourselves very well, right?)

>> No.16468396

Feels like we've gone a little bit off topic

>> No.16468400

Figuratively, you were asking for fellatio.

>> No.16468402
File: 145 KB, 720x1280, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

canned beans

>> No.16468404

What was the topic again? Peasant food?

>> No.16468409

Canned beans are expensive?

>> No.16468410

something about monkeys

>> No.16468416

I would advise against eating monkeys -- various diseases come that route, including one theory about HIV.

>> No.16468419

I don't understand what you're confused about

>> No.16468424

They used to be poor people food

>> No.16468436

>These days, they have a digital encoding.
Yeah and the US was late to that party and it was still circa 2010 hence why I asked Anon where he was from. I can only speak from the perspective of someone who had free TV and then didn't until it went digital (at which point I went digital) which is why I asked the original dude the question I did. I will take the time to note that you appear to be in good faith and I appreciate that.

I'm tempted to ask everyone where they're from because then things might make more sense but that's what caused this shitshow in the first place.

Well I won't say no.

Then you and I are in the same boat. At least one of the people I'm talking with has had to pretend I'm multiple people people in order to move this forward so IDK if this can go anywhere.

>> No.16468448

Millet in five years

>> No.16468453

digital TV is still free.

>> No.16468462

I wasn't pretending you were multiple people anon, I just assumed you weren't until you clarified.

>> No.16468480

Yes, and? just to make it absolutely clear I was watching The Incredible Hulk free on digital TV in high school which was more than a decade ago. I am aware of this phenomenon.

Are you the person who posted 4 posts and insisted that I was the only person without a (you) next to the post number?

>> No.16468493

>insisted that I was the only person without a (you) next to the post number?
I was saying the opposite of that anon, you're misreading what I said.

>> No.16468494

then what are you confused about?

>> No.16468500

I'm calling it now, deenz are next

>> No.16468502

>I was saying the opposite
Who specifially are you? Because someone took the time to label me as 1, 2 & 3 and then call me 1 & 3 when I was really 1 & 2.

Only the thing that I originally asked about.

>> No.16468504

Who eats millet besides Northern Chinese? (I was once on a package tour of China, and they handed out watery millet porridge at the Beijing airport when a domestic flight was delayed a couple of hours.

>> No.16468507

which is?

>> No.16468526

Assuming that you're the 2nd person, where the person who started this thread is from.

>> No.16468544

please repeat your question. from your post it's not clear.

>> No.16468551

let me slightly reformat my post so maybe you can read it as intended

anon 1 says TV's need special box:
anon 2 says that's stupid:
anon 3 (could be anon 1) sides with anon 1 by going against anon 2:
Then I reply. it's not that hard. you are anon 1 and 3 and you are a retard by taking the side of a retard.

>> No.16468573

Please read threads that you reply to.

Irrespective of how you cut it you have to divide me into multiple people to make a point.

>> No.16468582

my point is that you're retarded.

>> No.16468590

OK. I and at least one other person think you're an idiot and you clearly can't even grasp that. My condolences.

>> No.16468594

I did, I'm saying that your post does not clear articulate what makes you confused. all you're asking is where he could possibly live where you could use an antenna to get free TV and the answer is anywhere where people could own a TV that accepts digital encoding natively. there's nothing to be confused about.

>> No.16468596

>one other person

>> No.16468604

Your formatting still sucks ass. Are you by chance, autistic?

>> No.16468605

>an antenna
And here I thought that
>You do not need a box if your TV is modern.

Someone who isn't me, how should I know more?

>> No.16468609
File: 716 KB, 1920x1080, where_do_you_think_we_are.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you by chance, autistic?

>> No.16468613

>Someone who isn't me, how should I know more?
quote them or they don't exist

>> No.16468618

>an antenna
>And here I thought that
>You do not need a box if your TV is modern.
what are you actually talking about?

>> No.16468623

hipsters in anno domini 2026
i have seen it in my mind's eye

>> No.16468626

"an antenna" and "a box" are different things, so why do you bring up boxes in response to a statement about antennas?

>> No.16468627

>quote them or they don't exist
You already did.

Again, something that someone else said. This whole thing has become about shit that other people have said. Why am I arguing other peoples' points because other people can't handle an anonymous imageboard conversation? I just asked what I thought was an honest question.

This is what schizophrenia must feel like.

>> No.16468634

My boxes plugged into the same input. Are you trying to pull some mealymouthed bullshit related to boxes that are functionally antennas not being long thin cylinders so they don't count?

>> No.16468661

There is no contradiction between "you need an antenna" and "you don't need a box", unless all antennas are boxes. Certainly there are antennas that aren't boxes. I'm not convinced that any boxes are TV antennas -- certainly the converter boxes I saw required plugging to a separate antenna, or maybe a cable TV feed.

>> No.16468673

>There is no contradiction between "you need an antenna" and "you don't need a box", unless all antennas are boxes.
OK, hash that out with:

>> No.16468697

>You already did.

>> No.16468721

Again, am I 1, 2 or 3? If more than one then what combination? No matter how you've cut it so far you seem to think I'm multiple people.

>> No.16468727

no I don't

>> No.16468748

The posts ITT indicate otherwise but OK, you do you man.

>> No.16468782

If you fags just want cheap meat, go for chicken leg quarters. ~$5 for a 10 lb bag at walmart. It's just thighs that are still attached to the drumstick and a little of the back. It ain't 10 lbs of actual meat because of the bones, but you're easily paying under a $1 per lb of actual meat.

>> No.16468795

bofa deenz nuts

>> No.16468841

no it doesn't, you just can't read.

>> No.16468888

Not the Jack I'd expect to see on /ck/, but I'll allow it. Fug, I need to get around to watch season 5.

>> No.16468963

You quoted someone other than me and called them me but again, you do you man. You can think whatever dumbass thing you want, IDK why people even got triggered by a genuine question but I'm done with you idiots. Bye.

>> No.16468978

I occasionally do this.Also you can make broth from the bones/leftover bits.

>> No.16469057

>Be third monke
>Hold female hostage
>Tell the male monkey to dive into the water or you'll kill her and destroy the species

You have to be the alpha, anon.

>> No.16469061

no I didn't

>> No.16469088

Prime rib.

Now that the rib eye is the favorite steak of the world, I can no longer go to a local greek diner and get a cheap prime rib and mashed potatoes on Sunday.

>> No.16469155

It sucks, don’t bother.

>> No.16469157


>> No.16469717


>> No.16469805

In australia we went digital and you could get a set top box if your tv was made pre digital. And then if you bought a new tv you just plug ut into the sattlite on your roof (idk what you have in the city but in the country it's a satellite) (satellite was free from government). This was before smart tvs as I own some smallish tv from 2017 which is a non smart tv and I can plug it in to the wall with the satellite cable and get free channels.

But i would have to say meat bones. I usued to buy the off cuts or bones and just make a curry or stew but now they are more expensive than a pork roast and they are always sold out so I just gave up a few years ago on that. I honestly dont understand how fucking poor some of you people are since I earn under 40k a year and I can pretty much eat anything I want. Maybe I just have cheap tasted but i can easily afford pork roasts and a steak every week along with veg n shit. Also that reminds me as fucking veggys you would buy from the side of a road, wether that be from a veggy farm or just someone who has more than they can eat, have gone up in price. Its still cheaper buy a mile than woolies or coles but I feel like you were able to buy alot more for less ten ir so years ago. Still not expensive but definitely does cost more after inflation.

>> No.16469836
File: 298 KB, 1000x1000, xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Force the other male monkey to jump off
>Throw the female monkey off too
>Get twice as much food.

>> No.16469882

Cider. I liked it better when it was all cheap garbage instead of over priced sugar water.

>> No.16470253

All the chef's cuts (oxtail, hanger, short rib etc)

>> No.16470506


>> No.16470512


>> No.16470513


>> No.16470514

>so expensive now that the shitty poor places that grew it dont even buy it anymore

>> No.16470519

>make an untraceable purchase
>while caring your to within 15 feet accurate cellphone
>with your location being sold to a half dozen different local businesses

Based naïve poster.

>It'd probably send you into fits to know that the vast majority of my firearms can't be traced back to me in any way.

Right but the ones you filled the 4473 for and a concealed carry loicense, if any, are still tied to your address.

Just wait until people find out about carnitas.

>> No.16470624

>oh my stars! Someone might know I bought alcohol!
And nobody gives a shit about your faggy gun collection

>> No.16471265


>> No.16471271

Just grow them man, I've got a kale plant that's been sitting there for FIVE years, and I think it's only now gonna start going to seed, and it's shat out a few other kale plants from the same base. I don't even eat it, it's just there. Maybe if I ate it it'd go to seed faster, but all that means is then I'd have more seeds to make more kale plants.

Buying vegetables is a fucking meme, except onions because those motherfuckers take half a year to grow, and with the amount I eat I can't afford to have half my garden be different stages of brown and spanish onions.

>> No.16471369

Ground beef has been the most popular beef for 75 years.

>> No.16471966


>> No.16471979

My Jamaican mom used to make oxtail all the time and my dad would make chicken foot soup, both of which were delicious beyond belief. Now, oxtail stew meals are akin to a steak dinner with how expensive it is now. Chicken feet are not as bad because whitey still doesn’t like feet but it’s getting up there.

>> No.16472017


>> No.16472128


>> No.16472227

niggers tally me banana

>> No.16472312

Avocado, you fucking gringos make towns run dry on water because of avocado plantations

>> No.16472377

Why would I need to carry a phone to a liquor store? You don't have a phone on you 24/7 do you anon?

>> No.16472404
File: 218 KB, 682x1024, 1597669688047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic: noah when fucker monkey turns to him expecting double food

>> No.16472409

So many bourbons. Angels Envy, Eagle Rare, Basils, Colonel Taylor, Woodford all used to be much cheaper.

Bacon, chicken wings, Pretty much most red meat, Tuna Steaks, cupcakes, avacado

>> No.16472576

Tally this 7.5 inch monster in your mouth

>> No.16472602

reddit tourism

>> No.16473022

Jew detected

>> No.16473040

I fucking hate this stupid meme. That was only true in the US because you were all hillbillies.

>> No.16473061


>> No.16473324

I dont know, what is deenz backwards?

>> No.16473339


>> No.16473611


>> No.16474062

I want a garden so bad Anon, I can TASTE it....

I'll see if I can grow kale in my window, but desu, last time I had a few things going like celery and green onions and they spawned black fungus... I know I could work to avoid this, but I'd rather just buy my meats and veggies like a cuck until I've actually got some land to jam my seed into

>> No.16474763

Quinoa trend caused anemia in Bolivian children

>> No.16475027

Thats only because people were blending the meat and shell together (before it became a delicacy), they might as well put glass shards in at that point
Try eating scrambled eggs with the shells mixed in and tell me how it tastes

>> No.16475357

who gives a shit, the real question is what foods are still cheap and yet tasty. i can only think of buckwheat.

>> No.16475417
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Like every goddamn cut of meat. I fucking hate youtube and those fucking californian foodie NIGGER websites so goddamn much. Even fucking eye rounds are starting to go up in price because of every clickbait article titled "THE CUT THAT THE BUTCHER HIDES FROM YOU." Fuck off.

>> No.16475453
File: 89 KB, 972x675, kips_leverworst_972_675_84_c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Even the name brand liver sausage is still cheap here in NL


>> No.16475459

>dollar a pound

>> No.16475466

I can get a nice 2lb pork tenderloin for like 6 bucks near me and make a nice bit of pulled pork. Where do you even live where it's that expensive?

>> No.16475479

Pabst fucking sucks. Literal piss.

>> No.16475673

fast food

>> No.16475827
File: 112 KB, 640x640, Hahahaha+oh+god+you+gave+me+a+hearty+chuckle+pic+_b3954cf63e38089f85f3a3405e4acbc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trader Joe's sells this by me $12/l

>> No.16476327

I love Joakim!

>> No.16476587

this is an insult to piss

>> No.16476957

Came here to say Ox Tail. It's so expensive anywhere I find it anymore

>> No.16477001

Feed and seed

>> No.16477002

And olives

>> No.16477515

Like 20% of the time I phone post, it says I'm banned for posts on boards I literally never visit. It's getting fucking annoying