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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16455068 No.16455068 [Reply] [Original]

what do you eat for general health? Can be a meal or an ingredient.

>> No.16455074

I do salt enemas

>> No.16455073

What foods are good for your balls?

>> No.16455124

Let’s see Paul Allen’s suggestion.

>> No.16455145

healthy diet of dubs

>> No.16455146

I like drinking pee

>> No.16455147
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I drink lots of vodka. That cleans out my system, and even cleans my teeth (I haven’t brushed in years, and haven’t had a cavity since).

I also eat a liverwurst sandwich pretty much every day – to counterbalance the effects the vodka has on my liver. I make my sandwiches on seeded rye (because it’s the healthiest bread), with mayo (because eggs are the best protein; I use kewpie, because the msg makes it taste better), coarse mustard (good for the white blood cells), zucchini pickles (because they taste good), and a bunch of baby spinach (just for filler; it could honestly be left out).

I also eat a lot of canned fish (mostly sardines, but also the occasional fancy smoked oysters) on saltines. They give you all your essential amino acids, and provide a nice opportunity to try out various hot sauces, which are generally very low in calories, while high in flavor and immensely prodigious to healthiness.

Aside from that, I drink large amounts of water (anywhere between ice-cold to slightly chilled) every day, always through a straw, and sometimes with a lemon wedge.

To each their own, I say, but I’m just shy of 30 and am doing better than most of you.

>> No.16455150

ya ma's puss

>> No.16455153

I eat 2 home made pizzas every week and ride 80kms every weekend to burn it

>> No.16455161

Peanut butter soup with smoked duck and mashed squash. New York Matinee called it a playful but mysterious little dish.

>> No.16455165

On your boyfriend's dick?

>> No.16455359

I eat a large bowl of Frosted Mini Wheats 2-3 times a week
I eat it without milk because it's shitty cereal, just drink something to chase it because it dries my mouth out otherwise
It has way too much sugar but that's the only thing that makes it barely palatable
The fiber is what I eat it for, basically keeps me cleaned out and running right
I recommend it, particularly for anyone over 30, massively boosting your fiber intake can prevent all sorts of problems in your lower GI tract

>> No.16455369
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Flintstones gummies and cheap vodka

>> No.16455462

You’re still posting this copy pasta? What the fuck is wrong with you anon!

>> No.16455482
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>They're good for your heart
>The more you eat them, the more you fart,
>The more you fart the better you feel
>So eat your beans with every meal.

>> No.16455500


uh, these aren't keto, bro

>> No.16455501

A regular diet of semen gives me smooth skin and silky hair.

>> No.16455505


>> No.16455570

Varied diet, meat/chicken 4 times a week, plenty veggies, multiple kinds of bread, milk, water, juice.
People actually rate me 10 years less my actual age.

>> No.16455591

Don't care lol, I'm not on a meme diet.

>> No.16455609

For General Health I eat one jelly donut. Lieutenant Wellbeing is another story...

>> No.16455616

God I wish.

>> No.16455618

no, thats looked down on in our country, but I have no preferred position with my wife, its probably 50/50 top/bottom

>> No.16455725


>> No.16456775
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beans, rice, veggies, salsa burrito everyday
half the days ill have a random meal with a friend or fin something to eat while out and about
1/4 nights i make a bunch of pizza
1/4 i gorge on dumpster pizza.


eat refridgerated dumpster pizza for breakfast until its gone and
have a bean and rice burrito, or som other random meal for dinner.

>> No.16456778
File: 22 KB, 281x351, 1600530455539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beans, rice, veggies, salsa burrito everyday for breakfast*
for dinner* half the days ill have a random meal with a friend or fin something to eat while out and about
1/4 nights i make a bunch of pizza
1/4 i gorge on dumpster pizza.


eat refridgerated dumpster pizza for breakfast until its gone and
have a bean and rice burrito, or som other random meal for dinner.

>> No.16456793
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>> No.16456797

I just eat a lot of veggies in general I guess.
I eat a lot of tomatoes and carrots as snackfood. I eat tons of green beans and broccoli, lotta salads as well.

>> No.16456823

Always have a banana in the morning,
Rarely if ever drink soda
snack on fruit, nuts or rice cakes
Bake meat instead of frying it
Limit processed foods and sugar
Skimmed milk instead of whole
Just simple stuff like that, using self-discipline is not hard and you feel so much better

>> No.16457126

>Skimmed milk instead of whole
You were doing so well up until this.