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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16454603 No.16454603 [Reply] [Original]

daily reminder that eating this is almost as bad as drinking coke

>> No.16454625

Cool, thanks, bro.

>> No.16454660

why do I love carbs so much frens

>> No.16454662

evolution forces us to seek out energy dense foods. Bread is very energy dense and has a relatively low impact on the digestive system so the body wants more

>> No.16454667

Did you know bread has alcohol in it?

>> No.16454668

Yeah nah, processed sugar is way worse than carbs. On top of that even white bread has some fibre in it.

>> No.16454674

schizo time. time to bring back the atkins diet

>> No.16454680

Processed sugar is a carb, retard.

>> No.16454685

Retard who doesn't understand the different between monosaccharide and disaccharide sugars like those found in coke and polysaccharide starches like those in bread.
Also white bread = starch = glucose.
The worst part about coca cola isn't the rapid increase in blood sugar, its the huge dose of fructose delivered all at once to the liver.
Rapid high dose fructose to the liver = NAFLD.

>> No.16454686

he's trying to say bread isn't worse than a coca cola. please try to pay attention

>> No.16454708
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Does anybody else agree that the ketolards are more insufferable than vegans at this point?

>> No.16454713

Omnivore master race. Avoid refined sugars and seed oils as much as is possible/practical and restrict your diet as little as possible besides.

>> No.16454715

>at this point
it's always been a toss up for most annoying to me

>> No.16454716
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>Avoid refined sugars and seed oils

>> No.16454720

Probably because he has no self control and just has to eliminate that from his "diet" because he also believes in the boogieman.

>> No.16454733

>eating anything at all

>> No.16454748

sugary shit isn't filling so you'll get hungry very quickly

>> No.16454751

I don't trust industrially heat-refined seed oils. They've only been in our diets for about a century. Compared to beef fat and butter they are all but devoid of micronutrients, and almost all of them have huge amounts of omega 6 Polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are essential fatty acids, but only in tiny, tiny amounts.
I guarantee I am fitter and healthier than you, I just don't eat industrially processed garbage.

>> No.16454776
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>why yes, i avoid all modern processed garbage and only eat what my ancestors have been eating, what gave it away?

>> No.16454787
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>I guarantee I am fitter and healthier than you

>> No.16454797

Why is bread so bad for you? Isn't it a staple throughout history? Its flor, salt, water and yeast.
Unless your specifically talking about cheap, processed bread?
I eat 3 slices of wholemeal bread a day. Is that 'bad'?

>> No.16454800

stay mad and cope, fatty

>> No.16454807

i think it's ok if you do manual labor, exercise or walk a lot

>> No.16454811

Next time keep your fat fucking fingers of the keyboard before spreading more misinformation, dipshit.

>> No.16454815
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Very well.
I can tell by your language that you're fair and intelligent. Carry on.

>> No.16454817
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What if I make 60% wholewheat bread on sourdough and with sunflower, pumpkin seeds and walnuts?

>> No.16454824

Daily reminder that I'm going to fuck your ass until you bleed to death ketolard

>> No.16454844

i like how 'keto' winds up /ck/
literally no one took vegans seriously and everyone laughed at them but the idea of not having sugar and processed carbs makes people mad

>> No.16454860
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Omnivore > meme diets

>> No.16454867

Shit forgot to mirror it, you get the ideaa

>> No.16454873
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>> No.16454915

Another vegan tranny gets mogged back to its discord

>> No.16454932

And drinking coke is almost as bad as snorting coke and snorting coke is almost as bad as smoking coke and smoking coke is almost as bad as injecting coke

>> No.16454960

Nice sink you anglo scumbag

>> No.16454976

Seperate taps have logic to them. The cold water tap comes straight from the mains, whereas the hot water tap is routed via the boiler and thus to a hot water cistern. There there is always a possibility of contamination of such systems, remote as it is these days. Its a holdover from the past that ensures even the poorest homes had access to clean, purified drinking water from the cold taps.

>> No.16454977

absolutely BTFO

>> No.16454982
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Is this history lesson supposed to detract from the fact that you're an *nglo?

>> No.16454990

Thank god. I've heard people abroad don't even eat black pudding, beef sausage, pork sausage, eggs, mushrooms, bacon, hash browns, baked beans, tomatoes, potato scones and toast all in the same plate for breakfast.
What a horrible existence.

>> No.16455001

Also if you have a non municipal water system you should be taking bacteriological samples every few months to make sure there's no contamination with your well/tank. To get an accurate sample a dedicated cold water tap is the easiest solution.

>> No.16455010

exactly how poor are you?

>> No.16455016

coke is based tho

>> No.16455022

I might be poor but i'm rich on studliness

>> No.16455037

Is this supposed to be impressive?

>> No.16455043

>dude i don't think should be eating cyanide

>> No.16455088

It's meant to prove that the diet I'm promoting isn't incompatible with a healthy body and active lifestyle.

>> No.16455155

It takes multiple decades of daily and heavy cyanide intake to finally kill me? The nazis sure planned their pre-trial suicides long in advance.

>> No.16455169

Yeah, so?
I do bad shit.

>> No.16455290

>Avoid seed oils and feed oils

>> No.16456650

Bread isn't bad for you it's just american bread with the sugar and preservatives they put in it. Bakeries in the rest of the world make the loaves in front of you so you're not getting legal heroin put in

>> No.16456693
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>> No.16456712
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>his bread has corners

>> No.16456758

Must suck living in a YMCA

>> No.16456781

Thanks for reminding me I've got some Coke. I nearly forgot to drink it.

>> No.16457652
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>> No.16457692

100% whole wheat is okay though r-right?
please help I'm addicted to carbs

>> No.16457716

Most modern "whole wheat" is usually only marginally better in terms of glycemia relative to white breads. Added bonus if you can find breads without added sugar but they are very rare. If you are struggling with weight or blood sugar you may want to cut back on even conventionally "healthy" carbs and see what happens.

>> No.16457726

Just weight but I'm steadily losing it and on track to reach my goal by probably EOY. I swim for an hour or two 3 times a week or more so I end up eating a lot of carbs

>> No.16457727

Also if you really think you're addicted to carbohydrates you could go cold turkey and try a carbohydrate restricted diet for a few weeks and see you feel.
Hint: You will probably feel quite poor for a few weeks as your body adapts but if you can stick it out chances are you will reap great benefits.

>> No.16457728

That is the best one with peanut butter or toast with butter

>> No.16457739

After bread became common human height shrunk, teeth problems became widespread, brainsize shrunk

>> No.16457749

Do you think that's why many East Asians (Japanese, Chinese, etc) are so short?

>> No.16457775

Yes but it's not just bread, the problem is their food is tiny, low in nutritional value, and everything is spices and sauces instead of actual food, whereas 6' europeans of the era would eat a massive slab of meat before donning plate armor and swinging a 3 foot broadsword around

>> No.16457783

lmao Croatians and the Dutch, both eat bread at every meal .Go peddle your pseudo science somewhere else fatass

>> No.16457786

so it's not as bad as drinking coke?

>> No.16457794

>Most modern "whole wheat" is usually only marginally better in terms of glycemia relative to white breads.
I find whole wheat to be a lot more satiating than refined flour so I don't end up eating as much. Plus mixing it with fat and protein lowers the impact it has on your blood sugar and I usually don't eat bread with nothing else.

>> No.16457802

Hunter-gatherers still made bread from wild grains and people always say how healthy and fit they were. The issue is probably that early farmers had to rely too much on the grains, probably didn't always get enough calories, might've been exposed to more disease living in closer proximity with animals and larger human populations, etc.

>> No.16458549

>eating white bread at all

>> No.16458590

I've been baking my own bread lately using white flour only and yeah I'm aware it's not healthy but saying it's the equivalent of coke is stupid as fuck
Thinking about adding wholemeal or something but it's too complicated

>> No.16458651
File: 245 KB, 1500x1125, __opt__aboutcom__coeus__resources__content_migration__serious_eats__seriouseats.com__recipes__images__2014__08__20140810-workhorse-bread-vicky-wasik-3-3a86ee51da2e4a7b8239ceb62d8d8d17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a toast bread, not a real bread.
And this looks like a very soft bun, but still not what I would call a bread.

>> No.16458858

thats not bread, thats yeasted cake. Real bread is very nutritious

>> No.16458869

No one mentioned keto, yet you decided to bring it up. Fuck off back to /fit/.

>> No.16458983

>lmao Croatians and the Dutch, both eat bread at every meal .Go peddle your pseudo science somewhere else fatass
>source: my ass

>> No.16459022

Well he should try harder, because that post of his is retarded.

>> No.16459057

It's true. Balkanites are huge bread consumers. But there was a research that shows that they, genetically, digest bread more easily.

>> No.16459074

Whats a good substitute then for a sandwich. Something that can be made in advance and had the next day at work

>> No.16459091


>> No.16459143

Daily reminder that you are a fat fuck and will blame anything for your fat issues except yourself or your lack of exercise.

>> No.16459153

The life expectancy of less than 40 years?

>> No.16459160
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>> No.16459183

bread is literally one of the best things you can eat if you're trying to lose weight. yes, with butter even

>> No.16459200

man I fucking love warm bread, getting a bread maker and making basic bitch loaves was a great decision

I'll make a loaf and eat half plain as a meal, which is just about 1000 calories. If I'm not feeling the plain I'll throw in a bit of apple butter or some mustard as a dipping sauce. I only eat two meals a day so I stay under 2000 calories and feel full to boot. And there's like no dishes to clean, and I have another half a loaf to eat the next day. Those ancient folks knew what they were doing when they invented bread.

>> No.16459208
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gross, don't spit.

>> No.16459568

What oils should I use in cooking? Is olive oil, vegetable oil or plain ol' butter good to use?

>> No.16459609

>I don't trust industrially heat-refined seed oils.
OK, so don't eat them. Stop acting like you have any valid reason to tell others not to eat them

>> No.16459616

>muh people died at 40 , because reasons
What a fucking smoothbrain argument that is. The the average was lower due to infant mortality and general war and sickness, not because of the fucking bread

>> No.16459626

It's true,i'm romanian and in my country people eat bread with everything,even rice.Everyone in the balkans eat a fuck ton of bread.

>> No.16459644

>Don't let them get you down anon, most people here are fatties

>> No.16459761

theres a world of difference between industrial white bread and traditional bread

>> No.16459872


Every single word here is wrong. In fact it's the absolute opposite of what you said that's true.

>> No.16460112

You can drink coke? I thought you were supposed to mix it with baking soda and smoke it.

>> No.16460132

Well my gf is getting hard in the stomach with white bread, white rice and lack of vegs.

So now we do whole grain pasta, raw rice, more cooked potatoes and a quite lot more vegs and dark/whole grain bread.

She is getting better.

>> No.16460162
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For 6 years 9 months 17 days, I eat nothing but a whole loaf of bread with chicken flavored seasoning, and drink three glasses of water everyday. Feeling fantastic afterwards. Not sure what you're talking about, OP.

>> No.16460169

there is a dude on youtube who mixes rye/wheat flour in the bread pan with sourdough, water and salt. No kneading, just a long ferment.
He simply lets it rest a day in the cold oven and bakes it the next day.
He has done this for 30 years its as simple as taking a shit

>> No.16460204

What about all the studies that showed they kill people?

>> No.16460989

>energy dense
>white bread
also is hard on your body, high GI

>> No.16461050

>high GI
That means its good for diabetics right?

>> No.16461071

That's cool. I've already lived longer than my average ancestor going back to the beginning of humanity at the age of 42. I don't have anything left to prove

>> No.16462412

Retard alert

>> No.16462883

>dude I don't think you should be eating something that slowly kills you

>> No.16463466


>> No.16463473

toast isnt the right word although i know what you mean
you meant to say sandwitch

>> No.16463883

Mirin those gains

>> No.16463899

I’m not diabetic, what the fuck do I care about my carb intake

>> No.16463906
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insulin resistance is driving or makes all chronic disease worse.

>> No.16463949

I'm about to make some white bread right now. The yeast has risen.

>> No.16463959

I browse exclusively fit and I've never seen a single positive vegan thread. There are exclusively keto shilling threads and vegan bashing threads. Any diet discussion gets derailed by the same two dyel ketofags.

Vegans might be more annoying IRL but not on /fit/.

>> No.16464043

bet you suck a mean cock

>> No.16464046

>I browse exclusively fit