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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 64 KB, 319x291, no more coffee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16449951 No.16449951 [Reply] [Original]

What a relief and quality of life improvement. I'm so glad that I broke the chains of daily coffee drinking.
I feel better, I sleep better, I think better. And I save money.
You should try it too. Experience the freedom.

>> No.16449954

coffee is nasty, makes your breath smell, and is addictive. It's also not healthy.

>> No.16449955

How many minutes has it been since you quit coffee?

fake and gay, you'll be back

>> No.16449959


>> No.16449980

You think coffee made you sad?

>> No.16449994

>It's also not healthy.
Quite the opposite actually, it helps to reduce your chances of developing dementia or Alzheimers.

>> No.16450003

This. Cream and sugar is unhealthy.

>> No.16450004

>new study shows 2 glasses of wine a day decreases risk of heart disease
>science says white chocolate prevents schizophrenia
>the evidence is in: McDonalds salads reduce risk of depression
You just believe every food fun fact from a trial of 10 that's tossed at you?

>> No.16450260

I quit coffee for a number of weeks because I thought it caused my sleep and gut issues.
Now I still have sleep and gut issues but also can't focus at work.

>> No.16450265

Same bro I was a coffee drinker for probably 12 years, my longest running habit. Been going without most mornings these days since retiring. It is amazing what we are willing to drink/do/consume for our wagie cagies.

>> No.16450712

I drink coffee every day and I feel great all the time, you're just weak.

>> No.16450716

>Been going without most mornings these days since retiring
I'd wager its more to do with you returning to a natural sleep cycle than the lack of coffee. People blame coffee for feeling bad but its actually that people take coffee to deal with the crippling tiredness and despair having to wake up unnaturally every day for work.

>> No.16450719

I love the stuff, but can easily see how one could become addicted. I also don't know why people drink black sludge with sugared milk in it for caffeine rather than just taking a caffeine pill if they really require it. Nobody actually thinks shit coffee tastes good

>> No.16450722

fuck you nigger im on caffeine modafinil phenibut ephedrine l-theanine daily stack make me a god. 1 life to live nigger step on it you gonna gas the jews without stims? think again lil adolf

>> No.16450724

Go to bed at 8 or 9 and this isn't an issue, but people stay up drooling at netflix until 1am and guzzle 8 cups of tarjuice to not die on the drive to work.

>> No.16450740

just take meth retard

>> No.16450765

i prefer natural/pharmacy grade drugs not a cocktail made by some hillbilly

>> No.16450767

It took like a full month for my sleep to go back to normal, and then about 6 months for my gut issues to finally clear up. What actually seemed to help was eating a little bit of dark chocolate with minimal sugar every day, I suppose since it's fermented so it might have probiotics plus the fiber. It also has a little bit of caffeine and some other stuff that could help you focus more too.

>> No.16450813

Also if you do start eating high cacao percentage dark chocolate, be careful not to overdo it as it can quickly lead to constipation since it has a lot of dry fiber.

>> No.16451488

>You just believe every food fun fact from a trial of 10 that's tossed at you?
Depends on whether it justifies me eating more of the things I like.

>> No.16451517

>can't focus at work
Congratulations, you have fried your brain with caffeine as an alcoholic fries their brain with alcohol or a porn addict fries their brain with porn.
It will take months, maybe even years, before you are able to regain adequate cognitive function. Recovery isn't easy, but the first steps are the most important ones. Good luck on your journey.

>> No.16451542

Wait so coffee is bad for me?

>> No.16451680

i just like the taste....

>> No.16451749

I doubt it. I quit drinking coffee over a year ago (not for any fruity reason, just because it was an unnecessary expense and not doing anything in particular for me), and felt literally no different then or now.

>> No.16452207
File: 47 KB, 1280x720, 1626710351439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16452244

>he doesn't microdose meth
ngmi, your r*dditstack is for pussies

>> No.16452256

>cut out any and all caffeine over a decade ago
>feel great
>pick up alcoholism over the years
>getting progressively worse
>still feel better than when on caffeine every day

>> No.16452264
File: 54 KB, 432x465, beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No joke - I've been considering taking up coffee drinking for my health. I have read a lot about coffee being beneficial to one's well being.

>> No.16452808

ephedrine is the main ingredient for meth faggot

>> No.16452822

coffee is fine as long as you're not overloading it with fat and sugar. i drink my coffee black 99% of the time, once in a while i'll add a splash of milk if i'm feeling fancy

>> No.16452839

Do you support child labor?

>> No.16452894

Oh no no no wagie boy!
You did not get my permission to stop your cattle productivity booster meds!
You will be reported for antisemitism.

>> No.16452996

If it's fair trade and organic.
Kidding, I don't give a shit about snotnoses halfway around the world.

>> No.16453015 [DELETED] 

Stfu you irrelevant shitstain

>> No.16453053

>sponsored by megacorporations
>studied by underpaid caffeine-addicted graduate students

>> No.16453094


>> No.16453152

Not him but I quit coffee in November of 2018 and I haven't looked back. Stim poison for wageslaves.

>> No.16453210

I never drink coffe and I'm neither happy nor healthy nor do I sleep or think well.

>> No.16454053

Maybe because they are working from the young age that will keep them from life of crime when they grow up.

>> No.16454073

Nice bullshit.

>> No.16454158

Nice blog faggot, no one gives a rats ass.

>> No.16454351
File: 916 KB, 640x640, 1ANNING.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sugar & cream
I take my coffee like my women. Black.

>> No.16454375
File: 579 KB, 2500x2500, c0ed0242-9d01-4e40-a05f-6290a531f3c0.26c51e7ca86dfa1d8197d1d276d6a4b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i quit soda & sugar loaded tea's

>> No.16454425

Caffeine is in so much shit though not just coffee, drinking water by itself is so boring

>> No.16454434

by just quitting??? Are you that weak willed?

>> No.16454460


>> No.16454540

Do you drink tea?

>> No.16454546

>t. used to drink a large cup of coffee in the afternoon
nothing wrong with a small cup of coffee in the morning

>> No.16454574
File: 456 KB, 1200x1291, coke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by learning all the details about what sugar does to your body, especially your liver
by realizing you're making someone else richer at the expense of your health.
by realizing you're supporting a company that doesn't mind exacerbating racial tensions, assassinating foreign leaders... to make more profit.
or by simply not being a NPC consoomer

>> No.16454770

>it helps to reduce your chances of developing dementia or Alzheimers
What if I brew it in an aluminum moka pot? Does it even out then?

>> No.16454973

Not him but seriously just get Vyvanse, it's way more effective for focus than your Reddit stack and has way less unwanted side effects (jitters, irritability, nausea or gastrointestinal stuff, too much body energy making you not want to sit, etc)

>> No.16454999

This. Also helps if you are a /fit/izen

>> No.16455067
File: 55 KB, 500x403, 1626966328465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16455117
File: 47 KB, 606x768, moka pot-ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an aluminum moka pot but I stopped using and went and bought a stainless steal like the one in the image.

>> No.16455133


>> No.16455136
File: 105 KB, 1280x856, COFFEE COFFIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coffee is acidic and drinking on an empty stomach is very stupid. It will be a very fast way to get ulcers and cancer.
Eat your breakfast first, then drink your java.
Be smart about it.

>> No.16455154

Yeah even mild stimulants fuck you up mentally as evidenced by this post. I feel much better after tapering off my massive coffee habit.

>> No.16455172

ur gonna have a heart attack anon

>> No.16455174

if you drink shit coffee then better stay out of it. Nothing like a fresh grinded colombian coofee to chill in the morning, or sometimes a small one on the afternoon with some fresh bread.

>> No.16455184 [DELETED] 

>Nothing like a fresh grinded colombian coofee
I found columbian coffee to be very unimpressive.

>> No.16455226

>Nothing like a fresh grinded colombian coofee
I found columbian coffee to be very impressive.

>> No.16455270

I already have two stainless steel moka pots, one gets me amazing coffee every time, but the other has some problem with the flow (I suspect), so the coffee barely pours out and stays too long in contact with the beans, so I can't get anything other than burned, thick, black, bitter and sour tar out of it.
Unfortunately the good stainless one is in my family home, so I can't use it right now.

>> No.16455302
File: 9 KB, 248x250, FAE87228E6244C69A19FFA938237CD8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf I always drink coffee on an empty stomach. I hate eating brecky when I've just woken up.

>> No.16455768
