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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16442969 No.16442969 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people claim fast food is expensive?
Fast food is cheaper than home cooked meals in every way.
Tell me how much it would cost for you to have a full pantry of ingredients, a stovetop and cooking implements and at least 30 minutes to spare, the energy to cook after wage slaving AND you still have to wash dishes and pans.

>> No.16442998

People have a lot more time/money then you think. Even now when you thought of and posted your idiotic argument you could have been cleaning, washing or doing anything else and Imm guessing your day isn’t going to get any busier. People are complaining because if they pay $8 for a burger at jack in the box, it isn’t going yo taste like an $8 burger let alone if you get fries/drinks. Or ask for anything special like extra x or no y. If they do it right in the first place. Yeah buying 10/12 frozen patties cost more then buying buns on top of that. But thats 5 more burgers you can make until you’re out of buns before you spend another $3 for more buns. And make 12x as many burgers.

>> No.16443075

You've never actually tallied up the prices, have you? A lot of of "expensive" stuff you buy separately can easily account for several meals. A bag of potatoes for instance will go a lot longer than super mcmeal with fries ever could.

Now if you're actually too much of a fucking idiot to make time to meeting basic needs for survival like attaining food, by all means, continue depending on others for something any capable self-respecting adult should be capable of doing.

>> No.16443078

/ck/ is literally full of grown ass adults who don't even have 5 dollars in their pocket. What do you expect?

>> No.16443087

They spent it all on retro video games and henti fleshlights. Still, though, the idea that fast food is ACTUALLY cheaper than making one's own meals has to be a meme....

>> No.16443093

Well yeah its cheaper to make yourself but fast food Is for people on the go, people with jobs and families and lives. So it's not surprising/ck/ doesn't get that

>> No.16443111

I always think of it as the opposite. I grew up in a house where we ate dinner together as much as we could. Now that I'm married and have a 4 year old my wife and I do the same. To me fast food only makes sense when you don't have anyone to share a good meal with....which now that I actually write it out also makes sense that no one here would bother.

>> No.16444324

1 kilo of potatoes costs half as much as a medium mcdickens french farts (about 3 potatoes)

>> No.16444626

People with families and lives are able to get someone to work part time or stay at home so that they have time to cook meals, in reality /ck/ is complaining because a) they cant cook and b) theyre alone

>> No.16444683

>Fast food is cheaper than home cooked meals in every way.
mom i posted it again

>> No.16444695

having a family and a life doesnt mean you cant be organised and set some time aside for cooking. if you dont have time to feed yourself then whatever youre doing in life is being done wrong

>> No.16444726
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>Fast food is cheaper than home cooked meals in every way.

>> No.16444764

>it's cheaper to rent for the rest of my life than to own
stay poor

>> No.16445222

Lots of people can't scrape together the down payment required to own.

>> No.16445244

Yeah, because they're retards who eat out all the time or they have avocado toast delivered to their house for 50 bucks or they waste money going in debt for a shit degree instead of applying for a trade apprenticeship. Lots of people are fucking retards.

>> No.16445253

Everyone having a single-family dwelling all to themselves is completely unsustainable.

>> No.16445256 [DELETED] 

Go live in the pod and eat the bugs, retarded brainwashed goycattle.

>> No.16445262

Enjoy your 6 hour commute then

>> No.16445267 [DELETED] 

You're so fucking retarded. Consider killing yourself, it'd be a huge favor to everyone. After all, you think home ownership isn't """sustainable""" might as well help by offing yourself

>> No.16445269

Yeah, renting the cheapest single room apartment over a full lifetime and carefully investing the surplus in the stock market calculates much cheaper than purchasing, paying off, and maintaining the cheapest single room apartment.

>> No.16445272

>buying apartments
Spotted the nigger

>> No.16445303

i just had lunch for a dollar and it took <5 minutes and then 30 seconds to scrub and rinse the pan. stop pretending fast food is better you just like the taste and are looking for excuses

>> No.16445337

Why do immensely retarded posts almost always have an anime image

>> No.16445397
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>i just had lunch for a dollar and it took <5 minutes and then 30 seconds to scrub and rinse the pan
Bullshit what did you make

>> No.16445531

Cooking is expensive and hard when you start. But as you level up, it gets easier and cheaper to a point that you don't even want to go out to eat anymore even though you have plenty of money(in part because of how much you saved by cooking). It kinda sucks because you get a lot pickier, can't enjoy yourself unless the restaurant and food is truly excellent or of high value, which is hard to find.
Not him. Probably a grilled cheese. But I could throw together a quick stir fry, make a nice soup, or omlette for about a dollar and less than 10 min including clean up. Clean up should be concurrent. I would spend 2 dollars though because I would use significantly better eggs/meat/veggies than the fast food quality ingredients it would take to keep it under a buck.

>> No.16445645

scrambled egg, with spinach and mushroom on a piece of bread

>> No.16445653

i should specify, it was a small portion, more of a snack really, but a full lunch would still be in the dollars, and its not something you have to bulk cook in order to benefit from the savings

1 egg
1/8 frozen spinach(which we sometimes grow and prepare ourselves, but not this time)
2 button mushrooms
splash of milk
1 slice of bread

>> No.16445654

Go be poor somewhere else. I hate you and I also hate the fags how "home cook" because it's cheaper which just means that they use shit ingredients. I have money because I have a real job and I cook at home because I can buy myself quality food so I don't have to eat factory produced shit. All poor people should be banned from socity.

>> No.16446201

the average person in the US watches 3 hours of television every single day. anyone who claims they don't have time to cook is almost certainly a lazy, fat slob.
also if you have even basic cooking skills you can make tasty, nutritious food incredibly cheaply.
why would you even come on /ck/ to make this shit thread? learn to cook or manage your time properly before posting again

>> No.16446229

i work from home and make a shit load of money, these are non issues for me. sorry you are poor

>> No.16446254

Youre a fucking sicko.

>> No.16446369
File: 105 KB, 1080x553, her peach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all buy stuff at Aldi and Save-A-Lot if you're concerned about money. Buy the basics there.

Fast Food meal with fries+drink probably costs you 10-12 bucks now. Pizza Slut or Papa Johns probably costs you 15 bucks and thats with 1 topping only.
> you're not paying for food, you're paying for business bank loans

I can make Pizza at home 16 inch round, thick crust, for about 5 bucks. And the Cheese is the most expensive ingredient on it. Ill let the dough rise while im playing games. And ill eat that whole damn pizza.
> salt your cheese and sprinkle some garlic powder over it too

2) I can fix Chinese pretty damn good. The rice is obscenely cheap especially if you get the tough to cook stuff and pre-cook it so it becomes like instant rice.
I skimp on the specialty oils and sauces.
TLDR probably 4 bucks for 2 meals worth.

What ends up costing me is SODA but even with buying 2 liters you get better quality soda than you do at the fast food place, because its the real thing and it isn't watered down.
> I keep it very chilled to avoid putting ice in it too.

What about Burgers?
I try the keto trick and I use a nice thick crisp lettuce leaf, I don't even use bread. Im not the best at making burgers but throw ketchup and mustard and steak sauce on it and its good enough.
> cant get steak sauce at McDonald's? WTF?
> I put A1 on my Steak & Shake steakburgers

>> No.16446444

Buying a week's worth of groceries for 4, I think my mom pays around 400 shekels. An average McD meal is priced around 50 shekels.

>> No.16446650

i am a poor third worlder but dont lump me in with op and his ilk