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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16435766 No.16435766 [Reply] [Original]

What are the most pointless, SHIT vegetables to avoid?

>> No.16435769


>> No.16435770


>> No.16435775


>> No.16435779

vidalia onions. whoever invented those pieces of shit fake scam onions should be beaten to death with a lot of very small hammers

>> No.16435785

Goddamn you people are fucking retards

>> No.16435789

All vegetables are icky. Avoid all of them.

>> No.16435801

>he thinks tomato is a fruit
Go back to redd¡t

>> No.16435804

People with superior genes know that cilantro tastes like soap

>> No.16435813

t. the inventor of the vidalia '''''onion'''''''

>> No.16436191


>> No.16436202


>> No.16436404

I have terrible acid reflux (and am trying to diet) to where sometimes I need to have some iceberg lettuce just to get something in me and help hydrate me. And it's not like I'd want dark greens on my tacos. Anyway it's not pointless but I really don't like brussel sprouts.

>> No.16436415

i do, but i still like it. it's more about texture

>> No.16436426

Not sure if bait or genuinely retarded.

>> No.16436465


>> No.16436486

Based vidalia onion hating anon

Red onion is king

>> No.16436835

Came here to post this.

Zucchini is without question the worst. It has no macro or micro nutritional value, basically no calories, and tastes like bitter cardboard. It's basically not food. Any use for zucchini is better achieved with eggplant, which actually has at least some merit to it.

Fuck zucchini I hate it so much.

>> No.16436845

shallots and kale

>> No.16436862

I got covid and it fucked with my taste for weeks on end after I recovered. I tried eating a taco and the cilantro was the only part that actually didn't taste like fucking soap. I tried eating steaks and they tasted like fucking soap. All meat just tasted like fucking soap. For three months.

Meat tastes fine again now, but fuck that. I still hate cilantrolets though

>> No.16437152

not vegetables

>> No.16438139

If it ain't sweet, it ain't a fruit
simple as

>> No.16438182


>> No.16438183

If you cpunts cassawa, then cassawa.

>> No.16438187

I enjoy iceberg lettuce, it’s good filler for sandwiches and lasts a lot longer than other lettuces.

>> No.16438188

Super good though and decently nutritious.

>> No.16438190

And elephant garlic.

>> No.16438198
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Nightshades are also vegetables, although, Zucchini is not a nightshade.

There are legal definitions, biological definitions, and cultural definitions of what constitutes a vegetable. I am not sure why this has to be explained so often to teenagers who have watched some "10 veggies that aren't veggies! you won't believe number four!" videos on youtube made by some idiot millenial without common sense or education.

When talking about cooking, guess which set of definitions make the most sense to use?


>> No.16438219

Get cabbage instead, last forever in the fridge and is packed with Vitamins C, K, B6, and Folate.

>> No.16438258

>unripe fruit isn't sweet
>therefore it's not fruit until it becomes sweet
Nice definition of fruit you got there.

>> No.16438267

Correct. You wouldn't call a sperm a person

>> No.16438270
File: 625 KB, 2125x1587, iu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

collard greens but for liberals

>> No.16438292

>decently nutritious
maybe if you want fiber, but there's not much else. fantastic color though.

>> No.16438327

So, if it's a plant, and it's sweet, it's a fruit?

>> No.16438332


>> No.16438341

tomatoes are nightshades and fruit

>> No.16438342

Has an ok-ish content of manganese. But Idk anyone that eats lots of it, it's more a side dish for taste. My favourite way to eat it is grilled with miso sauce.

>> No.16438345
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Yell all you want, it still can't compete with collards and pepper vinegar.

>> No.16438373

They're great to strech your asshole tho

>> No.16438379

Cucumbers are better, especially the bumpy ones.

>> No.16438389

nasu dengaku? i love tofu dengaku and was wondering if i should try it. i know there are a bunch of chinese and indian recipes that rely heavily on eggplant where it's more of a main dish.

>> No.16438423

Your mother after I beat her into a coma with a pipe wrench

>> No.16438455

Everything tastes great with right amount of butter, well doneness, salt, pepper.

why not both?

>> No.16438471


>> No.16438496


>> No.16438519


>> No.16438949

Biden voters

>> No.16438980

Water chestnuts.
Everything else is great.

>> No.16439073

Best answers ITT.

>> No.16439233

name one true vegetable that isn't classified as anything else.

>> No.16439242

ITT: tastelet filters

>> No.16439247

i just roasted some elephant garlic
turned out pretty good. if you like eating chunks of garlic that is.

>> No.16439261
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carrots over one day after harvesting

I can eat them but they're so bad when they're not fresh. better sources of mildly sweet carb vegetables out there that don't lose so much flavor so quickly.

>> No.16439262

if you ain't cookin those greens with hog maw or pig tails, you done fucked up.
>pepper vinegar
we just call it pepper sauce here

>> No.16439271

>People with superior genes know that cilantro tastes like soap
taste fucking amazing if you're not genetic trash with soapbuds, isnt really anything else out there like it that hits the spot like cilantro

>> No.16439291


>> No.16439295

Nah iceberg is much underrated. It's the best salad out there. Fresh and crunchy and not bitter or grassy like some other types of salads.

>> No.16439324

t. braindead zucchini enjoyer

>> No.16440010

Aw man. I love the texture of water chestnuts but no idea what the flavor is supposed to be like.

I can’t think of any vegetables that I think are completely shit and pointless. But celery has to be my least favorite.
It detracts from any soup you put it in.

>> No.16440047


>> No.16440095

Dutchfag here. The fuck are those things

>> No.16440103

The fuck are you talking about

>> No.16440180

Vidalia onions are a type of onion grown in georgia the american state, they're less pungent and sweeter than a normal onion

>> No.16440187

Oh thanks man

>> No.16440192

So Great raw?

>> No.16440204

Vegetable just means "edible plant"

>> No.16440704

Cauliflower, it's like broccoli but with bland, shit taste and watery cardboard texture. It's no wonder people cover it with cheese (which is gay)

>> No.16441166

if it has seeds in it its a fruit

>> No.16441184
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i like tomatos

i like eggplants

i like zucchinis

i like shallots and kale

i like water chestnut

>> No.16441539


>> No.16441804


>> No.16441903

>genetic trash
bro you're the one whose tastebuds can't detect a certain chemical

>> No.16443107

Water chestnuts
Bean Sprouts
Celery Root
Brussel Sprouts
Swiss Chard

>> No.16443133

wrongest answer on the planet

>> No.16443136

Cabbage is based and most of the rest of your list is good too.

>> No.16443143


>> No.16443147

you forgot onions on your list of the most wrong possible answers.

>> No.16443169


>> No.16443186

And do I need this tastebud equivalent of an appendix?

>> No.16443190

Lettice (all kinds)

>> No.16443228
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>> No.16443236


>> No.16443272

Ffs retards here with their broad definitions.
>vegetable is any edible plant
>fruit is any plant that's sweet
So sugarcane is a fruit, and since all fruits are edible plant it's also a vegetable.

>> No.16443278

do any of you faggots actually cook?

>> No.16443295

Scarlet eggplant

>> No.16443955

>fruit is any plant that's sweet
Sugarcane almost is a fruit, but it's too vague and undifferentiated. A fruit has to be a well defined unit, not just an elongated mass

>> No.16444156
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they look like onions but they're not. they're some kind of abomination that only southerners could have come up with. remember that these are people who can't even drink tea without putting about a pound of sugar into each glass

>> No.16444167

It’s about the texture.

>> No.16444209

>somehow liquid and solid simultaneously

>> No.16444714

It's just a sweet onion cultivar. The ones from Vidalia are distinctly sweet and lacking in pungency because the soil there lacks sulfur. I know because the farmer's markets in that area are staffed with people who really love the only notable thing ever to come out of Georgia's Coastal Plain Region.

Sweet tea is also based, but I do agree that most southerners overdo it. The first time I went over to a friend's house in high school, I saw his mom making tea. The bitch added like 2+ cups of white sugar into the pitcher. It was pure beetus syrup. In my house, the ratio was 1/2 cups turbinado sugar per gallon of tea. The greatest travesty was the lack of lemon wedges to go with that shit.

Also, the most useless veggie for me is easily out-of-season tomatoes. Those fuckers have almost no taste, and they make me very aggro. A close second would be eggplant bc I just really hate that shit no matter how many times I try and eat it.

>> No.16444848

seethe tastelet

>> No.16444863

if you buy sweet onions but for some reason want them to be like your regular yellow onion just mix in sulfur after you cut them then retard, the minimal amount of sulfur in them is what makes then 'sweet'.

>> No.16444881

My grandma eats them like apples

>> No.16444886

The entire Bible Belt loves collared greens what are you even taking about?

>> No.16445242

It's a good filler vege for soup actually
Wilts right down like spinach but without all the chalkiness

>> No.16445295

There are many things wrong in your answer but this is the worst one.

>> No.16445585

Who hurt you chud

>> No.16445986

"In botany, a fruit is the seed-bearing structure in flowering plants that is formed from the ovary after flowering."
Pretty well defined, meaning part of the sugarcane we eat is not a fruit, parts of tomatoes/eggplants/peppers/pumpkins we eat are fruit, and stuff like part of the strawberry we usually call fruit, isn't the fruit (nor are strawberries berries).
"The strawberry is not, from a botanical point of view, a berry. Technically, it is an aggregate accessory fruit, meaning that the fleshy part is derived not from the plant's ovaries but from the receptacle that holds the ovaries. Each apparent "seed" (achene) on the outside of the fruit is actually one of the ovaries of the flower, with a seed inside it."
But most here just think in culinary terms which are historical and very badly defined, which leads you to retarded conclusions such as "part of the sugarcane we eat is both a fruit and a vegetable at the same time".

>> No.16446044

>The greatest travesty was the lack of lemon wedges to go with that shit.
The ultimate mark of white trash. Sweet tea is pretty bad but without any lemon it's undrinkable.

>> No.16446068
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>just grab the sulfur you have lying around and sprinkle some on your food
ok satan

>> No.16446086
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These little fuckers. I don't have a problem eating them, like I don't find them gross just completely pointless. They're just watery crunch with a slight peppery taste that doesn't go with anything. Everywhere they're put they're misplaced. They don't belong anywhere, they're useless.

>> No.16446108

>Brussel Sprouts
>Swiss Chard

>Water chestnuts
>Bean Sprouts
>Celery Root
Acceptable opinion

I'd add carrots, most forms of squash, iceberg lettuce as pointless. Also what's the hate with tomatoes?

>> No.16446134

you sound pathetic

>> No.16446704

he posted kale dipshit

>> No.16446716

>I'd add carrots, most forms of squash
I agree with all but your irrational hatred of orange things. #2024