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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 533 KB, 1536x2048, 9BFCCCA5-A059-4991-B2DD-32E0180C4AD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16435028 No.16435028 [Reply] [Original]

Do fancy cheeses scare anyone else?
I walked by this cheese place and I wanted to get something but it all looked weird and intimidating.

>> No.16435035

It's been hard during the pandemic when you can't grab a piece and smell it

>> No.16435052

No because I know what I like and what I don't. >Washed rind- Good
>Natural rind- Eh, it's alright but it depends on the aging
>Bloomy rind- No good
>Bloomy rind plus veins- Absolutely vile

>> No.16435456 [DELETED] 

Buy one cheese
Buy some crackers and apples
Try the cheese


>> No.16435457

What kind of crackers and cheese?

>> No.16435464

you like a stinky washed rind but don't like a creamy brie? huh

>> No.16435809

the "grey owl" cheese is freaking me out

>> No.16435827

Talk to the people behind the counter! Tell them what you like and they can make a good recommendation for a starting point.

Grey Owl is the shit. Try some if you have the chance.

>> No.16435843

I don't like mold on my cheese, I think it ruins the cheese. I've eaten brie before but it's not something I would buy personally.

>> No.16435846

Good advice.

>> No.16435871

Just remind yourself that what you call "fancy cheese" is boring basic-ass cheese for some French guys, and they just eat it as a random snack at 1am.
So no reason to be intimidated.

>> No.16435885

I love fancy cheeses. Really wish it wasn't so expensive to have a few slices, and I wish my friends were capable of appreciating it with me.

>> No.16436081
File: 338 KB, 1280x720, consider the following.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have cheese carts pull up three times a week
>Just go to one of them
>"Today I like something mild/spicy/with herbs/soft/hard/Mediterranean/Bavarian/Swiss"
>They offer me a few things
>I try some small pieces
>"I don't like this, but I like this."
>I buy something I like
>I leave
It's not that hard, Anon

>> No.16436226

The cheese doesn't scare me but the place does and it's because of the proprietor. They will instantly approach you and start talking about XYZ and you will feel stupid and inferior for not knowing a lot about cheese. Even if that isn't their intention, it's how you feel. Kind of like walking into a Gucci store or something like that and you know you're not the kind of person that can regularly shop at these stores and you feel like everyone can tell you don't belong there.

>> No.16436234

where did you take this photograph?

>> No.16436406

This. Not certain you have to wheel in a cart unless you plan to buy half the place, but just tell them you'd like to try something new, say if you prefer hard/soft/creamy, etc.; tell them what your favorites are, and they'll be glad to make a recommendation. Don't be afraid to say you don't know alot.
Remember, they wouldn't be running a cheese shop if they didn't love cheese and recommending some to others.

>> No.16436445

Just tell them you don't know what the fuck you're doing and they'll let you try some and offer recommendations. That's what they're there for.

>> No.16436499

any kind. look at the cheese, smell it, if it seems interesting buy a small piece (a lot of places will have a cheap bin with small pieces). blues will often go well with sweet fruits/honey/preserves, hard cheeses with some cured meat or mustard, but these aren't hard and fast rules. the best way to figure this out is to buy random shit every once in a while and see what's good

best of luck, op. cheese can be intimidating like wine, but the whole point of both is just to follow what tastes good to you, so just start eating

>> No.16436508

The cheese doesn't, but the price does.

>> No.16436524

Develop a theory. Ex: I think a blue cheese might go well with hearty whole grain crackers and a sweet apple (eg honeycrisp). Test your theory. Or: I think this stinky semi-soft washed rind cheese might go well with some lighter, more delicate cracker and some cured meat. Or maybe something might go with marmalade or honey or both and pear or granny smith apples or black pepper or whatever. If you approach it from a first-principles way, you’ll get an intuitive understanding. Then when you read other people’s pairings, you can spot genius ideas while ignoring 90% of the internet. For example, I stumbled across an aged manchego, cherry, pistachio salad idea with 10 year balsamic and sherry vinegar and because I’d fumbled around with aged manchego, I thought “fucking brilliant” and it turned out to be. But for every one of those there is 99 of some faggot just dumping manchego of some “family” recipe from NJ.

>> No.16436543
File: 298 KB, 1600x1155, cheese-stand-albert-cuyp-market-amsterdam-netherlands-cheese-stand-albert-cuyp-market-amsterdam-179932712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they meant that the market they go to has a cheese vendors coming in 3 times a week selling out of a cart.

>> No.16437581

I meant this >>16436543 desu
I never buy more than 400g since I live alone. They usually last for two weeks so no hurry.

>> No.16437660

ask for a sample if you want to know without buying it first

>> No.16437681

if you think brie is moldy you should try roquefort
strongest shit on the market

>> No.16437716
File: 271 KB, 1024x1320, 18939121-293B-4323-AD65-F693DDA40597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grey owl looks like my scale encrusted cum sock I kept on the floor next to my computer as a teen

>> No.16437722

>Do fancy cheeses scare anyone else?
Not really. Once you understand that there are some basic themes and most cheese are variations on these themes. The vast number of different types can be overpowering but over the time you will learn they aren’t that different after all. The most known types are usually the best, hidden gems are rare.
What matters more is getting a good quality and understanding how to eat it properly. I.e., put it out of the fridge for some time, cut it in slices starting at the heart and going to the rind, serve it with bread some fruits and nuts.

>> No.16437731

>hidden gems are rare.
I would disagree with that once you get up to speed. Perhaps the entire reason to do it in the first place is to stumble upon a certified gem out of nowhere and just be blown away.

>> No.16437776

I am not disagreeing on gems existing and that they are worth to seek out. But that is the level of the advanced cheese connoisseur seeking out novelty. The main point is enjoying good cheese. In my eyes there is so much variation in more known cheeses you don’t even need to seek out new types, though it is fun. People sometimes get carried away and confuse obscurity with quality. Usually the point there cheese snobbism starts.

>> No.16437782

fair point

>> No.16437795

>lu lu le edgy and kewl
OxyContin should have wiped you out.

>> No.16437797

I've also eaten roquefort before. The cheese itself is alright, nice aroma and texture but when I hit a vein or a piece of bloom, the mold/spicy flavor kinda turns me off. I don't hate it but it's too funky for my taste.

>> No.16437799

Did someone touch you as a child anon?

>> No.16437804

Quit projecting, cumsock.

>> No.16437887

I've got some fancy dick cheese for you.

>> No.16437895

I wish….

>> No.16437921
File: 2.05 MB, 450x450, Incoherent Rage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not that hard, Anon
Oh don't give that line.
It's like this whole fucking world just assumes that because you can hold a job and have the ability to go into stores, that it isn't a struggle to be understood. The process you just outlined is much worse than just not buying the cheese at all, or buying it and trying it at home.

I'm not a normie - my presence, gait, and stuttering speech generally makes people unsetttled. And that's after years of speech practice.
I also tend to speak in the same manner as I type, so I generally have to repeatedly explain the same idea with different wording several times to get the idea across, which tends to irritate others despite my clearly being amicable. The best way I've found to not waste people's time is to just point and say "that, please."

>> No.16438184
File: 833 KB, 1770x1128, Camembert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Camembert is the first bloomy rind cheese I've tried.
I don't like on its own, but it goes great in a salad with some olive oil.

>> No.16438259

your cheese looks over ripped
I'd never eat a camembert this yellow
Maybe it's the phone lens idk

>> No.16438266

I'd rather not think about French people at all, thank you.

>> No.16438273

Except with the cheese shop person, they really want to share the world of cheese with you. The Gucci wage slave just want to feel better than you.

>> No.16438690

>smells sour
>tastes bitter
I think people should try Brie first.

>> No.16438817


>> No.16438825

What he describes as easy is only easy for normies.
Not necessarily a takedown on normies, more power to them, but assuming that on /ck/ is useless.

>> No.16439354
File: 118 KB, 1038x1038, seibah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a weird autistic fuck too when I was 20 desu
Just gotta train a bit in real life, Anon. Stop giving a fuck and smile. The two most important things.

>> No.16439366

I doubt it costs a lot of money to make cheese yet you can sell this stuff at a high price. I should get into the cheese making business and make bank.

>> No.16439374
File: 107 KB, 381x522, Do it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know the answer.

>> No.16439436

and then they ply their wares on you but you don't notice any of the subtleties they're talking about, it all just taste "like cheese" and you're not even sure if you like it or what to do with it if you buy it but you've come to far now so you buy something mild and some crackers and forget about it in your fridge for a month
rinse and repeat

>> No.16439454

Why does the cheese look like an old man's scrotum?

>> No.16439513

Some of that price is the shipping cost to import, or the cost to hold in inventory. What you want to look at is the price for the cheeses at your local farmer's market. And then see how many gallons of milk go into each pound of cheese.

>> No.16439518

All those "specialty" cheeses are a meme and are all gross as af. Just go to the deli and get some gouda or chedder or something. Hell american slices are better.

>> No.16439531

Get a baguette instead of crackers

>> No.16439534

Can you repeat that please?

>> No.16440205
File: 25 KB, 376x328, Words_can_always_hurt_you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop giving a fuck and smile.
I have not smiled since I was at least 22, oddly enough.
I do not smile when I laugh, only when I am nervous.
Someone yelling in my face accusing me of things? Big ol' teethy smile.

I'll let you guess how that goes.

>> No.16440238

imagine being scared of cheese lmao

>> No.16440366

the camembert is fine

>> No.16440376

You sound sincerely autistic.

>> No.16440380

>Someone yelling in my face accusing me of things? Big ol' teethy smile.
Oh hey, me too.

>> No.16440398

are amerimutts really frightened by real cheese

>> No.16440403

I most likely am, though I am only diagnosed with ADD.
Doesn't really mitigate my point. Out of all places, people on /ck/ are not assumed to have at least a few screws loose?

>> No.16441311

Who hurt you chud

>> No.16441321

Definitely a whole foods

>> No.16441333
File: 383 KB, 600x600, b6c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes OP I am scared of cheese as well

>> No.16441538
File: 73 KB, 660x1060, mac and cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, it's the most overrated thing you can think of.

It's all just aged curds.

There's 7 layers of self-aggrandizing autism around it because "muh designation of origin" or because a silly european rotates the cheese 60 degrees instead of 30

There's only 4 categories of cheese: fresh, brie, bleu, and everything else (aka cheddar-like)

>> No.16441744
File: 31 KB, 624x351, p02tfjrm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's unironically ape behavior

>> No.16442660

>at least a few screws loose
From your posts it's clear you have no screws to even be loose bro
That being said... People at stores get paid precisely to put up with miserable sons of bitches like yourself. It's their problem, not yours

>> No.16442745

looks like a kroger

>> No.16442931

You mad, n*g?

>> No.16443695

i shy away but only because they're expensive and i don't want to waste $12 on something that sucks

>> No.16443731

>but you don't notice any of the subtleties they're talking about, it all just taste "like cheese"

Maybe if you dont have a tongue this would be the case, but the world of cheese is too vast for everything to taste the same. the difference between a washed rind cheese and a bloomy rind is not subtle.

this isnt wine that we're talking about here, where all of the flavor differences are straight bullshit

>> No.16443789

I don't even know what people do with the fancy cheese. Like how do you eat it?

>> No.16444463

On crackers with some cured meats or fruits.

>> No.16444481

Nice b8y m8y

>> No.16446097

It's always the supposedly shy and awkward types that fucking go on and on about themselves in unrelated threads.

>> No.16446148

Try to go to a cheese store when it's quiet, so they have the time for you. They are there to give you advise.

>> No.16446178

It looks good.
Camembert needs to be a bit liquid so you can spread it on a piece of bread.

>> No.16446186

This nigger afraid of cheeze!

>> No.16446204

Good Camembert is supposed to be running. Do you eat it straight out of the fridge?

>> No.16446362

Because this is where they go to get some sense of socializing.
Annoying as it is, that's the best cope they have going for them.

>> No.16447111

hello autist, here is what you do: face the person behind the counter and say "i want to try something new but there are so many cheeses i really don't know where to start", they will say something back, you are now having a conversation about cheese and will end up walking out of the cheese shoppe with some new cheese that you have never tried before. good luck!

>> No.16448068

How do you catch it?

>> No.16449120

Impressing the store clerk is the least of a well bred man's concerns. Just ask them what the perfect meal is for each cheese and then go for it.

>> No.16449136

I didn't quite catch that. Would you mind?

>> No.16449238

if i bit into that and didn't taste entenmens' bavarian cream i would barf for 30 minutes straight.

>> No.16449240

maybe the whole stinky french thing had nothing to do with hygiene and was rancid cheese farts all along.

>> No.16449250

Basically a pretty bitter and salty cheese with a stronger umami taste than what I find in most other cheeses, with a mildly runny texture at room temperature.
When I mix it into my salad with olive oil and let it sit 30min-1hr (all ingredients from fridge), the consistency is more like a dressing than a piece of cheese.

I don't particularly care for it on its own, actually, and it doesn't go good with meats/crackers.

>> No.16449251

>he doesn't understand terroir

>> No.16449261

fpbp, my nosebrother

>> No.16449285

on an anonymous board, no less.

>> No.16449301

trips of truth

>> No.16449307

i was right! but i'll also remember that for when i ever prepare a salad an hour in advance.

>> No.16449349

describe the cheddaring process

>> No.16449602

Another man of culture, I see...

>> No.16449771

No it doesn't ruin the cheese faggot. It imparts unique characteristics to it. You're just a pussy.

>> No.16450116

you think people give a shit but really they dont.
also people likely understood you the first time, or if they didnt it's because you were speaking too softly.
the people being "unsettled" is cuz there's some fa/tg/guy that hasnt showered in a week repeating himself 3 or 4 times and not just shutting up and getting on with the transaction.

protip: you dont need to speak at all at the supermarket. just pretend you're deaf or foreign, or better yet just put headphones on.

grab cheese you want or buy one of those sample pack platter things.
throw it in the basket.
go to check-out
swipe your card and leave.

no autism required.

>> No.16450122
File: 90 KB, 388x446, 1607213700467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey guys, cheese is pretty cool ey
>yeah man, i like X
>yeah Y is pretty bangin'
>Z is good, but with some honey drizzled on it
>the thread
autistic faggots need to realise that 99% of the time no-one fucking notices or cares, but they're so trapped inside their own heads and too busy writing scripts of what they're gunna say to the pizza guy that they're not living in the current moment.
they're too busy asking themselves "What if?"

>> No.16450126

aussie here
it has to be kept in the fridge and eaten straight out of the fridge or else it's literally yellow water.

>> No.16450131

is this america?
I thought you couldn't import european unpasteurised cheeses

>> No.16450244

Quiet down, the adults are talking.

>> No.16450247

Grey owl is really good