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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16431619 No.16431619[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm researching growing rabbits to feed me and dog. Meat from stores is expensive and terrible quality. Wondering what else I should look into.

>> No.16431626

I don't have a dog because I'm not some attention starved faggot. You sound too poor to own a dog anyway.

>> No.16431638

>what do you feed your dog
>i dont have a dog
youre like those idiots that respond to amazon product questions with "i dont know, havent received it yet"

>> No.16431648

My parent feeds their cat only chicken breast. That cat gets more money spent on its food than I do daily averaged over a whole month. Taking into account kitty litter and toys, and feeding of other critters, I am disgusted with human beings yet again.
At least shit tier eggs and butter are doable for me.

>> No.16431651

feed it whatever honestly, they're not picky.

>> No.16431657

>You sound too poor to own a dog anyway.
This. My dog costs easily $300/mo in food, and prorated vet bills each year. My previous dog had a bill for one drug that was $200/mo at the time.
Meat from stores is not terrible quality unless you are in some third world country with flies on hung meats.

If you want farm animals, go ahead and get some. People like to keep chickens for eggs, doves, goats and all kinds of items to slaughter occasionally. Not for me. But, you can also buy a side of cow, and put it in your deep freezer to save a bit per pound.

>> No.16431669

>subsisting on rabbit meat

>> No.16431719


>> No.16431729

my dog loves baby carrots as a treat. you probably just want >>>/an/ though

>> No.16431736

what are you 14 get a a job faggot and school should be feeding you poor nigger

>> No.16431741

>what else should I look into

A better paying job.

>> No.16431742

i feed my dog left overs from my mexican food i cook daily

t. white people are cringe as fuck dogs are animals not babys

>> No.16431791

Purina Pro Plan.
Don't be retarded with all this natural fag shit and raw food nonsense. Some of that can be used as treats for training or supplements if they are sick or have strange allergies. Help stomach upset with lean meat like chicken breast and rice. For 95% of your feeding you should use a leading brand from certified vets and I think only a few brands are. Royal Canin, Purina Pro Plan, Science Diet, and maybe one more? I've fought issues for years with sperm count, fertility, diarrhea, UTI, urine pH, joints, growth issues, nursing, milk quality... you name it. I've been on Pro Plan for multiple years now raising close to a hundred dogs and its been so much better.
>t. breeder

>> No.16431827

my dog wont eat dry food anymore only wet so i feed that faggot 2-3 cans of pro plan wet food a day. so expensive

>> No.16431941

>I'm researching growing rabbits to feed me and dog
rabbit meat is literally deadly if you try to subsist off of it, it's literally too lean; you'll get significant deficiencies, you will get sick, and you will eventually die. it should always be a secondary protein to a fattier meat such as beef or pork. also remember that dogs, unlike cats, can synthesize the nutrients destroyed by cooking meat, so there's no real reason to be giving them raw meat; I can assure you they like the taste of cooked meat just as much as you do. I just give my dog free feed dry food coupled with scraps from my meals.

also you don't need to be rich to have a dog, that's faggot yuppie talk; earmark $500-$1000 per year for veterinary costs and miscellaneous shit and you're good.

>> No.16431956

b-but anon fat and cholesterol is bad? you don't want a heart attack do you?

>> No.16431981

I know you're memeing but the phenomenon is called rabbit starvation; you get severe diarrhea and headaches within a week, and will die within a month. if OP wants to eat nothing but rabbit like a retard he'll have to cook like a frenchman on a near daily basis, with tons of butter and oil supplemented into his meals.

>> No.16432001

my friend does this for his dogs. they love it and it's good for them. just make sure you supplement their diet with a little bit of other stuff cause rabbits ain't got enough fat on them
>man's best friend
>selectively evolved from wolves
>used for centuries for companionship, protection, and to help work the farm
you sound like a massive faggot. what's the matter, you scared of the wittle doggies?

>> No.16432016

got a recipe from my vet that is basically just lean ground beef mixed with a bunch of shit like shredded carrot and broccoli. thought it sounded weird but the dogs go ape shit for it and their coats have never been thicker

>> No.16432025

This seems like the best thing if you have the time and or money for it. Do you make the food in bulk and freeze or do you make it fresh daily? Also would you say this is more or less expensive than good canned food?

>> No.16432040

i buy in bulk and freeze it. thought it would be more expensive but it works out to be about the same price, canned dog food actually adds up to be a surprisingly big expense and a lot of them lack essential nutrients. plus it smells like shit. dog breath? its actually dog food breath.

>> No.16432080

I do similar but I use frozen vegetables. My dog likes her some corn, shit is candy to her

>> No.16432098

Eggs, leftover bread soaked in grease, leftover veggies, inedible parts of meat

>> No.16432118

I feed my dog Blue Buffalo. It costs more but I dont give a shit. He loves it. Im not rich but dog expenses are not a problem. I also buy Science Diet td bites. They supposedly help with dental health

>> No.16432149

That would require an exorbitant number of rabbits and it would definitely be cheaper to just buy dog food

>> No.16432180

Good on you for doing that. If the price works out and your dog will eat it, you can always mix dry food with water in a blender or food processor to make a paste. Some will take it readily, others not so much. The ones that don't will sometimes take a bit of wet food mixed in with the blended dry. It can help to reduce the cost of wet food if you can make a big batch of the blend once a week.

>> No.16432204

The dry food wouldn't just be cheaper it'd probably also save op hundreds of dollars in vet bills getting his dog diagnosed with protein poisoning.

>> No.16432215
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My dog has his own space in the pantry.

>> No.16432223


>> No.16432230

He has to store the dog food somewhere. Why not somewhere convenient?

>> No.16432238
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>> No.16432259
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>He has to store the dog food somewhere. Why not somewhere convenient?

>> No.16432262

Im organized and not a bum

>> No.16432268
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>Im organized and not a bum

>> No.16432279

Dont get the point. Im rural midwest

>> No.16432281
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the dog will eat whatever you give him if you starve him long enough retard. stop spoiling your dog. he knows you will cave because you're an easy mark.

>> No.16432285

since when does having a dog make you onions? newfaggots out

>> No.16432313
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I feed my dogs Victor. Those faggots seem to love it.

>> No.16432347

I have a 4 y/o 90lbs malamute/shepard mix. I feed this big boy 1 cup of dry mix (usually iams pro active lamb mini chunks) , mixed with a cup of whatever low fat protein I ate the day before (lean ground sausage, or roast chicken or whatever), plus half a cup of white rice. for the days I don't have some protein on hand I will give him 1/2 a cup of wet dog food. usually purena or supermarket generic brand meat chunks with gravy. for my dog as long as there is some kind of gravy sauce or protein to go with his kibble he will eat it.

>> No.16432395
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>> No.16433424

Stay away from rabbits if you're not already familiar with cooking/preparing them. Besides the "rabbit starvation" mentioned above already, rabbits have parasites. Parasites that can also infect dogs.

Type "rabbit parasite" in your favorite search engine.

>> No.16433446

Read King Rat by James Clavell.

>> No.16433447

dogs are shit animals and they maul kids

>> No.16433456

Yes, some dogs were bred to maul small creatures. No cat has had the urge to slaughter small creatures out of it, however.

>> No.16433526

if your kids get mauled by a dog they are weak anyway

>> No.16433529

>dry food

>> No.16433535

my mom feeds the dogs raw meat. she gets it frozen in big cylinders. all sorts: duck, rabbit, goat, etc.
if you're interested ill go take a picture of the freezer.

she used to cook them stews and blend it up. like a whole chicken and a bunch of vegetables and stuff. without a doubt better than i was eating, but the raw food is stupid easy.

>> No.16433612

Dry food, leftover stuff I eat, sometimes I make them a rice dish with leftover vegetables and meat which they seem to love, gets some raw meat/bones each week.

>> No.16433699

Globohomo hands wrote this post.

Weird, what did dogs eat before big pharmaceutical companies got involved in the dog food market? I don't think purina existed 100 years ago.

>> No.16433704

Cucked, by a, dog lmao

>> No.16433713

I don't have a dog, but my grandmother used to feed her dogs nasi goreng but with dog food meat instead of normal meat. They were always very healthy but my elementary school teacher did think I was taking the piss when she asked what dogs eat and I answered "dog nasi"

>> No.16433714

You're confusing pitbulls for normal dogs.

>> No.16433719

>spending $300/mo on a fucking dog
I'll assume it is a great hunting dog bc ffs if a dog costs that much more than it adds to the household it's time to take it for the last walk behind the shed

>> No.16433736


>> No.16433856

dog food

>> No.16433862

kibble, made largely of the same ingredients but not as well industrialized
>pharmaceutical companies
you're being a dishonest retard

>> No.16433864

You being butthurt about a reaction image is less on topic than the fucking reaction image, faggot.

>> No.16433870

Honestly your dog would be better off

>> No.16433875

Chiken hearts are pretty cheap
You can buy it at the butcher

>> No.16433885

You'd need a hell of a lot of rabbits to feed your dog and yourself. The money and time spent on those will be far more than just buying cheap cuts of meat and organ meat from a butcher and making your own kibble with some veggies.

Now that's out of the way let me tell you this. No matter what you feed your dog, he'll still hate you for fucking his butthole raw every three days. The only food that will stop the bleeding is a bullet, which you should feed yourself.

>> No.16433893

I fed my bird dog leftover table scraps for 14 years.
Mostly steak, chicken, duck, goose, and grouse. Bison if I could get my hands on it.
He really liked duck (teal especially) and goose because he was trained to retrieve waterfowl.
He also liked mashed potato but I didn't give it to him a lot because it made him lazy.
If you can afford to hunt (time+money) I recommend that. If not get one of those fancy dog food brands that's at least 90% meat.
Dry food is shit.
Dogs are expensive my man.

>> No.16433895

My buddy feeds his dogs a few chicken livers out of the package before he leaves them out to get stinky for catfishing.

>> No.16433948

Geese. Easy to care for. Lots of good meat.

>> No.16433975

Orijen because I care about my dachshund, occasionally some bits of chicken, steak or other meat/fish. Sometimes a boiled egg. Most of the time just dog treats.

>> No.16433977

I corn my Canada geese because they taste pretty gamey. Do farm geese taste different?

>> No.16433992

I feed my puppy regular nutritional dog food appropriate to her young age and large size.
>Meat from stores is expensive and terrible quality
I also get cow feet from the store. Frozen slices of bone, some meat and skin. Whenever my puppy needs something to keep her busy, I give her a slice. She loves it, and it costs virtually nothing. 10 shekels for about 6-7 slices. After she's done eating it, she can keep playing and munching on those bones for weeks.

>> No.16433993
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>His parents like the cat more than him.

>> No.16433999

They taste VERY different.

>> No.16434002

Piggu disgusting

>> No.16434026

Checked. Goose to know. Get it?
I'll have to see if I can wrangle up a farmed goose sometime soon.

>> No.16434486

Rabbit meat has little to no fat content and is hardly nutritious this is why trappers in the 18th century that would live in high Rabbit diets would die of malnutrition and starvation since it requires more calories to process then you receive from it. Literally one of the worst meats.


>> No.16434496

strategically placed peanut butter

>> No.16435070

It's the modern times, we have an abundance of veggies, fruits, and fortified grains. Rabbit protein poisoning is literally only a 3rd world poor and indigenous problem since industrial farming.
I'd add retards that grew up eating only tendies and fastfood too but they eat it with ketchup so there are some vitamins in there.

>> No.16435137

If you eat rabbit as your primary meat source you absolutely will still get deficiencies and malnutrition. The human body can only process around 5-10g of protein per hour, with rabbit meat being something like 1/3 pure protein, so anything beyond 30-60g of rabbit is not being digested and is liable to give you indigestion

>> No.16435163
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I spend that on picrel. I have 2 beautiful German Shepherds and I want them to live long healthy lives.

>> No.16435168 [DELETED] 

It is no different than confusing niggers for humans

>> No.16435205

It'd be cheaper to feed them a human diet you rube.

>> No.16435212

Do you have anything to contribute, or do you just spend all your time looking for excuses to type "nigger"?

>> No.16435290

I'm thinking he's eating other things too.

>> No.16435307


Trust me cunt, you have cost your parents more than the cat ever could.

>> No.16435316

Dogfood and leftovers, its a dog not a fucking AIDS paitent.

>> No.16435384

Filtered hard by the rabbit starvation meme.

>> No.16436539
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You could try going to the local butcher and asking if you could buy whatever scraps they have. What 'high quality' means to a person is much different to what it means to an animal.
The cat should be eating more fats, so your parent is an irresponsible pet owner in addition to being a shitty parent.
You spend more on your shitbeast than the average family would spend feeding their two kids. I make ~200k/yr and spend at most $70 a month or less feeding three cats bougie food.

>> No.16436843

If I could have one, I'd look into feeding them those dog cuts of meat unfit for humans, and give them whichever leftovers of mine they can tolerate. Or look into the components of commercial dog food and recreate it fresher and a bit better for them.

>> No.16436846

I heard they don't take onion or garlic well, ruling out most cooked meals for me.

>> No.16437269


i wouldn't mind eating some of those wolf treats for my OWN self

>> No.16437278


dam dawg you really have a lamp that looks like a wadded up piece of toilet paper

>> No.16437844

I feed my dog loads of food. His favourites are onions, grapes and raisins, and xylitol sweetened gum.

>> No.16437873
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I buy a quarter cow with four other people. It's usually a small meatball flattened and broken up with broccoli or peas on top of dog food. Most nights he eats better than I do.

>> No.16437880

>that breed
you better be female

>> No.16437899
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Funny circumstance, an old friend of family had to move in and the dog basically adopted us.

>> No.16437908

>muh fur babies
You feed dog food to dogs. Anyone who gives it more thought than that has severe mental issues.

>> No.16438264

Don't do this

>> No.16438488
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I do. The dogs don't care though

>> No.16438515

Rabbit is too lean and has too much bone for it to be the only thing a dog eats
This is a good guide to feeding your dog

>> No.16438524

You have to pay for adspace to shill here, faggot.

>> No.16439041

Could also try goats and fowl.

>> No.16439212


>> No.16439288

we feed our so called "goulash mix dog" food leftovers and he's already 14 years old, never been sick and atleast we dont have to throw food out, he was super easy to train and is literally illegal since we got him from the neighbours bitch who popped 3-5 puppies every year, most of which were drowned in the river anyway.

>> No.16439298

>is literally illegal