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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16429790 No.16429790[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck do servers make more money than cooks?

>> No.16429797

Most "cooks" just reheat food in a microwave, servers have to at least move around and carry stuff

>> No.16429798

Personality, charisma, looks, social skills... Need I go on?

>> No.16429799
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Because they take a percent of the bill. In high traffic, high price restaurants a roastie could get 20% of $200 for bringing shit out once and checking in 5 to 6 times. Thats insane tips are by percent, clearly.

>> No.16429813

Who's going to cop the flak when the food is shit?

>> No.16429828

big tits

>> No.16429833

>Why the fuck do servers make more money than cooks?
Cooking is a blue collar job.
Waiting is marketing/acting. Hospitality and customer service done right has no limit in compensation when tipping is the motivation.
A good waiter anticipates needs, acts like your friend or acts professional, depending on the situation, flattery to the right customer, smiles or sob stories to other customers, extras/free things to make problems better, and possibly great advice like beverage pairing, and what is the best thing to order. If you want shit service and for customers to never come back switch waiters to salary. Won't work. For cooks, if you do a bad job, you're simply fired by owner/management and replaced with someone who is more quality minded or trained further. When a waiter is sucky, their lack of good tipping and compensation means they usually leave on their own before actually being fired.
Stop expecting professional pay from a blue collar job. Own the business or improve yourself and your wallet until you can own the business.

>> No.16429839

If the entire experience is great but not because of the service, can I tip the owner or chef instead?

>> No.16429876

A few places have tip jars for cooks, but not many.
If the kitchen is semi-visible your best bet is just going over there and handing the head-chef some cash.

>> No.16429894

>If the entire experience is great but not because of the service, can I tip the owner or chef instead?
It's rude to do much more than send a bottle of something nice to the kitchen staff or owner. Something they can take home, I suppose, like a gifted bottle. For the owner, if you are a regular, that's payment enough. Bring them more business with good reviews, and dining there with different friends you are introducing to their goodness.Help sing their praises to increased business.

Does your business do something that can benefit them? Free sailing lesson.
Weekend hotel voucher. Do you manufacture goods, offer services, or are able to give them a business card with a free this or that? Print a Tshirt for them. Small gifts. Framed photo for their wall. Take your office to lunch there once a month, or plan a birthday party there.

>> No.16429899

Based and noexcusesforbeingaloserpilled

>> No.16430211

It was a pretty shitty response, it still doesn't answer why servers who do practically nothing is paid more

>> No.16430232

Servers have to endure constant bitching and verbal abuse from customers and can't retaliate in any way. In the kitchen if someone is being a dick you can tell them to fuck off without repercussions.
I've been a server and a dishwasher, and washing is much better, even if the pay is worse.

>> No.16430235

they have social skills. /bread

>> No.16430260

Because women are cancerous cunts that manage to make an easier job seem harder and deserve more tax free money (tips) while acting like they're starving to death. I've seen what some of those bitches get away with, the cook deserves more, down with female scams.
Since they're modern western women, sometimes you get a cunt supreme that doesn't even do a good job, and faggots demand you still tip or you get some mans cum in your food next time.

>> No.16430368

If any of that was useful to you sans the food you're bringing to the table, you wouldn't be waiting tables.

>> No.16430375


>> No.16430382


>> No.16430657
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>waitress is hot
>don't tip so she spits in my food next time

>> No.16430660

And if cooking the food was more useful than the server's skills, chefs would be making more money.

>> No.16430662

very few jobs are actually paid appropriatly anon

>> No.16430667

because of capitalism

>> No.16430674

Lol, he thinks people are paid based on what value they bring to society

>> No.16430677


People are paid for the value of their skills, not the value of what they produce

>> No.16430712

Seethe, wagie. If you were a server I might make you dance for a tip, but if you're back of house, I get to pretend you don't exist.

>> No.16430720

I work as a train driver and don't have to dance for a tip, I barely do anything at work and make good money

>> No.16430729

>median salary $43k
>make good money

>> No.16430740

I'm not American , maybe it's a shit job over there

>> No.16430751

Capitalism moment

>> No.16430762


>> No.16430772

>and possibly great advice like beverage pairing
How the shit is that great advice? There's a menu. They get told what to recommend with the food on the menu.

>> No.16430786

>Implying servers have any skills besides getting wasted after hours and hooking up with the cooks.

Cooking takes skill anon, have you ever tried it. Make some food for yourself and try it out

>> No.16430800

Any moron can learn how to make food, friend. It’s not that difficult

Social skills are hard to learn and thus fetch a higher price

>> No.16430818

Most don't need to learn social skills. They just have them. The only reason those "friendly" (but actually just dishonest) behaviors are the widely accepted form of socializing is because that's how most people behave without thinking about it.

>> No.16430827

I’ve worked both front and back of house and being a good server is more like theatee

>> No.16430840
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How come noone wants to work anymore?

>> No.16430846

And yet people pay twenty dollars for five dollar meals.

In Aussie pubs they have table buzzers, waiters need not apply. The waiter, without the chance to wait, is reduced to table cleaner.

Oh no, did I spill the salt all over the table? Oops, just dropped a glass on the floor. Better get the dust brush and CLEAN

>> No.16430853

>For cooks, if you do a bad job, you're simply fired by owner/management and replaced with someone who is more quality minded or trained further. When a waiter is sucky, their lack of good tipping and compensation means they usually leave on their own before actually being fired.
Holy shit, you've never stepped foot in a restaurant in your life. That's the complete opposite of how it works. We put up with shitty people in BoH because it's always a struggle to find good people, but we always need more help. If a server is shitty, in whatever way, they get booted to the curb because FoH are a dime a dozen and easily replaceable.

>> No.16430861

Because our job is harder, all you have to do is cook we have to deal with the public for hours on end

>> No.16430863

What’s your point? People crave socialization, and there isn’t really a better way to socialize with strangers than to exchange platitudes. You may think they are dishonest, but what’s the alternative?

Good waiters make these interactions feel natural and that’s not really a common skill to have.

>> No.16430866

>A good waiter anticipates needs
yeah i only get good waiters in $100-a-meal restaurants then

>> No.16430869

This. Most servers are just social people in general. They're basically not doing any work, however much they bitch and complain.

>> No.16430879
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Kek. I don't know what to say to this.

>> No.16430881

They've bitches and complained so much they've fooled the public into paying their wages for them. It's really just a cultural social pressure that makes people pay them

>> No.16430905

>tip jars for cooks
>leaves slip of paper with credit card no.
not saying they're bad, but a bit outdated in an increasingly cashless society

>> No.16430914

This is probably one of the best troll posts I've seen in years.

>> No.16430934

It's an extremely common skill. The most common skill for a human to have.

>> No.16430938


>> No.16431031

that's why I don't tip waiters.
>imagine tipping waiters

>> No.16431034

Dish pit niggers should make the most money.

>> No.16431064

>Waiting is marketing/acting

This is true

>> No.16431093

because the servers are in the country legally

>> No.16431104

They have bigger tits