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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16423472 No.16423472 [Reply] [Original]

Share some cheap recipes that keeps you going until you make it.

>> No.16423473

if you're too lazy to cook rice you can just eat rice krispies instead. carbs is carbs. also minute rice takes no effort if you have a clean pot. while actual rice is harder and takes a while and you'll probably forget about it on the stove and burn the house down.

your probably depressed about being poor so you're not about to go making yourself some elaborate recipe. but eating convenience foods costs money. the best you can do is a happy medium where you reduce costs as much as possible without having to wash a bunch of plates and pots and pans and spatulas to stand in front of a stove cooking for someone you don't even like.

>> No.16423474

snake juice

>> No.16423475

disposable paper plates are fantastic, plastic forks too. reduce your dishes wherever possible so you get less fruit flies.

>> No.16423476

just dont eat. I'm on day 3 of 0 calorie diet and its going well. I stopped feeling hungry. I plan to go to the market tomorrow and get some discounted produce and stir fry it with oil. I will probably pay less than $2 and thats good for the entire week.

>> No.16423477

rice, eggs, beans, oatmeal

>> No.16423478

just. dont. eat.
but when you do just take a bunch of shit and toss it in a wok
eating is a luxury.

>> No.16423479

>rice krispies
>boiled eggs because frying is too involved
>canned beans cold
>instant oats, hot tap water right into the bag, squeeze into mouth

>> No.16423480

Ham sandwiches are cheap as fuck to buy all the ingredients and easy to make

>> No.16423481


>> No.16423482

or just get a dishwasher

>> No.16423483

you dont want to skimp on your food because if you dont eat right it will affect your thinking and therefore your trading

that being said there is no reason to buy luxury products unless you specifically need that pariticular thing for a nutritional reason

>> No.16423484

I just made my own saag paneer and I'n not even Indian. I didn't even know it existed before I saw that greentext about an Indian shitting on the street. It wasn't too good but wasn't bad either. Was fucking cheap though

>> No.16423485

raw eggs are the cheapest way to get nutrition

>> No.16423486

sounds like a lot of effort, having to load everything into the machine and out and clean up anything it leaves behind and keep the machine clean and then it probably breaks down anyways because it was designed to. its heavy and you need to pay someone to help you carry it into your next apartment, if there's even room.

>> No.16423487

my apartment just has one, never use it though since I only have a few dishes. any decent apartment these days will have one

>> No.16423488

boil a whole chicken in water, shred the cooked chicken and use in meals for the next 2-3 days. Season the water it all cooks in and you've got yourself some chicken stock to drink or use in soup or sauces

>> No.16423489

Disregard all the retards ITT

You can eat well if you know how to cook, but it takes a while and there's a bit of a learning curve plus you have to slowly acquire cooking stuff. But once you learn it's a skill for life and you can get everything you need for under $1000.

You want to eat mostly protein and vegetables, with a small amount of carbs and some fruit.
Ground beef, turkey, tuna, pork shoulders and beans are all cheap and versatile. Check out the non-white grocery stores or butchers, sometimes they have stuff super cheap. Unless you live in the hood you should be able to find fresh vegetables and fruit cheaply. Eat what's in season. Try farmers markets but beware people upselling the exact same produce.

Avoid all premade stuff, stick to raw ingredients. They're cheaper and better for you.

>> No.16423490

Agrred, haven't eaten in a week already, don't even feel it anymore, drinking loads of water though which is getting expensive so I will try no water too

>> No.16423491
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i envy cats and dogs they have it so easy, getting all their nutrition needs met with a single food. no effort or thought just dump it in a bowl and eat for full nutrition.

>> No.16423492

Post belly and hairline

>> No.16423493

This, Cole would be proud.

>> No.16423494

fuck dude i feel exhausted even imagining myself doing all that

>> No.16423495
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Pic related for a couple bucks
add 1 chicken breast grilled and diced
add 1 bag of steamed broccoli
add whichever spices you want. Maybe some chicken stock and a little cream

Viola, you've got 2-3 solid meals for under $10

>> No.16423496

eat well cheaply* if you know how to cook

>> No.16423497
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>carbs is carbs

>> No.16423498

i'll keep fudding pods and bugs for the rest of your sakes but personally i don't even care anymore, slide me into a pod and feed me the bug paste in a tube i'm done

>> No.16423499
File: 286 KB, 2118x1352, why do i feel so good all the time starter pac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going to the grocery store once or twice a week? you know there are qts are farmers markets and waifus at the asian fish markets right?

cooking is based fren, the taste of an awesome meal you made is only half the satisfaction you get when you eat it

>> No.16423500

This looks tasty as fuck

>> No.16423501


Whole bread, peanut butter with no added sugar and real honey OR eggs and toast for breakfast

Rice, lentils, your favorite veggies and chicken/pork/fish for lunch

Apple/Banana for snack

Yogurt, Oatmeal and Honey (or based Maple Syrup) for Snack 2

Combine all that with Intermittent fasting and drink green tea, ygmi

>> No.16423502

throw frozen sweet potatoes and a chicken breast in the air fryer, serve on a bed of baby spinach

>> No.16423503

>ramen + poached egg
>pasta + cheap tomatoes
>sunny side up eggs and bread
>oven baked potatoes and cooked rice
>cheapest meat + potatoes or bread
rice is probably the cheapest if you can handle it mentally, easy way is getting the cheap vegetable mix spice, sauteeing one onion and 200 grams of the cheapest rice

>> No.16423504

unironically just stop eating. you can survive for like 7 days without food. drink tap water obviously. eat on day 7 just enough so your body understands food is a luxury not a need or a right

>> No.16423505

Also Google some recipes, would reccomend just Youtubing. Follow stuff from Jamie Oliver, School of Wok or some other British cunts. Binging with Babish is cringe but that's probably from the cancer. He has good recipes.

>> No.16423506

Eggs, rice, frozen meat.

Mix cooked rice with peanut butter in the microwave and then stir in powdered sucralose to taste after it's done. Something like 150g rice, 30g peanut butter.

>> No.16423507

By thar logic, you should drink maltodextrin with whole milk. Carbs, protein, and natural fats all in one.

>> No.16423508

fuck i thought i was depressed. dude over here is literally eating sucralose deliberately. why do you do this to yourself man? wake up and join the xylitol master race. or just use like a small amount of sugar, even 5grams is enough since your tastes will adjust to needing less sugar when you cut yourself off

>> No.16423509

thanks for the helpful tip i'll look into it
fuck you

>> No.16423510

Agreed. Going on day 11 of no food. Only idiots and low energy fags eat food.

>> No.16423511

heres a fucking helpful tip
sell the microwave and buy food with it
fuck microwaves

>> No.16423512

post body

>> No.16423513

Ok boomer, my boomer relatives are scared of the microwave and its hilarious.

>> No.16423514

The key for me is finding meals with the least amount of ingredients possible and making the smallest mess possible. Something you can cook everything in a pan and its 3 ingredients is ideal.

Fuck you losers chopping up 20 different vegetables and using complicated cooking proccess.

>> No.16423515
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>you can survive for like 7 days without food

childs play. try ten

>> No.16423516

Ancient grains pretzels and peanut butter bro look it up

>> No.16423517

so am i actually, i hide behind a wall in another room when i turn it on hoping the drywall at least reduces the severity of the radiation blast waves

>> No.16423518

If you wanna be slop-pilled then cook ground beef and mix it with rice and chopped potatoes. Instant slop and covers all your nutritional needs.

>> No.16423519
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why would you photoshop him into some random garden? just post the original

>> No.16423520
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>he still isnt bean pilled

Super cheap source of high fiber and protein that tastes delicious as fuck and can be cooked many different ways to give them whatever flavor you like.

>> No.16423521

how much do they pay you to shill for big bean?

>> No.16423522

Biz here
As far as cheap/healthy, nothing beats lentils (red ideally), carrots, onions and potatoes. Oat is alright also

For fruits, bananas are always pretty cheap, so are apples

For meat, pork is king, along with chicken thighs

>> No.16423523
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This works very well when you are bit overweight:

Eat only once a day. Or once every two or three days.
It's hard at first, but after a while you will get used to it. You will realize how efficient the body is at storing and using fat reserves.
Fat is super high energy. 1kg of fat = 8500 Calories.
So if you have 10kg of overweight, you can in theory roughly last 50 days without food.

A nice side effect is you will reduce your food budget by 75% easily. Instead of grocery shopping every 3 days it will be once a month. #intermittentfasting

Pic related. Vegetable oil consists of 100% fat, and has 8500 calories per liter.

>> No.16423524


>eating pork

The jews are poisoning you anon. Also pigs are mentally like dogs they are too smart to be eating imo.

>> No.16423525
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im pretty sure this thread just cured my depression through the miracle of comparison. you frens need to learn how to cook for yourselves. here's a spaghetti sauce recipe. you can make 4x these amounts in a giant stock pot and freeze a months worth of sauce

Finely grate 1 large carrot, and finely mince 1 large onion, a large stalk of celery, and a whole lotta garlic. Onion and celery are too fibrous to grate well
Brown 1 lb of ground beef in a skillet
Add the onion to a pot along with some of the rendered beef fat. Cook until it starts to brown

Add beef to onion along with the carrot, celery, and garlic.
Add about a cup of red wine along with a cup or 2 of chicken stock along with some oregano, bay leaves, basil, and thyme.
Add a large can of crushed tomatoes and a small can of tomato paste. It should be a loose consistency and easy to stir.
Allow it to simmer and reduce for 1-2 hours, stirring every few minutes
Add a few tablespoons of cream.
Season to taste with salt and pepper.

>> No.16423526

"vegetable" oil
>picture on the container covered in tomatoes and carrots and potatoes to look healthy
>Actual ingredients: monsanto onions and monsanto canola
wow health

>> No.16423527

it would be easier just to fry a frozen hamburger and then drink some storebought sauce for the tomatoes. the other vegetables you can eat without cooking. same nutrition basically but way less work

>> No.16423528

drying hamburgers sucks though but you can get these futuristic george foreman grills and shit that figure out the cooking times or whatever automatically for you so you dont have to learn how to fry hamburger yourself because it takes some effort not to under or overcook it when doing it manually

>> No.16423529

If i was dictator I would shut down all unhealthy food in the country and thats that.

>but im skinny and I love mcdonalds

youre just a casualty in this. fuck you

>> No.16423530

This is a pretty pleb thread but I might as well insert a jewel of knowledge that is counterintuitive. You get hooked on a hard drug. Your motivation with go OUT THE FUCKING WINDOW I mean like you will do whatever it takes to make money to feed the habit. You will do shit you couldn't have envisioned yourself doing a few days ago and just unlock so much potential. You will also be energized and stay up nights at a time just to make all this happen.

>> No.16423531

All you need is a fridge and a microwave.

Frozen food generally has low nutrient loss, and a microwave makes stuff easy to prepare. Get a glass bowl, so plastic discharges don't turn you into a tranny.

What works well in microwave:
frozen fries
frozen fish, meat (as long as its thin)
frozen vegetables

really almost anything except bread, pastry, pizza

>> No.16423561


Im with you until the cream. I dont need cream in my spaghetti sauce. Or anything really fuck creamy foods.

>> No.16423566

raos sauce is stupid expensive but insanely good.

>> No.16423575

Good job you just increased the cost of living across the world/country. Please explain to me how the garbage man or school janitor should afford organic broccoli on his 11 dollars an hour 80 hour workweek salary. Keep in mind that the urban area rent is $800 for his family of 3.

>> No.16423576

Vegetable oil counts as a serving of vegetables

>> No.16423606


Thats fine bro economies of scale are a big part of why healthy food is expensive. This would be cured super unhealthy food was not the standard and operations for healthy food had to scale up.

Also there is plenty of healthy options that are already cheap. The idea that mcdonalds is saving you money is wrong.

Also plenty of niggers in poor countries eat good I think we can figure it out.

>> No.16423622


A little backstory on my reasoning:

There was a cult near where I live that had a bunch of land and were pretty much self sufficient. The feds busted them for marrying and fucking 14 year olds but when this happened they called my uncle in who is a doctor to examine all of the kids from this cult. He was telling me about it and went on and on about how magnificently healthy these kids were who lived their whole life eating food they grew themselves on this land. He said there wasnt like a single health problem out of the lot of them and they all were fit and had clear skin etc. It really makes you think like bro we are poisoning our children with sugar and shit. Its not right.

>> No.16423624

frozen veg/cheap fresh,cheapest meat,legumes,rice/noodles/potatoe,water,seasoning,oil

combine as you like

>> No.16423648

what kind of budget are we talking here? I eat really well on probably $100 a week, like fresh produce, eggs, beef/chicken/pork every day. If you add in pasta or rice you can probably bring that down a lot. I just focus mainly on protein and vegetables.

>> No.16423671

beans on toast

drain the sauce though, and add paprika and hot sauce and dried parsley so it feels fancy

>> No.16423710

$100 a week is fucking loads. if you google budget plans you have people feeding a whole family for $30 a week.

>> No.16423732

Store bought paneer with frozen spinach or what?

I'm currently enjoying the various pre-made chopped salads packs at the grocery store. It's $3.50 for a filling 500kcal meal with a lot of vegetables.

As quick, cheap, and convenient as fast food, but way more nutritious and you can save even more by making your own.

>> No.16423751

This pic sucks. Something about it triggers me, aside from the advice contained in it. Maybe it’s the guy sleeping in a bright lit room. Maybe it’s the sleeveless t-shirt and sleek empty treadmill. Maybe it’s the laughing-girls-tier career or the coy girl fling drinking a frozen cocktail. Maybe it’s the neat stacks of gold, or the toppling bowl of veggies displayed. He’s drinking the water in a weird way. Fuck me and fuck you, Patrick Bateman (movie version)

>> No.16423811

Get a snake. Juice it.

>> No.16423846

$100 a month should be the goal. $100 a week is when you're a richfag who can afford organic shit.

>> No.16423863

It's for bodybuilding so real sugar is a no (plus you want it powdered anyway) and it's quite hard to find xylitol in large quantities in shops here (Malta)

>> No.16423957

You don't have take time to load it, since any dirty dish goes straight in there when you're done eating -- like the way people leave dishes in the sink.

They only need cleaning once a month at the most, and it takes a couple of minutes to pick out the filth, followed by running it on a cleaning cycle.

The main problem is that they don't always clean every dish completely. Occasionally you will have to finish a dish by hand.

Overall, I suspect the amount of hate they get here to be fox-and-the-grapes territory.

>> No.16423961

More like $100, you fucking lunatic.

>> No.16425593

Cheapest local options for me (LCHF, carni) are eggs and butter - usually 6--7 w/ ~150g, or mince and lard/butter, ~250--300g.
Cheaper still is liver, but you can OD on certain vitamins, so it's shouldn't be a daily, there's also kidneys, brains, and other internal organs sold cheaply.
But I'm minimalist and love eggs and meat, so this might be a waste of my time.

>> No.16425594

Rice and eggs

>> No.16425595

Not that guy but it's water, sodium and potassium. It's something you drink when doing extending fasting to ensure your body still gets the electrolytes it needs.

>> No.16425597

Delicious meal with just a half decent spice mix or some curry powder. Add onions along with capsicum if you're doing chilli or carrots if you're doing curry.
Delicious and piss easy to get 3-4 meals out of for dirt cheap.