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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16419753 No.16419753[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

One of the most important documentaries ever made. We owe a big deal of gratitude to determined people like Morgan Spurlock and First Lady Michelle Obama.

>> No.16419767
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>> No.16419780
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>fast food is unhealthy
>more breaking news at 9

>> No.16419957

It's based to be like that at 30. Double based if you leave the country to become a monk and get really skinny but even stronger than you were before.

>> No.16419987

Film is clearly fake. Nikocado Avocado has had fast food every day for four years and has had minimal health issues, besides weight gain.

>> No.16419996

fuck off, the amount of fast food shilling on this board is disgusting

>> No.16420007
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the most pointless shit I've ever seen. whoaaa dude I'm gonna eat fuckin chips ahoy 3 times a day for a month next and see what happens. what a faggot

>> No.16420019

T. lonely faggot who wants attention on 4chan

>> No.16420020

cope, fast food is delicious

>> No.16420028

shit take enjoy the early grave

>> No.16420088

imagine wanting to live past 40 lmao. also fast food isn't inherently healthier than cooking at home

>> No.16420108

not long after the movie made headlines, 60 minutes did a special with 2 people who ate exactly what he did, except they exercised.
the guy ended up losing 4lbs and the girl only gained a couple lbs because it was a huge caloric surplus.
not exercising, being a bloated alcoholic, and a general piece of shit is what did morgan spurlock in, not some fries and cokes.

>> No.16420120

What's the name of the documentary that basically pokes holes in most of the wrong info in Super Size Me? Something with baloney in the title?

>> No.16420123

fathead, i think

>> No.16420128

That's the one, thanks anon.

>> No.16420129

fast food is poison whether you exercise or not. if you only measure weight you won't see the real ill effects of this garbage but whatever stay ignorant

>> No.16420173

what are you a whole foods shill

>> No.16420184

Poison in what regard?

>> No.16420196
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>Americans needed an entire documentary to tell them that eating fast food everyday is bad

>> No.16420208

the factory farmed antibiotic filled meats, the reused oxidized seed oils, the sugary crap they call "bread", etc

if you really wanted to know what eating loads of fast food does you would do it and then get a whole lipid panel not just look at your weight and say dur this must be okay because my weight is the same

>> No.16420268

that guy dave gorsky or whatever who has eaten 30 thousand big macs has low cholesterol

>> No.16420274

I prefer my documentaries to come with a certain amount of scientific rigor, thanks.

>> No.16420280

I watch this purely for nostalgic purposes these days.

>> No.16420286
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>low cholesterol
there's no hope for (you) I'm sorry

>> No.16420289

So personal taste and bad cholesterol constitutes poison to you?

>> No.16420299

Yes eat fast food everyday to live a long, healthy life.

>> No.16420312

He stuffed his face in addition to what he claimed to eat, and lied to his doctor about being an alcoholic. Go watch FatHead if you want to see a real documentary about eating only fast food.

>> No.16420324

Didnt this dude faked the results and drank alot during and in between his research thus making his studies null? Fuck off drunk bastard

>> No.16420326

>OP tries to make a subtle /pol/ thread
>everyone dunks on the main topic instead of talking about Michelle Obama like he wanted
Try harder next time faggot.

>> No.16420328

either way its an n=1 not some scientific study you retards

>> No.16420335

Yep. Supersize Me even has a scene where Spurlock visits the doctor a few weeks in, and the doctor says "You have fatty liver in a way that I've only ever seen in alcoholics, and yet a few weeks of french fries and soda have given it to you." Or, in other words, Spurlock is full of shit and his health problems came from alcoholism, not McDonalds.

See also, the scene where he's eating a Big Mac and fries in his car, then throws up out the window. Fast food is made to be easily digestible, he threw up because he was hung over.

>> No.16420341

>fatty liver
You could just as easily get this from sugary drinks

>> No.16420355

if he would have just eaten hamburgers every day he would have been fine. The liver damage and pretty much all the rest was from sugary soda consumption and the french fries
This film was highly deceptive

>> No.16420361

B-but Fathead says fast food good!

>> No.16420362

Meat is the biggest target for effeminate libs

>> No.16420370

HFCS is worse for the liver than beer.

>> No.16420378

Ok gayboi

>> No.16420379

Dunno, Nik is pretty on the chub side but that crazy fuck's got more problems than just eating himself into an early grave.
this, you need to be a complete retard to think fast food is good for you and a lazy retard to eat nothing but fast food. Now once in awhile to just try it out? sure.
fat head is pretty good and so are those sweeds that btfo of this drunken faggot. Need some more btfo kino of all kinds but its hard to find any with a special kind of charm and likeable host.

>> No.16420381

Maybe, the ethanol and the maltose in beer will both contribute to liver fat and raising insulin just as the fructose and glucose in sugary drinks will. It really depends on the dose and people tend to drink sodas or juices really fast which is like raping your liver.

>> No.16420400

or it could be because he was just sick of eating the same damn thing over and over. we stayed in the middle of nowhere where there was nothing to eat for miles except a gas station mcdonalds. after 3 days i couldn't fucking take it anymore and just ate crackers and cheese. idc what anyone says, no one is eating mcdonalds every gd day irl because it's isn't possible and spurlock is a compete moron that was paid to smear a pointless scapegoat

>> No.16420402

Alcoholism is more likely to lead you to throw up than "being sick of eating the same thing"

>> No.16420405

The only bad thing about mcdonalds is the sodium content, and the sugar water, there's like 50g of sugar in a medium soda there. Other than that it's fine, he really played that shit up.

>> No.16420410

>four years
That's not really that long. And that's assuming he isn't already on medications of some type and just hiding it.

>> No.16420411

>sodium content
This is not a problem if you don't have a high sugar diet or busted kidneys. You're also forgetting about the ridiculous amount of sugar in the sauces, buns, and pretty much everything else they can get away with adding it to.

>> No.16420414

idk, I've been drinking for 20 years, usually the only people who throw up from alcohol are lightweights. eat nothing but say, pork and beans for a week and see if you can keep it up without puking from the smell of it

>> No.16420416

>This is not a problem if you don't have a high sugar diet or busted kidneys.
I don't have a high sugar diet or busted kidneys but I still feel a bit crappy when eating too much salt, even if I drink a lot of water with it. It's probably not dangerous but too much of anything will make you feel not great.

>> No.16420421

Yeah that's reasonable I was just making the point its probably not dangerous as long as you're drinking water and not soda.

>> No.16420459

It's even more based to be like that at 30 with a 13yo gf

>> No.16420651

Sodium content shouldn’t be too big of a deal so long as you drink plenty of water and stay away from sugar and caffeine to keep your kidneys healthy.

>> No.16420783
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the "supersize" thing was just a gimmick to make the movie marketable, but apart from that it is a good documentary on obesity and fast food lobbies. The part where he investigates elementary school cafeterias is very good. like holy shit these kdis never had a chance.

>> No.16420845

watching this movie only made me crave mcdonalds

>> No.16420932

Same watched it with my mom when it cam out and we went to McDonalds immediately afterwards

>> No.16420954

This cringe faggot took away "super size" before i could ever try it
Fuck him

>> No.16420959

honestly based for being able to make the fast food/frozen dinner posters seethe so much

>> No.16420979

>has never released or revealed his personal health data or logging sheets he said he took
>Was an alcoholic and prior drug addict
>McDonald's caused my health issues
I can't believe this piece of garbage got completely away with it.

>> No.16421003

>it is a good documentary
>Except for all the lying it's a good place to get facts from

>> No.16421052

what lying ?

>> No.16421140
