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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.44 MB, 1438x1804, breakfast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16417312 No.16417312 [Reply] [Original]

Are eggs healthy? I know breakfast in general, is, but aren't egg yolks linked an increase in serum cholesterol?

>Just eat the whites


>> No.16417315 [DELETED] 

A heaping serving of breast meat is great for your serotonin levels.

>> No.16418753

There's a reason the AHA and USDA don't put a cap on dietary cholesterol anymore. I'll leave it to you to figure out why.

>> No.16418763

eggs are an unironic superfood, eat as many of them as you like but try to avoid cooking the yolk for too long

>> No.16418777

Correlation isn't causation. Just because fat, lazy fucks tend to not exercise, eat fatty foods, drink alcohol, and smoke doesn't mean those fatty foods are solely to blame for the end result. Athletes the world round consume eggs at a ridiculous rate compared to the average and nobody's going to argue that they aren't miles ahead in health and fitness compared to the average.

If you're a fat lazy shit with a multitude of bad habits, eggs probably aren't going to do you any favors. But if the other things are in line? Who cares?

>> No.16418782

you are also a retard congrats

>> No.16418788

>I know breakfast, in general, is healthy
What? You mean, like, the idea of eating your first meal of the day is healthy?

>> No.16418793
File: 317 KB, 653x483, cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Care to out yourself even more?

>> No.16418798

nooo don't eat the eggs the cholesterol

>> No.16418805

No argument, then? I accept your concession.

>> No.16418807

this thread doesn't work now that jannies deleted the booba

>> No.16418840

No just hilarious retards like you still fooled by the cholesterol myth have a nice life brainlet

>> No.16418845

cope and seethe. try again, puppet

>> No.16418905

stay based retard bro