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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.86 MB, 2880x2160, 20210712_212930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16416701 No.16416701 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16416712
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>> No.16416726

how do we know you cooked that?
cram it up your ass to prove it

>> No.16416764

>Literally premade, boil in a bag lamb shank
>See, I cook

Nice try schlomo

>> No.16416771
File: 2.19 MB, 2160x2880, 20210712_220754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're making me blush

>> No.16416849

That rice looks good as fuck

>> No.16416918
File: 1.09 MB, 646x860, Screen Shot 2021-07-13 at 4.02.26 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see your lamb shank and you raise you a lamb shank

>> No.16416921

whats the white fluff

>> No.16416924


>raw tomatoes on rice
>i can cook

yeah okay pal

>braised meats

>> No.16416925

sour cream

>> No.16416929

marshmallow fluff

>> No.16417334
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>> No.16417338

what did you do to cook the steak like that? looks nice

>> No.16417343
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>> No.16417351
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Buffalo wings.
It was pretty damn good. I made three more batches after this one

>> No.16417352

i have a feeling this is a joe rogan meal

>> No.16417432

Can’t prove. Internet pictures and claims are not proof of anything.

>> No.16417459
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Haven't had duck in a while now I think about it. Maybe I could grill one.

>> No.16417468
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/ck/ doesn't much care for salisbury steak but it's good :[

>> No.16417472

Those look nice. Air fry? Oil fry? Oven fry?

>> No.16417495

I like it a lot. I've only had it with potatoes, though.

>> No.16417878

Deep-fried them in oil in my dutch oven pot.
It's a simple recipe but it was very satisfying.
Also used homemade mayo for the blue cheese dip.

>> No.16417932
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>> No.16418097
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Duck confit and garden salad.

>> No.16418101

Holy shit good morel haul! I hope to find a shitload of them like that someday.

>> No.16418141


>> No.16418175

Best. Everyone else is a fag.

>> No.16418186
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Thanks for the reminder that literally 0 grocery stores in my town are carrying jalapeno corn dogs this summer.

>> No.16418264

is that grits?

>> No.16418273

Cauliflower puree

>> No.16418318
File: 988 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20210220-113215_Photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some short ribs I made. Dont worry I put it back in to cook the mushrooms. Im wanting to make a short rib ragu soon

>> No.16418359

damn, looks good.

>> No.16418383
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I love me some mushrooms

>> No.16418393
File: 3.22 MB, 4032x3024, 145ADEAF-F6F9-4D65-915A-3072DF95BEB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glazed pork belly

>> No.16418402

I'm a brainlet how do you upload these phone photos? I always get told my pictures are too high resolution for uploading.

>> No.16418410

Screenshot it

>> No.16418427
File: 3.57 MB, 4656x3492, 20210529_190442_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chef John's chimchurri sauce on top, Brasilian steak marinade.

>> No.16418488

it looks tasty anon

>> No.16418489

wash your rice

>> No.16418500

I do. 3-5 times at least, depending on quantity. What about these images suggests otherwise?

>> No.16418506

this nigga eatin beans

>> No.16418618
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>> No.16419085

how do I into cooking?
read books?
watch youtube chefs?
find a recipe online and just do it?

>> No.16419182

You bring me such happiness Dane-anon

>> No.16419189

find a recipe online and just do it is the right answer. make a bunch of different things from the recipes and think about what you liked or didn't from each of them. after a while you will develop a base of knowledge and experience that will allow you to come up with things on your own.

>> No.16419369

All of the above

>> No.16419450

>Zoom in and see the morels
I struck out this year you fuck, I think they're dying out where I am.

>> No.16419499

best looking thing to me right now

>> No.16419510

I'm cooking right now.

>> No.16419705

Yeah I eat rice twice a week for most of my life and don't see how it looks unwashed either. I think he might just be retarded.

>> No.16420058

also start with simple things and move up eperimenting along the way, youll get a feel for what goes together and what doesnt, amounts of ingredients to add etc.

>> No.16420063
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>> No.16420154
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Made some Alfredo tonight.

>> No.16420281

only thing of worth ITT

>> No.16420344


Needs a light sauce or glaze, but over all or some good flat bread with tzatziki or a simple light sauce


>> No.16420394
File: 52 KB, 480x640, pork fried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made some pork cutlets and a sloppa sauce at 2 AM

>> No.16420401

im not fat mondays are my saturdays and i was drunk i apologize

>> No.16420409


>> No.16420425


>> No.16420698
File: 3.22 MB, 3024x3024, 7D7F68CB-8350-4209-A5BD-D8A866F4866F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been getting into cooking for the last few months
This is buttermilk fried chicken attempt #2
Not terribly diet friendly!
Pic related was over 1000 calories

>> No.16420709

are you afraid of seasoning your broccoli? how white are you?

>> No.16420905

Ah yeah that would’ve been a good idea. Just hadn’t thought of doing that before. What’s some good seasoning for broccoli?

>> No.16420989

literally anything

>> No.16421024

Salt (or garlic salt)
Lemon juice
Hot sauce
Wa la

>> No.16421097
File: 3.24 MB, 4096x3072, IMG_20210702_174630497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken Stir-fry with coconut rice

>> No.16421130
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Fried Tilapia
Roasted potatoes
Sauteed yellow squash and kale

>> No.16421133

I miss cooking bros but I don't have time now. I work until 8 5 days a week and spend 1 day a week at my girlfriends and we can't cook there. Sunday is my one day to myself and I just want to sit back and relax. I haven't cooked anything interesting or time consuming in so long.

>> No.16421134

change the photo quality in settings first

>> No.16421155
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Fried chicken, pesto linguini and vegetables

>> No.16421326
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looks good but slice the tomato in half and char them on the open side for extra flavor. Serving them raw on ice ruins the whole plate.

picrel is just some Pasta w/zucchine and meatballs on the side.

>> No.16421350

I'm mortified at the idea of trying, because they're very drippy as they cook--I always start em in a pan & finish em in the oven

>> No.16421358

you're taking too much photo anon

>> No.16421384
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>gives advice like he's hot shit
>posts absolute trash tier bland American "cooking"

>> No.16421387
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the entire thing is on the side anon

>> No.16421405
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Bitches love moelleux au chocolat

>> No.16421412

>american cooking
I'm Italian though and cooked it like any every-day 15 minute pasta I've ever made. Don't see the problem with it, I made the sauce myself, it was salted right and was anything but bland, just a simple and quick meal.
Idk why pics I import from my phone flip around after posting every now and then. Despite the original file displaying fine on my PC.

>> No.16422726
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>> No.16422737
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>> No.16423030

It doesn't have to be wings only, no legs... but looks acceptable.

>> No.16423031

It's called hambaga.

>> No.16423081
File: 1.07 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20210715-064100_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dirty fonepoasta comin thru

>> No.16423099

This looks much better than OP

>> No.16423109

work at a restaurant. free food.

>> No.16423153
File: 2.51 MB, 3024x3343, 20210616_195118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stuffed wing yakitori

>> No.16423363

Dat coffee ring

>> No.16423378

garlic butter, chilli flakes, lemon juice.

>> No.16423959

are those faggots? I seriously unironically want to try those if I ever visit the UK.


>> No.16423980

Have you got a boner anon, *blushes* o///o

>> No.16424371

Wtf? It’s some type of rouladen.

>> No.16424601
File: 324 KB, 653x800, IMG_20210714_120117_4-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made Chinese barbecue style Chicken thighs

>> No.16425692

>Can only see a swastika plus 2 wings
I've been on /Pol/ too long

>> No.16425704

It's funny how the other posters put so much effort into their pretendtous shit but this is the most appetizing thing kek

>> No.16425764

Keep in mind I can't actually taste your garbage food so I'm rating purely off looks. I just ate a stack of pancakes too so there is no hunger bias here.
7/10 very nice looking meat
5/10 literally just drawing in sauce for no reason. Ugly plate ugly stupid parsley topping.
7/10 the based manly factor is off the charts here and this is no doubt a tasty meal however there is a serious lack of carbs. The jalapeños don't cut it by itself. Steak is perfectly done.
7/10 no doubt a cute plate but a little too faggy and artsy for me
5/10 the wings look edible I guess
5/10 plates too small I'm not a baby
5/10 very lazy dish, bland looking rice, stupid parsley decorations
2/10 literal snack tier
2/10 not finished not plated shrooms aren't even done
7/10 didn't even bother to plate before posting but food looks good and nutritionally high
Assuming the glaze doesn't overpower the dish I would be giving you an 8/10 nice looking plate sir
That's a pretty, and nutritional plate, is that meat raw? 7/10
6/10 leftover tier, but also filling
6/10 I don't know why there's sticks in the meat seems rather odd to me
Absolutely based 7/10 add a meat to this and maybe some mushrooms and I give you a 9/10
Not bad I'd eat it 6/10 I hope those potatoes have a crunch
Baby plate, food doesn't even fit, weak ass knife, tea with chicken? Is the chicken spicy? Those drums look pretty fucking good so I'm inclined to give you a 7/10
8/10 kino plate, nutritional, you are a productive member of society
Asparagus looking fine, chicken looks good, sitting on a little bed of pasta I'm thinking it's based/10
Can't rate didn't even include the full meal, looks like you ate before taking the picture too.
Same plate as above but what is this?

>> No.16425767

lol thought the same thing when I first saw it and at the same time was disappointed it wasn't that picture

>> No.16425799
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Filet mignon, reverse seared with a toaster oven. Who needs that Su Veed bullshit?

>> No.16426072

pretendtous reviewfag nobody asked you.

>> No.16426155
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I made these lemon merengue tarts last week to bring to the cottage but they didn't look as good by the time I got there

>> No.16426191

These look fucking delicious. Great work. Is it lemon curd filling?

>> No.16426250

i put my rustler burger on a paper towel before i microwave it and only add the cheese 10 seconds before the end

>> No.16426254

Absolutely based

>> No.16427022

cope. Work on your skills for next time instead.

>> No.16427050
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I'm really trash at /ck/ but since I'm moving out for good soon i started to practice simple stuff and I made some ashta today and then blended a bunch of fruits (strawberry, mango, papaya, kiwi and grapefruit juice), and then in the cup i put the same fruits with the juice i made, the ashta (orange orange blossom water and Vanilla extract but I'm going to try a different recipe with rose water and ricotta), pistachios i cut up and Lebanese syrup and it was great. Next up is Lebanese Nights and some Atayef.

>> No.16427094

why the hell didn't you tip the wings

>> No.16427102

why the hell do you put corn holders in the dishwasher

>> No.16427108

shoyu and butter

>> No.16427143

I dunno why not?

>> No.16427149


>> No.16427183
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Salmon tomato fish soup.

>> No.16427233
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It is.

>> No.16427313

wooden handles look like shit now

>> No.16427329

They're 60 years old, of course they look like shit

>> No.16427338

that's because they've been put in the wash for 60 years you dolt

>> No.16427401

>tomatoes in rice
>i can cook
You dirty liar.

>> No.16427411

Ok so? Should I hand wash and oil my fucking corn holders? I don't give a shit dude they work.

>> No.16427488
File: 978 KB, 1774x1136, 20210602_191119_resize_43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paella, chorizo jam + goats cheese flatbreads, skewers, more chorizo.

>> No.16427514
File: 346 KB, 1536x2048, received_558261265138389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty tasty, but the presentation didn't turn out so well

>> No.16427559


>> No.16427599

The fuck is that raw red onion doing in there? Fucking he'll...

>> No.16427630

It's not raw, it was marinated overnight

>> No.16427702

>prove that you can cook
>rice with raw tomatoes
you fucking idiot

>> No.16427743

Ehh it doesn't look awful, but I am fascinated by the grilled baby corns, I've never seen that done before.

>> No.16427758

chad dinner

>> No.16427772
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>> No.16429040

Because that would be food wasted, anon.

>> No.16429132
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Here's my lamb shank

>> No.16429135
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Here's my confit duck

>> No.16429145
File: 3.22 MB, 3425x3240, 20210507191543_IMG_5105-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheese stuffed Prosciutto wrapped chicken breast, garlic potatoes

>> No.16429146

Having your food called boil in a bag quality is a compliment for you?

>> No.16429459

native american ramen?

>> No.16429509

Looks perfect, well done. 7/10 nothing else there to look at.
Cute and nice dessert 7/10 could use some cream topping
Looks tasty maybe throw some topping or one more ingredient 6/10
9/10 beautiful and quite balanced throw some bread in the mix and it's a 10. Lovely sight here.
Honestly it looks pretty good. I've seen fancier looking Ramen but all the ingredients here look tasty 9/10
8/10 can't go wrong with these based burgers
Looks pretty good. Not a fan of slow cooked veggies especially carrots but the meat looks quite good.
Artful/10 I'm eyeing the mashed potatoes
Looks tasty and hearty as well 9/10 I'd like to eat this post workout
Damn those look perfect you should open up a bakery.

>> No.16429517
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>5/10 very lazy dish, bland looking rice, stupid parsley decorations
Not bland! The rice/barley had some garlic and nutmeg, but also the sauce was very seasoned and savoury so the rice was perfect

Also any dish is good if you make it with love and care and photographs don't really capture that

>> No.16429723
File: 138 KB, 1536x1536, 186524133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture quality is shit. Food looks terrible. I'm sorry.

I only started cooking a few months ago

>> No.16430424

>I only started cooking a few months ago
I can see that
Keep it up anon!

>> No.16430525
File: 3.76 MB, 4032x3024, BC0FC9EA-B774-49B3-908E-318A76F542FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make pizza dough and make my own pizzas. I fucking love making my own pizzas.

>> No.16430544
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this triggers the convectioncel

>> No.16430562
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shoulder > shank imo, unless you just want 1 portion

>> No.16430583

looks pretty good anon.. do you let your dough proof for a few days or just an hour or so.. also how much yeast are you using? I tend to use twice as much as usual.

>> No.16431065

you stick them in corn, I wonder how much washing they need

>> No.16431070

those are for chicken broth along with your veggie cuts

>> No.16431274
File: 1.41 MB, 3264x1836, IMG_20170924_164031889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seabass :)

>> No.16431333

stfu retarded massreplyfaggot

>> No.16431364
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>> No.16431370

learn how to fillet a fish. only third worlders cook it like this because they need to also eat the fucking heads in order to not starve

>> No.16431371
File: 984 KB, 300x300, 1616008936179.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no ketchup

>> No.16431377


>> No.16431392

Brits eat fish heads all the time

>> No.16431411

Yea like he said, third worlders

>> No.16431584

>not eating fishhead and getting superb nutrition
i sure hope you dont

>> No.16432438

It tasted good, at least. Also, I didn't realize spoilers don't work on /ck/.

>> No.16432457
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I call them garbage cookies because they have a bunch of mix-ins. Oatmeal, raisins, walnuts, and pistachios.

>> No.16432693

>5/10 literally just drawing in sauce for no reason. Ugly plate ugly stupid parsley topping.
a healthy gravy serve is normal with lamb
>ugly plate
sorry i didnt serve it on a artisan log with side dishes on activated slate
its mint
now stop mass replying and post your own cooking

>> No.16432701
File: 25 KB, 112x112, 1608823599120.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice plating lad

>> No.16432769

It looks fantastic, anon :]

>> No.16432819

Looks tasty and nice presentation

>> No.16432826

Lmao fish heads and eyes are one of the best parts of eating fish you pleb

>> No.16433195

Ty for feedback. Been having fun learning to photo and plate.

>> No.16433841

Sounds fucking disgusting.

>> No.16433901
File: 695 KB, 1042x986, 1608314591615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more lamb

>> No.16434773

very cool. good hiking snack

>> No.16435008
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>> No.16435013
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Cholesterol central

>> No.16435021
File: 1.83 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20210717_163559814.PORTRAIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Additionally, I'm chilling some cookie dough in the fridge for later tonight

>> No.16435047

It's even better if you fry it after adding the ketchup.

>> No.16435114

holy fuck this looks incredible. really good work anon best shit in this thread. I'd eat all that paella in one sitting

>> No.16435131
File: 2.07 MB, 1452x1936, Photo_2021-07-17_02-59-01_PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16435134

meat and gravy look very tasty. what is the white bit? if you post food on top of puree or something you gotta tell us what the puree is, don't make us guess man

>> No.16435226

Give this to me any day. I don't want lamb

>> No.16435262

this but with creme fraiche


>> No.16435281
File: 1.20 MB, 2000x2408, bred.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

far too much meat itt

show me your loaf of bread and I'll believe you can cook

pic not related I'm a bad cook these are amateur loaves. I gave up years ago

>> No.16435305

Me neither. Eating babies is gross.

>> No.16435333
File: 3.76 MB, 4032x3024, 20210717_203438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made some steamed buns with pork belly tonight.

>> No.16435340

Go back to rigging your games, carny.

>> No.16435392

that looks good

I made sweet bean moon cakes once and I was about ready to kms by the end of it. feels like all the fun asian food is prohibitively labor intensive

>> No.16435471

You tried to be fancy too much. Make a proper salad next time instead of throwing tomatoes on your rice.

>> No.16435622

Yeah its bordering on too much effort. Ive made steamed buns a few times though so have a few shortcuts. It probably makes it less 'authentic' but im not really bothered about that.

>> No.16435974
File: 698 KB, 2864x1746, 20210123_160224-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homemade McGriddle.

>> No.16437111

this looks disgusting

>> No.16437116
File: 3.43 MB, 4160x3120, 20201202_035924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a single steak croquette, an Inaba specialty.

>> No.16437122
File: 2.26 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_3166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>176 posts in
>won't get a single (You)
I never made a taco before today, made some birria tacos using beef short ribs, a little overdone on the tortilla but tasted better than restaurant.

>> No.16437211

i hate white people who try to make fancy "authentic" tacos
i'm white myself and that shit is disgusting and for poor people.

>> No.16437249

if I was being authentic I would've posted the consomme and added hot sauce and raw onions you dishwasher

>> No.16437285

it's cooked tomatoes on rice. nothing fancy about it

>> No.16438484

These look amazing lol
t. hispanc

>> No.16438492

you fucking animal

>> No.16438506
File: 1.53 MB, 3735x2253, PXL_20210718_151956509~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I baked an apple pie today, trying a new recipe that takes a shitton of time. Looked like I've burned the stuffing for a second, but it came out alright in the end. Absolutely did overuse the egg whites when smearing the crust though.

>> No.16438510

So a random person on the internet doing nothing more than following a recipe is enough to trigger you? At what point did you realize just what a sad piece of shit you've become?

>> No.16438517
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>> No.16438520
File: 697 KB, 2150x1571, PXL_20210718_154932162~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was pleasantly surprised by how light and crunchy the lattice came out.

>> No.16438631
File: 49 KB, 128x128, 1611040918712.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks pretty close to perfect to me anon

>> No.16438646

that looks really good

>> No.16438737
File: 66 KB, 700x674, 1602776270527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16438739

thanks frend

>> No.16438740

Looks almost perfect, but yea a little heavy on the egg whites, just looks a bit wet kinda?

>> No.16439736

Thanks lads. The stuffing was pretty wet, yeah. I used like 90g of butter instead of 75g the recipe called for because it was the last piece of a stick that was going to go bad soon. Should've just made a sandwich or something, but oh well. A lesson for the next time.

>> No.16439889

10/10, based life enjoyer