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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16413474 No.16413474 [Reply] [Original]

This is the same over-gummed garbage as Breyers and Edy's. You lied to me, /ck/.

>> No.16413494

Fuck you OP. Tillamook is the best store bought ice cream

>> No.16413504

why can't things be simple anymore?
Crème Anglaise, flavor, freezing temperatures, stirring and time?
I hate modernity

>> No.16413546

For me, it's Umpqua.

>> No.16413555

based northwestfag

>> No.16413566
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Anytime I see the brand "Tillamook", I'm reminded of my time spent in some stupid college town in Oregon that I went to with some friends visiting another. I don't know what it was about that place, but everywhere had that stupid fucking duck, we went grocery shopping once and this old grandma wearing a ducks sweater asked if we supported the local team, like wtf? I hate ducks.

>> No.16413579
File: 136 KB, 519x570, Chocolate-Brownie-Thunder-3G.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fudge brownie thunder
>in picrel 3 gallon bucket

>> No.16413584

shut da fuck up cocksucka

>> No.16413642

that ingredient's list looks atrocious

>> No.16413645

just get haagen-dazs

>> No.16413653

honestly, looking at ice cream ingredients lists, i can understand why it costs $5 a pint compared to $5 a gallon. actual real ice cream without four different gums in it seems impossible to find.

>> No.16413657
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Get me a spoon and I'll be back in 2 days

>> No.16413664

>b..but it's family owned so it must be really good!!

>> No.16413806

And you fell for it, sucker.

>> No.16414514

haagen-dazs is good

>> No.16414563

its not perfect but its leagues better than any other widely ice cream

>> No.16414568

how old are you, 100? even my grandparents never did that

Tillamook sucks, I only buy talenti and the mango type is my favorite

>> No.16414580
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Don't care. I make my own

>> No.16414581
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bankruptcy has never been sweeter

>> No.16414595
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that shit is so bad, bro. try picrel.

>> No.16415138
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stone ridge creamery. It's a store brand, and it's fucking amazing.

>> No.16415163

yeah, its ass an poo for reals.

>> No.16415240

they aren't bankrupt, no? After "Honeymoon Ice cream" went bankrupt, Jeni's filled the void. Hope they stick around

>> No.16415292

Were you expecting ingredients you could count on one hand from ice cream infused with fudge, cookies and brownies? Something like "Ingredients: Ice Cream, Brownies, Fudge". This isn't Europe; American labeling laws require you to list the components of each of those ingredients' ingredients.

>> No.16415309

>t. tastelet

>> No.16415608

Yes. Blue Bell is objectively better because it has whole milk.

>> No.16416294

>blue bell
Absolutely loaded with fillers and gums

>> No.16416297


>> No.16416332
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For me, it's Ben and Jerry's.

>> No.16416335
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>political ice cream

>> No.16416835

i found the Costco vanilla tubs to be much better than this shit

>> No.16416858

Is this Tillamook the same as the cheese brand?

>> No.16416867
File: 22 KB, 474x266, OIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

steps in your ice cream's path

>> No.16416869

No. Completely different companies that fought over the rights. But the judge that presided over the case forced them to share the name by throwing the case out. This was back in 1953.

>> No.16416885

I like the ice cream but hate those stupid fucking "chocolate chips" they put in nearly all their flavors. Why do people from Ohio think that giant, unwieldly chocolate chunks are fun to eat in an ice cream?

>> No.16416888

I don't buy anything that isn't at least 5$ a pint. When you're paying 5 bucks for a quart you know your getting hosed, because the heavy cream alone would cost 5$, let alone the processing, other ingredients and packaging, shipping, and overhead + profit.
You get what you pay for.

>> No.16416889

the chunks are based. it's because they pour liquid chocolate into the French pot and it freezes against the sides with the ice cream

>> No.16416893

Tillamook unfortunately took the gum pill, still better than all the others you listed. Umpqua also sucks ass. Other than local (Ferdinands) the only decent major ice cream brand seems to be Haagen Daz, as long as you stick to the basic classic flavors. This is for the PNW, I have no idea about the rest of the country let alone the rest of the world.

>> No.16416897

whatever floats your boat, but I really dislike them.
I wish the FDA was as stringent with ice cream ingredients as they were with cheese.

>> No.16416964

Yep. The ice cream's okay but the cheese is the best you'll find outside the fancy artisanal stuff.

>> No.16417019

whats with this meme? Where are you guys that Tillamook is sold in your stores? Hhow far out does it go?
t. Portlander who ate Udderly Chocolate tonight, and have Caramel Butter Pecan, Vanilla, Mountain Huckleberry and Coffee Almond Fudge in the freezer. They were selling 1.5qt's for 97c each at Safeway last week and we filled the freezer.

>> No.16417026

This for Chocolate PB. I like theirs better than 'Mook.

>> No.16417074

>5 ice cream flavors in the fridge
How fucking fat are you???

>> No.16417080

i really like hagen daz

>> No.16417091

5'9" 150lbs. There's 4 people in the house and this will last us through the end of the year. We are stingy though, and a tub for under a dollar, I'm sorry but I'm going to fill the freezer when they are usually 4-6 dollars each

>> No.16417094

Also one in the house is pregnant so I probably wont eat any of it if I'm not fast enough.

>> No.16417103

Gross sounds like some poor communal living situation. Stay outta the Pearl so I don't ever have to lay my eyes upon some poor peasant manlet.
It's already enough tolerating the homeless, I don't need to see proles as well.

>> No.16417198

I didnt know they had this outside of Oregon

>> No.16417201

You were in Eugene, home of the Oregon Ducks

>> No.16417238

I don't like ice cream, it's too cold.

>> No.16417606

what cake is that?

>> No.16417615

for me its talenti

>> No.16417986

We get it in Tucson, it's one of the most heavily stocked options. We also get blue bell but it's got less shelf space.

>> No.16417994

>ice cream made by political niggas
you know they put asbestos in it

>> No.16418475

Tillamook fucking sucks, just look at the ingredients list.

>> No.16418778

>muh ingredients
>muh guar gum
>muh clean label
Here's a radical idea for judging ice cream: taste it.

>> No.16418839

what does this phrase mean?

>> No.16418852

I've recently realized that tons of ice cream have gay shit in them. Haagen Dazs is now one of the only based ice cream brands because it has cream, skim milk, and sugar.
No fucking faggot shit.

>> No.16418854

Means there's lots of gum in it, my intellectual friend

>> No.16418860

>high fructose corn syrup: the ice cream
I grew up with bluebell but it is objectively shit.

>> No.16418862

What does over-gummed mean?

>> No.16418865

Means there's lots of gum in it, my illiterate friend

>> No.16418872

Fuck politics, fuck /pol/, fuck you

>> No.16418920

Based fellow Tucson poster

>> No.16418944

I bought a year past expiration pint from my Grocery store. It was all hard and icey. I reported it to them. I got 2 free pint coupons from them.

>> No.16418957
File: 62 KB, 574x574, kitchenaid-stand-mixer-ice-cream-maker-attachment-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make your own ice cream.

>> No.16418969

I live in rural Illinois near a local ice creamery that has the best ice cream I've ever consumed in my life. They make a blackberry ice cream that blows my mind every time I have it.

It is called Bob's Ice Cream and they are incredible.

>> No.16418975

Look at Cold Stone Creamery's ingredients.


>> No.16418987

I used to work at a Cold Stone and they just have bags and bags filled with sweet cream mix that they would just put in a bowl and mix with different syrups and powders and chuck it into the churner. Don't get me wrong, its delicious, but it is as processed as processed can be. What can you expect from a chain though?

>> No.16418993

Why would gum be in ice cream? It must mean something else.

>> No.16419006

Because it disguises the disappointing fat content in a very cost-effective fashion, my economic engineer

>> No.16419016
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Hate this brand. Too much gum in it.

>> No.16419044
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, I_SWEAR_TO_GOD_THIS_IS_THE_BEST_ICECREAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16419046

Have you seen that guy on Youtube who gets millions of views filming himself cutting up ice cream with a go pro at coldstone and talking about his "process"?

>> No.16419049

Gums are mostly used to extend shelf life. They reduce the rate of ice crystal growth in storage, so if you want ice cream that stays smooth for like a year, gums are an easy way to achieve that.

>> No.16419090

No. Gum is for chewing. Only a retard chews ice cream.

>> No.16419091

They're not putting chewing gum into the ice cream, they're adding guar gum to make the ice cream feel creamy, which normally comes from a high fat content.
But at a much cheaper price than using high fat cream. It also makes it last longer at the grocery store.

>> No.16419105

When I was a little guy I loved bubble gum ice cream. I wonder if it’s as good as I remember.

>> No.16419143


>> No.16419224

Only a few clips. It is fucking stupid. You're paid like shit to sling ice cream like a monkey and sing and dance for the amusement of drunk movie theater patrons. I gained 20 lbs working there because I was poor as shit back then and regularly got their highest calorie milkshake for my only meal of the day.

Any "Ice Cream Artist" who has a "Process" is an insane person. Just cut the shit up and put it in a cup. You'll get minimal tips regardless. I honestly think the only reason I got tips is because I was a music major for a few years when I worked there and have a decent singing voice.

>> No.16419243

what does this mean?

>> No.16419245

could you vocaroo us a lil somethn

>> No.16419277


>> No.16419395

their caramel cone is sinfully delicious

>> No.16419404

too much of xanthan gum or other gums messing with texture/flavor Im guessing

>> No.16419409
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>> No.16419477

Is that the cause for ice cream to be be too hard to spoon out for some of the brands?

>> No.16419504
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>> No.16419513

I think that might be % water content compared to fat/cream content but idk

>> No.16419548

Too much gum usually causes a kind of chewy and stretchy texture. I don't think it will increase hardness though. Ice cream with more air whipped into it (overrun) is also softer, so high quality ice creams with low overrun can be harder.

All ice cream hardens gradually as it ages, so your ice cream may have just been old. Grocery stores often have old product because they assume that ice cream lasts forever just because it's frozen, but the texture does degrade.

>> No.16419563

Where do you think tillamook is?

Could it be… tillamook, oregon?

>> No.16419582

based retard

>> No.16419601

I almost got that a while ago, is it any good?

>> No.16419609

tillamook is available nationwide and presumably that other brand isn't

>> No.16419651
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This is unironically worth paying for a sam's club membership. Allegedly from humboldt creamery. Pretty fucking good. If a company can't get vanilla right, they can't get ice cream right.

>> No.16421179

3 fucking gallons?

>> No.16421212

Umpqua's nice, but none of their flavors are better than Tillamook's Marionberry Pie.

>> No.16421842

those are for foodservice and quinceneras
shops use those, I imagine anyone could buy one at a cash and carry