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File: 255 KB, 915x917, air fryer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16412173 No.16412173 [Reply] [Original]

I was gifted a meme machine. What exactly does one make with them?

>> No.16412209

Shit's just a convection oven right? I can see a shut in neet not wanting to leave the room and having a small frreezer/fridge and firing up the air fryer to make some tendies on the fly. A weird friend of mine just told me today that he got an air fryer and his exact words below
>skin crisp, fluffy inside, added velveta cheese and bacon bits with sour cream oh my god

>> No.16412216
File: 64 KB, 584x666, soy man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you cook chicken nuggets and tater tots like most millennials and you get right up close to the microphone and bite them reaaal slow to prove how awesome and crunchy you are

>> No.16412485

Potatoes, according to my shitty Google amp feed.

>> No.16412497

aside from the basics like fries/tendies/any frozen snacks they are great for wings, and veg like broccoli, cauliflower, burssel sprouts, and asparagus

>> No.16412499

Really? Potatoes, bread, sandwiches to toast them nicely, obv. Can make your meme frozen foods, steak, burgers, any type of chicken, etc.. also makes a mean cake lasagna

>> No.16412510

hot pockets

>> No.16412514

I put some chicken drumsticks in it and it tasted great. People will poo poo it for "just" being a convection oven but it works great and is more efficient than heating up my oven for a small amount of food

>> No.16412515

At least once a week I put chicken thighs in the air fryer. The skin gets really crispy

>> No.16413611

It's good for frozen stuff. I also got one for free, and I use it to heat up frozen taquitos, which turn out great.

>> No.16413614

jalepeno poppers, that's really the only thing they're good for

>> No.16413652

They are basically a small oven. They cook most things in 8-12 minutes from cold/frozen with no pre heat

>> No.16413656

meme wings and fries

>> No.16413660

Frozen "meat nuggets" air fried for 10-12 minutes with whatever dipping sauce you want. Nuggets can be rubbed/marinated before frozen.

Pork chop nuggets with Cholula habenero is good.

>> No.16413688


>> No.16413728

It's an American tool of laziness, just like the George Forman Grill and various other single-use appliances that will get sent to the back of the cupboard after a month or two....

>> No.16413745

i still don't understand how these are any different from a regular fan forced oven

>> No.16413748

a whole turkey heh

>> No.16413749

just wait for the air fryer console

>> No.16413888

here in VN ovens are not a staple in many kitchens so these bad boys come in very handy
I make a lot of wings, baked mushrooms, etc in mine

>> No.16413911

>I was gifted a meme machine. What exactly does one make with them?
Looks like you can do anything you can bake and/or fry. It's a mini oven, and things get crispy as if they were pan fried. So, any convenience food that would be wrecked in a microwave can be reheated nicely, like mozz sticks, pot stickers, burritos, fries, etc.
I have used one exactly three times, atmy sister's house. She had not used it yet, still in the box. Went to Publix, got some korean gochujang sauce (Annie Chun) which I combined with lime juice, makoto ginger, chopped cilantro, brown sugar, and butter, and glazed some fresh wings. Lined the air fryer with foil on the bottom, dunno if that was important, but I thinking fast cleanup. I recall it was 5 minutes, flipped, reglazed, 5 minutes in 2nd side, and a final 5 minutes to dry on the sauce til the sugar content glazed itself. Very good crispy skinned texture. Bone-in chicken would be reason alone to buy the machine.
Made basic cheese/salsa nachos, cause what the heck, had the ingredients. Faster than heating up the oven or the broiler. It was probably all melted and crisped in 2 minutes flat.
Also made fresh-herb cheese stuffed mushroom caps, and never really got any browning on either the breadcrumb topping or the sides and bottom of the mushrooms. I was surprised, and even wonder how battered non-frozen onion rings or hand-breaded whole mushrooms would do next time. I bet frozen will continue to do well, since those are prepared to be precooked in a way, but maybe not so much for some other homemade items that don't have enough oil or have high water content.

>> No.16414011


air fry broccoli, asparagus, brussel sprouts

>> No.16414018

i think it makes great steaks if you dont have a grill

>> No.16415272

Everything, if you have the skill for it.

>> No.16415754

Convection ovens are a tool of laziness...?

>> No.16415761

shut up

>> No.16415784

CLEARLY you guys do NOT own an Air Fryer.

>> No.16415867

>t. mad he wasted his money on an air fryer when a toaster oven does the same shit

>> No.16415872

A whole turkey, heh

>> No.16415905

whats the difference between using an air fryer and using a toaster oven?

>> No.16415911

checked and based

>> No.16415932

Its a better microwave/oven/toaster so just do what you usually do on those. It'll taste better too :)

>> No.16415939

Pretty much this. It's great for lazy night cooking.

>> No.16415958

if the toaster oven has a convection fan? practically none. Form-factor. Convenience. Ease-of-use, ease-to-clean.

>> No.16416014

no, it vents moisture so your food will dry out badly if you treat it like a convection oven. it's a fryer normally and a dehydrator at low temperatures

>> No.16416146

I use it, amongst other things, to fry stuff that is kinda fatty, like chicken thighs or pork. You fry lean meat it just ends up tasting like bread crumbs.
Gonna be honest, I really like my air fryer. Sure the portions are smaller than I used to cook in the past but I got used to it. Also helped me lose a good chunk a weight in the process.

>> No.16416172

steps for prep? spices you use?

>> No.16416206

I don't understand how people say it's for lazy cooking. You have to clean the fucking tray when you're done. With an oven you can just slap a piece of foil on a baking sheet and not do any dishes. You can't do that in an air-fryer because of the air circulation bullshit.

>> No.16416594

>he doesn't season his air fryer tray
>he even washes it

>> No.16416981

Makes good stuffing but only enough for a small roasting chicken.

>> No.16417006

I have and use both extensively. Toaster ovens have much lower heat capacity, meaning they can't thoroughly cook stuff like a hunk of raw meat, whereas an air fryer can. Air fryers also cook faster than ovens and require slightly lower temperatures to achieve the same effect. I will generally drop the temperature by about 30-40 degrees F and the time to cook by about 20% to get the same effect as an oven.

>> No.16417025

It's more for unattended cooking imo and it's lazy in the sense you don't have to preheat your oven. That's the main reason I use mine, as a small convection oven to cook small amounts of food.

If I want a small serving of fries, I'm not going to heat up my whole oven just for a fistful of potatoes.

>> No.16417027

You dont have really to babysit food with air fryer

>> No.16417039

You do have to preheat the airfryer though, it's part of the instructions. The only difference between an airfryer and an oven are the times it takes to preheat. It's not lazy cooking, it's impatient cooking. Literally microwave tier.

>> No.16417056

>preheating the airfryer

You literally don't, like that's the point of those small countertop ovens. It's more energy and time efficient. It's the difference between boiling a pot of water for tea and using an electric kettle.

>> No.16417062

Isn't it better to make wings in a tradition fryer? I know it's healthier to do it in an air fryer, but if you're trying to make wings healthy, then you probably shouldn't be eating wings in the first place

>> No.16417141

try cooking a whole turkey in one heh

>> No.16417309

Boiling a pot of water and using an electric kettle still require the same amount of prep. You're right, all it does it save time, that's exactly my fucking point. It's microwave-tier. It's not "easier", unless waiting a couple extra minutes for your food is really too hard for your fat ass to handle. You're all pathetic as fuck for using this meme gadget bullshit. It would be easier to use an oven, but you obese faggots need to save those five minutes before you guzzle down more pizza rolls or else you might have a stroke.

>> No.16417767

not him, but i just pull them out of the freezer, let them thaw to room temp, let the air fryer heat up to 390F, dump Wholey's wing dust seasoning on them, stick them in 2 at a time for about 18 minutes, pull em out, let em cool down a bit, then eat.

if you want you can dredge them in eggs, then a mixture of 1/4 corn starch, 3/4 flour, and a mixture of your favorite spices. they have a taste much closer to deep fried chicken than you'd think.

>> No.16417789

Shit makes chicken wings like a champ.

>> No.16417814

Bought a thing that goes on top of the insta pot and makes it an air fryer. Saves space in the kitchen doing 2 for 1 duty. Works great for pizza rolls, nugs, and wings.