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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 186 KB, 2000x2000, US1925_coffee-machines_moka-pot_bialetti-express-6-cup_illy-shop_2000x2000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16396871 No.16396871 [Reply] [Original]

>Makes overly bitter and sour shitwater
Ah yes... The famous Italian "engineering"...

>> No.16396893

Don't start with cold water.
If it's cold you end up heating the the brewer too much and it literally cooks the grounds.
You want to use water around 175f-185f depending on roast.

>> No.16396898

how to make good concentrated coffee at home without shilling hundreds for espresso machines?

>> No.16396908

I user their brikka, it's pretty good. Sourness is a problem with your coffee.
The Bialetti milk frother is excellent.

>> No.16396957

>Makes overly bitter and sour shitwater
That doesn't make sense
Bitter = over extracted
Sour = under extracted

>> No.16397038

authentically italian

>> No.16397233
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You are not the brightest candle on the cake, right?
Read >>16396893 and don't use shit beans. I also use freshly ground beans.

>> No.16397251

I start with cold water, but I don't really get to problem OP gets. Most of the time. Could be because I don't use high heat?

>> No.16397764

Use hot water instead of cold and Lavazza Rossa

Never going back to instant shit now

>> No.16397779

I’d take bitter Italian moka coffee over the sour dishwater I get from most third-wave coffee shops

>> No.16397838
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>> No.16397866

Isn't it weird how the cheaper coffee tastes so good in moka

>> No.16398136

Alright faggots, here's a guide

>Add coffee to the funnel. Don't tamp, just fill, scoop out sides to make it level.
>Place the funnel temporarily inside the upper chamber so you can grab it later.

>Fill up bottom chamber up to valve, put it on the burner and boil it.
>Use kitchen towel to remove it, place funnel inside, then the upper chamber. Just fucking assemble it

>Place moka pot on burner again, highest heat.
>Let it cum out. Once the moka pot cums for about 3 seconds, take it off the heat, and let it cum until it reaches just under the spout ridges. Sometimes I hover it over the heat if I need a bit more cum.
>Pour your coffee.

Closest to espresso you'll get. When you don't brew the full thing, it becomes a bit thicker and much stronger.

>> No.16398387

In general yes, but there are some shit tier "cheap" coffee like the starbucks ones

>> No.16398427

Oh yeah for sure. I meant mid-tier coffee. Stuff like pure organic arabica doesn't taste great, while regular coffee is really good

>> No.16398693

>can’t use a basic tool correctly
>blame your shit results on the tool instead of your own retardation
Yup, peak /ck/.

>> No.16398951

This is so fucking stupid.

>> No.16399031

I don't get why you guys are overcomplicating simple stovetop espresso makers, I just add water and pretty good ground coffee, never had a problem. It's not the same as traditionally made espresso, but its not that bad either considering.

>> No.16399039

>Heat it up
>Then assemble it

This is why I know moka pots are trash. To get the 'best' result from them, you have to do this shit.

And the best result still isnt good. They make terrible coffee.

>> No.16399049

Who? Who the fuck has time for this shit? Just fill the bottom with water and put it on the fuckin burner, then go prepare the coffee, save some time! TIME!
Oh for crying out loud anon

>> No.16399091

Ways of making coffee that are better than Moka pot

French press
Espresso machine
Cold brew

And probably all the other ways I haven't mentioned

>> No.16399201
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dont mind me, just being the cheapest and objectively superior brew method

>> No.16399356

>a fucking cup

>> No.16399368

V60, the tastiest dishwat4er you'll ever make.

>> No.16399414
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Wrong. Meanwhile this creates the perfect most purest tasting coffee ever, and gets better over time as it builds season. Electric precise temperature control, automatic shutoff, stainless steel and reusable filter. Perfection and so cheap.

>> No.16399506

still beats toiletwater from frenchpiss

>> No.16399511

the fun part about espresso is it was literally invented because a boss wanted his employee's to take shorter coffee breaks. This means either his employee's were lazy shiftless layabouts (as many italians are) or he was a weevling jew (as many employers are)

Either amuses me.

>> No.16399535

The last time I used one of these, I was in Iraq and the fucker exploded. Burned my face pretty good.

>> No.16399555

I bet you think that’s comedy gold every time you type it

>> No.16399563

allahu akbar

>> No.16399916

french pisser detected

>> No.16400534

fucking lmao. If this is true then it's a horribly designed piece of equipment and you have proven OP right.

>> No.16400583

Yeah. Just buy a $1500 super automatic espresso machine because all we care about is the efficiency of the design.

>> No.16400589

I do care about the efficiency of making me a great cup of espresso. That's why I have a Nespresso. I've had superautos in the past and they're not worth the hassle. Lots of maintenance and cleaning involved and the coffee is no better.

>> No.16400595
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>> No.16400604

Imagine paying for overpriced, shitty coffee in pods so that you can use a Nespresso(TM) for the sake of avoiding cleanup since you have oh so much else to do in your life, just like George Clooney.

A Bialetti is easy to use and takes a minute to clean if you aren't a brainlet.

>> No.16400615

I have a Bialetti, it doesn't see really any use whatsoever since the coffee it makes is inferior to any other coffeemaker I have and it needs to be babied the whole time so the plastic handle doesn't melt.
It's about $0.58 for a double espresso. That's cheaper than grocery store beans and WAY cheaper than hipster beans.

>> No.16400632

>so the plastic handle doesn’t melt

What cook surface are you apes using? A bonfire?

>> No.16400641


>> No.16400670

A Bialetti moka pot is literally the easiest thing to use. I don't understand how you are having so much trouble. You put the water inside up to the valve then place the ground coffee into the filter basket and put it on a burner at medium-high heat. It will produce coffee that is thicker than a standard pour-over but not as concentrated as an espresso and you can do whatever you want with to suit your taste at that point.

You cannot melt the handle unless you are incapable of centering the moka on the burner or if you are using a big burner, which would be retarded.

>It's about $0.58 for a double espresso. That's cheaper than grocery store beans and WAY cheaper than hipster beans.
There is no way in hell that buying pods is cheaper than buying ground coffee in a bag. You are either lying or you don't know how to shop. Hipster garbage shouldn't even be in the conversation. Go out and buy Lavaza Oro which is fine for a moka and it will cost you far less than Nespresso pods.

>> No.16400674

The only thing the engineered right was the Beretta m9/92fs and even then, I strongly believe that the Germans at HK gave it to them

>> No.16400685

I'm guessing you don't drive, right?

>> No.16400703

the 92 is just a tarted up P38

>> No.16400705

I have a gas stove. It's what people who aren't poor use.
I know how to use it. I also know that it's just not very good.

Lavazza Oro
>$22/1kg bag on Amazon
>1 double espresso uses around 20g of ground beans
>50 doubles for $22
>$.44 per
>On-brand pods $0.70/double
>Off brand pods $0.40/double
If you want better coffee, get the on brand nespresso pods and a nespresso machine.
If you want cheaper coffee, get off brand nespresso pods and a nespresso machine.
Don't get a bialetti except as something cute to keep on a shelf in your kitchen. That's what mine is used for.

>> No.16400708

>needs to be babied the whole time so the plastic handle doesn't melt.
You don't own one.

>> No.16400714

>he thinks a gas stove is some kind of status symbol

>> No.16400773

Guys, should I buy a moka pot or a french press?

>> No.16400907

>broke ass nigga pot or french piss
pourover or real espresso are your only options

>> No.16400944

Moka pot is cope for not being able to afford an espresso machine
French press is cope for not having the faculties to make actual coffee.

>> No.16400965

Buy an All-Clad sauce pot and make cowboy coffee.

>> No.16401383

I just cold brew my coffee right now since it's the middle of summer and I don't want hot drinks.

>> No.16401779


> Moka pot is cope for not being able to afford an espresso machine

You're not wrong there

>> No.16401785

Nespresso is insanely based because it makes great coffee and also makes poorfags seethe

>> No.16402164

If you have a shit grinder a moka pot will channel just like an espresso puck. Most of my failed cups are absolutely undrinkable sour / bitter messes. If you're grinding fine enough to get decent extraction, you're also in danger of channeling.

You can't use too high of heat, you should not start with boiling water in the base, but it helps if it's warmed.

>Y-you'll burn it if you start with cold water ;_;
I roast coffee, Maillard starts at 150C, later caramelization happens around 170C. Various other reactions happen, but none of those occur even close to whatever temperature your grounds are going to hit on a stovetop. You can start with cold water, it doesn't matter. What does matter is that the air in the chamber above the water is warm enough to create sufficient pressure while the water is still cool enough to not negatively affect extraction. If you start with boiling water, or do >>16398136 you'll fuck up your extraction. Use the moka pot like it was designed, add water, add coffee, assemble and put on the stove. If you retards still think this will somehow damage your grounds, I'll go brew a cup with a thermocouple in the grounds and show you.

>> No.16402380

>cooks the grounds
How? It still needs to heat up the mass of water on the bottom.

>> No.16402383

Just add salt bro

>> No.16402396

I take it off heat once I hear the gurgling, supposedly makes it a bit less bitter but I also add frothed milk so it comes out more like cafe con leche so who knows

>> No.16402451

What do you get out of telling this obvious lie every time someone brings up the moka pot?

>> No.16402452

They're made of aluminum, the grounds aren't floating on the water. The pot gets hot before the water does, and the grounds are in the pot getting hot.

>> No.16402471
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The grounds max out at ~70C with a measured error of around 3 degrees. Started with water from the fridge, left the burner on high so pretty much the worst conditions possible. That was the highest measured temp before it spiked to 90-95C as the water flowed over the grounds. Roasting coffee is about maintaining chemical reactions. The coffee does not undergo these reactions at 70C. Starting with cold water will not affect the taste of your coffee.

>> No.16402558

...so I guess pipe welders shouldn't ever us thermal paste because the copper will heat up before the paste will. Nah man, you have to heat up the mass of the water before it goes higher than the water. Rice cookers work on this exact physics before it pops.


>> No.16402574

Absolutely fucking based

>> No.16402764

Add 2dL soymilk and 3 tablespoons of HFCS to every dL of coffee and it will be much more to your tastes, my dear American.

>> No.16402881

Counterpoint: I own a moka pot. You are wrong, and there's really nothing you can do to convince me that I was imagining it getting hot.

>> No.16402886

Posts like
are why a gas stove is a status symbol on this board.

>> No.16403041

Just buy an electric or an induction hob. I've been looking at those super powerful induction burners for boiling water and shit, they're not that expensive.

Using my gas range for a moka pot sucks, sorry bud. And no, there isn't any amount of adaptor plates or fiddling that will make it more convenient than just using the electric hob I already own.

>> No.16403114

Based engineer

>> No.16403137

it is the poor workman who blames his tools

>> No.16403156

U should put some tinned spaghetti in it, u lard cunt

>> No.16403552

>-I- have a moka pot!
You're not special, you're a goddamn idiot. Of course it gets hot, but not hot enough to "cook" the grinds.

Refer to >>16402471 since you're that kind of idiot.

>> No.16403871

excellent bait anon
keep up the good work

>> No.16404287

Well, that was because it was in Iraq. Blowing up is what things there do.

>> No.16404294

bravo! bravo!! I like this post! 1000 stars.

>> No.16404606

Probably because it was intended for that specific kind of coffee.
>Consistently great cups with Bustelo

>> No.16404609

>Obvious trolling

>> No.16404612

a perfectly clean 12 cup drip mr coffee makes the best brew

>> No.16405526
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They've done lots of great things

>> No.16405813

I have small coffee residues at the bottom of my cup. Is the coffee not ground enough?

>> No.16406521

I love my v60 but I'm super upset about the filter situation. They changed factories for all of their bulk skus and won't acknowledge it even though it very obviously changes the taste

>> No.16407847

Don't know but that should never happen with a moka.

>> No.16408137

>Ah yes... The famous Italian "engineering"...
you're tasting your shit coffee for the first time, roast it yourself

>> No.16408334

I really want a Moka Pot, but isn't it a pain to use paper filters for it? Do you guys just not bother with a paper filter and consume all the not so healthy byproducts in the process?

>> No.16408362

moka pots don't use paper filters.

>> No.16408376

Then do you just enjoy coffee while slowly watching your body decompose and become some kind of cancer ridden sludge monster?

>> No.16408383

What do you actually think the paper is removing that's so deadly? It's basically just oil.

>> No.16408384

Yep, I do exactly that at 4 am every morning before going for a 5km run and doing a 30 minute bodyweight routine, then going to work and eating oats. Until I'm a cancer ridden sludge monster.

>> No.16408497

>makes poorfags seethe
It make the owner seethe?

>> No.16408533

Moka pots are awesome, I mostly use stainless but the aluminum ones have somewhat different flavor. Here’s my method.

Cold or cool water
Coffee grounds are not measured, fill the basket till it runs out the sides scrape the top sideways and you’ll have a flat surface don’t tamp
Put pot together and here is where i differ from most everyone I know
It takes 12 minutes minimum to get the first bit of coffee from the spout, if you have the first bit of coffee faster then your heat is to high, lower it till you have coffee starting at anywhere between 12 and 15 minutes, find and fine tune your temperature to be in that interval. Also kill the heat before it starts spewing just steam and bubbles.
There is no one method with it you have to find what works for you. Good luck

>> No.16408568
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dangerously based

>> No.16408570

Which Moka Pot is the best one to get? I want six cup size if possible and price isn't an issue.

>> No.16408664

do NOT buy aluminum

>> No.16408800
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poorfags can suck my fucking cock

>> No.16408865

What do you recommend? Seems like a lot of the stainless steel ones still have aluminum where it matters and just market themselves as "steel"

>> No.16408895

The stainless ones are junk, aluminum works great.

>> No.16408903

Food safe aluminum is fine

>> No.16409053

>famous Italian "engineering"
Like ww2 italian tanks
cars that break down every 100km
motorbikes with bad tolerances
That's what happens when you combine passion & "engineering"

>> No.16409105

Nigga i am George Clooney

>> No.16409119
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Posting the picture from the listing 799,00 €. Then calling us poorfags. Are you retarded?

>> No.16409153

>poorfags are mad they can't drink my six-month-old, burnt, microplastic-polluted coffee

>> No.16409196



>> No.16409210

This guy gets it... Imagine being so fucking retarded that you can't even use a moka pot.

Bitter = too fine/ hot
Sour = too coarse/cool

>> No.16409230

>Moka pots are so well designed they don't really work on gas stoves
Thanks anon glad we agree. Moka pots are shit tier coffee makers. Even if I didn't have a Nespresso I'd rather use my french press than a moka pot.

>> No.16409359

wash your dishes anon

>> No.16409390

It works fine on my gas stove. Preheat your water, and don't have the flame outside the base.

>> No.16409536
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>He doesn’t hit the Bripe first thing in the morning

Have taste.

>> No.16409904

>italian cars
This is bait

>> No.16409908

Chuckwagon coffee at the buttcrack of dawn after sleeping under the stars is the best coffee you’ll ever drink

>> No.16409915

>calls others faggots
>uses passive-aggressive womanspeak
>uses fucking decilitres
Pot meet turbogay homonigger kettle

>> No.16410089


>> No.16410097

Moka pot does not make espresso and that guide is totally off base for moka pot. It’s like having a guide to cutting apples and you’re using oranges

>> No.16411403

Copper poisoning or nah?

>> No.16411755

It needs to be:
A: Corroded
B: ingest at least 1g of the corroded copper
For that to happen.

>> No.16411814

If you've got green or blue verdigris, that has to go. Dull or black oxidation is perfectly fine.

>> No.16411938

>user can't operate machine properly
>blame engineers

>> No.16411940

can a thermocouple be used on any multimeter? I have a cheap chinese multimeter

>> No.16412161

What is the best stainless steel moka pot? Also is there actually an advantage this thing has over a regular percolator?

>> No.16412235

cafec filters are better