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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16394991 [Reply] [Original]

Where were you when you first had Kraft Mac and cheese and why is it the best Mac and cheese in the world?

>> No.16394998

Kraft demonstrates perfectly that people will eat absolute pig slop if you condition them long enough

>> No.16395015

Been to 39 different countries. Tried more foods then you can dream of. Kraft Mac and cheese is the gold standard.

>> No.16395537
File: 166 KB, 2406x2134, MACky cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit is so cash, but the printed recipe never turn out the best. skip adding milk (wtf) and add butter and a some cheddar (off the heat so it doesn't go greasy)

>> No.16395547
File: 81 KB, 500x500, kraft-kraft-mac-cheese-deluxe-14-oz-24-ct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get this one because I don't like having to buy milk and butter

>> No.16395562

I can't enjoy them anymore without it being with a side of something, mostly breakfast sausage.

>> No.16395751

>add double the amount of milk
>Skip the butter
>Add two handfuls of shredded cheddar and the powder

Wa la, it's way better

>> No.16395825

Last time I bought Kraft Dinner they didn't even print the butter version on the box, just the skim milk and margarine version. I had to search online for the old recipe.

>> No.16396038

Been to 78 different countries. Tried more foods then you can dream of. Velveeta Shells and cheese is the gold standard.

>> No.16396049
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Modern Kraft mac is so fucking bad that I'd rather get frozen stoffers. That at least resembles mac and cheese when you're done.

>> No.16396096

That stuff tastes like plastic.

>> No.16396098

Stouffer's mac and cheese is good. I enjoy it.

>> No.16396168

based plastic eater

>> No.16396396

my mac recipe involves pennee bronze cut pasta, a segment of a velveeta block, butter (not margerine), milk, and a little extra salt. then i add some shredded real cheese near the end, like gouda or mozzerella, even muenster, something that melts very well. i eyeball everything so i don't feel like typing up the recipe, but there's really no WRONG way to do it. once you remove the cooked pasta (AL DENTE) you treat it like making a roux with the velveeta, milk, and butter. stir, add more cheese. it's flavorful as fuck. love it to death. kraft dinner is a close second though, don't get me wrong. something about those cheaply made elbow noodles is so fucking inhalable

>> No.16396402

>kraft dinner
Fuck off Scott

>> No.16396406

>Wa la
Are you shitting me, my nigger?

>> No.16396419

Where were you when they built a ladder to heaven?

>> No.16396421

Boil noodles in salted water, strain, fry up thin sliced sweet onion in butter, add noodles, add cheese packet, add more butter, dash of milk, sprinkle with pepper

simple as

>> No.16396481

Is this bait

>> No.16396484

I don't know what it is about kraft mac n cheese but I can shovel a gallon of it down my gullet without stopping

>> No.16396494

it wasn't even good plastic

>> No.16396637
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Yeah, he’s a dick!

>> No.16396778
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>Dude says add no milk
>Other dude says add DOUBLE amount of milk


>> No.16396780

Poe's Law

>> No.16396794

At home. My mom bought it because mac&cheese was a thing we'd heard about from American media.

She fucked up the recipe and added 0.5l milk instead of 0.5dl. It was just macaroni floating in off-white milk.

It would be more than two decades before I had it again.

>> No.16396801

That sounds pretty good if you drained it, honestly.

>> No.16396869

mine (no milk) has a picture of the resulting consistency. it's very thick, but if you want it soupy then go ahead and add liquid

>> No.16396944

I once ate so much kraft mac n cheese that I threw up that night

>> No.16396965


>> No.16397135
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for me, it's michelina's

>> No.16397191
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Look this shit is good if you dice jalapeños and throw shredded cheese on top.
We had a huge Mac and cheese thread here months ago that had tons of suggestions of what to throw in Mac and cheese to improve it. I miss that thread.

>> No.16397216

Whenever my gf's friend comes over, she asks me to make her some kraft mac n cheese. She loves it so much, and I don't add any butter or milk.

I add some ingredients:
-Red chili flakes
-black pepper
-garlic powder
-white cheddar

>> No.16397230

>not mixing in a smoked sausage protein
wow.... I don't know what to say. is this your first time eating this?

>> No.16397362

Not everything needs meat.

cum is a sausage based protein

>> No.16397469

This shit is my guilty pleasure. I always put it in for a minute longer than the instructions say.

>> No.16397476

KD was great "I'm a lazy fuck and I want a meal in 10 minutes" food

It's been terrible ever since they changed their recipe though. I stopped eating it and I even know multiple people who stopped eating it.

>> No.16397704

oh god. i need the album.

>> No.16398195

You must be at least 18 to post here

>> No.16398534

smokey sausage is for closeted gay men

>> No.16398649

I can't wait till we glass Canada for some minor offense.

>> No.16398683

Grew up on this shit, but my mom wasn't the best cook so I always had the soupy, watery cheese liquid kind. After I moved out and had to make it on my own, I add just a splash of milk, a dollop of sour cream, a dash of garlic powder, and a dash of black pepper. Turns out great every time!

If I'm making mac and cheese and don't want to feel like white trash for making Kraft dinner, I'll make a big batch in the slow cooker with two types of cheddar and then throw in some shredded chicken and buffalo sauce. Always popular around my house when people come over to watch sports.

>> No.16398696

it's supposed to be a cheese sauce, you inbred mongloid faggot.

>> No.16400525

I had such a fond memory of this in childhood that I bought some a few years back. Needless to say I never bought it again

>> No.16400543

Try a tiny bit of mustard powder or even just regular condiment mustard, it goes well with the cheese.

>> No.16400972

Mac and cheese is overrated. You amerigolems eat too much of this processed sloppy shit and wonder why you can't loose weight.