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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16387653 [Reply] [Original]

It's murder.

>> No.16387659

fine then I'm a murderer

>> No.16387685
File: 61 KB, 540x583, do it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't care

>> No.16387697

Dilate regularly please faggot. Humans are omnivores.

>> No.16387718

yep, it's murder, nobody should be killing for food but this is the shitty world we live in.

>> No.16387723

This is true. And I eat meat. But I still feel bad about it sometimes and wish I didn't have to eat meat to not start feeling the effects of nutritional deficiencies.

>> No.16387730

The once a week post.

>> No.16387731

You can't un-kill the whale I ate :^)

>> No.16387733

Wait until OP finds out there are people on this board who actively harvest manatees from their Florida dock to eat and sell to their friends. Heh.

>> No.16387737

Yes, well it's not murder is it? All animals in the wild suffer horrible deaths, either being killed by other animals or growing so old they starve to death slowly.

There are more pressing issues in the world than the feelings of livestock.

>> No.16387743

If so I’m a serial killer with thousands of kills. Currently 33 been hunting since 6.

>> No.16387749

Well, yeah. Murder is only meant to apply to humans killing humans. And I think that animals on farms can have better lives since they could be taken care of and slaughtered in a way where they won't ever realized what happened. I think just seeing how bad factory farms can be and how a lot of people don't really think about what's required to produce meat so they have no respect for it is what is pushing more people to feel bad about it though.

>> No.16387793

To a vegan you are the exact same as Ted Bundy. Let that soak in

>> No.16387808

Ted Bundy be making bitches wet now a days I’m fine with this

>> No.16387810
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>> No.16387867
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it's only murder if you eat domesticated animals like cats and dogs. rage, seethe, dilate. the truth has been spoken. fuck morrissey and fuck trannies meow desu

>> No.16387879

Morrissey is a closeted gay and so are you

>> No.16387904
File: 21 KB, 398x344, 48912_FatMoz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Morrissey and Fuck the new captcha

>> No.16387922

If my pizza has extra cheese is that as bad as it having pepperoni? Do you want me to eat extra cheese or meat with my cheese?

>> No.16387929


>> No.16388004
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The absolute state of meatcucks. Addicted to the rotting, putrifying flesh of decaying rotting carcasses, unable to control their murderous desires to destroy.
A relic of a bygone age, a raging savage, a Neandarthal, a sub-human brute bereft of even the slightest hint of the glimmer of an intellect above that of a buffoon, this is the way of the meatfag.
Have any of you meatcucks ever given a seconds thought as to how absolutely completely and utterly pathetic you really are? No, I susect not. The concept of abstract thoughts are no doubt beyond the cognitive capabilities of the meatcuck. If they had such capacity, then they would not be meatfags in the first intance. Pathetic scum.

>> No.16388225


>> No.16388269

and if you went for a walk in the jungle and got ripped apart by a wild animal, would that murder?

>> No.16388417

ok, so until lab grown meat is financially viable then meat must involved a murder at some stage. whats your point? do you have a reason i shouldnt do it?

>> No.16388425

relax Shakespeare is just a fucking burger

>> No.16389445

i fucking love meat and i literally see other people as NPC's whom i should have the right to kill anytime i want.

>> No.16389490

based solipsistic poster

>> No.16389543
File: 311 KB, 844x1064, 8E16D246-D64A-489A-AD5A-9DCF514421CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here’s heaven on the earth and progress you get to enjoy.