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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16385426 [Reply] [Original]

Chefs over-complicate cooking and it discourages people from cooking their own meal. "just take these 3 frying pans and 40 ingredients and follow this 100 step instruction guide".

Chefs are partly to blame for the lack of people cooking their own meals. They make their food complicated to sell themselves, just like say, Athlean X does to fitness. In reality, cooking is just heating shit up and isn't complicated at all.

>> No.16385430

Nobody has the time or the mental energy to create this complicated shit on a regular basis.

>> No.16385436

we get it, you cant follow instructions. thats not the chefs' faults.

>> No.16385454


>> No.16385468

I trust that in general the average person is not dumb and can find simple recipes that require a few ingredients and a pot.

>> No.16385497

No, the average person says "I am going to start cooking!" and looks up a "recipe" and takes 20 hours chopping up 400 ingredients and baking and frying and mixing and all the other bullshit because that is what they associate with cooking thanks to all these "CHEFS".

Chefs are like "fitness experts" - taking something natural and simple, and turning it into an industry by overcomplicating it.

>> No.16385500

It's the time spent prepping ingredients, a chef can chop an onion in under a minute, it takes most people 5, that's why shit like slap chop took off
Not to mention helicopter parents who wouldn't let their kids even use a knife until they were 17

>> No.16385528
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These are facts

>> No.16385531

There's three levels to cooking
Foodies are the worst. Their blogs are designed to show off their writing skills and justify buying a DSLR. After navigating their shitty keyword stuffed prose to the recipe, you find it demands too many ingredients and the instructions are overly convoluted. The end result is usually worse than pleb cooking.

Gourmet cooking can take much longer than foodie cooking but the instructions are clear and ingredients are used wisely. For example:

>> No.16385582

the number one reason people dont cook is because they have shit cooking utencils, dont know how to use a knife and have no interest in food, so their dishes takes forever to make taste like garbage, and are made the completely wrong way. i have met so many people that simply just do not care.

>> No.16385606

We did a ton of masterclasses before rona and this is what we came to as well from the feedback after first five or so classes. Need to think like a home cook and not a chef for all those masterclasses, youtube how-tos and whatnot. Masses don't have 30 sq.m kitchens with dupes of the same size and sometimes type ware. 1 pot, 1 skillet, a mediocre medium sized knife, a spoon and a fork. And if you think it's a 15-minute meal easily done each morning, than add an anothe 15 minutes because a dude or dudette at home won't have a skill or speed you work with. Ahem, fuck tv chefs and more importantly, fuck youtube chefs

>> No.16385617

>Chefs over-complicate cooking
The opposite.
I think you underestimate the retardation that can be achieved by the average person. Just look at this board. Most people here don't have experience beyond ordering fast food, and they still manage to fuck that up.

>> No.16385626

Yes, I have life. Spending 6 hours making what will be eaten in 10 minutes is not my idea of productively spending time, so I choose not to follow instructions that direct me to do so.

>> No.16385632
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>> No.16385639

I've met a ton of picky autistic children like you too. baww did mommy not make tendies the way you like them?

>> No.16385651

I agree with the pro-bean message, but protein content of those bean types is practically identical

>> No.16385653

Well no, they don't, after all a recipe is only a guide as to how cook a given thing, isn't it?
Do you not know how to experiment with food?
Can you even boil water?

I suspect you might be American, where if it is any harder than throwing a single meal in a microwave, it's too fucking hard.

Chefs are in no way to blame for your ineptitude, you need to learn how to cook.
This is why Americans hate Gordon Ramsey, because he lays it all out on a plate, for them to learn, but they don't like using their own brains.

>> No.16385654

my mom didnt cook. the man of the house, my father, did that as it should be. women cant cook.

>> No.16385659
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You don't need fancy whit to cook.
>two plastic chopping boards
>two cotton dish cloths
>kiwi cleaver (sharpen with bottom of ceramic mug)
>pot of any kind
>non-stick frying pan (use plastic utensil only)
>plastic spatula

>> No.16385667

Name me a fucking recipe that requires 20 hours of prep and 400 ingredients.........
What a fucking homo, you are.

>> No.16385670
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>>two plastic chopping boards
>>two cotton dish cloths
>>kiwi cleaver (sharpen with bottom of ceramic mug)
>>pot of any kind
>>non-stick frying pan (use plastic utensil only)
>>plastic spatula

>> No.16385672
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I'm aware that some people are very poor, so it could matter- particularly if they aren't eating much meat or many eggs

>> No.16385674

>I have life
You mean you do menial work because you're uneducated.

>> No.16385683

> 6 hours
> making a meal

Sure if you're doing a full turkey at Thanksgiving.
Are you really slow at prep or something?
Nothing takes 6 hours to fucking cook, if it is a simple meal.

>> No.16385687

Don't you need to eat it with rice or some other starch to actually get the protein? Pretty sure beans don't have the full complement of amino acids on their own.

>> No.16385705

>you can make a huge batch of chili

>> No.16385709

That's like saying Beethoven discourages people from playing the piano. Start at the beginning, stay in your lane and don't let your ego override your abilities. You're not a chef, you're a depressed, overweight 20-something that externalises blame to cope with your shortcomings.

What's that saying about poor workers?

>> No.16385711
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People didn't have access to plastic and could often only afford one or two metal pans.
For most of our history people made do with earthenware pots and in Asia bamboo steamers.

I once made creme brule with a flower pot by lighting a fire under it with the dead shrub that was in it, using it to baine marrie the custtard in the bowl I was eating out of, used snow to chill it and topped it by liquefying the sugar in my spoon on the fire, emptying the pot of water and heating it to grill the top.
It wasn't the best creme brule I ever made, but you would look at it and say "that is a creme brule"

Steamers are very easy to avoid, because you can use just about any vessel inside a pot as if you were making Hainan chicken.
Mortar and pestle?
Just use the two chopping boards together to crush thing- use the back of a metal spoon or the flat of your knife after that.

Ovens were traditionally just large ceramic pots that have a flat stone in them- works great.
Grills are really hard without power, unless you want to strip a microwave inverter and use a salt bath regulator make do with a pan, you can flip it upsidown to make chipatti, or the like

If you made a list of what you actually couldn't cook it wouldn't be life-changing

>> No.16385719


Regardless, why couldn't someone make a 400 ingredient recipe? There's nothing stopping you from making a dish with 20 elements & 1000 steps.

>> No.16385725
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>I once made creme brule with a flower pot by lighting a fire under it with the dead shrub that was in it, using it to baine marrie the custtard in the bowl I was eating out of, used snow to chill it and topped it by liquefying the sugar in my spoon on the fire, emptying the pot of water and heating it to grill the top.
>It wasn't the best creme brule I ever made, but you would look at it and say "that is a creme brule"
excellent post anon

>> No.16385734
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>Mortar and pestle?
Just use the two chopping boards together to crush thing- use the back of a metal spoon or the flat of your knife after that.
>Ovens were traditionally just large ceramic pots that have a flat stone in them- works great.

>> No.16385735
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It appears BEANs superiority has led to some controversy

>> No.16385739

It's true, over time I realize that lots of steps belong to the diminishing returns department. I've been tempted to go all out and try a stew where you really just throw everything in a pressure cooker, no pre-sauteing, no brine or marinade and it probably still would be very good.

>> No.16385831
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Have you never seen a tandoor or a beehive oven?
Metal ovens are compact- but loose a ton of heat.

>> No.16385838

yes i have, but im not that keen on living in an indian slum where the sud and smog strangulates me. plus there is no temperature control. are you unironically opting out of a normal oven for a homemade tandoor? please tell me anon, what other cool contraptions do you have in your house to save time and money?

>> No.16385850
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Veal back with rhubarb and red radish

Over 9000 ingredients, 4 hours preparing time, a dozen dirty plates, pans, knives and other kitchen stuff, costs 60 to 80 dollars depending how much normal or organic grown things you buy.

Kalbsrücken mit Rhabarber und Radieschen
Rezept für 4 Personen
4 Stück Kalbsrücken à 140 g
1 EL Sonnenblumenöl
20 ml Olivenöl
20 ml Sojasoße
½ Chili, fein geschnitten
etwas Zitronenabrieb
Pfeffer, Zucker, Salz
etwas grobes Meersalz

3 Stangen Rhabarber, geputzt
200 g Zucker
100 ml Wasser
50 g Tiefkühl-Himbeeren
40 ml Himbeeressig
40 ml Geflügelfond oder anderer Fond
10 ml Sojasoße
1 TL grober Senf
20 ml Olivenöl
20 ml Sonnenblumenöl
20 ml Rapsöl, nativ
Cayenne, Pfeffer, Salz

12 Radieschen, geputzt, gewaschen
Rapsöl nativ
1 Spritzer Himbeeressig

125 g Pumpernickel
20 ml Rapsöl, nativ

getrocknete Kornblumen

>> No.16385852
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Eine Grillpfanne erhitzen. Kalbsrückenstücke mit Sonnenblumenöl, Salz, Pfeffer und Zucker einreiben. Das Olivenöl mit Sojasoße, Chili und Zitronenabrieb verrühren. Den Kalbsrücken kurz auf beiden Seiten in einer Grillpfanne anbraten lassen, dann im Olivenölgemisch wälzen und anschließend auf einem vorgewärmten Teller ruhen lassen. Vor dem Anrichten mit grobem Meersalz würzen.

Wasser mit dem Zucker zu Läuterzucker aufkochen. Rhabarber in Stücke schneiden. Diese in eine Auflaufform schichten und Himbeeren und Läuterzucker darüber geben. Die Form mit Klarsichtfolie und Alufolie überziehen oder auf andere Art gut abdecken und im Backofen bei 150 Grad ca. 8 Minuten weich garen. Nach dem das Rhabarbergemüse weich ist, den Saft abgießen und 100 ml abmessen. Danach mit den restlichen Zutaten eine lauwarme Marinade herstellen.

Vier Radieschen fein hobeln und in Eiswasser einlegen. Die restlichen Radieschen halbieren und mit den restlichen Zutaten marinieren. Vor dem Anrichten auch die gehobelten Radieschen aus dem Wasser nehmen und mit der Marinade anmachen.

Alle Zutaten in einen Mixer geben und den Pumpernickel zu einer feinen Erde mixen.

getrocknete Kornblumen

Kalbsrückenscheiben mit dem Rhabarberdressing und den Radieschen auf Tellern anrichten und mit Pumpernickelerde bestreuen. Wer möchte, mit den angegebenen Zutaten garnieren.

Guten Appetit wünscht Ihnen Alexander Huber!

>> No.16385856
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My alternative
2 whole fresh chickens á 1200-1400 g or corn feeded poulards (Maispoularde) á 1400-1400 g, costs from 2x $5 to 2x $8
1 can of ready mix poultry seasoning like Ostmann Brathähnchengewürz, $2
1 big bag of frozen french fries for oven baking, $5
tomatoes for garnish, $3

Clean chickens, season it with the spice mix, put it on 2 vertical chicken roasters, broil it in the oven at 175° for 45 to 55 min, depending on the chicken size. Add the french fries on a different baking sheet 20 minutes before serving. Cut the chickens in half, put it on 4 plates, add fries and tomato slices. Eat.

>> No.16385862

>Ug, Cooking requires skills
>Grog no have skill
>Grog can no cook mammoth for lady
>Grog will always be lonely
>Grog blame chefs for having skills instead of improving self.

>> No.16385868

cringe how people are trying their hardest to go against your point, I think the core of your argument is right for the most part, like obviously techniques need to be learned and understood in order for you to carry them over but weissman, ramsey, etc are guilty of doing so. Recently though I feel like bigger youtubers are becoming more aware of this and are making it more approachable for layman to get started

>> No.16385918

Lmao OP is samefagging support for his retarded thread. Super cringe!

>> No.16385960

I would rather keep all my expensive kitchen tools- but my point is that as OP said,chefs over-complicate things.
Quality ingredients, simply preparation, simple presentation.
The harder you try the harder you will fail.

>> No.16386047

>> 3 frying pans
>> 40 ingredients

> simple meal

You have a funny definition of a simple meal.

> Nothing takes 6 hours to fucking cook,

I can assure you there are dishes that take longer. I had an early 19h century cookbook, intended for noblehouses employing a whole crew of kitchen servants - directions for a pastry including creaming butter, sugar and a whole bunch of spices fior 24 hours.

I'd like to see you make that.

I can make a simple meals just fine. I can do pretty advanced too, 4 hours including about 2 of active work and 2 of occasional attention. I did a couple, decided the effect is not worth the effort. It seems, though, that your cooking knowledge doesn't extend past hot-dogs and scrambled eggs.

>> No.16386058

No, I have an intelligent, interesting work, hobbies, and enough income to afford good meals at restaurants. Seems like for poorfags like you cooking from scratch is the only way to afford something better than macdonalds.

>> No.16386109

I'm far too lazy, ugly, unskilled, unmotivated, and uncharismatic, but now you have me wondering if a YouTube channel showing things to actually cook at home would be good.

Like I loath Tasty because those recipes clearly are not designed to be eaten. They're designed so you see the video and think "that's neat" and share it but never cook it. America's test kitchen is great, but way too finicky. I don't want to dirty five pots and take two hours to make dinner for two.

>> No.16386138

I got an instant pot a few weeks back, and I admit I did pre sautee the meat, but It was basically that yeah.

>> No.16386145

Man, if I went back to the middle ages, I think being a pastry chef in a castle would be the best. Everyone always wants to be a knight or a blacksmith.

>> No.16386316

stop blaming other people for your incompetence

>> No.16386335

damn thats a BIG projection based on someone not wanting to cook meals with long preptime lol.

>> No.16386395
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Beans belong in soup or chili not at the breakfast table

>> No.16386401

Why wouldn't beans belong at the breakfast table? Complex carbohydrates and extra protein make them an ideal breakfast food

>> No.16386428

First sentence is a enough. Swap the word "people" for "me" and you realize you're a fucking moron.

>> No.16386435

Keep these bean recipes coming

>> No.16386455

tv chefs = fags, like mods. Next thread.

>> No.16386462

Not at the table