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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 84 KB, 665x355, Independent-reveals-new-range-of-sandwiches[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16382651 No.16382651 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me about pre-packed sandwiches

>> No.16382655

dont eat them

>> No.16382662

What's wrong with them nigger?

>> No.16382681

>additional layers of transportation and storage where food can spoil but not be visible
>trusting minimum wage employees at the gas station/market you're buying this garbage at to properly rotate and store the sandwiches
At least with fresh food you can usually visible tell that something is bad.

>> No.16382697

I really love the ham and cheese triangle ones.

>> No.16382698

use to work in a petrol station. Can confirm. Sandwiches come in in the morning, and should go straight on. But if your supervisor was a lazy fuck, they'd be left in a hallway.

>> No.16382708

Not to mention expired shit. My sister worked part time at a 7/11 and she was the only one that ever took out expired sandwiches. The other people would cover up the best by dates with price stickers

>> No.16382711

sandwiches are the easiest lunch to make your self no reason to buy one in a gas station

>> No.16382712

They're tasty. Don;t listen to these Anons >>16382655

>> No.16382719

Worst sandwich I ever had was a chicken salad sandwich from CVS at 3AM in Las Vegas. Only place open. Wow - what a horrible decision.

>> No.16382720

Wait can Americans really not have premade sandwiches without them going rotten? They're everywhere in the UK, pretty much a staple of peoples lunches, and I've never had one that was spoiled

>> No.16382731

>Sandwiches come in in the morning
Nice larp retard, but the sandwiches come in frozen in a case and are stocked from the freezer in back.

>> No.16382734

I think the main problem is that spoilage would be hidden by all the added shit (salt, spices, etc) that would prevent you from detecting moderate spoilage.

Not to mention it's going to be more expensive than just going to the deli and buying your own shit

>> No.16382747

>I think the main problem is that spoilage would be hidden by all the added shit (salt, spices, etc) that would prevent you from detecting moderate spoilage.
Why not just make them with whole, fresh ingredients like the UK?

>> No.16382751

I'd rather have a buffalo to take a diarrhea dump in my ear than eat one of those

>> No.16382752

Americans haven't actually figured out use-by dates, so it'd get a bit confusing

>> No.16382767

>Americans haven't actually figured out use-by dates, so it'd get a bit confusing
Really, what do they do instead?

>> No.16382775

When I was at university I spent the summer working on a factory that made them for the high-end supermarkets. If I eat one three days, I never go near ones with egg in them. That shit is rank.

>> No.16382781

The veggies have always gone totally to shit because they've been frozen and thawed multiple times, especially the lettuce
if you can get one from say, the walmart delli with JUST the bread and cold cuts, and add your own veggies and sauce, it's alright, but if you're doing that why not just make the sandwich yourself

>> No.16382787

i like em

>> No.16382792

>sainsbury's £3.50 meal deal now encompasses 500ml full sugar coke and cakes
Fuck me lads
Save me from myself

>> No.16382794

we don't have use by dates really. the dates on our shit are like, the MINIMUM time for something to spoil a little, not even to the point where it can't be eaten. They are NOT for the consumer to know when the food is safe until- they're rules for how long a store is allowed to try and sell it.

Yes, that _does_ mean hilarious amounts of edible food go straight in the dumpster at every supermarket every day

>> No.16382803

It's still bullshit, Going over £3 is stupid. The most expensive part is a fucking sandwich, which costs them fuckall to make, it's pure greed.

They're enticing you with some slightly better things that they'll slowly take away, meaning it'll be exactly the same as it was at £3 until they increase it to £4. Also, since when was a full bottle of coke not part of a meal deal? What the fuck?

>> No.16382812

Don't most stores also coat all the dumpster food in bleach purely to spite the homeless or whatever?

>> No.16382816

Used to be that only diet drinks were included, at least around here

>> No.16382828

its the same in the uk, there's use by dates and sell by dates but both are basically legal protection in case a retard tries to sue. almost everything i eat is pasted its date by the time i eat it, last week i eat some lasagna sheets that were dated best before 2019, they were fine. a coconut on its date however gave to the squirts for 3 days

>> No.16382834
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Not my problem

>> No.16382848
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he has fat hands for a non-fat guy

>> No.16382857

Huh, they've always had both near me. Are you in london or something?

>> No.16382862

Not all, but many. Clothing stores will cut up clothes they're throwing out because they couldn't sell too. America hates nothing more than poor people

That's a deli sandwich, pretty different. That's still been sitting there a few hours and the vegetals will all be wilted to hell, but VERY edible

>> No.16382868

When I toiled in the grocery mines, we had a free table for the employees for the food that was unsellable but still edible. After the employees got first pick, anything left over was stacked beside the dumpster to prevent diving. We were in a high traffic area in a university town with tons of homeless, yet we prevented lots of hassle that way. I've heard that the bigger chains do this, but seems like they're just inviting bums to shit/piss everywhere more than they normally do out of spite.

>> No.16382883

If somebody gets hurt on somebody's property, like while trespassing or attempting to rob them, they can sue the homeowner in many cases.

In stores' cases, they make the food inedible so that homeless people won't try to eat now-spoiled food, get sick, and then sue the company.
>Clothing stores will cut up clothes they're throwing out because they couldn't sell too.
That's more because they don't want their brand to become associated with poor people, thus driving their market value down. If a bunch of poor people were wearing balenciaga clothes they fished out of a dumpster, rich people wouldn't be willing to pay $1000 for a pair of sweatpants

>> No.16382890

why do humans like to poison each other?

>> No.16382914

morrisons has the best meal deal. they've got fancy drinks like starbucks or coconut water, sandwiches from their premium range are included and it still costs £3

>> No.16382924

>Co-op keep all the good sandwiches out of the meal deal
>Not even the wraps are included
At least Sainsburys have finally realised they fucked up by taking most of the stuff out of the deal.

>> No.16382929

I don't even know why you'd bother if you're a low level employee. Like what benefit are you getting out of doing that off your own back?

If you actually like the fancy expensive drinks and aren't just getting them to get the biggest discount, Boots usually has the best selection of those. If you want something that's not a sandwich though, like a pasta or a salad Tesco ones are usually the best. The tesco Caesar salad I had a couple months ago was genuinely better than one I had as an appetizer in a local restaurant

>> No.16382947

I went for a sainsburys meal deal a few months ago, grabbed three things from what was allegedly the meal deal section, scanned it and it came to like a fiver. The wagie told me that none of those things were in the meal deal

It wasn't even great stuff, it was a tuna and sweetcorn sandwich, a thing of chicken satay things with dip and some drink. I had to get just a tuna sandwich, get one of the three crisp flavours and get a can, because bottles aren't allowed. Shit sucked and put me off for life

>> No.16382954

>Tesco ones are usually the best
my local fuckers no longer do their chicken honey mustard pasta, bastards.

>> No.16383125

What pricks, that's the best one. The Southern fried chicken one is okay, but it's not as good as the honey one

>> No.16383143

Have you ever tried roadkill skunk? I hear it goes fantastic with rolling rock beer.

>> No.16383147

I remember an episode of how it's made and half of the people on the production line for some of these sandwiches weren't wearing gloves

>> No.16383185

Weird question but does anybody know why only tesco can get their chicken and bacon sandwiches right? Theres something missing from every other supermarkets, maybe if i work out what it is i can replicate it at home.

>> No.16383193

I mean if you don't notice when you're eating it who cares?

>> No.16383220

To be fair, britain is way way better at pre cooked meals than anywhere else i've ever been, it's not just america. Everywhere else in the world ready meals are like, an inherently depressing thing for losers, britain is the only place where they have like the names of chefs on the front and are made with quality ingredients. I think it's because the average person in britain has like a burning pasta level of cooking ability.

>> No.16383302

I don't buy the co-op ones because they need salt, I'd imagine if you made it yourself at home it would be fine because you'd salt the chicken before you roasted it.

>> No.16383352

According to my grandma, Ready meals started appearing in the 60s, when divorces started becoming more common, meaning men who had never cooked before were suddenly having to either learn, or eat out constantly. So after everyone realized they were awful, they got worked on and worked on for nearly 60 years until today, where you can now pop down to a shop and get a genuinely decent meal (not like 10/10, but 6/10 for sure) if you don't microwave it and follow the instructions

I've genuinely had a frozen lasagna that's better than one I've had at a restaurant. Presumably I like the taste of horse

>> No.16383353

Washed hands are just as clean as gloves, and they can pick their asses with the gloves on if they are so inclined

>> No.16383389

This thread is interesting to me because I never realized before that buying these is such a common thing in the UK, here they're mostly just found at gas stations and 7-11s and you only buy them if like, you're drunk and nothing else is in walking distance, or you're almost to work and realize you forgot to bring a lunch

>> No.16383424

oh yeah obviously it'll be way better homemade no matter what i do, but i just can't place what it is about those tesco ones that makes it all tie together.

>> No.16383438

they are usually pretty dope but i would only buy them at busy places or places that turn over inventory relatively quick.
check the dates you faggots, im not just talking about sandwiches but literally any perishable things you buy. also pretty sure a company that makes thousands of sandwiches a day knows how to make them keep well over time.
wouldnt this just result in more bums camping out waiting for the easy pickings?

>> No.16383457

yeah when i went to the us and one of the biggest culture shock moments was like, going to the corner shop expecting something like this to be available and having one of the worst food experiences of my life. The food situation in the US in general is dire. Not that there isn't good food, it exists it's just really not readily available, especially fresh ingredients.

>> No.16383468

It's common among the office drones. During the pandemic, entire stores closed down because the office people weren't visiting 5 days a week to buy their lunch

I usually preferred making my own sandwich though. I'd get a small, footlong baguette and some nice sandwich meat, or make egg mayo with bacon or something, a multipack of crisps and a thing of drinks, and it was always cheaper than a mealdeal daily. Plus I didn't have to waste 10 minutes of my lunch buying something. Everyone was always really jealous, eating their limp sandwich but it's not like I was performing witchcraft or anything, they could easily do it if they could tear themselves away from the TV

>> No.16383489

Having been to the UK I can absolutely say they take that shit seriously and you can get some seriously good sandwiches there. My favorite one was like, the all day breakfast one they had that was egg, bacon and sausage with ketchup. There was a really good chicken salad one too, the meat was actual identifiable slices of chicken breast. It was weird after being used to soggy, shitty ham sandwiches at gas stations

I guess the smallness of the nation means you can get anywhere in the UK in a day, so their stuff is bound to be much fresher because of that. Meanwhile it could have taken a week for that sandwich to get to whatever small city you're in

>> No.16383497

liquid ingredient will dissolve the bun by the time you buy it. just make one yourself or get a fresh one made in the deli

>> No.16383523

The UK has a decent but weird selection (I landed late and didn't have many options near my hotel). In the US, I don't mind buying these from the grocery store, but I won't touch them at a gas station. I got sick eating one as a kid.

>> No.16383529

>wouldnt this just result in more bums camping out waiting for the easy pickings?
It actually sent them on their way quicker, plus they sort of self-policed any bad apples so as not to fuck up their gravy train. We had about a dozen regulars that stored their meager belongings in a safe spot in the back corner of the property and they weeded out the schizos pretty quickly.

>> No.16383590

your nana is a lying cunt, I'm sorry to tell you. ready meals starred to appear in the UK in the 80s. before that there were only these things called vesta meals which were honest to god more knob ache than cooking. you had to deep fry shit

>> No.16383675

Most of our food is imported still. Just in time supply chains mean you can get fresh food from anywhere in the world to anywhere else in the world if theres enough demand for it.

>> No.16383685

not anymore chief

>> No.16383697

Any other Bongs noticed the sandwich/pasta salad/sushi/etc. selections are really limited at the moment? Or is it just my shitty Tesco?

>> No.16383704

I think they are all still doing the reduced menu bullshit

>> No.16383715

I've noticed it too, plus a bunch of new like prepackaged salads that are clearly designed to use a limited supply of ingredients. I do the ordering at work and a bunch of our lab supplies are having supply issues too. Combination of brexit and covid has completely fucked the supply chains of everything.

>> No.16383725

it's mostly about them including their premium range of sandwiches/meals in their deal but i can't lie getting a drink costing almost £2.5 feels great. never actually had the boots one, have i've been missing on something? it also largely depends on location. i currently live in central london and rarely bother to buy any meal deals because you get like 5 sandwiches or drinks to choose from

>> No.16383731

i usually just go to supermarkets a few hours after the launch rush hour and pick up discounted sandwiches for half the price

>> No.16383733

brexit innit. salad veg comes mostly from Europe, same for fish and just about everything else. When the regulations actually get enforced the UK is going to be pretty fucked in terms of food. Still there'll be more Australian beef at three times the price so say thank you to fatty Johnson and his public school bumchums for whatever small mercies they throw your way.

>> No.16383743

Vesta meals was what she was on about. They were out in 1961, I think and some were ballaches but others were just standard "stick in oven, serve". Mostly the ones that were bland curries and boiled rice

>> No.16383751

Boots meal deals are alright, but it being boots and thus mostly the domain of women, you're not gonna get a triple breakfast sandwich there. Some of them are more diet options, but there's usually something good. As I said before though the drinks are the main draw. I've seen some in the meal deal that individually cost more than the meal deal itself

>> No.16383806

here is an incredibly depressing video on them being made.

>> No.16383843

>Australian beef at three times the price
I thought the issue was that they would undercut British beef?
Need to get the attack lines down properly mr remainer

>> No.16383941

>they sort of self-policed any bad apples
that is actually kind of hilarious and good to know if i ever need to weaponize bums to deal with other bums.

>> No.16383967
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>a bloo bloo muh tories
You aren't very smart are you? Mate the tories wasted millions printing leaflets telling you to stay in the EU, you're an establishment cuck

>> No.16383975

Did you mean to quote this instead? >>16383733

>> No.16384169

anyone complaining about Tories is just proving they're too fucking young to even remember just how awful it was living under Labour

>> No.16384190

Awesome /ck subject. I eat them with a big bottle of chocolate mile when on the road. If at home wouldn't even consider.

>> No.16384283

My city's still a majority Labour council, has been longer than I've been alive, and they're utter shite. They keep getting given piles of money they spend on literally everything but the mass transport system they've been saying they've wanted for 40 years or so. They can't run the local NHS services if their own lives depended on it, which they probably do. Yeah NHS issues are generally nationwide problem but I've never heard anyone elsewhere in the country suffer the levels of idiocy the administrative systems here do. The leader before the current one consistently did fuck all of note but was regularly pasted on the local news every time someone reasonably influencial in the opposition needed to "scrutenise" the Tories, she pissed off to London go be a peer in the House of Lords a year or so back too. Tories are no saints but Labour are really something else.
I'd like to stay on topic but there aren't many ways I can tie this back into prepackaged sandwiches.

>> No.16384302

in the UK they have dates on them.

>> No.16384307

Underrated especially in my area. Some of them are processed hot shit and taste like nothing, but a local company started supplying subs, sandwiches, donair, veggie/fruit plates and they're a proper meal and handmade.

>> No.16384329

The date isn't the issue. The issue is the minimum wage loser stuck working overnight shifts (when the deliveries usually come in) generally isn't going to care about food safety, keeping it at the right temperature, etc. They just want to finish their overnight shift (the only job they can get) and go home to smoke meth.

>> No.16384344

Looks like that's what they've sold you fella. A date. They know all they sold ya was a guaranteed piece of shit. That's all it is, isn't it? Hey, if you want me to take a dump in a box and mark it guaranteed, I will. I got spare time.

>> No.16385155
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>others were just standard "stick in oven, serve". Mostly the ones that were bland curries and boiled rice
nah, they were more like a complicated MRE with loads of sachets of freeze dried crap in them. They were marketed as a night off for mum and a way to feed the family something a bit "foreign" rather than something for lonely men to eat in their bedsit. Your gran's theory is just pure bullshit, soz

>> No.16385165

they are so loaded with preservatives that they can sit in the "cold deli items" open fridge at your supermarket or convienence store for like a month

I went to the supermarket today and they had sandwiches that are sealed in plastic with expiration dates in august

real bakery bread starts getting mold spots after 5 days even if its chilled and sealed in plastic

>> No.16385166
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>> No.16385187

Buying bread, meat, cheese, tomatoes, onions, lettuce, mayo - that would cost like $70. I'd rather just buy one rather than slice up onions and tomatoes myself.

>> No.16385357

Lmao i had this exact same experience after getting released from the ER in NYC.

>> No.16385452

You see people both saying in this thread "they've gone bad" and "they have too many preservatives to go bad" at the same time. This should tell you that they're probably just taking a piss.
Like the rest of this site honestly.

>> No.16385537
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sup Cali /ck/ anon, I agree these are the absolute value right now. They’re not bad, particularly if you take off all cold ingredients, nuke it for 45 sec, then add the cold stuff back plus spicy mustard and mayo.

HOWEVER, the Indian food microwave game at certain Safeways has improved tremendously. Some of them are satisfying as fuck. Make sure to nuke +1 minute minimum.

>> No.16385576

The ones Weggie's makes are good, the rest are medicore to literal food poison tier!

>> No.16385769

aldi is best big bacon pasta sald pot (massive) 1.49 drink aroun 24-75p depending on what you want all sandwiches 99p. 60p for 6 bags of crisps pretty any biscuits chocolate from 30p to a pound

>> No.16385788

>Like what benefit are you getting out of doing that off your own back?
The satisfaction of not being a piece of shit.

>> No.16385796

Oh I meant why would you bother hiding that the sandwiches had expired if you're just a normal employee? I guess I could see the point if you owned the store but why would you bother doing that if you're just a wagie?

>> No.16385797
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There weren't other places open in Vegas at 3AM?

>> No.16385803
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>> No.16385812

>Meat in tomato sauce
Not sure why this was such a big deal. They probably shouldnt've advertised it as lasagna but it's not a horrific combination of fillings or anything.

>> No.16385855

Reminder that Boots has the best meal deal.

>> No.16385988

I mean who hasn't made a lasagna sandwich with bread and leftovers? I think it's just people being snobby and too full of themselves to let others know they don't always eat gourmet meals at home

>> No.16385993

I really like pre-made egg, cress and mayo sandwiches.
They always taste better than when I try make them myself.

>> No.16385994

try a steak and caramelised onion chutney one from waitrose

>> No.16386001

Lol, this faggot things every shop in the entire world does things the same way.

Try harder

Just because americans don't have standards, dosen't mean other countries don't either

>> No.16386003

Which is?

>> No.16386008

It's hard to tell what you're asking here

>> No.16386016

>boots has the best meal deal
>which is?

"wtf ru asking mate? what is this riddle i see before me?!"

Quite clearly asking you what the "best meal deal" is from boots

>> No.16386021

How the fuck is that 70$ you lazy bitch

>> No.16386036

The same as everywhere else, sandwich, snack, drink for £3.

But the selection is much bigger.

>> No.16386076

clearly a troll

>> No.16386083
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>> No.16386434

I eat Sheetz Egg Salad Sandwiches all the time, you just need to find a gas station or convenience store that actually has or specializes in a made to order food option so you know they have the facilities and space for proper food prep and refridgeration.

>> No.16386459

They always seem to taste like shit but i had a decent one in the Netherlands once

>> No.16386471

It's just weird to call it a lasagna sandwich when it doesn't contain any of the pasta named "lasagna". You might as well call it a penne sandwich.

>> No.16386503

It looks like there might be a layer of the pasta in it, but I'm not sure if it's just extra cheese or not.

>> No.16386609

Nah there's pasta in it, according to the description


You can sort of see it between the meat and bechamel layer

>> No.16386704

the risk of getting written up/fired if you don't. Or just not knowing better because the education system is garbage.

>> No.16386789

I mean what something's marketed as and who actually uses it is very different. Buckfast Abbey wine is made by monks and advertised as a good way to unwind after work. It's primarially consumed by underage drinkers in scotland

>> No.16386809

>Tell me about pre-packed sandwiches
Very rare occasions, they are decent. I've seen them prepped for hospital self-service cafeterias for serving during off-hours, and they're very well made.
Starbucks does a great job with the egg salad/pumpernickel arugula sandwich, and they have tags that show expiration dates.
My university delivered sandwiches to a remote machine in my building daily, and it was just enough, like 6-10 only, and they went quick. It was one of those smartly stocked machines that had V8, yogurts with mix-ins, whole fruit and other good items that are beyond the usual salty chips and candy bars.

>> No.16386989

>more calories than 600ML of beer
why not just have a beer?

>> No.16386999

I'll get the egg salad occasionally at work. It's okay in a pinch but I cringe at the guys who buy that shit every day.

>> No.16387093

These sandwiches taste like shit and they are an utter waste of time. I understand convenience but it literally takes a minute and a half to make one and another half minute to pack it in a resealable bag.

>> No.16387136

It's frowned upon at work, though to be honest, as long as you're not working with machinery or something having a pint at lunch isn't considered a fireable offence in the UK

>> No.16387294
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Pic related are actually decent but only found in the Kingdom of France

>> No.16387322

no, your grandma is just wrong. or senile.

>> No.16387373

most companies will fire you for it.

>> No.16387383

Fish fuck in em

>> No.16387387

only if you work some minimum wage job in retail or something.

>> No.16387417

Such a convenient way for the store to get rid of wilted lettuce and soggy ass tomatoes.

>> No.16387423

Frankly I don't know why you have such a weird insistence that it's absolutely impossible that a single man could possibly assemble a meal from a box of instructions, and it absolutely must have been eaten by a smiling family with 2.4 children

>> No.16387427

You do realise most people in food prep don't wear gloves because they give people a false sense of security.

>> No.16387452

>salad veg comes mostly from Europe
This is probably bullshit. Britain is basically a big strip of fertile farmland.

>> No.16387501

>A jizz of mayonnaise

>> No.16387510

Not him but no, the UK doesn't produce enough of salad veg specifically internally to cover the demand, especially not off season. This has been dealt with regarding Brexit though.

>> No.16387514

The king died
get over it

>> No.16387522
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They’re gay

>> No.16387535
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This and the sweet chilli wraps are good.
also, inb4 seething meatfags.

>> No.16387574

I don't understand why you're simping so hard for your grandma that you can't accept that what she told you is just bullshit. Ready meals in the UK did not develop as a response to increased divorce rates in the 60s. She's talking fucking shit.

>> No.16387888

>take veggies off
>broil sub open-faced in the oven
>put the decent veggies back on and maybe new ones
Wala. An amazing deal.

>> No.16387918

Cold gas station sandwiches are too sketch for me but I wouldn't think twice about buying a pizza slice or a hot sandwich/burger at a gas station.

>> No.16387937
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They're based. I often get these from the vendatron at work

>> No.16387948
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Just don't get em at a gas station and you're good.

>> No.16387982

I bought a Jimmy John's when I was drunk and it sat in my hotel room for a week still looking the same as when I bought it. That shit is all preservatives.

>> No.16387992

What of my favorite episodes from any show think about it every time I see a sandwich gas station

>> No.16388066

Not keto friendly.
Full of carbs
Sauces are full of sugar
that alone should be enough reason to avoid at all cost.

>> No.16388078

>Not keto friendly.
How long will you be shitting up /ck/ while you're b& from /fat/?

>> No.16388085

Shut up carbtard. Your brain is literally rotted from your sugar addiction.

>> No.16388118

Why do people always spread this meme? They do it with the McDonald's experiment too

Any cooked or cured meat, including burger patties and cold cuts, is unlikely to show any visible signs of decay when left out for long periods, and it's not at all uncommon for bread to show no visible mold either, if you leave it out it's actually less likely to get moldy or rotten, since moisture is what breeds these things. It will show more signs of decay if kept in the bag and/or refrigerated

If you don't believe me, make a homemade burger or sandwich yourself and leave it out for a month and marvel at the frankenfood you just assembled out of two pieces of bread and an all-beef patty


>> No.16388141
File: 124 KB, 912x960, 443D0911-EA1D-4C85-A6C6-B58494BCF3CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only ones I’ve had that aren’t complete shit are rayberns

>> No.16388162

They're big business in the UK. Sandwich vans will go around town and sell to office workers. They sell hot food and make coffee too, like a Starbucks on wheels

>> No.16388276

America has shit education, what do you expect? Most Americans are fueled by mom pop science blogs to tell them about stuff.

>> No.16388943

Other anon here. You seem very insistent that his grandma is wrong and you even seem confused as to why an anon would believe his grandmother and his own google that supports his grandmother's claims other than a belligerent anon on the internet. You're very focused on his grandmother, anon, even more focused on the actual topic of discussion. Do you have some kind of autism?

>> No.16388951

why do ketofags always look like fat pieces of shit?

>> No.16389935

Fugg, what I'd do for a Waitrose prawn sandwich, Pot Noodle, pack of pickled onion Monster Munch and prawn cocktail skips. Thank Christ I don't like in the UK. Unlike American junk food, the British stuff is legitimately good. Unfortunately I'm in Germany surrounded by crisplets.

>> No.16389942
File: 238 KB, 720x720, 1616046288074.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aren't they made by prisoners or disabled people

>> No.16389946

For all the shit British cuisine gets (and it's fair, what you'd actually define as /cuisine/ isn't great) the crisps are pretty top-tier. The continent (esp. France, Belgium, Germany) has better supermarket chocolates and stuff along those lines though.
>aren't they made by prisoners or disabled people
Nikocado doesn't make packaged sandwiches, no.

>> No.16390372

The ones at the shop near me only have shelf lives of about 3-4 days and by the 4th day they're always starting to go a bit dry.

>> No.16390402
File: 197 KB, 900x861, Sandwich_Salami_-_Edamer-Kaese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like these.

>> No.16390822

>sandwiches are the easiest lunch to make yourself.
My cup of coffee and pack of cigarettes begs to differ.

>> No.16390829

I once ate a sandwich from a gas station that tasted like nail polish, never again

>> No.16390842
File: 17 KB, 360x480, adcuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen, east coaster faggot, just because its moist and wet as hell for you doesn't make it the same for everybody. I get a good loaf of unjewed sourdough, it lasts for a good long while merely sitting and sealed in its bag on top of my fridge. Adding chilled and sealed tightly, now that is a good combination.

>> No.16390971

They're never seasoned.
A little salt and pepper makes them miles better, and if appropriate a little lemon juice.

>> No.16390977
File: 1.85 MB, 4032x3024, 34EA2E01-C0CF-432E-B7CA-2DC0C24BDA40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got all of those for free today, are ya jealous lads

>> No.16390994

Are those smoked salmon and cream cheese? Are they any good? I used to like that flavour from M&S but then I became a poorfag and stopped shopping there.

>> No.16390996

I've not noticed any difference.
Ive always been able to get everything.

>> No.16391218

they're not you

>> No.16391958

i always thought kip was such a sweet word

>> No.16391970

Based freegan