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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 379 KB, 1512x2016, azbrandy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16378986 No.16378986 [Reply] [Original]

Liquor/booze/spirits thread, what are you drinking?
To my surprise, this stuff turned out to be really solid. This is basically American Armagnac.

>> No.16378991

If the keyboard is any indication, you need to have sex, incel.

>> No.16378998

He needs to remain chaste.
Is it a local place to you or just something you picked up?

>> No.16379006

Bushmills/Weihenstephaner lager

>> No.16379007

Another night another bottle of Popov

>> No.16379029


>> No.16379050

Having Jack Daniels Rye...enjoy ryes but wouldn't buy the JD version again - a bit too sweet for my tastes.

>> No.16379119

Im in AZ so I consider it local. They also sell a couple of bourbons, an 80 proof for $57 and a 100 proof for $130. That's ridiculous pricing for some little craft distiller, they shouldn't be cutting a $100+ bottle with any water. According to the guy at Total they have mixed reviews to boot. I had low expectations for the brandy but it is good for $37

It's not my favorite either but it's not bad at all.

>> No.16379236
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1.75l faggot here.
>sober for about two and a half months except for a few minis every couple weeks
>me and gf decide to celebrate a good week (workwise/ relationshlpwise/ things with friends/ exercising regimens)
>buy a handle
>fuckup.exe engaged
>go on a week long handle/day bender
>realize I fucked up, bad
>sweat and shake it out with the help of some benzos and anti seizure meds (thank fucking christ) for about a week
>holed up in my home like a cave
>finally feeling okay
>drink some kratom and some benzos
>decide to clean my entire house
>remove everything from kitchen
>whole scrub down with industrial degreaser
>kitchen looks perfect
>do this with every other room in my house
>brushing my dog before I vacuum
>gf is doing folding/ laundry
I’m gonna move my giant U shaped couch and clean under it for the first time in years my dudes
I fucking broke, but things are looking up, m80’s.

>> No.16379244

It’s a little difficult to keep turning down all these fucking 4th of July things. I genuinely can’t fucking stand people when sober.
I know I would look like that anon in the corner meme.

>> No.16379376
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Just got a $5 tip, bought a couple pic related. When I get home it'll probably be some of the sam adams summer variety shit I bought last night, maybe some hofbrau out of the little 5L keg I got. tomorrow it'll be ston'e enjoy by july 4th edition.

>> No.16379517

>what are you drinking?

Glenfiddich 12 year Scotch and soda

>> No.16379803
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nothing for at least another week starting monday, waiting on a deposit for a bottle or two. having a soda makes me miss the sweetness, coffee makes me miss the slightly sour aspect, beer makes me want to die.

>> No.16379830
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Made 3 of these already with some jose cuervo

>> No.16379831
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I'm broke, so 2 litres of this garbage.

>> No.16379924

I went to the liquor store to get a "beer". Of course I got that, and a pint of vodka. As a seasoned alcoholic, of course I drowned that shit on the walk home with some Gatorade. With how I'm feeling right now, I'm wondering why I ever stopped in the first place. Of course the hospital trips, and losing everything was bad.. but bros. I'm probably going on another 2 week bender. I'll have withdrawal of course, but as long as I dont slip in to dts I'm good.

>> No.16379936
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>make excuse to myself and friends that it's fine because I only drink every 2nd day or so
>even though I usually drink around 40 beers/2 bottles of vodka/6 bottles of wine equivalent on that day
How do you get hospitalized for it? I've been sent to the hospitals over injuries sustained while drunk, but never from the alcohol itself.

though last year I did get severe withdrawal syndrome and temporary psychosis that lasted about 2 weeks, even hearing a truck horn would send me into a 3 hour long anxiety attack (i lived on a main road, too). good luck lad, but you should seriously stop and re-evaluate your life if the alcohol itself is harming you.

>> No.16379942

Take the vodka pill anon

>> No.16379948

In Australia, the cheapest bottle of vodka is $30. I'm russian/magyar diaspora so I've always been around it anyways, right down to homebrew vodka that was like 70% abv. I love vodka but it's way more pricey than wine here.

>> No.16379955

That sucks. In the US, cheap vodka is 6 dollars for 750 ml. How strong is the stuff that you're drinking?

>> No.16379962

Thank you for the advice my friend, though I've been a heavy drinker since 17, alcoholic since 21, and am now 37. I had a very solid chance at life, and fucked it with liquor. It certainly doesnt matter how heavily you drink if you have even 24 hours in between. It is drinking 24/7 that sends you to withdrawal and eventually full blown DTs (had them twice), which come from months of drinking with very little food. The more you go through withdrawal, (even minor) it caused brain damage due to the kindling effect. If you are kindled, you will withdrawal even after two days in a row of drinking. For me, the DTs came late in my drinking career. A result of a fifth and a half of vodka a day, and somewhere around 1 real meal a week. Not to blog post, but too late. I still bleed out my asshole, even when sober. I have nerve damage, ticks, and short term memory loss. I'm almost certain I'm a legitimate retard now.

>> No.16379964

17.5%/28 standard drinks. My ex was American so I'm aware on how cheap shit can be there. I was pissed when she brought 2lb of whey isolate here that cost like $17USD when I pay like $60 for that. fug

>> No.16379968

That's still some pretty strong swill for wine. You should be able to catch a good buzz from it.

>> No.16379983

It's 2 litres, 67 oz for americans. I'm not sure how to translate that kinda shit so I use google. It's enough to floor most men.

>> No.16379994

Enjoy your night anon. That would fuck me up and I drink a bottle of vodka a day.

>> No.16380009

I'm this guy. I havent drank in a long time, so am buzzed and excited.. does anyone want to know what I remember from my DT story? It lasted like 4 days, but I remember some things very clearly. Not trying to derail the thread into al/ck/.. just feel like telling about it for anyone curious

>> No.16380024

First off, what's DT? but yes.

>> No.16380039

It is severe alcohol withdrawal. Have you ever been through mild withdrawal? The first 30 or so times, it might not be noticable. Maybe just a mild shake to the fingers and mild anxiety.. it really starts with heavy drinkers who are experimenting with just staying drunk all the time. They might notice they no longer get hangovers after drinking, but instead, they feel chipper the next day, even a bit better than they would sober. This is a serious danger zone that alcoholics fall for. Keep going with that, and you will soon be shocked with your first episode of minor withdrawal.. just curious if you've experienced any of this

>> No.16380051

Yes, I've had it on an extreme level, I replied to you originally about the alcoholic induced psychosis/withdrawals. just didn't know it was called DT or what DT stands for. I get shakes the day after no matter what, because I broke my spine while drunk once and had so much alcohol in my system that the white blood cells attacked the spot (C3) instead of healing it, causing me nerve issues. Happened when I was 24 after I drank a litre of 80% moonshine in a 2 hour span. They're controlled well though and I function normally unless I get hammered, the next day I can barely roll a cigarette for the first 2 hours I'm awake.

>> No.16380068

I see.. damn, I didn't know it was you. DT is short for Dilirium tremens. I'm sure that in your episodes of alcoholic hallucinosis, you likely had mild visual and auditory hallucinations that last for a short duration, but scared the hell out of you. DT's is when that shit gets so severe that your body cant handle it, and you go into a euphoric state, you heart is off the charts, and the hallucinations are so intense that they seem real. You literally act on them, not just jumping up and realizing it's in your head... they typically last 2 or 3 days and it was common to die from them before modern hospitals. I think mainly because the heart rate goes crazy

>> No.16380075
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Ardbeg uigeadail vs springbank 12

oogie was my fav for a long time by a wide margin, but going off smell, the springbank might be a contender.

>> No.16380100

Anyways, in short, I will green text my most intense experience with alcohol withdrawal that elevated to Dilirium
>be me, December of 2012
>drinking since march 2012 on serious fifth a day vodka binge
>last 3 months, couldn't eat food besides a meal a week, and sucking salt off pistachios to get salt off shell after a shot..just to rid the aftertaste. Like a chaser
>one week before entering detox/rehab, begin throwing up violently, can't keep down water, but somehow remain drunk enough to avoid heavy withdrawal
>day of going to detox
>nose feels like its literally going to fall off, entire ride there seemed surreal
>during intake, just shaking like mad, even though I thought I had drank enough to get me through to when they would give sedatives
>have to go downstairs to have interview with Dr. so he can sign off on meds that nurses can give me
>on way downstairs to doctor, hot 19 year old nurse is asking me about what I think about 2012 end of the world rumor
>shit makes me dizzy and trips me out, have to stop like 3 times on way downstairs, feeling like a faggot in front of the cutey
>self conciousness increases, can hardly see straight
Will continue

>> No.16380118

Physical too, I'd lay in bed with noise cancelling headphones in to block out any noise that would send me into an anxiety spiral and I started to feel like my mattress was moving in slow, relaxing waves. the whole situation was fucked up. but I can do nothing more than laugh with my mates over me trying to vacuum my floor and then going full batshit over the noise and running away from my own vacuum and telling my friend to go unplug it.
>on way downstairs to doctor, hot 19 year old nurse is asking me about what I think about 2012 end of the world rumor
Actually kind of fucked up, your mind was melted. She could have popped the jewish question too. Was it all public or private health?

>> No.16380133

>can see nurse cutey is aware that she somehow upset me
>in retrospect, should have just told her to shut up. It was a high quality rehab.
>go in to doctors office, she says "have fun in there"
>her words echo in my ears for literally 5 minutes, to the point that I cant hear what doctor is saying
>tell him to turn off his music
>he seems confused and ignores the request
>tell him I know he has a radio or something on, he looks back incredulously
>start smacking myself in face because I know I am going a bit crazy
>he calmly tells me what is happening to me, explains brain chemicals and GABA and shit like that. Explains drugs he approved during my stay, but I cannot possibly comprehend
>I just keep saying "give me anything!"
>hit nurse comes to get me, and takes me back upstairs to my room
>gives me vitals (blood pressure/pulse)
>she freaks the fucks out, runs to head nurses office
>hear frantic conversation behind the walls, (hearing is very elevated)
>she leads me back to my room down the hall
>head nurse comes back with handful of pills, tells me I have to take them now
>hands are shaking so bad I can't possibly take them, throat is so fucked up, cant swallow them (tear in esophogus)
>he watches me struggle for 2 minutes minutes, (seemed like 30), and asks "do you always shake this bad?"
>keep apologizing

>> No.16380168

It was a private healthcare place. Very nice in retrospect. I have been to very bad places while on Medicaid. Not sure if you are american. I'm assuming you are, you sound like one
>eventually get pills down
>2 minutes later, get paranoid about losing job
They allowed cellphones in this nice rehab, so I was tripping out trying to find put if there was any possible way I could keep my job. In the end, I was far too confused to even find the phone number
>go between laying in bed and walking around (private) room.. wondering if pills are taking any effect
>lay down and past failures are racing through my mind like crazy
>see mom crying in corner of room
>see wife crying with me, but offering me a shot to make me feel better
>head nurse comes in after what seemed like hours with strange lable-ess bottle of vodka
>tells me its "ok" now, I can have drink.
>I remember him saying, "no one is watching you. This is vodka and you can drink"
>take shot quickly, but it spews immediately out mouth
>nurse looks disappointed, almost scared.
>see the sadness in his face and associate it with mom and wife
>I remember dark circle, like slow moving solar eclipse go over nurses face, and now I couldn't see his face. It was a black circle laughing at me, much like Cheshire cat from Alice in wonderland

>> No.16380242

I'm too drunk to greentext, tolerance is low. Basically, what happened is when the nurse fully formed into the cat from alice in wonderland, with my mom and wife crying in the background, (of course hallucination) i just made the decision that i didn't care. In reality it took probably 5 minutes, but it seemed like a damn long time. Once I made the full decision to lay back and let whatever would happen happen, the nurse, and wife and my mom dissappeared instantly, and everything went black. but blacker than i've ever seen. i'd equate it to death, but i was concious, so not quite that.. but awfully close, it seemed like i was floating through space, just no stars and no hope.. just darkness. But a bit of quiet opera music was in the background, and they started just getting perverse with how loud they were singing, and it started to sound awful.. not sure how to describe it, but it led into a strange lecture from a voice just telling me i was on the wrong path, and that they could save me, and that repeated for what seemed like years... then i "woke up" and i was completely sober, completely aware of where i was and what my surrounding were. I felt at peace, but the worst part was yet to come.. it happened like literally 5 minutes later according to the people i stayed with
will continue.

>> No.16380257

Well, that's pretty fucking terrifying. I'm about halfway to the point or maybe a bit more that you were and I've started to notice when it's around my drinking time and I don't have any on hand, I start to feel an extreme disorienting feeling that compels me to get some vodka in me as soon as possible. I've been a daily drinker for the last 6 years. I don't know what will happen if I decide to abstain.

>> No.16380258
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Fucking based

>> No.16380295

Here is a tip that might be extremely important to you... If you ever find that a "curtain" is separating your from other humans, or even nature or the world in general, you are literally at the point of dilirium.. like you would be EXTREMELY depressed, like nothing they could ever teach in school books.. and just feel that you are no longer part of the human experience. like de-realization, dissassociation, but to serious degree. your comment made me feel that it is where you are.. perhaps. kek, i was about to go in to the actual DT experience, but now i am concerned about you

>> No.16380314

sorry, i'm drunk, and i think i've relapsed after many months of hard sobriety.. What i'm trying to say is.. if you feel very depressed losing reality shit.. (perhaps like life is a simulation)? or that it is such a hollow experience?? It is very hard to put that level of sadness and true knowing in to words, but I'm sure you know. You gotta get help my friend.. or at least lay off a bit.. if you simply cannot lay off, you MUST stay off hard liquor.. but if you are who I think you are, that won't work. My only possible advice is to just find something cool to do

>> No.16380355

>I was drunk to the point of barely existing but I remember this down to every detail

>> No.16380363

if you know serious drinking, i wasn't drunk. i was in a state of withdrawal from the moment i entered the rehab

>> No.16380369
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For me, it's Dick's

>> No.16380412

I've always felt hollow and have been going through the motions for my entire life. I don't feel anything really but alcohol provides me with a bit of enjoyment. However, my craving for it has become a physical need instead of a psychological want. I know that I should cut back but I suppose that the adverse effects have yet to outweigh the positive.

>> No.16380461

hmm, i think there is a pretty specific thing that happens when you feel completely apart from reality that goes with benzo and alchol withdrwawal alike.. not sure if you are in to literature at all, but Poe describes it well in fall of house of usher.. to end my story with DT, some angles flew me over my hometown in great detail, like a satellite image, flew me into the hospital, and flung me down the elevator shaft from the top floor. they said "your life starts again in 321" then i hit the floor, and i woke up. was completely sober and coherent.. but yes.. the negatives catch up on you quickly. you might think you have random aches in your stomach.. you might find out your liver is near failure. I'm not trying to scare you, kek.. it's just that i have all these problems.. the life and mental problems start a few years before the health problems. but there is just no stopping it, we are all flesh and bone

>> No.16380635

This sounds like gay shit lol. Go suck off Poe or something

>> No.16381466

getting blackout drunk is scary to me.......

i dont want to lay around sick or lose my conciousness

>> No.16381469

i crave alcohol all the time now but i feel like it somehow ruins every other activity.

the build up and anticipation to drinking feels better than drinking itself

>> No.16381471

I wanna make Long Island Ice Tea and have everything except the white tequila. I've never drank tequila, is it necessary?

>> No.16381484

>want to talk about booze
>alchys show up to ruin the parade crying about their DTs and how cool being sober is
This has become such a phenomena in the last three or four years. Fuck off already and go be mormon somewhere else.

>> No.16381520

they could live vicariously through other anons by sending them money instead *wink-wink*

>> No.16381544

weed is the shit

>> No.16382937
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Why are alcys such thread parasites? Not reading all that bullshit.

I was drinking laphroaig 10 last night, which is amazing stuff. Then i switched to corryvreckan and uigeadail and its almost funny how much better they are, I'm sure a lot of it is the proof. I don't think it's possible for whisky to be much tastier than this.
Haven't tried anything from sprinbank.

>> No.16383095

Recommend me some good drinks for straight shots please. Been liking limoncello shots lately so something like that

>> No.16383318

Fuck, now I want some calvados.

>> No.16383464

Based sociopath. Faking it and trying to care about others is annoying.

>> No.16383780

Drank a couple of litres of vodka, a bit of whiskey and some beers over the past like 4 days. Sober now but I feel fucking awful. Sucks how you go from feeling good and invincible to feeling like a bit of fragile glass in the span of a few hours

>> No.16383824
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Kraken and vanilla Coke. Nothing fancy

>> No.16383829

Oh man that was me two nights ago. I need a new bottle tho

>> No.16383840
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This on ice with some lime

>> No.16383864

cazadores reposado-style tequila & dark cherry diet-coke

>> No.16384014

wow is that mild withdrawal, I drink like a semi-pro, but i didn't realize i was swinging into the hole. \ i'm glad i saw this post

>> No.16384033

I was looking for one at walmart a few days ago but there was none for some reason.
It ruined my weekend.

>> No.16384038

>that keyboard
what's it like being a psychopath?

>> No.16384049

Jose cuervo is awful. At least buy hornitos or lunazul

>> No.16384057
File: 13 KB, 400x600, ci-alberta-premium-rye-whisky-1877aa96768726ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alberta Premium on the rocks.
100% rye. 100% makes me remember sitting on the porch with my dad

>> No.16384228

I wish i could enjoy time with my retired boomer, but he just annoys the piss out of me every single day.

>> No.16384242

I lucked out with my family, my dad converted to being a pothead when it got legalized in Canada. I used to like the stuff in college but now it gives me "the fear". So I just drink now.

Best generic advice I can give is take him to the driving range and let him pick the sound track for the drive their and back.

Bonus points for getting him hammered with diet coke and your beverage of choice prior

>> No.16384426

>I drank a litre of 80% moonshine in a 2 hour span.
with food?

>> No.16384427

Any good calvados you would recommend?

>> No.16384431


>> No.16384617

>Any good calvados you would recommend?

not that other guy, but I've found that Laird's 7 year old aged apple brandy is more palatable than Calvados, more true apple flavor notes seem to come through the Laird's

The Laird's is also about $10 cheaper

>> No.16384659

Those caps aren't actually blank. you can see the letters still.

>> No.16384696


>> No.16384813

Cyanide is a great brand. i had a beer aged in calvados barrels and will never forget that atrocity

>> No.16384846

>mixing scotch

>> No.16384863

>I like dicks
lol fag

>> No.16384881

This shit happens to me too when I'm withdrawing. I'll be in bed for a day then the next day I go on a fucking cleaning spree. Have my emergency valium so i don't drop dead

>> No.16384898
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drinking peronis while ive got some chicken in tomato sauce braising in the oven, finished my 3 hour shift for the entire week so i might aswell get trashed again

>> No.16384968

I find that scotch is best drank from a glencairn while bourbon and rye are best drank straight from the bottle

>> No.16385238

I’ve only drunken at most maybe 4 days in a row and there’s usually like 3 or 4 week gaps between me drinking so I don’t even want to entertain the thought that I could be having withdrawal symptoms, but your story struck a chord in me nonetheless. Won’t quit drinking but I’ll make sure that I will never become you. Thanks Anon

>> No.16385300
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Been drinking a lot of this lately but thankfully I live near somewhere weed has been partially legalized so I might taper off it with some brews and wine.

>> No.16385308

Anyone else having a lot of trouble finding the white label Kraken recently?

>> No.16385900
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Got a bottle I haven't opened yet and you're tempting me

>> No.16386926

Cherry Dr. Pepper is good too

>> No.16387760

Sounds tasty

>> No.16387829

Just got back from a week on the bourbon trail
If you're ever contemplating going, you can miss:
>Four Roses
extremely basic tasting of just their core line, led by a bunch of fat boomers. If you go on thursday you can get the single barrel cask strength, which is the only reason to go.
>Angel's Envy
Way overpriced, they only taste their standard and rye. To be expected from an overhyped brand.
>Limestone Branch
Mediocre end-to-end. The Rare Perfection 15 yr cask strength taste comes pre-watered down for "optimal tasting" and smells exclusively like wood glue. Then they have the audacity to charge 50+ dollars for sourced blends and 180+ for purchased barrels.
>Lux Row
Kind of cool property but the bourbons they taste are all trash. Go to Peerless instead if you want the small experience.
If you're looking for a spot for lunch, by all means. But they only taste 2 sourced whiskeys and their own blend. Sleek, modern facility but wait until they have more of their own offerings.

Willett, Starlight, and Woodford were the best 3 overall. Also fun fact, you'll never be able to get a spot at Buffalo Trace because faggots have taken to reselling tour spots not reserved for chauffer tour groups. Check the website, not a single one available.

>> No.16388131

drinking some el jimador reposado
nice light and citrusy

>> No.16388504

Did you go alone? Asking for myself

>> No.16388716

what's wrong with wanting clicky keys?

>> No.16388852

Yeah, was gonna go with a mutual friend but they had to cancel. Unless you're just doing a tasting, you're guaranteed to be in a group of around 6-10. I know it'd be more fun with someone interested in bourbon, but long-distance trips are hard to plan.

>> No.16388933

drinking Bulliet bourbon and soda

>> No.16388941

Lone Star/High Life and cocaine

>> No.16389377


>> No.16389480

Kraken and Pepsi tonite

>> No.16389750

Been sucking down Bluecoat aviations lately. Really hit the spot in the summertime. Anyone else know this feel?

>> No.16389769

How do you even use that

>> No.16389886

Have you never taken a typing class?

>> No.16390258

Thank you for this post anon, i'm not an alcoholic, but dangerously close to becoming one. Posts like these help to stop me from going out and getting something to drink every night.

>> No.16390278

have you? where do you go to get typing classes?

>> No.16390491

Lol the first time I had DTs I thought they were acid flashbacks and freaked out.

>> No.16391814


>> No.16391864
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Hei guys, I am very undecided on what to buy tomorrow. Either the Hazelburn 13, or the Kilkerran 8YO Cask Strength. They are roughly the same price. What would you guys suggest?

>> No.16391949

it's usually an elective in highschool
your local library probably also has computer classes

>> No.16392167

depends on the level of peat and funk you want

>> No.16392339

I want to go full weeb, but I'm not a big fan of whiskey. Is japanese vodka any good? I saw my local liquor store had a bottle, but I don't remember the brand off the top of my head. Any good brand of sake the thread would recommend?

>> No.16392455
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>Is japanese vodka any good?
It's exactly as good as any other vodka.
You might like Japanese gin, though. Try Roku, it's not too expensive. Has a sort of ginger and faint green tea flavor to it. The bottle is also beautiful.
Should run you around $30-35

>> No.16393970

generally anything with even a single konji is going to be overpriced and basic tasting at best. modernity is a common pitfall in most aspects, spirits not notwithstanding.

>> No.16393974

Not him and not a gin guy, but my brother is. Might get him a bottle of that.

>> No.16394398

My local liquor store sells this and 135 East Hyogo Dry Japanese Gin, which is a hair more expensive. Which would you recommend?

>> No.16395239
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what am u mean to do with this flask of campari
its bitter and weak

>> No.16395313

how about a jungle bird?
it has a great balance of sweet and bitter

>> No.16395369
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Also consider The Botanist gin. A great tasting gin.

>> No.16395404

Drinking a good old Smadams Blager or 8

>> No.16395407

I have whiskey, vodka and water desu

>> No.16395498
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Got gifted a bottle of rhubarb gin. Have rhubarb growing in the garden so made a cordial from that. Mixed gin with cordial, lemonade and mint. Pretty good.

>> No.16395862
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half and half of sobieski and sprite in a glass as usual
I think the new captcha was designed to filter drunkposters because I've seen far less druk threads on /tv/ and I can barely fucking read the captcha now

>> No.16395889

I'm a pussy so I'm usually just into flavored martinis. Codka and schnapps. In fact, I recently found that flavored vodka adds a bit more depth.

>> No.16395898

Hmm, but a bottle of Burnett's is $15per1.75, and beats most on the market. Is it as good as, for example, Hendrick's?

>> No.16396108
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Fellas, maybe I'm retarded but don't fall for this stuff. Its 35% apple brandy and 65% neutral spirit. Didn't read shit about it and the next bottle up was $30 more. Its essentially vodka with a scent and extremely mild taste of apple like you'd expect. Not disgusting but I dont know why you'd want it.

>> No.16396118
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two $3 bottles of merlot at 11am. real australian hours.

>> No.16396253
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Literally all I drink manischewitz and mogen david (preferably mogen david)

>> No.16396271

Yes. In middle and high school for easy A's. Diablo 2 also helped

>> No.16396379

>mogen david
Is that a higher-end version of Jewish Welch's?

>> No.16396499
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Green Label is the best johnnie walker

>> No.16396510

i think you mean LIQUOR fucked your chance at life. you gotta give it a nice, good bop on the snozzle. tell it to fuck off.

>> No.16396541

agreed, but it still isn't worth the price.

>> No.16396619
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>11 yr old rum
>3 casks minimum
last rum i bought was Plantation 5yr old and i like Kilchoman, but something makes me think theres a red flag or two... Opinions?

>> No.16396633

the 200th anniversary throwback is quite good, not worth 80 but the 52% alc really helps it shine
would like to try blue cask strength at some point just for shits and giggles

>> No.16396836


>> No.16397270


>> No.16397283
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This tastes like ass and I’m sick from it being my daily driver for 5 years, but damn does it fuck you up

>> No.16397541

i tried something called brandy de jerez, it tastes like floor polish

>> No.16397548

Take a break man, it tastes great but you've ruined it for yourself.

>> No.16397555

Sounds interesting. If you like Islay whisky then could be worth a go. Alternatively, the smoke might just destroy the rum flavour and it could taste like a poor islay whisky.

>> No.16397638

>fortified wine
FUCK that, the 5 dollar normal bottles are worth the worse dollar/unit ratio than that horrible shit.

>> No.16397740

>maybe I'm retarded
yes, yes you are
that is Laird's bottom shelf product, 100% apple brandy like Laird's or a Calvados is moderately pricey but worth it.

what you have there is an OK sipper but it's incredibly flat in flavor, next time go for the 7 1/2 year aged 100% brandy. It's loads better.

fuck this captcha

>> No.16398201
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>slightly animal notes

>> No.16398205

I have a shameless love of hard seltzers. I can't stop drinking them bros. They don't fill me up like beer does.

>> No.16398212

For my money, this is one of the finest bourbons out there. It's definitely sweet, so you have to be into the desert bomb kind of bourbons, but God does this thing just explode on your tongue. So much going on, every time I go back to it I pick up something new.

>> No.16398213
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Forgot image of course

>> No.16398303

>animal notes

either wet dog or a whiff of shit
not necessarily a bad thing but you need to word it in flowery language to be appealing

>> No.16398338

Make some negronis, negroni

>> No.16398371
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This stuff. I like all kinds of whiskey and bourbon but I keep coming back to this as my comfort drink.

Also tried Blanton's for the first time in Vegas a week ago. I like it!

>> No.16398378

>Blantons in Vegas
jesus man how much did that run you?

>> No.16398397

Went to a small hole-in-the-wall bar downtown during happy hour, so a single finger was $6. It was also available at my hotel's main bar for $28 a finger, so I got a pretty good deal, I think.

>> No.16398402

damn finger of blantons for $6 is a fucking steal. $28 sounds more like vegas pricing.

>> No.16398423

It was a very generous pour, too. I don't think too many people order it because the bottle was a little dusty.

>> No.16398426

This and the 120 proof knob creek are two of the hands down best bourbons that are still easy to find.

>> No.16398437

Whats your favorite whiskey for an Old Fashioned? I prefer a rye since the spicyness works better with the sweetness of the drink. I like Rittenhouse or Bulleit.

>> No.16398465

Bulleit. Tastes good in cocktails or by itself, and my local liquor store pretty much always has the 1.75L bottle on sale for $35 out the door.

>> No.16398475

Irish whiskey bores me. even the good stuff just tastes...fine. it's not complex or really interesting. it's good to sip on i guess. any suggestions for really interesting Irish whiskeys?

>> No.16398514
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just finished the last thrid of this i didn't know that there could be something worse than smirnoffs but ah well life is full of surprises also it actually works well with coke mainly cause you can't taste it so its just cola basically but it gets you smashed so i cant complain

>> No.16398560
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I don't think i've spent a day entirely sober this whole week

>> No.16398568

Friday - Saturday: it’s the weekend better get drunk
Sunday: i don’t wanna work tomorrow better get drunk
Monday: damn it’s monday better get drunk
Tuesday: (i have no good excuse on tuesdays)
Wednesday: it’s almost thursday better get drunk
Thursday: it’s basically the weekend better get drunk

>> No.16398589
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i don't even have an excuse at this point im just getting smashed since my booze is just lying there in the fridge
alcoholism runs in the family it seems, downsides of having scottish heritage i suppose, we're all drunks

>> No.16398593

that was meant for >>16398568 i accidentalyl refreshed the page whils t typing and it disproportinonate ly pissed me offf

>> No.16398702

i got the vivitrol shot yesterday along with some librium and gabapentin. im quitting this shit for good. i will miss islays, margaritas on the rocks, and campari oranges but thats about it. alcohol just can't be apart of my life anymore

>> No.16398717

i'll drink one for ya

>> No.16398723

That's why I do flavored martinis or just vodka. I don't understand how people can get drunk on beer without turning into a fatass or without feeling like their stomach is about to explode.

>> No.16398748

Mix it with a little sweet vermouth and top it with soda water to make an Americano

>> No.16399881

what else should I try? What's sitting on my counter right now:

monkey 47
ketel one
wild turkey rye/bourbon
makers mark
knob creek (maple for the christmas eggnog drinks)
suntory whiskey

a few tequilas too but don't like tequila in general

wt is the king of cheap decent tasting imo

>> No.16399906

no. but also nobody else buys it at my liquor store so it's pretty much my personal stock

>> No.16399950

Drink beer. The B vitamins in beer will help your body versus vodka. The best thing for you would be benzos to detox, but if you can't get those drink some beers and gradually reduce the number of beers you have each day. I found it's much easier to calculate and not go overboard when hard alcohol was impossible to do that with.

>> No.16399975

Islays are my favorite too.

>> No.16401220

its a rye kinda night bros

>> No.16401236

You don’t lose your consciousness moron you just don’t remember it after the fact

>> No.16401272
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Drinking this purely because we got some in and everyone in a 50 mile radius dropped what they were doing to come buy it. No clue why, wanted to find out, tastes like someone made a light beer out of cider.

>> No.16401333

Objectively correct. Barrel bourbon has great releases at a bit higher price range, and I think four roses small batch select always has something new going on when I pour it.

>> No.16401384

havent tried roku gin but hot damn! that botnist and irish gunpowder gin was amazingly good.

>> No.16401651
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6 x 7% 440ml / 15 oz for under 20 bucks.
Pretty cheap way to get fucked up.

>> No.16401692

I fucking love plum wine but be sure to get a decent brand, should run about 15 bucks a bottle

>> No.16402392

i mixed bourbon, rum and scotch. what did i think of it?

>> No.16402529
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My chinese friend with low tolerance used to get fucking SMASHED on these, 2 standards per can is pretty hefty.

>> No.16402901


>> No.16404234

That first drink..so relaxing. And you immediately feel a sense of togetherness with all the people. A few more and you lose the sense of time and you are filled with warmth and you feel so right and so you can chat with just about anyone. Keep going and you start to see the world from a philosophical angle in which your troubles are absolutely meaningless in the large scale of things.And once there you realize that its a wonderful fucking feeling.

>> No.16405076

and then it all comes down like a....