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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 283 KB, 438x728, NoWeddingCakesHere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16378851 No.16378851 [Reply] [Original]

I love creamy chocolate cakes. Do you?

>> No.16378909

weird I guess you can't just be a bigoted asshole to gay people in public and get away with i, huh!

>> No.16378934

Except if it were Muslim cake shop amirite?

>> No.16378940

If you had a single example where a (secular) COURT said Muslims could discriminate against gays, you would have a point (but that hasn't happened and you don't).

>> No.16378941

It wasn't in public and he wasn't an asshole to them. He offered to bake them a cake he just didn't want to call it a wedding cake because of his religion

>> No.16378942

If I come into your cake shop and ask you to bake a cake with a sonnenrad and swastikas on it because I want to celebrate my Scandinavian and Germanic heritage and you don't bake it, and you refuse to bake it, then you're a bigot.

>> No.16378948

So are they like not any gay bakers?

>> No.16378954

>a bakery is not a public space

Can anyone walk into the doors of it during open hours?

>> No.16378957


>> No.16378959
File: 1.53 MB, 1492x1406, deliciousgaycake2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmmmmm would anyone like a slice of FREEDOM from RELIGIOUS COERCION?

>> No.16378961

They can close it at any time since it's a privately owned business.

>> No.16378974

That has a door anyone from the general public can enter.

Are the roads to get there private? How about the water supply? Power lines?


>> No.16378978

Honestly as an LGBT person I'm happy for this but I would have just taken my business elsewhere

>> No.16378989

all gays are footsoldiers for shlomo

>> No.16378992
File: 223 KB, 873x1024, ReplaceJew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is literally nothing wrong with being gay or Jewish.

>> No.16378993
File: 442 KB, 800x600, 1617142062728.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did nothing wrong. Fuck faggots. Fuck niggers. And especially fuck jannies.

>> No.16378994

And the owner can kick them out whenever they want to, because it's not a park. It's a business. And businesses call police for trespassing people every single day.

>> No.16379000

Not on the basis of membership in a protected class. They did nothing wrong. Being gay is not a hostile act.

>> No.16379003

As a non lgbt person I hope you die you filthy faggot.
>"live and let live but when I tell you to do my bidding you better do it"
You abominations never wanted equality, you wanted supremacy.

>> No.16379008

>Being gay is not a hostile act.
Child abuse statistics would beg to differ.

>> No.16379009







Anyways, retard, by your logic the homeless can just walk into your house when you do, because the door is unlocked. A privately owned property, which allows potential patrons to enter is not the same as a park. The purpose of the shop is to have customers walk in and ask for cakes, cookies, etc. A park has the explicit purpose of allowing anyone in for an unlimited number of reasons. Often times, they have so few restrictions they can put them on a sign. Also, he either rents the land or owns it, meaning he can restrict who enters "no shoes, no shirt, no service".

>> No.16379011

both sides were looking for a hill to die on
everyone sucks here

>> No.16379018

Right, and the guy didn't kick them out. That's why the supreme court ruled in his favor

>> No.16379019

Gays reproduce by brainwashing and raping children, Jews do the same. There has always been something wrong with both.

>> No.16379025

Not really. The guy just didn't believe in gay marriage and offered to accommodate them anyway as long as he didn't write it down as a wedding cake. The gays were the retarded ones in this case and knew what they were doing

>> No.16379026

Supreme court simply ruled the state commission had acted with religious hostility. They did not rule on the merits of his first amendment claims. They issued a narrow ruling (that you most certainly have not read).

The Supreme Court did not state that religious people are exempt from the law, as that would overturn precedent held in Employment Division v Smith that laws that incidentally burden religion are constitutional.

>> No.16379030

lmao it kind of sounds like you're gay dude. You must think a lot about gay people to have that much hate over a Chinese basket weaving forum.

>> No.16379032

People have spaced their posts on 4chan since day 1, tourist.

>> No.16379033

He refused to sell a trans woman a birthday cake after she told him she was trans.

>> No.16379051

Is that an established fact?
That they weren't just a couple innocently looking for a baker to make them a nice cake and were so upset by the refusal that they complained about it, rather they deliberately seeking out a homophobic baker?
The second situation happened with Yaniv, they were proven to be disingenuous and racist

>> No.16379056

> you don't like shit and being forced to bake shit cakes? you must love shit seeing how much you hate it.
I wasn't homophobic at first, but you freaks just don't leave people alone. You deserve all the hate you get. Thankfully the west and "Christianity" is falling and sharia is coming, so your kind won't be tolerated for very long

>> No.16379058

>He stops doing it
Pussy, at least keep lying to yourself. Redditards have been double spacing before it was even used on 4chud. It's their retarded writing system. And there's no way in fucking hell you're an oldfag.

>> No.16379059

And still are. They are going out of their way to harass and target this guy.

>> No.16379068

lmao once again, you're honestly just coming across as a closeted gay. How often do you think about gay people with that contained hate? Sounds like you are suppressing your own sexuality.

>> No.16379074

Right. The guy was well within his rights to do what he did. You're not going to get upset at a Muslim refusing to sell pork are you? This guy didn't want to sell a wedding cake to a gay couple because his religion doesn't recognize gay marriage. He didn't hurt anyone and wasn't hostile towards them, but the state was to him simply for being true to his faith.

>> No.16379080

If thinking the people who hate you love you is the only way to cope with your existence you should be able to see you are the problem.

>> No.16379081

Hasn't happened because homosexuals know what happens when you try play silly buggers with Muslim CHADS after seeing what happened to that teacher in France.

>> No.16379086

To be fair muslin are little bitches they do on and on about random teacher but when china geocide them and spits on the Koran they do nothing.

>> No.16379125

that you need to go to court at all shows their true colors
go call another fucking bakery and drop the matter
in capitalism, you vote with your dollar why in the world would you want to give the homophobe any of your money let alone getting the government involved to tell the homophobe that he’s gotta take your filthy queer money?

and the homophobe? fuck him too
money is money it’s not gay, jewish, liberal, or conservative…it’s just fucking green
tell them you’re too busy to make the cake but don’t let your true colors show because these types like to get offended just to show off about it

>> No.16379153

>refusing to sell pork
Why would he have pork to begin with? What part of Christianity says you can't make gay cakes? You can refuse a service but you can't discriminate and he literally stated he discriminated but justified it through a religious belief.

>> No.16379195

Why can't he just do his job? Why should the burden be on minorities for simply being part of a minority groups when they have done nothing wrong?

>he violates his religious beliefs

don't sell things if you can't sell them to any customer, find another line of work, don't burden others

>> No.16379205

>Is that an established fact?

They chose the bakery because one of their moms recommended it. They did not know the baker was a hateful bigot, and that doesn't change that the BAKERS behavior was unlawful.

>> No.16379211

>Why would he have pork to begin with?
He wouldn't that is the point.
>What part of Christianity says you can't make gay cakes?
The cakes being made for gays was not the problem the problem as them being made specifically for the wedding. As he said he would sell them a ready made cake .
>You can refuse a service
that is what he did. he didn't refuse to sell them a cake he refused to make them one.
> but you can't discriminate
that is a contradictory statement, if he can refuse service he is discriminating between those he refuses to or not. by definition.

>> No.16379218

He later refused to sell a trans woman a birthday cake ONLY after she told him she was trans. Gay and trans people's identities is the problem. A tax on yarmulkes is a tax on jews.

A standard wedding cake is a custom order.

>if he can refuse service

he cannot, lawfully, on the basis of membership in a protected class

>> No.16379226

>Why can't he just do his job?
Why can't they respect his right to religious freedom and just go to a different cake shop? I bet there are some FABULOUS gay cake makers who would gladly serve the gay communities.

>> No.16379235

Because religious freedom does not extent to a right to coerce others into emotional distress for refusing to stop existing.

The state may impose incidental burdens upon religion if it serves a compelling interest (ensuring equal access to public accommodations), the Supreme Court has held before.

>> No.16379241

America's gone soft. Fella should've just baked the cake, took their fucking money & not given anybody lip like a FUCKING LIBERAL. The lengths that mutts go through to argue/be combative with complete strangers over the most menial shit is some serious estrogenic pussy-behaviour.

>> No.16379245

free exercise clause nigger, do a 10 hour crash course on google before ever posting again

>> No.16379252

>He later refused to sell a trans woman a birthday cake ONLY after she told him she was trans.
That is his right if he has a right to practice his religion.
>A tax on yarmulkes is a tax on jews.
nice coming out of nowhere with that shit mosh, why am I not surprised?

>he cannot, lawfully, on the basis of membership in a protected class
so you admit gays have more rights than straight people. And what was your point supposed to be? that we should just accept that?

>> No.16379256

you've got it backwards fucktardo, the federal government didn't compel him to bake the cake, the state did and the feds were brought in to see if it was justified.

>> No.16379262

Religion is not a license to ignore civil law. The state has imposed incidental burdens on religion for hundreds of years. Polygamy is illegal.

The law prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. Discrimination against straight people for being straight is equally unlawful. The courts have considered and responded to your claims in ruling in favor of gay plaintiffs, something you would know if you actually read any of the rulings on this topic.

>> No.16379264

Yeah having no principles is manly. You're a weak bitch and probably a queer.

>> No.16379267

>>Because religious freedom does not extent to a right to coerce others into emotional distress for refusing to stop existing
he did no such thing you fucking faggot. Since when does your rights include de ability to coerce action form other? why should you be allowed to tell people to do your bidding regardless of their will?

>> No.16379275

He is free to simply not sell cakes at all if he has problems selling them to certain kinds of people in direct contravention of state law.

Public humiliation is a coercive act. His business is a public accommodation.

>> No.16379278

you're a fucking idiot and wrong, stop posting about shit you know nothing about and go back to le reddit where your spacing clearly indicates you're from.

>> No.16379283

This is no different than when Canada tries to make compelled speech a law. I don't believe our government has a right to force someone to do something they don't want to by law. They can put laws that prevent people from doing stuff...but forcing someone to do something? Nah - that's totalitarianism.

>> No.16379288

>Religion is not a license to ignore civil law. The state has imposed incidental burdens on religion for hundreds of years. Polygamy is illegal.
So the constitution is null and void. I don't disagree, the whole thing is a sham to try and trick people they have rights.
>The courts have considered and responded to your claims in ruling in favor of gay plaintiffs, something you would know if you actually read any of the rulings on this topic.
not so in this case, which is why you are deflecting to other rulings, which do not apply to this instance and have other rector modifying ithem

>> No.16379289

The law compels behavior, not speech. He is allowed to state his religious beliefs towards gays, he is not allowed to refuse service on that basis in a place of public accommodation under Colorado state law where sexual orientation is a protected class.

>> No.16379292

What would you say if a white nationalist came in and demanded a swastika cake from a jew baker? Does the jew have to make it? Or does the jew have to stop selling cakes?

>> No.16379293

Oh look, this thread again with the usual queer. When your next usual Chic fil a thread or going into a Townshend thread and doing the same shit?

>> No.16379294

>He is free to simply not sell cakes at all if he has problems selling them to certain kinds of people in direct contravention of state law.
I'm not going to baby step you through every part of the case. Go read it.

>> No.16379300

You can find videos of people trying this at Muslim places and getting refused.

>> No.16379305

I have read the case (you have not). The Supreme Court did not rule religious beliefs exempt people from obeying non discrimination laws as owners of public accommodations.

>> No.16379307

>>Public humiliation is a coercive act.
he said he did not want to bake them a cake and offered other options, since when is that humiliation you fuck?
>His business is a public accommodation.
nice to know America is not a capitalists' country anymore and private property means shit.

>> No.16379309

Why can "a private company" like twitter permanently ban the former president of the US but a guy can't choose who he bakes cakes for?

>> No.16379316

Homos and libtards are too busy oppressing white Christian males to go after Muslims and they never will. Cakeman is experiencing targeted harassment; it's well known at this point that he doesn't want to make certain kinds of cakes, but for the last 10 years people have been suing him and trying to get the government to force him into doing something he doesn't want to do.

>> No.16379319

>singling out customers and denying them service for being gay is not public humiliation

just do your job, really that simple!

being gay is not a hostile act

is twitter discriminating on the basis of membership in a protected class?

>> No.16379320

stop being antisemetic.

>> No.16379329

Because "protected classes" aka anyone who's not a straight white male have more rights.

>> No.16379331

>just do your job, really that simple!
It's his business he can do it if he wants. your freedom end when another persons begins you cannot force people to do your bidding if you want to have a pretense of freedom.
Not doing something is also not a hostile act, suing someone for not doing your bidding is tho.

>> No.16379336

he outright came out as a jew as few posts ago, what did you expect anon?

>> No.16379343

not baking cakes for gays because it makes God upset = strong American principles, kys amerilard

>> No.16379354

>He wouldn't
What? Then why even mention it? Why would he sell a product he doesn't have? Your analogy is very unclear.
>The cakes being made for gays was not the problem the problem as them being made specifically for the wedding. As he said he would sell them a ready made cake .
That doesn't answer my question
>that is what he did. he didn't refuse to sell them a cake he refused to make them one.
Okay but he discriminated in refusal of service towards a protected class
>that is a contradictory statement, if he can refuse service he is discriminating between those he refuses to or not. by definition.
Uhhh, no. You can try to mince semantics but the discrimination is specifically towards a protected class. You would not make it to court by trying to argue "discrimination" as refusal of any service. Please try to be serious here.

>> No.16379370

remember this next time they tell you gay are peaceful and are not going to come for you and your rights.
remember this and this thread when they cry live and let live.

>> No.16379374

Can he make a tranny porn cake if it doesn't involve weddings?

>> No.16379387

>noooo u cant just tell us to do our job and not bully gay ppl I am mellllltttttiing


He refused to bake a transgender woman a cake only after she told him she was trans. It was a birthday cake, blue outside, pink inside, nothing offensive.


In Tuesday’s ruling, Denver District Judge A. Bruce Jones said Autumn Scardina was denied a cake that was blue on the outside and pink on the inside to celebrate her gender transition on her birthday because of her transgender status in violation of the law. While Jack Phillips said he could not make the cake because of its message, Jones said the case was about a refusal to sell a product, not compelled speech.

He pointed out that Phillips testified during a trial in March that he did not think someone could change their gender and he would not celebrate “somebody who thinks that they can.”

“The anti-discrimination laws are intended to ensure that members of our society who have historically been treated unfairly, who have been deprived of even the every-day right to access businesses to buy products, are no longer treated as ‘others,‘ ” Jones wrote.

>> No.16379392

Freedom for me not for thee.

>> No.16379394

hands with stunted digits, from high estrogen-exposure, typed this post, don't be so melodramatic ya pussy

>> No.16379409

>we are just going to take SOME of your rights away, we are just going to sue you a little bit for not living life the way we deem fit.
>Don't mind the other guy, he was a religious nut job, it was only right to ruin his life and the lives of his family.
> you need to learn to live and let live

>> No.16379413

americans sue each other all the time, felicia. no need to shed tears over it

>> No.16379416

This is why I'm' happy America is going to shit. This faggotry needs to end.

>> No.16379439

Here's the thing you petty tyrants need to fully grasp - gay people have always existed and aren't going anywhere.

They did not (personally) file a suit, they filed a complaint with the state civil rights commission.

>> No.16379448

>>Here's the thing you petty tyrants need to fully grasp - gay people have always existed and aren't going anywhere.
yeah but at least they make themselves useful as public spectacle in other countries by being thrown off buildings.

>> No.16379450

>right to access business
Welpst. Pack it in boys. They're just making up rights now.

>> No.16379478

Here's the thing you need to grasp. I don't walk into a nigger owned bakery (let's just pretend niggers have bakeries for a moment) and request a white pride cake. If I did l, I would expect they wouldn't bake it for me. In fact, I'd expect to be violently beaten and possibly murdered. There are 100 other white owned cake shops that would happily bake my white pride cake. Yet I chose to go to the one nigger owned bakery (that doesn't exist anywhere) to purposely antagonize the owner. In a just world, the dumb cunt should be charged with harassment. But since we live in a clown world, I get to listen to you make nonsensical arguments and the shabbos goy judges are on your side. Ergo, you should kill yourself.

>> No.16379486

They aren't denying you a cake because you're white though, virgin. They should though.

>> No.16379499

wish we had the x-posts-by-ID feature on this board, so we could see how many pussyposts that this hormonal twat has written here

>> No.16379506

That's because by definition, discrimination occurs if he refused to serve anyone for any reason, even though that's not what he did since he still offered them a cake. Just admit the gays were being petty cunts. It's fine

>> No.16379507

>deliberate antagonism is harmful (we agree)
>somehow, deliberately antagonizing gays by telling them you don't serve their kind, is not also bad

hmmm almost like a double standard!

>> No.16379513

He didn't deny them a cake because they were gay. He denied them a WEDDING cake because he doesn't believe in gay marriage. You can't force someone to recognize something that's against their religious beliefs you fascist cunt

>> No.16379516

He denied a trans woman a birthday cake because she said she was trans.


If they were not gay, they would not have been refused service.

>> No.16379524

No that's not by definition. You can stop being a literal faggot and get with the actual program. We are talking judiciary matters. Not your meta mush mouthed autism.

>> No.16379528

>he didn't deny them a cake, he denied them A CAKE
>You can't force someone to recognize something
What is he recognizing by baking a cake?

>> No.16379529

They werent refused service, also the trans person knew what they were doing. Instead of seeking attention and approval they should seek therapy. If the guy doesn't want to encourage someone hacking their tits or dick off then he seems like the sane one here

>> No.16379530

approved. cake celebrates birth and JOY. excelent choice, on occasions.

these nonspiritual posters could do with more "cake" and less "McChicken"

>> No.16379531

religion is a mental illness

>but the invisible sky fairies compel me!

they aren't real, your contempt for people who are different than you is your own

>> No.16379532

By baking a wedding cake? He's recognizing a gay wedding. There are different types of cake for different events. Get out more and maybe someone will buy you one unless you're a faggot

>> No.16379534

I guess we're at the point where freedom of religion is no longer a protected first amendment right. The right to buy cakes, which never existed, however is alive and well.

>> No.16379535

>everyone sucks here
No, only the filthy faggots who suck on cocks do.

>> No.16379546

He is allowed to believe whatever he wants. He just can't refuse service as a for-profit business that serves as a public accommodation, on the basis of membership in a protected class.

>> No.16379555

Just because I flush my turds down the toilet doesn't mean I want to rub them all over my mouth you cumbrained retard.

>> No.16379558

Yes. You absolutely can refuse service to anyone you want to. There's no right to purchase cakes. You're never going to admit you're wrong so I'm just going to stop arguing.

>> No.16379561

I again ask. How are you recognizing something by baking a cake? Was he covering his eyes and ears when being told what to bake too??

>> No.16379564

Religion was actually useful to society though. Gay people aren't.

>> No.16379569


>> No.16379570

Refusal of service due to discrimination of a protected class is 100% illegal everywhere in the United States. So no you are wrong.

>> No.16379571

friend, you should NOT engage that kind of NONSPIRITUAL poster. he is here in bad faith, which is the problem with this whole board and site.

man, I'm just trying to bring something new here--not stale--spritiual and true. >>16379555

>> No.16379574

Churches, temples, and mosques are some of the biggest producers of gays so your point is contradictory

>> No.16379578

You're supplying a ceremonial cake to a wedding ceremony. How is that not recognizing their gay marriage

>> No.16379581

You can't even type let alone interpret laws you dumb ESL motherfucker. I can't force Muslims to bake me a pork cake because I'm autistic and I like pork, can I? He can order any cake he wants that doesn't infringe on the bakers religious beliefs. And if he wants to throw a fit about it, he can be trespassed from the property. That's the law, deal with it.

>> No.16379585

another cancer /pol/eddit thread

>> No.16379586

You're still not answering my question. How is baking a cake a recognition, or a force of recognition? You're baking a cake.

>> No.16379589

Dumbest thing I've ever read

>> No.16379592

Your autistic retarded ass is sperging out for no reason. You cannot deny a service by way of discrimination of a protected class. Try laying off the bottle and you might read better, incel.

>> No.16379595

You should read your birth certificate out loud.

>> No.16379603

I just wanted to point out to all the hateful bigots here, he doesn't sell wedding cakes anymore. So we won, you didn't. There is no reason for courts or the state to favor irrational bigotry over the rights of people to participate in the world.

We aren't going to hide, and we won't live in fear of you.

>> No.16379607

Should a woman who can't bake a cake be allowed a marriage licence?

>> No.16379615

I'm legally disabled. Try again. Just admit this is a blatant attack on Christianity and a clear violation of the constitution, as it would be if I harassed a Muslim bakery into making a pork cake. Do you see how immature that sounds? You don't know the law, you continue to regurgitate false information, and I'm done arguing. The bakery won the first lawsuit and he'll win again. It's too bad it's illegal to be a white Christian these days.

>> No.16379616

Because supplying anything to anyone comes with the recognition of what it's being used for. That's how society works unless you're at the complete bottom of the totem pole. My company doesn't buy from certain suppliers because of bad business practices. We dont file lawsuits against them we just don't buy from them because we're not retarded

>> No.16379617

Supreme court ruled otherwise. If it's on the grounds of going against your religious beliefs you don't have to bake the fags a cake.

>> No.16379623

>surely the baker of this wedding cake endorses the couple getting married

thought nobody ever

supreme court did not say that religious beliefs exempt you from having to follow non discrimination laws - all they said was that the colorado state civil rights commission had acted with religious hostility

>> No.16379628

Can you please try again in American nglish? I don't understand the incel dialect. Your nonsequitir about Islam is irrelevant because pork isn't a protected legal class. Thanks.

>> No.16379630

That's cool. Just so you know jews designed the covid vaccine to trigger a super variant of aids in homosexuals. You've been good little pawns, but your time is nearing an end.

>> No.16379634


>> No.16379636

>Because supplying anything to anyone comes with the recognition of what it's being used for.

The Supreme Court ruled on the decision of the Colorado legal board punishing the owner. Not the discrimination itself mind you.

>> No.16379642

Okay. The customers aren't the nonces who wear robes and give wine. The owner also isn't being forced to do something against religious doctrine or acting on behalf of a religious institution.

>> No.16379647

Who fucking cares. He took it to the Supreme Court and won. There's a legal president. He's being harassed and bullied purely on the basis of his religion. I hope he sues the fuck out of the state and collects millions.

>> No.16379648

America is so ass backwards

>> No.16379650

If you had a single example where a homo walked into a muslim cake shop in an obvious attempt to stir up trouble and create a lawsuit, you'd have a point. (But that hasn't happened and you don't)

>> No.16379655

>Who fucking cares.
You mentioned the Supreme Court and I corrected you on the matter. They didn't rule he was actually legally free in his refusal of service but that the state board violated federal statute in the way they punished him.

Do you want me to repeat this again?

>> No.16379656

Are leftists really this big of crybabies?

>> No.16379660

I actually have first hand experience. I've seen it happen in person. I just didn't record it and send it to western news agencies, because I would be killed for doing so. Guess I just destroyed your logic, didn't I?

>> No.16379663

I want you to kill yourself. He won and he will win again.

>> No.16379666

Is Masterpiece a Christian cake shop? Or is it just a cake shop owned by a Christian?

>> No.16379672

speak english, wigger

>> No.16379676

It doesn't matter. Freedom of religion is an individual liberty and has nothing to do with where you work.

>> No.16379685

think of the life experience, though
semantics, satan

>> No.16379687

I'm sure you do, retarded virgin. He actually lost here >>16379387
To transx people too :^)

>> No.16379694

You do understand marriage is a religious ceremony? If someone asked him for a satanic cake and he refused would you be this upset? Or do you just take dick's up ur ass

>> No.16379695
File: 10 KB, 205x277, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's a legal president

>> No.16379696

Read English, nigger. Oh wait, you can't! Many such cases. Sad!

>> No.16379702


>what is civil marriage

>> No.16379706

>it doesn't matter
It does. Taxes, employment, and service.

>> No.16379707

>You do understand marriage is a religious ceremony?
Why did I get handed a marriage certificate by the gooberment then?

>> No.16379715

ITT: /lgbt/ seething

>> No.16379716

Marriage is not strictly religious. That is irrelevant to baking cakes.

>> No.16379717

Not an argument.

Just stop replying to this faggot. I'm leaving the thread.

>> No.16379722

The cherry on top of the cake: gays and troons are NEVER happy. Baking them a cake won't do shit. They're in a nonstop mental hell prison. And it's a life sentence/death sentence for them. All they can do is lie and make other people try to feel as bad as they do. I'd drink their tears, but I'd get an STD.

>> No.16379728

Antifa territory. Run along, chud.

>> No.16379729

it's majority white women seething since they make up a good chunk of this board

>> No.16379730

Super aids will get them, if suicide doesn't. They'll never be a woman. They will burn in hell for all of eternity. The joke is clearly on them.

>> No.16379732

>stop discriminating against gays
>treat us like humans

yeah I would be ok with that actually

just treat gay people with respect and dignity

>> No.16379736
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>The cherry on top of the cake: gays and troons are NEVER happy. Baking them a cake won't do shit. They're in a nonstop mental hell prison. And it's a life sentence/death sentence for them. All they can do is lie and make other people try to feel as bad as they do. I'd drink their tears, but I'd get an STD.

>Super aids will get them, if suicide doesn't. They'll never be a woman. They will burn in hell for all of eternity. The joke is clearly on them.

>> No.16379748

>treat us like humans
Then tell the faggots to start acting like one, you cunt

>> No.16379752

They are. They're using you as the template!

>> No.16379754

White women can be gay, too. There are a ton of dykes here.

>> No.16379759

sorry femcel, I dont base my personality around eating feces

>> No.16379762

Because the government co-opted marriage by offering a tax incentive in order to encourage families (aka reproduction).

>> No.16379763

You should stop sticking up for gays, they hate women so much they refuse to date them.

>> No.16379764

Really? Your breath says otherwise.

>> No.16379767

Then why do child tax credits exist independently of marriage's tax benefits and infertile/childless heterosexual couples still receive the same benefits tax-wise to getting married?

>> No.16379768

Cope, femcel.

>> No.16379771

Wow wicked burn

>> No.16379772

Yup, women are evil monsters. Even if I woke up tomorrow with zero attraction to men, and a throbbing hard-ons for women, I would still date other men to avoid women. Soulless manipulative evil children.

>> No.16379774

>no comeback
>no cum on the back of any woman, ever

>> No.16379777

Women are a protected class you evil fucking bigot.

>> No.16379780

My dick is not a public accommodation. A bakery is.

>> No.16379783

You want to know who's really being oppressed? Take a guess as to who isn't a protected class. Straight white men.

>> No.16379788

Based and redpilled gayfag.

>> No.16379793
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>> No.16379798

>Straight white men.

well that's a refreshing change, maybe you shouldn't have started it!

>> No.16379801

Same worthless cunt

>> No.16379807
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>> No.16379808

I'm not the one forcing our impressionable children to read books on toxic masculinity and white fragility. Even when niggers were segregated and women had no rights we treated them with more dignity.

>> No.16379812

Have you tried not being a shit human being towards feminine acting men?

Gay men acting effeminately is innate, being an asshole is a choice!

>> No.16379817
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>> No.16379819

No you force them to read about how pedophiles like Ronald Reagan were great virtuous men.

>> No.16379824

>pedophiles like Ronald Reagan

sauce on this claim?

interestingly, Reagan, as governor of California spoke out against a proposed law that would have banned gays from teaching in public schools

>> No.16379825

>tfw you realize THE GAYS are cooking
How do we cleanse them from the population? It is unacceptable for them to be around my food.

>> No.16379826

Have you tried not defending child rapists?

>> No.16379827

Move the plate away from your face

>> No.16379832


>being an asshole is a choice
go read a book about the criminal mind (hint: it's incredibly similar to the faggot mind)


>> No.16379833

I don't have to act any way toward faggots. Just knowing how miserable they are, and that they will inevitably kill themselves after a lifetime of living hell, only to burn in hell for eternity puts a smile on my face :).

>> No.16379835

You voted for an orange one.

>> No.16379838

This world is bigger than a single country, femcel.

>> No.16379840


>> No.16379843

Oh even better you voted for a brown one.

>> No.16379844


>> No.16379845

You're just proving that you're a complete fucking idiot at this point lmao.

>> No.16379846

Seething femcel. Did you run out of midol?

>> No.16379848
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>> No.16379851


Take your meds faggot.

>> No.16379853

Honestly non white immigration can't be sped up enough to ensure that hateful white christians are soon enough a minority group themselves.

I used to oppose non-white immigration, but now I realize the utter necessity.

>> No.16379854

Good comeback, thirdy. Now go make my Xbox.

>> No.16379859

This but unironically

>> No.16379861

Everyone laugh at the pathetic woman trying her hardest to agitate emotionless autists on a Japanese whale fishing board.

>> No.16379864
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Who said I was being ironic? The majority of people who oppose gay rights are white christians.

>> No.16379865
File: 64 KB, 800x800, g6w1_lYG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good comeback, thirdy. Now go make my Xbox.
I'll be the one selling you the corn syrup :^)

>> No.16379866

You're not white please remove yourself from my thread.

>> No.16379867
File: 444 KB, 680x456, ddb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never said anything about people loving me. I'm calling you out for being a fag and thinking about homos more than the average person.

>> No.16379869

Yes thank you. I'll bake it into my gay wedding cakes.

>> No.16379870

Seething brown female hands typed this post

>> No.16379873

You both are doing a lot of justification for being fags. It sounds like you think about gays more than the average person. Sounds like a bunch of closeted fags to me.

>> No.16379875

You're not American and not even white you don't matter to any of the civilized world.
Get out of my thread.

>> No.16379878

Get a new argument:

>> No.16379879

This entire board sounds like a bunch of closeted faggots and tranny chasers. It's more obsessive than /pol/.

>> No.16379882
File: 85 KB, 998x1024, 1624845786241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will literally defend every single red-blooded American (except communists) over any foreign shitter. Get the fuck out of my thread you turd world shitters.

>> No.16379885

Maybe you got lost, but it's the topic of this thread.

>> No.16379889

Every thread on this board talks about trannies nonstop especially during evening hours in the US. That must be when they all wake up.

>> No.16379890

This is a thread about whether you had gay sex with a cake.

>> No.16379895
File: 3.99 MB, 480x480, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cavorting with the gays

It's almost as if faggots can't stop talking about dicks, and how much they love them, and how YOU need to support their love of dicks, or you're an awful person. Read: narcissists

>> No.16379897

Its midnight in the First World, retard. Please remove yourself from the American website on the American internet.

>> No.16379900

>Every thread on this board talks about trannies nonstop especially during evening hours in the US
Unironically take your meds. There's plenty of threads where sex/gender/etc. aren't brought up.

>> No.16379901

that infographic has no info attached to it

good job

>> No.16379907

Seething femcel detected

>> No.16379908

You're literally a brownie from Australia.

>> No.16379909

Will the tranny jannies come and clean up this off-topic thread?

>> No.16379910

Damn, you got broke so hard in this thread. Amazing.

>> No.16379917

A thread about cakes is more on topic than a thread about smoking:


>> No.16379928

Unironically no it isn't because everyone knows this thread is about FAGS, not CAKES.

>> No.16379931

Guy should have just he said he doesn't know how to make that cake or doesn't have time. He didn't have to make it a religious issue.

>> No.16379934

Yeah until all of the night shift faggots wake up and then they just can't stop taking about gays.

>> No.16379938

he was kind of trapped though, he already agreed to make the cake he just didnt know it was for a gay wedding

>> No.16379946

it basically went like this

>hey I am making your cake, is a figurine of a bride and groom on top okay or do you want it plain?
>oh actually we would like 2 groom figurines, we are gay
>you are gay? I'm sorry I cant make this cake
>but you were already making it, you even asked us about the final touches, are you really refusing to make a cake because your customers are gay? that is illegal

>> No.16379951

Damn guess they had him over a barrel then. Normally I would say artists should be allowed to refuse whatever work they want but beginning paid work for someone like that constitutes a contract

>> No.16379952


gay cake

>> No.16379954

no, he didn't agree to make them a cake, he just asked which of them it was for or something, and they said both of us, and he said he didn't make gay wedding cakes

they never discussed what kinda cake it would be

>> No.16379959

Nothing tastes better than a slice of cake forcibly baked by a gay-hating Christian bigot who had to serve you or have his store closed down.

>why not go to someone who doesn't hate you

cake doesn't taste as good

>> No.16379960

Lol a contract for a bakery order? What's next I get to sue mcdonalds because I ordered mcnuggets and they ran out?

>> No.16379965

Are the nuggets gay?

>> No.16379966

Imagine being this miserable. Get a hobby that doesn't revolve around cocks. Q

>> No.16379967
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>> No.16379972

We shouldn't assume their sexuality anon

>> No.16379975

What kind of fat fuck unironically orders a special cake. inb4 muh wedding, fuck you fatties

>> No.16379978

He could have made some excuse up. Or deliver the wrong thing to them and then offer a refund. Same thing with the satan dildo cake request. Just say he doesn't know how to make it.

>> No.16379995

He's proud of being a bigot and thinks he can get away with it. He likes having control over other people and wants to flex on others in public.

>> No.16379999

Rich people?

And what are the gay people proud of? Being belligerent xenophobes? They sought out the bakery and antagonized him. This is true, and on record, and not up for debate. Faggot.

>> No.16380002

I wonder how grocery stores sell all the baked desserts they produce. Who eats dessert in 2021? I mean they literally have hundreds of disgustingly sweet treats that have a 72 hour or less shelf life.

>> No.16380008

>And what are the gay people proud of?

not having to hide who I am or be ashamed of it

>They sought out the bakery and antagonized him

one of their moms recommended it, they had no idea the owner was Christian

>> No.16380010

Bigot - a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.

The faggots started it, and are therefore the antagonistic aggressors in this situation. The homosexuals are the bigots.


>> No.16380014

Damn. That really is the /thread, isn't it? The femcels and fags must be seething hard af right now lmao

>> No.16380018


>> No.16380033

This guy is not a businessman. He knew the environment. He could have just made up an excuse to not make that cake and moved on with life. Surprised this guy is in business for so long.

You're looking at two sides of the same coin with this guy and couple.

>> No.16380035

Only people seething here are straight dinosaurs losing their power to bully other people and have the government enable them.

>> No.16380073

Yeah but I'll support the old man before I even spit a loogie at the faggots. Which I will do right after supporting the old man.