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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16377532 No.16377532 [Reply] [Original]

You know what time it is

>> No.16377569


>> No.16377577
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>> No.16377578

this mohfug gon fry som shit

>> No.16377583

ill take my medium rare please and thanks

>> No.16377591

hope u washed dey chicken.. cuz white people don be washing dey chicken, its naaasty gurl....

>> No.16377622

post a picture of your hands, so we can make fun of them, as per /ck/ tradition

>> No.16377648
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>Fatties seething

>> No.16377673

You have the hands of a latino goblin woman, please post ass

>> No.16377704

based incel

>> No.16377726

Right, peanut oil in so the pasta doesn't stick together

>> No.16377736
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Batter up

>> No.16377752

Are you the anon that bought 50 L of peanut oil from Walmart when it was like 95% off? That was quite a haul of peanut oil.

>> No.16377762

Boutta fry some fresh potato steak fries, I nuked them whole for a few minutes to soften them a little, I was going to fry them in peanut oil on the stove, but I can’t seem to get the temp right. Either they burn or take way too long and end up soggy, any tips?

>> No.16377775

you're definitely overweight

>> No.16377780
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It truly was a great value

>> No.16377802
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>> No.16377803

Based bulk shopper.

>> No.16377804

>fatty still mad
Post your kankles

>> No.16377811

where the tendies!??!??!?!?

>> No.16377812

Only fry from frozen. Get a thermometer and read the directions on the package, most food gets fried in 350-400 degree oil.

Small batches. Check the oil in-between batches to maintain that temp and have a wire rack over a baking sheet to ensure proper drainage.

>> No.16377813

lmfao did you really get 50 L of peanut oil for $6?

>> No.16377825


>> No.16377834
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200% jelly

>> No.16377835

Oil me up daddy

>> No.16377839
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$2 for 3 gallons, only bought 12 gallons didn't want to be greedy

>> No.16377852

this is making me irrationally want to go to wallyworld to see if it's still that cheap. if you're a shill good job

>> No.16377872

Shiddy Amerimutt meal time?

>> No.16377874

Sorry bro bought it awhile ago. Look alive, you never know what goes on clearance

>> No.16377878

Unfortunately not likely. Sales are almost always store specific unless it's some kind of corporate wide special promotion like nintendos or phones which I doubt they would be doing a national sale on fucking peanut oil...

>> No.16377891
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Making my own ranch

>> No.16377905

that's barely two weeks ago, I avoid walmart in general anyways
I know, hence saying irrationally, I just fucking love making wings and use peanut oil so that would be robbery for me

>> No.16377915

Use peanut oil in ranch

>> No.16377920

bro i fucking love wings how do you do them?

>> No.16377940
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>first batch in
Jell-O shot time

>> No.16377950
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>making my own dressing!
>main ingredient is kraft mayo

>> No.16377956

>packet faggot
okay bro

>> No.16377965

You better let those tendies sit after breading..!

>> No.16377971
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Crispy crust, great flavor. Knorrs really infused with the meat and enhances the flavor. Ranch on point. May toss in buffalo ngl

>> No.16377979

brainlet assumption but ok

>> No.16378017

thanks for asking, I experimented a lot and this is the way to do it

3-4 inches of peanut oil to 250F
parfry wingettes in batches of 6-10 (depending on container size, too many at once will lower oil temperature too much) for 22 minutes. this long and low fry will blister the skin to perfection without 'cooking' the flesh
remove wings, let them drain
oil up to 360F
fry in batches of 2-6 for 3.5-4 minutes
remove and drain

generally I'll do smaller batches of the 350F fry and toss them in different sauces each time they come up

>> No.16378024

it's your choice

>> No.16378040

Ah I can tell you didn't follow my advice.

>> No.16378105


>> No.16378138
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>jello shots

>> No.16378149
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Ok, here’s an update on my steak fries.
>I microwaved whole potatoes just to warm them up so they didn’t cool the oil down.
>then I fried them on medium until golden.
>took them out, let them rest and turned the oil to medium high
>once it heated up I put the back in to get a nice brown crispy finish.
They turned out pretty good, tossed them with some cajun seasoning too.

>> No.16378159

I do this exact thing but in a shallow fry.

>> No.16378163
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Bought to hit the kiddie pool. /ck/ you later

>> No.16378275
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See you in 15 anon

>> No.16378358

These look really bad

>> No.16378376

What would you do different?

>> No.16378412

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, your tendies are perfect the way they are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting

>> No.16378425

sex sex pee pee poo poo REEEEEEEEEE

>> No.16378440

/fit/ pasta without the picture 3/10

>> No.16378474

>laying the milk container sideways
What beast could do such a thing?

>> No.16378479

Spend the $10-$20 on a thermometer. Follow a recipe for awhile, then realize deep frying freezer section french fries is the only way to go

>> No.16378492

what's it like having toes for thumbs? seems like a real hassle

>> No.16378518

Anon can't cook, can anybody else?

>> No.16378549

Those tendies look like shit. I'd rather reheat the frozen ones.

>> No.16378554
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Letting them rest, crust falling off.

>> No.16378579

What happened to the rest of your thumb ?

>> No.16378647

The tendies look fine. Idk why these retards say they look like shit. You just cooked the breading dark.

>> No.16378777

Bout to toss these boys Into the fryer

>> No.16378785
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>> No.16378809

That's a pretty based flavor of La Croix

>> No.16380092

how long are you supposed to let breaded chicken sit for? what does it do

>> No.16380097

Oh sweet jesus I remember you posting this

I thought you were memeing but you really did buy all that oil