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File: 36 KB, 488x488, pocky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16372378 No.16372378 [Reply] [Original]

What type of person do you imagine buys weeb sticks? Do you enjoy them yourself? Me: yes.

>> No.16372380

weebs, probably.

>> No.16372389

they were weebshit 10 years ago but nowadays you can buy pocky in every american supermarket and gas station.

>> No.16372398

t. dilate seething weeb

>> No.16372405

maybe that's new for flyovers but in cities with universities there has always been pocky in supermarkets and gas stations, because foreign students.

>> No.16372420

asian moms with kids and young adults

>> No.16372421


not really zoomer, like i said a decade ago they were mostly in book stores and places that cater to weebs and still had jap writing on the package. i have traveled all over the united states and this has been the case until 2010 or something.

>> No.16372433

i buy them for my kids

>> No.16372443
File: 50 KB, 600x800, Fun Lion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I spy some Pocky sticks? Yummy I love those things. I prefer the stick material over the coating though. If I could eat just the sticks o would be as happy as lionjak

>> No.16372450

Maybe that's true for flyovers but in cities with universities there has always been pocky in supermarkets and gas stations, because foreign students.

>> No.16372454

I literally live in a university town faggot, plus not all non-flyover cities are university towns. Sneed.

>> No.16372479

No you don't, or if you do it's not one with any universities worth going to. asian FOBs only come over for good schools.

>> No.16372487

you're really dying on this weird, stupid hill of "pocky has been sold everywhere" and are now retreating to "it's only been sold in universities towns with good unis" so i accept your concession. you are no longer welcome in my pocky thread.

>> No.16372493

everywhere worth living, which was implied when i called yo a flyover.

>> No.16372519

well i ain't a flyover, people fly to be here. and pol pot was right for executing the type of people who would use the term "flyover" anyway. you lose.

>> No.16372604

imagine literally advocating genocide to defend your shitty weeb sticks lmao