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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 217 KB, 1224x918, omuraisu_kanicream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16364920 No.16364920 [Reply] [Original]

Been with gf for 9 months but I've been the only one cooking so far.
However, she promised she'll cook anything I ask for this weekend.
Any reccomendations on what to ask her to cook?
There's no foods that I don't like, I just really want to see her skills in action.

>> No.16364922

Have her cook a massive vinegary turd directly into your mouth.

>> No.16364926


>> No.16364928
File: 273 KB, 1224x918, omuraisu_curry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm asking for real, faggots.

>> No.16364931

Ask for a sandwich and a beer and slap her ass

>> No.16364933

No matter what you tell her to make it’s probably going to be shit. Women nowadays cannot cook.

>> No.16364936

I wasn’t joking. Eat her poop

>> No.16364940

Women are shite m8

>> No.16364962
File: 212 KB, 1224x918, gyuu_katsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds good
she's unironically into pee but that's not my cup of tea.
idk mate, having a nice and cute girl falling asleep in my arms always felt great for me, no matter how shite they may be.

>> No.16365487 [DELETED] 

Have you considered developing a personality? You know, having foods you like and dislike, and opinions on things? Or you could just shove your gf up your ass. Just take deep breaths and use plenty of lube.

>> No.16365495

canard a la presse

>> No.16365506

Literally a chicken breast, potatoes, and a salad. Does she brine/dry brine the chicken breast? Can she get a nice brown on it without overcooking? Can she roast potatoes simultaneously, doing two things at once? What about potato herbs/seasoning? What does she pick? Can she make a salad dressing from first principles? Or does she reach for some gloopy plastic bottle shit? Does the salad contain interesting things or a pile of pre-washed greens with no forethought?

>> No.16365616

What the fuck is it with men liking chicken breasts? Literally one of the worst cuts of chicken, only necessary for certain applications, barely any a flavor. Never had to buy them until I got married.

>> No.16365623

Imagine actually having a disgusting gf. At ALL times she walks around with poop inside her. At ALL times shit is festering and rotting away in her gut. At ALL times the inside of her is filled with literal reeking shit, and her ass has a scent of pure shit.
You are literally having to care for a walking poop bag, and don't get me started on morning breath and vaginal secretions.
But just imagine all the poops inside of women. Imagine that they fart at least 14 times a day, having disgusting shit air exiting their reeking girl holes. Between the butt cheeks is always the lignering scent of vile putrid shit. And now she has to cook for you, filling her gut with poop and shit and farts, that'll come out stinking when you're sleeping next to her. You are cucked by a walking poop, a bag of feces, that smells like shit from her asshole. Cuck of the highest order.
And she comes over to your place, spends the night, and then has the audacity to have a disgusting, vile shit in your bathroom, stinking your whole place up with her disgusting poop smell. And you're supposed to care for this impudent poop bag, and invite it back. Men are so weak. Lying next to a bag of poop every night, who farts in her sleep and wakes up with disgusting breath in your face. Boggles the mind

>> No.16365629

She's into peeing on you or other way around? Have her cook something she is good at. She's going to be rusty if she hasn't done shit in months

>> No.16365640 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 391x425, 95189906-23C3-499C-B597-59CF7985F953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell her to cook up the gumption to do the housework like a real woman

>> No.16365673

>calling your gf shite to seem cool on front of the boys
you hate to see it.
my gf is amazing.

>> No.16365685

You're on a website for incels who desperately try to convince themselves that they are better off without romantic love. Stop posting shit like this. You aren't going to convince anyone. It's an elaborate cope

>> No.16365741

Lol, brutal.

>> No.16365955

If she hasn't cooked in 9 months she's probably out of practice so ask for something simple like chicken Kiev or beef wellington.

>> No.16365959

Wow does she work while you stay at home too you fucking cuck

1/10 for making me respond.

>> No.16365963

Post of or fuck off

>> No.16365967

Post gf*

>> No.16365970

Imagine actually having a disgusting gf. At ALL times she walks around with poop inside her. At ALL times shit is festering and rotting away in her gut. At ALL times the inside of her is filled with literal reeking shit, and her ass has a scent of pure shit.
You are literally having to care for a walking poop bag, and don't get me started on morning breath and vaginal secretions.
But just imagine all the poops inside of women. Imagine that they fart at least 14 times a day, having disgusting shit air exiting their reeking girl holes. Between the butt cheeks is always the lignering scent of vile putrid shit. And now she has to cook for you, filling her gut with poop and shit and farts, that'll come out stinking when you're sleeping next to her. You are cucked by a walking poop, a bag of feces, that smells like shit from her asshole. Cuck of the highest order.
And she comes over to your place, spends the night, and then has the audacity to have a disgusting, vile shit in your bathroom, stinking your whole place up with her disgusting poop smell. And you're supposed to care for this impudent poop bag, and invite it back. Men are so weak. Lying next to a bag of poop every night, who farts in her sleep and wakes up with disgusting breath in your face. Boggles the mind

>> No.16365980

Is that bowl made of bread? Or is it a ceramic bowl? Anyway, cook liver and onions for her. Nutrition gains, better than multivitamins.

>> No.16366457
File: 218 KB, 1224x918, white curry 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

valid ideas.
She cooks every day when she's at home, but spends every weekend at my place and I'm the one cooking while she cleans up the dishes afterwards.
pretty hot ngl
just ceramic
we're uni students but she still lives with her parents.
I was referring to other women, my own gf is pretty much perfect in my eyes.

>> No.16366466

Just have her do something simple.
Porkchops with roasted brussels sprouts and new potatoes maybe.
If she manages to fuck that up come back and I'll give you advice on how to dispose of the body.

>> No.16366531

Thighs or dies

>> No.16366556

>find girl into pee
>”I’m not into it bro”
You don’t deserve her.

>> No.16366557

Hmm, you might just enjoy letting her surprise you?

If I were you I'd just say "chicken, sides maybe veggies or something to go with? " And see what she does?

In other words be just a little vague, maybe she has a favorite thing she thinks she does very well and she could do that

>> No.16366560


>> No.16366587
File: 242 KB, 1224x918, tsukemen_asakusa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just kinda came out of the blue, while doing it I said "I'm gonna let it all out inside you" and she screamed "are you gonna pee inside me?!" and came like twice in a row. I definitely did not expect that and it was weird as fuck. Now I just mess with her joking about how she likes pee, but I'm not 100% sure she's actually into it.
After lots of pondering I think I'm gonna ask her something along these lines yeah. Probably gonna ask her to cook some chicken and salad and leave the details to her.
Thanks to everyone who joined in on the thread.
Gonna post results on Tuesday if it's good.

>> No.16366598

love drinking my gfs pee.

>> No.16366612

If the first offer of a meal is 9 months in she doesn't cook, or doesn't cook often
She has an idea that this will be romantic or seem caring or whatever but cooking has to be practiced constantly to develop and maintain skill
Since she obviously can't cook you need to request something incredibly simple

>> No.16366613

once while we were on vacation we were joking that she wouldn't even have to use the toilet to pee for days, but then we tried it and she didn't go to the toilet to piss for 4 days. Best time of my life, even in the middle of the night

>> No.16366638

>She cooks every day when she's at home, but spends every weekend at my place and I'm the one cooking while she cleans up the dishes afterwards.

>> No.16368000

Women like it when you piss on them because it feels like you're cumming.
Have a shower with her and piss on her whilst the waters running.

>> No.16368003

That egg looks like a prolapsed anus

>> No.16368010

That pork belly looks good. What are you supposed to do with the seaweed? and what's the powder on them?

>> No.16368045

Chicken tendies + curry sauce and rice

>> No.16368052

>no tits
that isn't a woman

>Any reccomendations on what to ask her to cook?
If she hasn't lifted a finger in the fucking kitchen for 9 months, she might as well microwave a TV dinner because nothing she make will be good.

>> No.16368138

Tell her to cook a classic texas chili; no beans, big chunks meat, lots of chilis. Also make sure she browns the meat in butter before she crams it up your ass.

>> No.16368147

My nigga. My woman is the light of my life. Everything and everybody else can rot in hell as long as I have her.

>> No.16368188

Peak coomer

>> No.16369480
File: 298 KB, 1224x918, abura soba 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's flat but that's perfectly fine for me
>If she hasn't lifted a finger in the fucking kitchen for 9 months, she might as well microwave a TV dinner because nothing she make will be good.
bro, can you not read?>>16366638

You push the sheet of seaweed down in the broth, let it get a bit soggy and eat it up along with some noodles. Soggy seaweed is unironically my favorite part of most types of ramen.
I'm not sure about the contents of the powder but i think it was a mix of chinese and black pepper, maybe a bit of msg added too.
You just drop it in the broth to change flavor bit by bit as you eat.

>> No.16369496

You're acting like men (or yourself, whatever you are) don't also have shit in their intestines at X time. Get help

>> No.16369514


chiles en nogada o birria de res

>> No.16370443

What the...? /ck/ is based?!

>> No.16371247

Beef wellington

>> No.16371302

Yeah, I don't want to be in a relationship with a shitfilled man either, you dense cunt

>> No.16371423

Women born after 1993 can't cook. All they know is look at they phone, smoke weed, eat hot chip, and lie.